Keith Meyers Hot Sheet With Tips and Tricks For Beginner Bloggers

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Keith Meyers Hot Sheet With

Tips and Tricks For Beginner Bloggers

Copyright 2014
Keith Meyers Hot Sheet With Tips and Tricks For Beginner Bloggers
%isclai"er and Copyright &n'or"ation
This e$ook is presented to yo( 'or in'or"ational p(rposes only and is not a s($stit(tion
'or any pro'essional ad)ice# The contents herein are $ased on the )ie*s and opinions o'
the a(thor and all associated contri$(tors#
While e)ery e''ort has $een "ade $y the a(thor and all associated contri$(tors to
present acc(rate and (p to date in'or"ation *ithin this doc("ent+ it is apparent
technologies rapidly change# There'ore+ the a(thor and all associated contri$(tors
reser)e the right to (pdate the contents and in'or"ation pro)ided herein as these
changes progress#
The a(thor and!or all associated contri$(tors take no responsi$ility 'or any errors or
o"issions i' s(ch discrepancies e,ist *ithin this doc("ent# The a(thor and all other
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recording+ or other*ise+ *itho(t prior *ritten per"ission 'ro" the a(thor#
Copyright 2014 / Keith Meyers Hot Sheet For Beginner Bloggers / http!!keith"eyerstechtips#$logspot#co"
Keith Meyers Hot Sheet With
Tips and Tricks For Beginner Bloggers
Blogging can $e a '(n and pro'ita$le $(siness 'or people that *ant to "ake "oney
online# &' yo( are ne* to the $logging $(siness+ and *ant to learn ho* to "oneti0e
yo(r $log+ there are se)eral di''erent *ays that yo( can "ake "oney online# Selling
in'or"ation+ prod(cts and ser)ices on the &nternet is an e,cellent *ay to earn a passi)e
inco"e# Ho*e)er+ the "ost i"portant thing that a $eginner $logger "(st learn ho* to
do is "ake online pay"ent transactions# So+ & decided to create this hot sheet to
e,plain+ *hat yo( sho(ld do to get the "oney that yo( "ake into yo(r pockets#
How To Monetize Your Blog
With today1s &nternet technology+ "aking online pay"ent transactions is not )ery hard
to do# &n 'act+ the entire process is -(ite easy# 2nyone that is interested in "aking
"oney online+ sho(ld learn ho* to get their earnings+ sa'ely and sec(rely deposited
into their $ank acco(nts# First+ yo( *ill ha)e to per'or" se)eral i"portant tasks to "ake
e,changing "oney online easy and *orry3'ree# Si"ply+ 'ollo* the steps $elo* to learn
ho* to send+ and recei)e "oney online *itho(t a lot o' hassles#
1# 4sta$lish a checking acco(nt *ith a rep(ta$le $anking instit(tion o' yo(r choice# &'
yo( already ha)e an acti)e checking acco(nt *ith a $ank in yo(r local area+ yo( can skip
this step#
2# 5o online and create an e"ail acco(nt 'or yo(r $log# Sign (p 'or a 'ree e"ail acco(nt
*ith a *ell3kno*n ser)ice+ s(ch as 5oogle 5"ail+ 6ahoo and MS.# 7ersonally+ & pre'er
to (se 5oogle 5"ail# The pop(lar e"ail ser)ice is sec(re+ relia$le and *idely (sed $y
"illions o' people 'ro" aro(nd the *orld#
Copyright 2014 / Keith Meyers Hot Sheet For Beginner Bloggers / http!!keith"eyerstechtips#$logspot#co"
Keith Meyers Hot Sheet With Tips and Tricks For Beginner Bloggers 7age 2
8# &' yo( decide to sign (p 'or a 5oogle 5"ail acco(nt+ yo( *ill $e a$le to (se "any o'
5oogle1s 'ree online applications# Si"ply+ click the 92pps: $(tton near the top o' yo(r
e"ail *e$ page# .e,t+ yo( *ill see a list o' application icons# Select one that yo( *ant
to (se and click on it# For instance+ *hen yo( click on the 9.e*s: icon+ yo( *ill $e
redirected to another *e$ page *ith the latest top stories 'ro" aro(nd the *orld# To
learn ho* to (se 5oogle1s online applications *ith yo(r 5"ail acco(nt go to

