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So youre thinking of creating a new project?

Below youll nd a list of steps you need to take to start

one. Remember, if you have any questions about the process; feel free to ask the DPCS for help or
1. Have an idea!
2. Check that no-one else has had the same idea and that a similar Club, Society or Project doesnt
already exist - this includes those who could do it as part of their aims and objectives
3. Think of the aims and objectives of the group (what the point of the project is?)
4. Work out what youd like to do and how youre going to fulll these aims.
5. Collect 5 signatures and CID numbers from other IC students UG or PG, but not staff. Associate and
Life members of the Union do not count!
6.Find other IC students to be on your committee
7. Answer all the questions on this form
8. Email this form to or bring it to the Union Reception on the oor 2M of the Union
Building. NB: Everything in this form must be submitted at once for it to be considered
9. Shortly after submitting this form, youll receive an invitation to the New Projects Committee (NPC),
which generally meets about once a month. There youll present your idea and take some questions. The
NPC will then decide whether or not to start your Projectv
New Project Start-up Form 2012/13
Proposed Full Name of Project
Please enler delails of Projecl offcers.
All Projecls must have a chair and treasurer.
Try nol lo nake your connille lo large, exlra roles can always be added as your projecl grows.
All infornalion will be held on dalabase. This infornalion nay be used by lhe Union slaff or offcers for
administrative purposes regarding club activity.
f you need nore connilee posilions lhan fl on lhis forn please use Appendix A Olher posilions.
Proposed Short Name of Project
Project default website template
College Log in for Web Developer
This will also be your club login and email address
Surname First Name
CID College Log in
Mobile Phone
Your CID number can be found on the front of your College swipe card.
Project Catalyst
Wang Siyuan
SW5313 0 0 8 1 6 4 5 3
Surname First Name
CID College Log in
Mobile Phone
Your CID number can be found on the front of your College swipe card.
Other Position
First Name
College Log in
Mobile Phone
Your CID number can be found on the front of your College swipe card.
Position Name
Other Position
First Name
College Log in
Mobile Phone
Your CID number can be found on the front of your College swipe card.
Position Name
Surname First Name
CID College Log in
Mobile Phone
Your CID number can be found on the front of your College swipe card.
Hu Boyang (Robert)
brh13 0 0 8 2 1 7 8 1
Wang Shiqi
Publicity/First aider Yu
Liaison Ofcer
0 0 8 5 2 1 5 3
0 0 8 4 9 2 7 3
0 8 1 6 3 5 1 07424620286
Who will be the primary beneciaries of your Project and who else could benet from it? What do you
aim to do? More detail here is considered a strength for your application.
Please provide an overal budget for your activities for one year. The Income and expenditure should
This could be membership
income if you decide to charge
for membership. Income from
activities and events.
This should include all projected
expenditure including events and
social activties. The total Should not
exceed that of the income.


Our project will be a 10-day community involvement program in Dujiangyan- a city in Sichuan, China. We
are collaborating with YMCA and this is a part of the Rebuilding Communities Programme in the
aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. Our primary beneficiaries would be the elderly in nursing homes and
the handicapped. We are targeting the emotional well-being of the elderly and the handicapped by planning
well-structured programmes for them. Through our project, we hope to alleviate social isolation in the elderly
as well as the handicapped.
Per Person
Per Person
All costs will be charged from participants for the first trip
Which existing groups at Imperial are you most similar to? It is advisable to name at least one.
How do you plan to achieve your Projects aims? What will be your primary activities and will there be
any supplementary ones? You are strongly advised to provide a nancial plan at this stage.
Do your activities have any elevated risk components and do you have a plan for managing risk? Will you
require expert advice for your project or support from an organisation? If so, do you know what your
source of this support will be?
The most similar existing project could be Kenya Orphan. However there are fundamental differences such as the
location of the project(China as compared to Kenya), the breadth of community served(elderlies and the handicapped
as compared to orphans) and the range of activities. Another similar group would be ICCSSA OFUND volunteering
teaching programme that targets normal school children in the remote and rural area during summer.
Although we both serve the Chinese community, we have different primary beneficiaries and we cater to the different
needs with different activities.
Our project aims to engage the elderly through planning several activities including performances, exercises,
mini-carnival and tea breaks. For the handicapped, we aim to organise an excursion to the local attractions,
which would otherwise be inconvenient by themselves. We will also be visiting some of the poor village homes of
the handicapped, to help them clean up their houses and prepare meals for them.
The supplementary activity would include pre-service training. This equips volunteers with the necessary skills to
facilitate the activities in Dujiangyan. Training may be carried out and there may be trial runs to ensure a satisfactory
level of competence is attained. We would also conduct team-building sessions to promote bonding and
understanding amongst volunteers.
For the first trip all cost would be borne by the volunteers. The land cost per person is about 370, including the
accommodation, transport, meals and project cost. For subsequent years we will implement fundraising techniques
to cover the costs.
There is no particular elevated risk in this project. However, insurance coverage is strongly advised. In addition,
a medical evacuation plan to the local hospital will be provided in personal handbooks, should any accidents occur.
We are collaborating with YMCA Singapore and we will have support from their experienced on-field workers who
have been working on similar projects in Dujiangyan. They will provide assistance liaising with local beneficiaries
and with logistical support such as airport fetching, coach and accommodation bookings.
How will you measure whether you have met your aims or not?
How do you plan to recruit students to your project? How many volunteers will you need for
your project to be a success? Will your volunteers need any particular skills? Do you anticipate
charging for membership? If so, how much?
Name Department UG/PG
CID Number Signature
As the aim of the project is intangible, it could be measured through questionnaires and feedback from the
beneficiaries as well as the self-reflections from the volunteers. We will keep a journal reflection for every
member during the trip, which includes notable events during the day, and the areas that need to be improved
on. Based on the feedback received and volunteering experiences gained, we can adjust and improve the
project for subsequent years.
We mainly recruit students at Imperial College through publicity efforts including social media campaigns, posters
and leaflets. The organization we are working with suggests that the maximum group size is 30 with the optimum
being 15.
No specific technical skills are required for undertaking the tasks; however it is highly recommended for the
volunteers to have strong communication and teamwork skills.
No charges will be imposed to obtain the membership.
Siyuan Wang
Boyang Robert Hu
Shiqi Wang
Sijia Yu
Zhe Lu
Life Sciences
Life Sciences
Life Sciences
Life Sciences
Year 1
Year 1
Year 1
Year 1
Year 1

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