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17th Edition design

This course is aimed at the needs of designers, specifiers and others involved in the
design and specification of low voltage electrical installations.
$ To introduce trainee to the re%uirements of B# &'&() *++, -the I!! .iring Regulations,
#eventeenth !dition/0
$ To e1plain how the Regulations are intended to 2e applied in practice, with the
emphasis on design and specification.
6ODU7! () INTRODUCTION TO B# &'&() *++,
(. Bac8ground to British #tandard &'&(0
*. #tructure and num2ering s9stem of B# &'&(, and using the #tandard0
:. Important terms used in B# &'&(, and their definitions.
6ODU7! *) ;##!##6!NT O5 <!N!R;7 C=;R;CT!RI#TIC#
The purpose of the 4art : ;ssessment, and the necessit9 for determining all the relevant
parameters for an installation.
The principles for protection against overload current and fault current.
6ODU7! >) #!7!CTION ;ND #I?IN< O5 CONDUCTOR# ;ND C;B7!#
(. 5actors to 2e considered in the selection of wiring s9stems0
*. Detailed re%uirements for live conductors and ca2les0
:. ;pplication of the overcurrent principles of 6odule :, and various constraints
including voltage drop, to the si@ing of live conductors0
>. Techni%ues for economic si@ing of grouped circuit live conductors, where specified
conditions are fulfilled.
Note) Circuit protective conductors will 2e covered in 6odule A.
(. The re%uirements of B# &'&( for isolation and switching facilities0
*. .a9s of meeting the re%uirements, including suita2le devices that ma9 2e emplo9ed.
6ODU7! ') I#O7;TION ;ND #.ITC=IN<
(. Re%uirements of B# &'&( for isolation and switching facilities0
*. .a9s of meeting the re%uirements, including suita2le devices that ma9 2e emplo9ed.
6ODU7! &) 4ROT!CTION ;<;IN#T T=!R6;7 !55!CT#. !TC
(. 4rotection against thermal effects and precautions where ris8s of fire e1ist0
*. 4rotection against overvoltage and undervoltage0
:. Re%uirements for supplies for safet9 services.
6ODU7! ,) #!7!CTION ;ND !R!CTION O5 !CUI46!NT
The re%uirements of B# &'&( relating to the selection and erection of e%uipment.
6ODU7! D) #4!CI;7 IN#T;77;TION# OR 7OC;TION#
(. .hat ma8es the Installations and 7ocations of 4art ' EspecialF0
*. .hen and how 4art ' is emplo9ed0
:. !1amination of particular re%uirements for each locations.
6ODU7! (+) #U66;R3 O5 IN#4!CTION ;ND T!#TIN< R!CUIR!6!NT#
(. B# &'&( re%uirements for initial verification0
*. Information and test data to 2e provided to the inspectorGtester0
:. Design certification on completion.
D!#I<N !H!RCI#!
;n opportunit9 to appl9 man9 of the most important design re%uirements and constraints
of B# &'&(.

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