4# ;earn ho* to (se 5oogle %ri)e *ith yo(r 5"ail acco(nt# 5oogle "akes it possi$le 'or
5"ail (sers to recei)e 1< giga$ytes o' 'ree clo(d storage space# =se 5oogle1s clo(d
ser)ice to sa)e and $ack(p yo(r $log posts# 6o( can (pload yo(r i"portant data+
doc("ents+ photographs and )ideos on 5oogle %ri)e#
<# %o*nload a copy o' 5oogle 5"ail Shortc(ts Cheat Sheet 'ro" Make=se>'#co" at
http!!$it#ly!1e?)gBt 3 2'ter yo( ha)e 'inished do*nloading the 7%F 'ile+ create a ne*
'older on yo(r desktop# Then+ select a 'ile path *here yo( *ant to sa)e the 'older on
yo(r hard dri)e# ;ater+ yo( can re'er to the cheat sheet *hen yo( are (sing yo(r 5"ail
How To Make Online Payent Transactions
1# Sign (p 'or a (ser acco(nt *ith 7aypal#co"# & highly reco""end (sing 7aypal1s online
pay"ent transaction ser)ice+ $eca(se yo( can send and recei)e "oney online# 7aypal is
*idely (sed $y "any $(sinesses+ s(ch as online p($lishers+ *riting ser)ices+ and
ad)ertisers to "ake pay"ents to their *riters# Ho*e)er+ $e'ore yo( get started+ "ake
certain that yo( ha)e yo(r personal $anking in'or"ation handy# 7ro)ide yo(r $ank1s
ro(ting n("$er+ and yo(r checking acco(nt n("$er to 7aypal# They *ill )eri'y yo(r
$anking in'or"ation and '(rther e,plain+ *hat yo( need to do to create a 7aypal
2# 2pply 'or a 7aypal $(siness de$it card# When yo( start recei)ing pay"ents 'ro" yo(r
c(sto"ers )ia 7aypal+ yo( can (se yo(r de$it card to ded(ct "oney 'ro" yo(r acco(nt#
The easiest *ay to get "oney 'ro" yo(r 7aypal acco(nt+ is $y (sing an 2TM "achine
that accepts the %e$it MasterCard# The 7aypal de$it card can also $e (sed *orld*ide
Copyright 2014 / Keith Meyers Hot Sheet For Beginner Bloggers / http!!keith"eyerstechtips#$logspot#co"
Keith Meyers Hot Sheet With Tips and Tricks For Beginner Bloggers 7age 8
at "any retail stores+ online+ and any*here that the %e$it MasterCard is accepted# 4ach
ti"e yo( (se yo(r 7aypal de$it card+ yo( co(ld recei)e cash3$ack $on(ses+ too#
8# Create a 7aypal 9B(y .o*: $(tton 'or yo(r $log# 6o( can per'or" this step no*+ or
log $ack into yo(r 7aypal acco(nt at a later ti"e# &' yo( decide to place a 7aypal 9B(y
.o*: $(tton on yo(r $log+ *hen so"eone clicks on it+ they *ill $e a$le to "ake an
online pay"ent transaction to yo( thro(gh 7aypal#
4# 2dd the ht"l code that 7aypal creates 'or yo( onto yo(r $log# 7aypal *ill take care o'
processing yo(r online pay"ent transactions 'or yo(# When so"eone "akes an online
p(rchase 'ro" yo(+ the "oney that yo( earn *ill $e sa'ely deposited into yo(r 7aypal
acco(nt# 2l"ost i"""ediately+ yo( *ill ha)e access to the "oney that is a)aila$le in
yo(r acco(nt# Which gi)es yo( "ore spending po*er to do "any o' the things that yo(
like to do#
Start Making Money With Your Blog
1# @ead $ooks and articles on ho* to "oneti0e yo(r $log# & think one o' the easiest
