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by Tin Win (TW) (courtesy of KPE-zine Sept 2007)

%& T'ere (re t)o opposin* sc'oo+s of t'ou*'t (,nu-u+-.(/ .0s Pr(ti-u+-.(/ ) in c'oosin*
*e1s2 3%04 320
(() ,N$K$",-5,6 (7enefic P+(net 8et'o/)2 t'e *e1s (ct S,8E (s t'eir p+(nets (n/
so t'e *e1s s'ou+/ be use/ for ( n(ti.e9s ,nu-u+ *r('(s (benefic p+(nets) to i1pro.e t'e
perfor1(nce of t'e benefic inf+uence&
(b) P:,TIK$"-5,6 (8(+efic P+(net 8et'o/)2 t'e *e1s (ct OPPOSITE of t'eir p+(nets
(n/ so t'e *e1s s'ou+/ be c'osen for ( n(ti.e9s Pr(ti-u+ *r('(s (1(+efic p+(nets)&
2& 7ot' 1et'o/s (ssu1e t'(t t'e *e1s incre(se cos1ic co+ors of t'eir p+(nets& , fo++o)er
of t'e 7enefic P+(net 8et'o/ t'(t t'e *e1s /o not (ct opposite of t'eir p+(nets4
(n/ so t'e 1(*nifyin* of ( 1(+efic p+(net9s co+or )i++ sure+y incre(se t'e i++ fortune& It
)(s .ote/ in t'e P+(net(ry Ge1o+o*ists ,ssoci(tion (PG,) to fo++o) t'e 7enefit P+(net
8et'o/4 )'ic' is (pp+ie/ by 6r& K'i+(n(t' 7(st(-oty of Nep(+4 Ge1o+o*ist !o)(r/
7ec-1(n (n/ ,stro+o*er S'y(1sun/(r( of $S,4 ,stro+o*er P(n/it 5i/y(/'(r S'u-+( of
T'(i+(n/4 (n/ 1(ny ot'ers& 3%04 320
;& !o)e.er4 1(ny pr(cticin* (stro+o*ers (re (/.isin* t'e c+ient to )e(r ( *e1 t'(t
si*nifies t'e )e(- p+(net in t'e (stro+o*ic(+ c'(rt in or/er to propiti(te p+(net(ry
)e(-nesses& In t'eir opinion4 )e(rin* ( *e1 for ( p+(net )'ic' c(uses sufferin* /ue to
unfortun(te positionin* (t t'e ti1e of ( person9s birt' )i++ propiti(te t'(t p+(net or c(use it
to *i.e +ess troub+e&
<& :e*(r/in* t'e continuin* /eb(te on (nu-u+( (f(.or(b+e4 ris- free) (n/ pr(ti-u+(
(unf(.or(b+e4 (ppe(se1ent) *e1stones4 S'ri S(n=(y :(t'4 in princip+e4 supports t'e use of
(nu-u+( *e1stones (n/ )ou+/ reco11en/ ( pr(ti-u+( *e1stone on+y if it )(s in.o+.e/ in
( stron* f(.or(b+e yo*( in ( -en/r( (>u(/r(nt)& !e '(s (/.ise/ t'e *e1stone of +or/ of
/'(r1( (?t' 'ouse) (n/ +(*nes'( (s it is ( 3no ris-3 1et'o/ (n/ en'(nces t'e *oo/
>u(+ities (n/ s(tt.( *un(& 3;0
A& T'e ten pri1(ry *e1 c'oosin* 1et'o/s co1pi+e/ by 8r& :ic'(r/ S& 7ro)n of PG,
(re (s fo++o)s2 3<0
%) "(*n( "or/9s *e1 1et'o/
2) 8oon :(si "or/9s *e1 1et'o/
;) 8('(-/(s'( "or/9s *e1 1et'o/
<) We(- (1(+efic) P+(net9s *e1 1et'o/
A) Stron* (benefic) P+(net9s *e1 1et'o/
B) #(/ic nu1ber 1et'o/
7) Ge1 of %%t' +or/ 1et'o/
C) Ge1 of %0t' +or/ 1et'o/
?) Ge1 of ?t' +or/ 1et'o/
%0) Ge1 /on(tion 1et'o/

B& It is )ron* to su**est t'e *e1 *o.erne/ by t'e 1(+efic p+(net to 1iti*(te t'e e.i+
effect (ssu1in* t'(t t'e p+(net in its perio/ )i++ *i.e (/.erse resu+ts to ( n(ti.e (n/ suc'
c'osen *e1 is (ctu(++y /oin* '(r1 to t'e consu+t(nt& W'en ( 'ouse is in fire4 it is to
t'ro) )(ter (n/ s(n/ in ste(/ of pourin* 'i*'+y inf+(11(b+e ones on t'e fire& T'erefore4
t'e (uspicious p+(netEs *e1 is to be su**este/& 3A0
7& 7y '(.in* t'e benefic )'o * t'e *e1 (s t'e si*nific(tor of 2n/ 'ouse is (+so t'e
