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6/2/2014 Art history clarification NZQA 1/2
New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Mana Tohu Matauranga O Aotearoa
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Art History - clarification of standards level 1
Art history clarification
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91018: Demonstrate knowledge of media and methods used to produce
art works
Updated March 2014. This document has been updated to clarify issues which have arisen in the moderation of
this standard.
Intent of standard
The intent of this standard is that students examine art works to demonstrate knowledge of media and methods
used to produce art works.
In art terminology, media is the plural of medium. A medium is the material used by an artist to produce a work of
art. A method is a procedure, technique or way of doing something.
This standard is not about subject matter or style and care must be taken to ensure that students retain their
focus on the media and methods used in the production of selected art works.
The examination of art works
This may be done as a class or group exercise; however the assessed response must be individual. Media and
methods may be explored through practical tasks, in which case the knowledge of media and methods is the
assessable component and students individual artistic skills are not assessable.
Acceptable evidence
Teachers may choose how students present the description or explanation, e.g. oral presentation, worksheet,
video, art work; however written or recorded evidence is required for moderation.
The making of art works
Practical demonstrations alone will not provide sufficient evidence of the description and explanation of media
and methods. The making of art works may be used to support the descriptions and explanations of media and
methods; however Achievement requires the verbalisation of evidence in written or oral form.
Acceptable evidence
Descriptions or explanations of the media and methods used in the production of art works may be in the form of
notes or annotated images; however, bullet-pointed lists of single words will not provide sufficient evidence for
6/2/2014 Art history clarification NZQA 2/2
Grade level indicators
A typical Achieved response describes the media and the methods used in each of two artworks.
A typical Merit response refers to details in the artworks in their descriptions, and uses these details to
include more information in their descriptions.
An Excellence response will demonstrate in-depth understanding by explaining the media and methods
used to produce at least two artworks.

Copyright New Zealand Qualifications Authority

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