Decision/action Requested

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3GPP TSG-SA5 (Telecom Management) S5-081722

Meeting SA5#61, 13 - 17 Octoe! 2008, "alian, #$ina

So%!ce& '%alcomm, (o)a*one, T-Moile, Tele*onica
Title& Pe!*o!mance Mea+%!ement+ *o! ,nte!--AT .an)o/e! Monito!ing
"oc%ment *o!& "i+c%++ion 0 a11!o/al
Agen)a ,tem& 620523
1 Decision/action requested
Agree on PM for inter-RAT handover monitoring
2 References
[1] TS 36.331 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Radio Resource Control (RRC); rotocol
[#] TS 3#.$6# E-UTRA% %R&
[3] TS 36.'13 S1 A!!lication !rotocol (S1A)
['] TS 3#.'#( E-UTRA% er"or)ance &easure)ents
3 Rationale
*n order to +ain insi+,t into t,e !er"or)ance o" *RAT ,andovers- t,e o!erator needs to .no/ t,e success rate o" *RAT
,andovers alon+ /it, t,e nu)0er o" tri++ered *RAT ,andovers. Additionall1- in order to 0e a0le to 0rea. do/n t,e 23
!er"or)ance !er tar+et RAT and !er nei+,0our relation- t,e ,andover success and atte)!t rate need to 0e availa0le !er
tar+et RAT and !er nei+,0our relation 0asis. 4inall1- t,e !er"or)ance )easure)ents indicatin+ t,e causes "or *RAT
,andover tri++erin+ are re5uired in order to !ro!erl1 )onitor ,andovers initiated 01 di""erent causes.
4 Description
T,e "ollo/in+ !er"or)ance )easure)ents 0ased on UE )easure)ent re!orts s,ould 0e introduced to "acilitate )onitorin+
o" *RAT 23 !er"or)ance6
4.1 Inter-RAT handover related measurements
4.1.1 A ttempted outoin inter-RAT handovers in active mode per cause
a) T,is )easure)ent !rovides t,e nu)0er o" atte)!ted out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers !er cause.
0) CC.
c) Trans)ission o" t,e MobilityFromEUTRACommand )essa+e or t,e HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest
)essa+e "ro) t,e servin+ e%7 to t,e UE indicatin+ t,e atte)!t o" an out+oin+ ,andover "ro) EUTRA% to UTRA%
or to 8ERA% or to C9&A#::: /it, a s!eci"ic cause (see TS 36.331 [1]).
All *RAT ,andovers to t,e cells )easured are counted.
d) A sin+le inte+er value.
e) *RAT23.Att3ut ..UTRA%.;ualit1 cause
<,ere t,e cause indicatin+ t,e cause "or ,andovers.
") eUTRA%Cell
Editor=s note6 t,e )easure)ent o0>ect class de"inition is !endin+ t,e co)!letion o" TS 3#.$6# [#].
+) %?A
,) @TE
4.1.2 A ttempted outoin inter-RAT handovers in active mode per servin-taret cell
relation per cause
a) T,is )easure)ent !rovides t,e nu)0er o" atte)!ted out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers !er servin+-tar+et cell relation
!er cause.
0) CC.
c) Trans)ission o" t,e MobilityFromEUTRACommand )essa+e "ro) t,e servin+ e%7 to t,e UE indicatin+ t,e atte)!t
o" an out+oin+ ,andover "ro) EUTRA% to a s!eci"ic UTRA% or 8ERA% cell /it, a s!eci"ic cause or trans)ission
o" t,e HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest )essa+e "ro) t,e servin+ e%7 to t,e UE indicatin+ t,e atte)!t o"
an out+oin+ ,andover "ro) EUTRA% to a s!eci"ic C9&A#::: cell /it, a s!eci"ic cause (see TS 36.331 [1]).
All *RAT ,andovers to t,e cells )easured are counted.
d) A sin+le inte+er value.
e) *RAT23.Att3ut.;ualit1.ATar+etCell*9B
") 8S&%ei+,0orCellRelation
Editor=s note6 t,e )easure)ent o0>ect class de"inition is !endin+ t,e co)!letion o" TS 3#.$6# [#].
+) %?A
,) @TE
4.1.3 ! uccessful outoin inter-RAT handovers in active mode per cause
a) T,is )easure)ent !rovides t,e nu)0er o" success"ul out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers !er cause.