si*nific(tor of %%t' 'ouse4 t'e n(ti.e en=oys& 7ut t'ose peop+e '(.in* ( *e1 /urin* t'e
sub perio/ of t'e 2n/ 'ouse t'(t is (+so t'e si*nific(tor of 'ouses C (n/ %2 suffer& !ence4
one s'ou+/ se+ect suc' ( *e14 t'e +or/ of )'ic' is t'e si*nific(tor of 'ouse % or 2 or %%
(n/ '(s not'in* to /o )it' 'ouse C or %2& (Bt' 'ouse is not inc+u/e/&) 3A0
C& It '(s been *ui/e/ to use t'e co+or or t'e *e1 or 1ent(+ )'ic' is in/ic(te/ by t'e sub-
+or/ of 'ouse % or %% or bot' if t'e sub-+or/s (re not (t (++ connecte/ in (ny 1(nner )it'
'ouse B or C or %2& If t'e sub-+or/ of t'e cusp % or %% '(ppens to be t'e si*nific(tor of
'ouse B or C or %24 it is to re=ect t'e co+or or *e1 in/ic(te/ by suc' ( sub-+or/& 3B0
?& It '(s been reco11en/e/ to fin/ out t'e stron*est si*nific(tors of t'e 'ouses %4 %0 (n/
%%4 )'en on c(n 1(int(in 'e(+t'4 co1e out successfu+ in 'is efforts4 e(rn ( n(1e4 '(.e
outst(n/in* report (n/ *(in 'is ob=ecti.e& E.en t'ou*' t'e %%t' 'ouse is 7'(/'(-( for
1o.(b+e si*ns4 in oneEs +ifeti1e4 t'e %%t' 'ouse pro1ises re(+iz(tion of (1bition4 success
(n/ prosperity& So t'e %%t' 'ouse is .ery *oo/& !ouses 2 (n/ B (re *oo/ for 1oney
1(tters4 but no *oo/ for 'e(+t'& T'e Bt' 'ouse is necess(ry for ( business 1(n to '(.e f(ci+ities& 370
%0& T'e Ge1s in/ic(te/ by t'e p+(nets (re *i.en in t'e T(b+e %&
T(b+e %2 'oice of Ge1s for #(.or(b+e P+(nets (3B0 F ot'ers)
N P+(net Princip(+ Ge1s Substitute Ge1s 8ent(+
% Sun :uby :e/ G(rnet Go+/
2 8oon Pe(r+ 8oon Stone
; 8(rs :e/ or(+ 7+oo/ Stone Go+/
< 8ercury E1er(+/ Green D(/e Go+/
A Dupiter @e++o) S(pp'ire @e++o) Top(z Go+/
B 5enus 6i(1on/ Op(+
7 S(turn 7+ue S(pp'ire ,1et'yst
C :('u Goe1/(-0Go1e/ !essonite
? Ketu (tEs Eyes 7ery+ Go+/
!OIE O# GE8S 7@ KP
%%& In t'e c'oice of *e1s by KP4 t'e preference '(s been *i.en to t'e *e1s in/ic(te/ by
t'e sub-+or/ of 'ouse %% or % or ? or %0 in (ccor/(nce to t'e nee/s of n(ti.e& T'e *e1
in/ic(te/ by t'e sub-+or/ of %0t' 'ouse c(n be benefici(+ to t'e n(ti.e in c(se it is (
si*nific(tor of 'ouse 24 B4 %0 (n/ %% but not connecte/ )it' t'e Ct' 'ouse& #or ( business
1(n4 t'e *e1 in/ic(te/ by t'e sub-+or/ of %%t' 'ouse c(n be benefici(+ in c(se it is
connecte/ )it' 'ouses 24 7 (n/ %% but not )it' 'ouses A (n/ C& #or ( po+itici(n4 %0t' sub-
+or/Es si*nific(tion of 'ouses %4 B4 ?4 %0 (n/ %% (re /esir(b+e& 3C04 3?0 F 3%00
%2& T'e KP 'or(ry c'(rt '(s (+so been (pp+ie/ to c'oose t'e *e1s by KP princip+es& 3?0
T'e (+tern(ti.e but not so (ccur(te c'oice of *e1s (s per risin* si*ns of ,scen/(nt is
s'o)n in t'e T(b+e 2& T'e /ifferent co+ors of *e1s (n/ 'ouses o)ne/ by p+(nets 1(y be
'e+pfu+ in c'oosin* t'e 1ost (ppropri(te *e1&
T(b+e 22 'oice of Ge1s for :isin* Si*ns of ,scen/(nt (3B0 F 3C0)
N :isin*
Ge1s Su**este/ P+(net In/ic(tin*
!ouses O)ne/
by P+(net
% ,ries ,1et'yst S(turn %0 F %%
2 T(urus E1er(+/ 8ercury 2 F A
; Ge1ini ,>u(1(rine 8ercury % F <
< (ncer :uby Sun 2
A "eo :uby
; F %0
B 5ir*o S(pp'ire(7+ue)
