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Andrew Cuomo is a passionate believer in doing what's right

and he is a determined leader who gets it done. His test is never

soft sentiments, but hard results.
President Bill Clinton

Throughout his political career, Andrew Cuomo has been a powerful voice in
the state of New York. His lifelong devotion to hard work and public service
has led to Andrew's recognition as a genuine, determined leader.
Cuomo is currently the Governor of New York, and plans to run for president
in the 2016 presidential campaign. As of now, May 2014, we can only
speculate his political position in the future.

I want to thank Kelli Conlin and NARAL Pro-Choice New York for their
support of my campaign but more importantly for the important work they
do each and every day on behalf of women across this State, said Andrew
Cuomo. New York can and should be the national leader for gender
equality and womens rights and I know that working together we can
continue to ensure that those rights are protected. We cannot afford to
jeopardize the enormous progress we have made.

The best long term economic development strategy is to have the best
education system in the world, period, and that is our focus. We are in the
midst of an education reinvention. Replacing a 1950's bureaucracy with a
2020 performance organization, we formed the new New York education
reform Commission; they have called for a full day Pre-K, extending school
days and for performance pay. The next step now in our journey is to reinvent
our classrooms with new technology. We must transform our classrooms from
the classrooms of yesterday to the classrooms of tomorrow. Let's invest in the
future; let's re-imagine our classrooms for the next generation; let's have the
smartest classrooms in the nation

Guns have both a noble and a tragic tradition in America. They are a sign
of our nation's fiercely defended independence and self-reliance. Guns not
only cost us lives, but they also impose huge economic costs. Emergency
rooms treat nearly 500,000 non-fatal gunshot injuries from assaults
nationwide, costing an estimated $2 billion a year, half of which cost is borne
by the public. Fear of gun violence invades neighborhoods, causing
disruptions in the normal rhythms of life, work and school. That threat
depresses property values and puts a drag on economic development. It
does not have to be this way. We can ensure that we promote safe
ownership of guns.

Almost 16% of New Yorkers under the age of 65--2.7 million people--are uninsured. We
have a unique opportunity to address this challenge by developing a New York State
Health Insurance Exchange that will be financed entirely by the federal government.
When the Exchange is implemented, more than one million New Yorkers will gain health
coverage and individuals who currently buy their coverage directly will see their cost
drop by 66%. Small businesses will see the cost of providing coverage to their employees
drop by 22%. In addition to the benefits to the uninsured and small businesses, the
Exchange will benefit New York's taxpayers. The $1.7 billion that taxpayers currently
contribute to offset the cost of providing care to the uninsured will be significantly
reduced. The increased federal Medicaid match that recognizes New York's higher
Medicaid eligibility levels will bring an additional $18 billion in funds to the state over 10
We are a nation of immigrants and many of our forefathers and mothers
came through Ellis Island in the hope and promise of a new beginning. It is
critically important that we not allow the exploitation of immigrant
communities. We must continue to fight immigration fraud, like those who
exploit and target vulnerable immigrants by providing fraudulent immigration
services. Moreover, we must continue to make sure that these communities
do not face discrimination and receive fair wages and a safe workplace
I have spent a life time fighting to defend the constitution and to defend the 10th
amendment. We need to get the federal government out of areas it doesn't have the
constitutional authority to do. We need to eliminate the department of education, we need to
eliminate the department of commerce, we need to eliminate the National Endowment for
the Arts. We need to eliminate the IRS and move to a flat tax or a fair tax. Most fundamentally,
we need to get back to the tenth amendment, to the idea that our constitution serves as
Thomas Jefferson put it, "chains to bind the mischief of government," and to get the politicians
out of our lives.

The quote above clearly spells out Cruzs intentions with the Department of Education.
He seems to have no interest in educating the youth of America. How can anyone feel
confident voting for a man who sees no need to better the youths educational
development of the United States.
Ultimately, the future leaders of this country.
I don't think it's the government's job to find health
care for people. I think it's the individual's job to
find health care. I think the first and principle
objective is to repeal Obamacare before it does
lasting, fundamental damage to our health care
system, to our individual liberty, to the relationship
each of us has with his or her doctor.

In my opinion, it is the governments responsibility to
provide affordable health care for the citizens of
this country. Which is precisely what Obamacare
has instituted for the people of this country. In
addition, It should be decided by the individual ,
depending on their financial capability, whether
they can afford a private health care provider. Ted
Cruz believes the government should recall
Obamacare in order to prevent damage to the
health care system. He wants to abolish a system
that has been implemented to help the individuals
and their families that just can not afford private
health care. Im sure this would save the country
money, but it would jeopardize the health of many
Americans. This is a major reason why I personally
would not vote for Cruz. His character and political
values are not those I would want for a possible
candidate of future leader of this country.
As the current Governor of New York, he has exposed corrupt practices within the
state; he has introduced widespread reform to industries that have taken
advantage of the public trust within the government. Cuomo has brought justice
to those who have breached the law. Most importantly to me, he has fought for
human rights and social justice within many different communities of New York.
Andrew Cuomo clearly has a huge heart and compassion to even the most
vulnerable individuals. I would want a man like this to be considered as a future
leader of the United States.

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