0) CC.
c) Recei!t o" a S1A )essa+e SAE 7EARER RE@EASE sent "ro) t,e &&E to t,e servin+ e%7- indicatin+ a
success"ul *RAT ,andover initiated due to a s!eci"ic cause (see TS 36.'13 [3]).
All *RAT ,andovers to t,e cells )easured are counted.
d) A sin+le inte+er value.
e) <,ere t,e cause indicatin+ t,e cause "or ,andovers.
") 8S&Relation
Editor=s note6 t,e )easure)ent o0>ect class de"inition is !endin+ t,e co)!letion o" TS 3#.$6# [#].
+) %?A
,) @TE
4.1.4 !uccessful outoin inter-RAT handovers in active mode per servin-taret cell
relation per cause
a) T,is )easure)ent !rovides t,e nu)0er o" success"ul out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers !er servin+-tar+et cell relation
!er cause.
0) CC.
c) Recei!t o" a S1A )essa+e SAE 7EARER RE@EASE sent "ro) t,e &&E to t,e servin+ e%7- indicatin+ a
success"ul *RAT ,andover to a s!eci"ic tar+et cell initiated due to a s!eci"ic cause (see TS 36.'13 [3])..
All *RAT ,andovers to t,e cells )easured are counted.
d) A sin+le inte+er value.
e) *RAT23.Succ3ut.;ualit1.ATar+etCell*9B
") 8S&%ei+,0orCellRelation
Editor=s note6 t,e )easure)ent o0>ect class de"inition is !endin+ t,e co)!letion o" TS 3#.$6# [#].
+) %?A
,) @TE
4.2 Inter-RAT handover related measurements "ith measurement aps
4.2.1 Attempted outoin inter-RAT handovers in active mode "ith measurement aps
per taret RAT
4.2.2 This measurement provides the num#er of attempted outoin inter-RAT
handovers per taret RAT "hen measurement aps are used.
4.2.3 $$.
4.2.4 %or &'TRA( to 'TRA( handovers and &'TRA( to )&RA( handovers*
transmission of the +o#ilit,%rom&'TRA$ommand messae from the servin e(- to
the '& indicatin the attempt of an outoin handover from &'TRA( to 'TRA( or from
&'TRA( to )&RA( .see T! 3/.331 0112.
4.2.3 %or &'TRA( to $D+A2444 handovers* transmission of the
5andover%rom&'TRA6reparationRequest messae from the servin e(- to the '&
indicatin the attempt of an outoin handover from &'TRA( to $D+A2444 .see T!
3/.331 0112.
4.2./ 7nl, IRAT handovers to the cells measured usin measurement aps
confiured #, &'TRA( are counted.
4.2.8 A sinle inteer value
4.2.9 IRAT57.Att7ut)aps.'TRA(
4.2.: IRAT57.Att7ut)as.)&RA(
4.2.14 IRAT57.Att7ut)aps.$D+A2444
4.2.11 )!+Relation
4.2.12 'TRA(Relation
4.2.13 $D+A2444Relation
&ditor;s note* the final measurement o#<ect class definition is pendin the completion of T!
32.8/2 021.
4.2.14 (/A
4.2.13 =T&
4.2.1/ Attempted outoin inter-RAT handovers in active mode "ith measurement aps
per servin-taret cell relation
4.2.18 This measurement provides the num#er of attempted outoin inter-RAT
handovers "hen measurement aps are used per servin-taret cell relation.
4.2.19 $$.
4.2.1: Transmission of the +o#ilit,%rom&'TRA$ommand messae from the servin e(-
to the '& indicatin the attempt of an outoin handover from &'TRA( to a
specific 'TRA( or )&RA( cell or transmission of the
5andover%rom&'TRA6reparationRequest messae from the servin e(- to the
'& indicatin the attempt of an outoin handover from &'TRA( to a specific
$D+A2444 cell .see T! 3/.331 011.
4.2.24 7nl, IRAT handovers to the cells measured usin measurement aps
confiured #, &'TRA( are counted.
4.2.21 A sinle inteer value.
4.2.22 IRAT57.Att7ut)aps.>Taret$ellID?
4.2.23 )!+(eih#or$ellRelation
4.2.24 'TRA((eih#or$ellRelation
4.2.23 $D+A2444(eih#or$ellRelation
&ditor;s note* the measurement o#<ect class definition is pendin the completion of T!
32.8/2 021.
4.2.2/ (/A
4.2.28 =T&
4.2.29 Attempted outoin inter-RAT handovers in active mode "ith measurement aps
per cause
a) T,is )easure)ent !rovides t,e nu)0er o" atte)!ted out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers /,en )easure)ent +a!s are
used !er cause.
