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Research Supervisor
Prof. K Vijay Kumar
!#$AR!A #N%VERS%T"&
Inset were here on earth long before humans. They have existed on earth for a very long
period for time some 350 million years ago. Te first insects known from fossil records
occurred in the evonian period and the modern insect in the lower !ermian. Termite are
very are familiar to man from time immemorial and known to evolve from cockroaches
about 150 million years ago. They are popularly known as "white ants#$ but this name
has been misnomer as they are neither with nor belonging to the groups of true ants.
They are medium si%ed$ cellulose eating social insects and the most destructive and
economically important insect parts of wood and other cellulose products &'eeal et al.$
1((()*. +mong the various groups of termites$ the subterranean ones are one of the most
economically important pests in the world &,u and ,cheffraham$ 1((0 and (5- total
wood damage &.awat /00)*. Inspite of all its importance the diversity of termite which
damages the wood in 0ulbarga urban area ha been least studied.
1ith the rapid urbani%ation in recent years world wide$ there is an increasing demand for
management of insect pests near human dwellings of the many household and structural
pests$ termites are taken very seriously because they affect peoples most valuable
possession$ a house.
In tropical and subtropical conditions termites are one of the ma2or cause of the
breakdown and are responsible for heavy economic loss. If the wood is untreated and has
no natural resistance to termite attack$ the insect will destroy the timbers an cause serious
damage to property and +menity.
3any termites species are voracious consumers of wood some of the se are highly
destructive pests of wooden buildings furniture and plants.
Termites fauna of the world in estimated to be around /.451 species$ distributed over 11
families and /63 genera &miles$ 1((6*. They are widely dispersed throughout the
tropoices as well s some temperate regions and achieve their highest diversity and
abundance in the rainforest of +frica$ ,outh +merica an ,outheast +sia &7ollins$ 1(668
'ignell and 9ggleton 1((6*. 9conomically the damage caused by termites to structures
and buildings accounts greater than :, ;/5 billion annually world wide &,u$ /00/*.
Indian termite fauna shares a very small portion of the global fauna$ i.e. /)0 species < ==.
,pecies$ 34 genera < 13- of generic strength and 04 families < 5)- of the total families.
The first recorded scientific observation concerning termites are those of >ongi &144(*
who worked in peninsular India &Tan2ore* and ceyclon.
There are about 1/ species of termite occur in >arnataka ,tate as mentioned by
'asalingappa &1(4/* among them some species of mould builders are fairly abundant in
0ulbarga area.
The atmospheric temperature and humidity are dominant environmental factors that
influence termite very profoundly. The termite are extremely sensitive to changes in the
atmospheric temperature. 3any species descend deep in to the soil in dry and hot
localities so as to escape the extreme heat of the mid ? day. Though active foraging is
known in the early morning hours. ifferent species of termites have different
temperature and humidity tolerance capacity.
Termite are the most abundant terrestrial isopteran insects in many tropical and
subtropical ecosystem. They are often known as "1hite ant#s$ however$ they differ from
ants in morphological and phlsylogeneitcal traits. The world Isoptera refers to the two
pairs of identical wings in the adult &@arries$ 1(548 Thoren and 7arpenter$ 1((/*.
Termites are polymorphic euosocial hundred to several million individual$ composed for
reproductive &1inged* forms together with numerous apterous sterile soldiers and
workers. +ll termites live in colones within the confines of excavations within wood
above ? ground$ or in subterranean and epigeal nest systems. They area a key functional
group of animals in the tropics and can achieve high dense population. Their numerous
colonies have great influence in ecosystems.
Termites &Isoptera* are evolutionary closely related to cockroaches &'lattaria*. Termites$
3antids and 7ockroaches evolved from a common winged ancestor8 s the three clades
are groped into suborder of the ictytopera. @owever$ termites and cockroaches are
known to have as closer taxonomic relationship than either has to mantids$ the correlation
of as relationship is seen between two generaA 1oodBfeeding 7ockroach &7ryptocerus*
and the tropical +ustralian termite &3astotermes*. The woodBfeeding 7ockroaches share
some characteristics of termites &i.e.$ ,ymbiotic protests in hindgut* and the 3stoterms
similarly share some physiological traits and genetic connection with cockroaches &+be
et al.$ /000*.
,everal species of termites have evolved to such as a degree that entire colonies are able
to exist entirely within their self ? manufactured environments$ sometimes even entirely
within a piece of dead wood. .ecycling everything they use$ the Termites construct
ingenious mounds with their waste proof pavements. The termites ability to metaboli%e
cellulose with a mutualistic sysnbiotic relationship allows them to decompose dead plant
material and recycle the nutrients back to the environment.