< F 7
2 F ?
7 "ibr( Op(+ or 6i(1on/ 5enus % F C
C Scorpio Top(z Dupiter 2 F A
? S(*itt(rius Tur>uoise 5enus
B F %%
2 F ;
(pricorn G(rnet Sun C
,>u(rius S(pp'ire (7+ue)
S(pp'ire (@e++o))
S(pp'ire (W'ite)
% F %2
2 F %%
< F ?
% F %2
Pisces ,>u(1(rine 8ercury < F 7
%;& ,ccor/in* to Guru=i KSK4 (nyone4 puttin* on t'e *e1s of t'e stron*est si*nific(tors
of t'e benefici(+ 'ouses is +uc-y& On+y )'en +uc- is to be en=oye/ s'ort+y4 'e )i++ or s'e
)i++ (c>uire t'is co+orG )e (ttribute t'e +uc- to t'e *e1&370 Trut' is t'is2 ,c>uisition of
(ny Ge1 is in/ic(te/ 1ost+y by ( benefic& So one (c>uires )'en t'e perio/ of t'(t p+(net
oper(tes& So4 )'en you put t'e *e14 t'(t *oo/ perio/ oper(tes (n/ so you en=oy (n/ you
(ttribute to t'e *e1&3A0 On+y ( fe) KP (rtic+es '(.e been foun/ re*(r/in* t'e
effecti.eness of )e(rin* *e1s& 3C04 3?04 3%0 F 3%%0
%<& Sri @o*(n(n/( '(s 1entione/ 'o) t'e perio/ of 'is pre/icte/ (i+1ent )(s s'ortene/
by (n (stro+o*ic(+ b(n*+e su**este/ by 'is Guru4 Sri @u-tes)(r& 3%20 T'e )e(rin* of
*e1s is sti++ .ery )i/e+y pr(ctice/4 for inst(nce by (+1ost (++ In/i(n P8s& N(po+eon
7on(p(rt4 ,+eH(n/er (n/ Du+ius (es(r )ere -no)n to '(.e intense be+ief (n/ interest in
%A& In t'e c(se of Princess 6i(n(4 t'e 7+ue S(pp'ire )(s c'osen for 'er en*(*e1ent rin*
per'(ps (ccor/in* to ( tr(/ition(+ be+ief t'(t it is usefu+ to 1(int(in '(r1ony (n/ *oo/
re+(tions'ip (1on* t'e p(rtners& 3B0 T'e 7+ue S(pp'ire is t'e *e1 for S(turn4 )'ic' is
t'e sub-+or/ of %0t' (n/ %%t' cusps (n/ ( si*nific(tor of 'ouses %424 ; (t t'e p+(net +e.e+
(n/ 'ouses 74 ? (t t'e st(r +e.e+ in 'er KP c'(rt (0%-07-%?B%4 %C2<A G8T4 A2NA04
00E;0)& S(turn is con=oine/ )it' Dupiter )'ic' is in 2n/ 'ouse (n/ +or/ of <t' 'ouse& So
t'e 7+ue S(pp'ire is suppose/ to be t'e best c'oice by KP& , 5e/ic (stro+o*er (+so 1i*'t
(/.ise t'e s(1e bec(use t'e +or/ of 2n/ 'ouse (precious stones) Dupiter ((s per 5e/ic
c'(rt) is con=unct )it' S(turn in S(turnEs o)n si*n ** rise to Guru-S'(ni @o*(
(besto)in* )e(+t' etc&) e.en t'ou*' S(turn o)ns ( 5e/ic n(tur(+ (n/ function(+ 1(+efic
;r/ (n/ <t' 'ouses& T'e resu+ts (re 1iHe/ )it' s(/ness (n/ betr(y(+ by 'er +o.e/ ones