0) CC.
c) Trans)ission o" t,e MobilityFromEUTRACommand )essa+e or t,e HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest
)essa+e "ro) t,e servin+ e%7 to t,e UE indicatin+ t,e atte)!t o" an out+oin+ ,andover "ro) EUTRA% to UTRA%
or to 8ERA% or to C9&A#::: /it, a s!eci"ic cause (see TS 36.331 [1]).
3nl1 *RAT ,andovers to t,e cells )easured usin+ )easure)ent +a!s con"i+ured 01 EUTRA% are counted.
d) A sin+le inte+er value.
<,ere t,e cause indicatin+ t,e cause "or ,andovers.*RAT23.Att3ut8a!s.UTRA%.3t,er
e) eUTRA%Cell
Editor=s note6 t,e )easure)ent o0>ect class de"inition is !endin+ t,e co)!letion o" TS 3#.$6# [#].
") %?A
+) @TE
4.2.2: Attempted outoin inter-RAT handovers in active mode "ith measurement aps
per servin-taret cell relation per cause
i) T,is )easure)ent !rovides t,e nu)0er o" atte)!ted out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers /,en )easure)ent +a!s are
used !er servin+-tar+et cell relation !er cause.
>) CC.
.) Trans)ission o" t,e MobilityFromEUTRACommand )essa+e "ro) t,e servin+ e%7 to t,e UE indicatin+ t,e atte)!t
o" an out+oin+ ,andover "ro) EUTRA% to a s!eci"ic UTRA% or 8ERA% cell /it, a s!eci"ic cause or trans)ission
o" t,e HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest )essa+e "ro) t,e servin+ e%7 to t,e UE indicatin+ t,e atte)!t o"
an out+oin+ ,andover "ro) EUTRA% to a s!eci"ic C9&A#::: cell /it, a s!eci"ic cause (see TS 36.331 [1]).
3nl1 *RAT ,andovers to t,e cells )easured usin+ )easure)ent +a!s con"i+ured 01 EUTRA% are counted.
l) A sin+le inte+er value.
)) *RAT23.Att3ut8a!s.;ualit1.ATar+etCell*9B
n) 8S&%ei+,0orCellRelation
Editor=s note6 t,e )easure)ent o0>ect class de"inition is !endin+ t,e co)!letion o" TS 3#.$6# [#].
o) %?A
!) @TE
4.2.34 !uccessful outoin inter-RAT handovers in active mode "ith measurement aps
per taret RAT
4.2.31 This measurement provides the num#er of successful outoin inter-RAT
handovers "hen measurement aps are used per taret RAT.
4.2.32 $$.
4.2.33 Receipt of a !1A6 messae !A& -&AR&R R&=&A!& sent from the ++& to the
servin e(-@ indicatin a successful IRAT handover to a specific RAT .see T!
3/.413 0312.
4.2.34 7nl, IRAT handovers to the cells measured usin measurement aps
confiured #, &'TRA( are counted.
4.2.33 A sinle inteer value
4.2.3/ IRAT57.!ucc7ut)aps.'TRA(
4.2.38 IRAT57.!ucc7ut)aps.)&RA(
4.2.39 IRAT57.!ucc7ut)aps.$D+A2444
4.2.3: )!+Relation
4.2.44 'TRA(Relation
4.2.41 $D+A244Relation
&ditor;s note* the measurement o#<ect class definition is pendin the completion of T!
32.8/2 021.
4.2.42 (/A
4.2.43 =T&
4.2.44 Attempted outoin inter-RAT handovers in active mode "ith measurement aps
per servin-taret cell relation
4.2.43 This measurement provides the num#er of successful outoin inter-RAT
handovers "hen measurement aps are used per servin-taret cell relation.
4.2.4/ $$.
4.2.48 Receipt of a !1A6 messae !A& -&AR&R R&=&A!& sent from the ++& to the
servin e(-@ indicatin a successful IRAT handover to a specific taret cell .see
T! 3/.413 0312.
4.2.49 7nl, IRAT handovers to the cells measured usin measurement aps
confiured #, &'TRA( are counted.
4.2.4: A sinle inteer value.
4.2.34 IRAT57.!ucc7utIrat.>Taret$ellID?.)aps
4.2.31 &'TRA()!+(eih#or$ellRelation
&ditor;s note* the measurement o#<ect class definition is pendin the completion of
T! 32.8/2 021.