It seems natural to dislike termite. 3ost of them are very small$ offBwhite alien looking
insects$ they live in the darkness and they have a reputation for being "pestsC by causing
millions of dollars in damage to wooden structure and Degetation all around the world.
.ecent studies and discoveries have begun to correct the downbeat view of the termite
surely a creature that exists &or has existed* on every continent in a wide range of
environment has a greater ecological niche than a E!est#.
1ood feeding termites hold the ability to hollow out wood from within without
penetrating the surface. It is through that the worker termites that excavate this material
maintain the ability to sense temperature difference when approaching the exterior and
move to another location. This way trees are hollowed from within and are weakened
but remain living &3artin$ /000*.
1ooden supports in homes are often hollowed from the interior$ leaving nothing but a
wooden shell to support the hours8 this also generates resentment toward termite.
3illions of dollars in residential damage is caused by termite every year and is usually
not covered by insurance. The blame for this damage lies with only a few species
&7reffield$ 1((1*.
Taxonomically$ all termites can be placed into kingdomA +nimalia$ phylumA +rthropoda$
7lass A Insect$ and order A Isopetera. +lthough termites comes in many shapes and si%es$
every termite species is common to the order isopetera and the current world wide species
count is /$451. If the /$451 spp$ 1$(56 are higher termites &3yles$ /00*$ Fower termites
can be described as a set of 5 families sharing the presence of symbiotic intertinal
flagellates. @igher termites are further evolved than lower termites in that they have lost
the flagellate proto%oa and replaced them with bacteria. @igher termites comprises three
Guarters of all described termite spp many species are yet unBdescribed &3yles$ /003*.
Hevertheless$ lower termites are richer in +ustralia than in other continents while the
ratio of the number of species of soil feeding and higher termite is smaller on the island
#)i,ue Fea-ures a)* Dis-i)c- .harac-eris-ics of -he -ermi-es
Irganisms usually &bacteria and proto%oane* form a symbionts relationship with their
animal host8 the symbionts live within the gut of the animal and take part &usually*
muluashstic relationship. !erhaps the most fascinating features of termite is their
symbiotic relationship with their cellulose ? digesting organisms. ,ymbiotic gut protiests
&lower termites* or bacteria &higher termite* 3etaboli%e cellulose from plant material that
is ingested by termites &.atchiffe et al 1(5/*. 'oth termite and microfauna benefit from
this relationshipA the symbionts obtain a constant supply of food and refuge from the
outside environment while the termites acGuire glucose and other materials produced
from the metabolism of cellulose. 7ellulose can be digested easily by the fact that the
cellulosic material has been masticated thoroughly by the host termite. Termite cannot
digest cellulose without this symbiotic relationship. The relationship becomes beneficial
to both the termite and the symbiot &muclalism* &.atchiff et al.$ 1(5/*. Termites in
different area have evolved to build mounds depending on local environmental
conditionsA daily and seasonal variations in temperature$ precipitation light intensity8 etc.
Termites retain the ability to thrive in every type of terrestrial environmental where
enough food is present &although mostly in warm regions*.
The wood feeder$ substerranean termites reach sources of food by constructing
underground tunnels &for aging galleries*$ which branch out from the nest. :sually only
the workers and soldiers visits feeding sites but every so often nymphs will be there.
They reproductive$ alates$ and eggs almost always stay in the nest. Joraging termites are
attracted to moisture and timber$ particularly that which is in an early state of
decomposition by woodBrotting fungi and which is either laying on or buried in the
ground &7reffield 1((1*.
1orkers share the contents of their stomachs &including symbionts* through
regurgitation. ,olders$ nymphs$ and reproductive cannot consume food for themselves so
they self on workers to regurgitate food for them. This is the mechanism for every
termite getting the symbiotic microBorganisms in their guts. TrophallaxisC is defined as
the mutual exchange of food between members of a colony &,ynder 1()6*. Termite
employ trophallaxis by regurgitating predigested cellulose when nest mates gesture them
to do so.
E)-ry of Termi-es %)-o $ui1*i)(
Termites population typically ranges from /000 to )000 individuals per sGuare meter but
occasionally run as high as 10$000 individual per sGuare metrs of land. ,tudy have
shown that termites from single colony may travel /00 feet from the nest to find food
materials. + single acre of may support may termite colonies. @owever this does not
mean that they all are invading your home. 0enerally$ termite enters into buildings
through foundation walls but sometimes it attacks upper stories also in high rise building$
leaving lower stories untouched.
