By The Time I Go To Bed Tonight

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1. By the time I go to bed tonight, I ______ my work for the day.

a. Will finish b. have finished c. will have finished d. finish

2. Before I started the car, all passengers ____ their seatbelts.
a. Will buckle b. had buckled c. buckle d. have buckled
3. When I see the doctor this afternoon, I ____ him to look my throat.
a. Will ask b. asked c. will have asked d. ask
4. Ill return bobs pen to him the next time I _____ him.
a. See b. will see c. will have seen d. have seen
5. My family loves this house. It _____ the family home ever since my grandfather built it 60 years ago.
a. was b. has been c. is d. will be
6. Jim, why dont you some time off? You____ too hard lately. Take a short vacation.
a. Worked b. work c. were working d. have been working
7. Something funny ______ class yesterday.
a. Happened b. was happened c. happens d. is happened
8. Has the committee made its decision yet? Not yet. They are still ______ the proposal.
a. Considering b. been considered c. being considered d. considered
9. How did that window ______? I dont know.
a. Get broken b. broke c. got broken d. broken
10. On Friday afternoon before a three day holiday weekend, the highway ____people on their way out of the city.
a. Are crowding by b. are being crowd with c. are crowded with d. crowd by
11. We cant even walk in this storm. Lets wait in the hallway where well be ____ strong winds.
a. Protected from b. protected by c. protecting from d. protecting by
12. Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. It _____ everything in its path.
a. Destroyed b. was destroyed c. was being destroyed d. has been destroyed
13. Somebody forgot this hat. I wonder ____ .
a. Whose is this hat b. whose hat this is c. whose hat is d. is this whose hat
14. Did you remember to tell Marge ___ she should bring to the meeting tomorrow?
a. That b. what c. if d. that what
15. Will people like the book? No. only people ____interested in anthropology.
a. Are b. who are c. in whom are d. which
16. In the movie, a teenager ___ to pursue a singing career resistance from his strong-willed father.
a. Wants b. wanted c. wanting d. who want
17. Erin likes to swim, jog, and ____ tennis.
a. Plays b. play c. to play d. playing
18. Some fish is frozen, but _____ is best.
a. Fish is fresh b. fresh fish c. fish fresh d. fresh fish is caught
19. People who exercise frequently have greater physical endurance than those _____.
a. Who doesnt b. that doesnt c. which dont d. who dont
20. I think I hear someone ___ the back window.
a. Trying open b. trying to open c. try opening d. try to open
21. I dont blame you for not ______ outside in this awful weather.
a. Wanting to go b. wanting go c. want to go d. to want go
22. Jack offered _____ care of my garden while I was out of town.
a. Take b. taking c. to have taken d. to take.
23. No one has better qualifications. Carol is certain ______ for the job.
a. To choose b. having chosen c. to be chosen d. being chosen
24. _____ in restaurants as often as they do is very expensive.
a. Being eaten b. having eaten c. having been eating d. eating
25. Did you ever finish _____ the office for that new client of yours?
a. To design b. designing c. designed d. having designed

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