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A very good morning to Mr.Jiten Acharya,Principal-Kohinoor-IMI,Khandala;Ms.Madhulika

Siddiui ,!hie" Administrator,Kohinoor #lo$al !ampus,Khandala,%espected &aculties and
"ello' students.
(n $ehal" o" )he Management, and the entire student population here at Kohinoor-IMI,
Khandala, it is my distinct pleasure to heartily $id you WELCOME! *hile you sit through this
morning+s ceremonies, I suggest you savour the moment, "or today you start the $est and
most determining period o" your lives. )oday you sit here as teenagers "ree as the 'ind. In a
"e' years you 'ill leave here, as competent pro"essionals, trained e,perts in your "ield,
ready "or employment, a home or 'hatever else you choose to make o" li"e. )his school o"
hospitality management is not a collection o" $uildings or even o" people. It is a cauldron
'here one thro's in the ingredients o" some hard 'ork, a tad o" skill, a great deal o" time -
$asically a magic mi,ture 'hich can trans"orm you and your li"e into anything you 'ant it to
Student li"e here is truly uniue. As you have noticed 'e are located in an e,ceptionally "ine
location here in Khandala. My appeal to you is not to spend your time here only on academic
interests. &rom my personal e,perience, I can guarantee that volunteering "or various
"unctions, events, (.!+s etc.. arranged $y the college gives you a sense o" personal
"ul"ilment and all round achievement that can $e "elt no'here else. It also completes an
already rich !/ 'ith e,actly the 'ork e,perience "or that e,tra something that 'ill give you
the edge over the competition 'hen you need it. *hether organi0ing events, creating policy
or even 1ust going to parties and reading maga0ines, 23 A!)I/3. It is this that 'hich turns
your time at university into one o" li"e+s de"ining moments rather than 1ust a dull, mundane,
"ull-time 1o$ 'hich you don+t get paid "or.
Amongst all o" you "resher+s you 'ill "ind one international culture 'hich is hard to match.
Please $e sure to mingle 'ith and $e"riend him as you 'ill $e e,posed to a ne' culture 'ith
a lot to learn "rom. And to you my international "riend learn some o" our language and
traditions and go home 'ith great stories a$out the hospitality you are sure to "ind here at
Academically speaking, you can rightly have pride in the institution you study at. !ourses
here are o" very good uality, lecturers are competent and e""icient 'hile the degrees are
'ell recogni0ed. Providing you are 'illing to do your part as a student, 'hich o" course
means respecting the education you 'ill $e given and study appropriately, you should
$ree0e through here seamlessly. (" course pro$lems can and do arise, and 'henever such
happens "eel "ree to consult any o" the "aculty mem$ers or us senior students 'here you+re
sure to "ind more than 1ust a sympathetic ear.
Another very important "actor to $e o$served $y the students o" this school o" hospitality is
4.iscipline5. *ithout discipline, a hospitality student+s li"e should and 'ill $e incomplete. It is
o" utmost necessisstity that discipline is o$served at all times during your period as a
hospitality student here at Kohinoor-IMI.More light on this aspect 'ill $e shed on $y
Also as 'e all kno' cleanliness and hygiene is o" utmost importance as 'ell in hospitality in
terms o" housekeeping. )his aspect can $e implemented individually $y all o" us as 'e are
all hostelites.
As a "ello' student here at Kohinoor-IMI, it is a reuest that you keep your mind "ocused on
your priorities and the main reason you are here "or. I am sure that the management 'ill
de"initely $e o" total cooperation to you in this respect should the need "or their assistance
arise at any time during your 1ourney here at Kohinoor-IMI.
2e"ore "urther or due let me no' call upon Mr.Jiten Acharya-Principal, Kohinoor-IMI,
Khandala to address the gathering and to say a "e' 'ords .Mr.Acharya sir.
Vote Of Thanks
&inally my last appeal to you is to remem$er that you are part o" the student $ody. Singly,
you are a voice shouting in the 'ilderness yet together you can raise a "irestorm. It is the
duty o" the "aculty to "unnel that energy so that you may make the $est use o" it, and it is a
task they 'ill per"orm gladly I am sure.
!hoose a cause, and make a di""erence.
I 'ould like to also "ormally thank the principal, chie" administrator, "aculty and the entire
student $ody "or $eing present and so patient during this entire 'elcoming ceremony.
)hank-you, once again "resher+s 'elcome and good luck.
6.Mr.Jiten Acharya 7 Principal 8
9.Mr..e$ashish #hosh 7 /ice Principal 8
:.Mr.;ilay Poddar
<.Mr.San1ee$ pal
=.Mr.Mukun Sarkar

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