O0jec-ives of Research 2or'
1. To collect the details of study area and its environmental condition.
a. Temperature
b. .ainfall
c. @umidity
/. To record the diversity of termite fauna attacking structural wood in different
types of houses.
3. Termite activity in terms of weight loss of wooden stakes in soil pit and wooden
). ,easonality of damage to structural wood in urban buildings.
5. The percentage of different types of house damaged by various species of
5. .elationship between the microBorganism present in hindgut and feeding activity
of their host termite
4. Identification of microBorganism &!roto%oans or bacteria* present in the hindgut of
termite fauna.
6. Jactors such as climate$ vegetation$ soil interact$ availability of food &wood*
effects on the distribution and abundance of termite.
(. 3anagement of their control with different methods.
10. +pplication of statistics to the work.
Research Me-ho*o1o(y
Fie1* survey me-ho* a)* *ama(e assessme)-
,urveys will conduct during the study period to access termite damage to different
types of structural wood in .77 T. houses of urban area. ifferent types of
buildings such as govt. office building will be inspected monthly in the urban
system$ selecting few stranded houses of each types in a given locality. The
indoor woodBworks such as doors$ frames$ window panels$ 2oints$ refers and door
and window supporting frames will be inspected.
.o11ec-io)& preserva-io) a)* i*e)-ifica-io)+
,oldier play an important part in the termite classification and identification of
species. 3ore efforts will made to collect solder caste. +ll individuals of
workers caste will also be collected by keeping infected ob2ect on big white hard
paper sheet. Termites will be collected with the help of brush into glass vials of
3x1xcm containing 40- alcohol rasch vial will be labeled with details of place of
collection$ habitat and date of collection. Jor identification of termites the
scheme of .oonwall and 7hhotani &1(64* and 7hhotani &1((4* will be sued$
which is more acceptable and seems to be more practical and ,atisfactory in
Indian context &.athore and 'hattacharya$ /00)*.
Measures of Termi-e ac-ivi-y
!rior to the study$ each site will be visited monthly and each inspected and each
Ip was examined every four months. +t the time of each inspected$ the
aggregation and feeding substrate will be removed and returned to the laboratory.
The number of termite$ the average live weight per individual termite$ caste
proportion$ and the amount of wood consumed will be measured for each Ip on
every collection date. 7aste proportions will be determined by separating the
individual castes &,oldiers$ workers$ larvae$ nymphs* and either counted or their
number estimated by taking an average weight of 5 groups$ 10 terms each$ and
dividing this average into the total weight of termite collected wood consumption
will be measure by drying the substrate in an Iven at 40
7 for or 4/ hr$
respectively$ the reweighing after acclimation to room temperature in a desiscator.
The IvenBdried weights of the wood before and after placement within an Ip were
used to calculate the amount of wood consumed.
Mo)-h1y samp1i)(
In each month$ 30 min should be spent on collecting termite from the study area.
7ollection termite from the study area. 7ollection of termite will be limited to the
active foraging species$ and hence the sampling was confined to the ground level
or from other habitat. Thus the record of a species from other habitat. Thus the
record of a species from the monthly sampling represented an indication of that
species as an active for ages during the observation period incidence of termite
attack will be recorded at monthly interval. ,tructural building material$ wooden
stakes$ will also be inspected to conformed the termite feeding$ the termite
causing the damage will be collected wherever possible and identified.
O0serva-io) of pro-o3oa) fau)a of hi)*,u-
The hindgut proto%oa were prepared using the method developed by Fewis and
Jorschler &/00)*. The hindgut of a termite was gently removed by pulling off the
last two segments of the abdomen with a pairs of forceps. The gut contents from
five termites were pooled to form a sample$ then sample is taken into a slide
making a smear and the observing under microscope.
E4pec-e* Resu1-s
Termites causes substantial damage to residential and commercial buildings in
>arnataka. Therefore$ in depth research about diversity of termites destroying
structural wood work in urban areas is very much needed.
There may be a reasons which increases the possibility of access or attack to the
wood at the time of foraging.
1e may get different species of termite which damage different types of houses
&.77. Tr* in urban are during the study period.
,pecies composition in the monthly samplingA
+ total number of species damaging the wood in study area will be recorded.
3ay be the seasonality influence the diversity and termite activity in terms of
wooden weight loss.
Identification of microBorganisms present in the hindgut of termite8 which can
able to convert The cellulosic materials into simpler form
The investigations may help proper understanding of the termites problems and
their management and control in tropical urban systems$ which inturn may further
help to solve extent$ in resources management and conservation of our forest
'y carrying out this type of work we can explore the diversity of termite fauna
attacking structural word in 0ulbarga area.
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