(n/ re(c'in* to ( 'ei*'t of f(1e to be /ec+(re/ by P8 Tony 7+(ir (fter 'er /e(t' (s t'e
Peop+eEs Princess&
%B& ,s per KP4 t'e *e1 in/ic(te/ by t'e 1ost benefici(+ p+(net in t'e KP c'(rt is to be
c'osen& !o)e.er4 t'is sub=ect of t)o opposin* 1et'o/s in c'oosin* *e1s (n/ t'e
effecti.eness of )e(rin* *e1s c(++s for (n in/epen/ent rese(rc'&
%7& T'e c(ution is t'(t by stren*t'enin* ( 1(+efic p+(net )'ic' is con=unct or (spectin*
(not'er p+(net4 t'ere is /(n*er of '(r1in* t'(t ot'er p+(netG 3%;0 7enefics )'en )e(-
(re usu(++y s(fe to stren*t'enG 3%<0 It is better not to use t'e *e1 )'en t'ere is (ny
/oubt )'et'er t'e p+(net is 1(+efic or beneficG 3%00 T'e )e(rin* of ( *e1 )it' 1(=or
f+()s 1(y be '(r1fu+& 3%A0
3%0 :ic'(r/ S& 7ro)n of P+(net(ry Ge1o+o*ists ,ssoci(tion (PG,)2 St(n/(r/ize 5e/ic
P+(net(ry Ge1o+o*yG P+(net(ry Ge1o+o*y2 onf+ictin* Syste1s
320 Pe11(r(=u 5&:& :(yu/u2 ,nu-u+ 5(/ .s Pr(ti-u+ 5(/G 7enefic F 8(+efic P+(nets
(n/ Ge1s
3 <0 TEN P:I8,:@ GE8 !OOSING 8ET!O6S co1pi+e/ by 8r& :ic'(r/ S& 7ro)n
3A0 KP :e(/er 5I4 p(*es ;%C-;20
3B0 KP :e(/er III4 O+/ E/ition4 P(rt 24 p(*es 2<2-2<B0Ne) E/ition p(*es <%<-<%?
370 KSK2 !o) to Du/*e ( N(ti.ity4 KP F ,stro+o*y @e(r 7oo- %??A4 p(*e <<-<AG
K& !(ri'(r(n2 !o) to Du/*e ( N(ti.ity4 p(*es C-?
3C0 6r& Pre1 :(= S'-u12 'oosin* Ge1s t'rou*' Kris'n(1urt'y P(/'/'(ti4 KP F
,stro+o*y @e(r 7oo- %??74 p(*es %?-2%
3?0 :& :(1es'2 T'e P+(net Stron*est to Gi.e t'e 7est Protection (n/ Success in ,++ @our
Efforts4 KP F ,stro+o*y @e(r 7oo- %??74 p(*e A2
3%00 6r& 7(+ Kris'n( Sin*'2 Scientific W(y of Se+ectin* Ge1s4 KP F ,stro+o*y @e(r
7oo- 200%4 p(*es %2;-%2A
3%%0 ,s'o- Tri.e/i2 :e1e/i(+ ,ppro(c' by K&P&4 KP F ,stro+o*y @e(r 7oo- 20004
p(*es 7B-7?
3%20 P(r(1(n'(ns( @o*(n(n/(2 ,utobio*r(p'y of ( @o*i4 '(pter %B entit+e/4
IOut)ittin* t'e St(rsJ
3%;0 D(1es 7r('(2 T'e ,rt (n/ Pr(ctice of ,ncient !in/u ,stro+o*y4 p(*e 7%
3%<0 6(.i/ #r()+ey2 ,str+o*y of t'e Seers4 p(*e 200
3%A0 T'e 7r'(t S(1'it( of 5(r('( 8i'ir(4 tr(ns+(te/ by N&& Iyer4 p(*e ;BCG Sri G(ru/(
Pur(n(2 %&70&%?

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