*ays that yo( can earn a passi)e inco"e is $y *ritng articles# There are n("ero(s
online p($lishers and *riting ser)ices that *ill pay yo( to *rite articles 'or the"#
@e)en(e sharing *e$sites pays *riters a percentage o' their re)en(e to post articles on
their *e$sites# 6o( co(ld also *rite prod(cts re)ie*s a$o(t ad)ertisers1 prod(cts and
2# Aoin ad)ertisers pay3per3click a''iliate progra"s# High paying ad net*orks s(ch as
5oogle 2dsense+ Co""ission A(nction+ Media .et+ ClickBank and 2"a0on 2ssociates
can help yo( earn a passi)e inco"e *ith yo(r $log# 7ay3per3click a''iliate progra"s
allo*s yo( to place ad)ertisers1 ad)ertise"ents on yo(r $log# When yo(r )isitors clicks
on an ad)ertise"ent+ yo( *ill recei)e a co""ission 'ro" the ad)ertiser#
Copyright 2014 / Keith Meyers Hot Sheet For Beginner Bloggers / http!!keith"eyerstechtips#$logspot#co"
Keith Meyers Hot Sheet With Tips and Tricks For Beginner Bloggers 7age 4
8# Sell yo(r o*n articles+ prod(cts and ser)ices online# .early all+ *riting ser)ices needs
*riters to *rite articles# 2nd+ *e$sites s(ch as Constant3Content allo*s yo( to set yo(r
o*n price 'or yo(r *ork# 2lso+ $e s(re to create ad)ertise"ents a$o(t *ho yo( are+
and *hat yo( do to attract potential c(sto"ers#
4# Create e$ooks and sell the" on yo(r $log# %o so"e research a$o(t starting yo(r o*n
e$ook *riting $(siness# There are tho(sands o' niche topics that yo( can *rite a$o(t to
"ake "oney online# When so"eone $(ys e$ooks 'ro" yo(r $log+ yo( can keep all o'
the pro'its#
Thank yo( 'or reading Keith Meyers Hot Sheet With Tips and Tricks For Beginner
Bloggers# & sincerely hope that yo( enBoyed reading "y help'(l tips and tricks# &' yo(
*ant to learn "ore a$o(t "aking "oney online+ don1t 'orget to do*nload "y ne*
e$ook+ 9Keith Meyers Blogging .i$$les The S(ccess'(l Way To Make Money >nline:#
The $ook incl(des "any insider secrets a$o(t $logging+ as *ell as tips and tricks that
can help yo( "ake "oney online instantly# &1)e also incl(ded so"e help'(l in'or"ation
on ho* to create e$ooks 'ro" yo(r $log articles# 6o( *ill learn ho* to "arket and sell
yo(r e$ooks to "ake a passi)e inco"e in yo(r spare ti"e#
Keith Meyers Blogging .i$$les *ill $e a)aila$le 'or p(rchasing at 2"a0on Kindle d(ring
the "onth o' A(ne 2014# The retail price is C2#??# B(t+ as a $on(s 'or reading "y
hotsheet+ yo( can p(rchase "y e$ook 'or only C1#??# To learn "ore+ here1s the =@;
address *here yo( can 'ind o(t ho* to do*nload "y e$ook
7lease $ook"ark this page and re"e"$er+ starting in A(ne 2014+ yo( can do*nload
yo(r copy o' "y e$ook at the disco(nted price# &' yo( ha)e any -(estions or co""ents+
please 'eel 'ree to contact "e at keith"eyers$loggingni$$lesDg"ail#co"
Best >' ;(ck To 6o(E
Copyright 2014 / Keith Meyers Hot Sheet For Beginner Bloggers / http!!keith"eyerstechtips#$logspot#co"

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