4.2.32 (/A
4.2.33 =T&
4.2.34 !uccessful outoin inter-RAT handovers in active mode "ith measurement aps
per cause
a) T,is )easure)ent !rovides t,e nu)0er o" success"ul out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers /,en )easure)ent +a!s are
used !er cause.
0) CC.
c) Recei!t o" a S1A )essa+e SAE 7EARER RE@EASE sent "ro) t,e &&E to t,e servin+ e%7- indicatin+ a
success"ul *RAT ,andover initiated due to a s!eci"ic cause (see TS 36.'13 [3]).
3nl1 *RAT ,andovers to t,e cells )easured usin+ )easure)ent +a!s con"i+ured 01 EUTRA% are counted.
d) A sin+le inte+er value.
i) *RAT23.Succ3ut8a!s. UTRA%.;ualit1 cause
<,ere t,e cause indicatin+ t,e cause "or ,andovers.
e) eUTRA%Cell
Editor=s note6 t,e )easure)ent o0>ect class de"inition is !endin+ t,e co)!letion o" TS 3#.$6# [#].
") %?A
+) @TE
4.2.33 !uccessful outoin inter-RAT handovers in active mode "ith measurement aps
per servin-taret cell relation per cause
i) T,is )easure)ent !rovides t,e nu)0er o" success"ul out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers /,en )easure)ent +a!s are
used !er servin+-tar+et cell relation !er cause.
>) CC.
.) Recei!t o" a S1A )essa+e SAE 7EARER RE@EASE sent "ro) t,e &&E to t,e servin+ e%7- indicatin+ a
success"ul *RAT ,andover to a s!eci"ic tar+et cell initiated due to a s!eci"ic cause (see TS 36.'13 [3])..
3nl1 *RAT ,andovers to t,e cells )easured usin+ )easure)ent +a!s con"i+ured 01 EUTRA% are counted.
l) A sin+le inte+er value.
)) *RAT23.Succ3ut8a!s.;ualit1.ATar+etCell*9B
n) 8S&%ei+,0orCellRelation
Editor=s note6 t,e )easure)ent o0>ect class de"inition is !endin+ t,e co)!letion o" TS 3#.$6# [#].
o) %?A
!) @TE
4.3 !ummar, of the proposed 6+
*nter-RAT ,andover related )easure)ents (/it,out and /it, )easure)ent +a!s)6
Measurement Type Description
Total nu)0er o" atte)!ted out+oin+ inter-RAT
,andovers /it, s!eci"ic cause.
Total nu)0er o" atte)!ted inter-RAT ,andovers to s!eci"ic
tar+et cell /it, s!eci"ic cause.
Total nu)0er o" success"ul out+oin+ inter-RAT
,andovers /it, s!eci"ic cause.
Total nu)0er o" success"ul inter-RAT ,andovers to s!eci"ic
tar+et cell /it, s!eci"ic cause.
*nter-RAT ,andover related )easure)ents /it, )easure)ent +a!s6
Measurement Type Description
%u)0er o" atte)!ted out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers /,en
)easure)ent +a!s are used !er tar+et RAT.
*RAT23.Att3ut8a!s.Atar+etCell*9B %u)0er o" atte)!ted out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers /,en
)easure)ent +a!s are used to s!eci"ic tar+et cell.
%u)0er o" atte)!ted out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers
/,en )easure)ent +a!s are used /it, s!eci"ic cause.
%u)0er o" atte)!ted inter-RAT ,andovers /,en )easure)ent
+a!s are used to s!eci"ic tar+et cell /it, s!eci"ic cause.
%u)0er o" success"ul out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers /,en
)easure)ent +a!s are used !er tar+et RAT.
*RAT23.Succ3ut8a!s.Atar+etCell*9B %u)0er o" success"ul out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers /,en
)easure)ent +a!s are used to s!eci"ic tar+et cell.
%u)0er o" success"ul out+oin+ inter-RAT ,andovers
/,en )easure)ent +a!s are used /it, s!eci"ic cause.
%u)0er o" success"ul inter-RAT ,andovers /,en )easure)ent
+a!s are used to s!eci"ic tar+et cell /it, s!eci"ic cause.
3 Detailed proposal
*t is !ro!osed to a+ree on t,e !ro!osed !er"or)ance )easure)ents and to introduce t,e) into TS 3#.'#( ['] (eCact location
T79 01 t,e ra!!orteur).

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