Data Analysis and Interpretation

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Table 1 showing the Weighted Arithmetic Mean and Rank of the level of awareness on
the causes of Land Pollution
Questions 5 4 3 2 1 WAM VI Rank
A. Causes
1. Human Sewage can be one of the main
causes of land pollution.
28 12 6 2 2 4.36 VMA 3
2. Human and animal burial can cause
land pollution.
7 12 9 8 14 2.36 SA 10
3. Industrial waste matter including paints
and chemicals can cause land pollution.
25 14 8 2 1 4.2 MA 7
4. Littering is one of the main causes of
land pollution.
30 15 4 1 0 4.48 VMA 1
5. Debris from construction can contribute
to land pollution.
15 23 8 3 1 3.66 MA 9
6. Overcrowded landfills can add pollution
to land.
25 14 10 0 1 4.24 MA 5
7. Mining and quarrying are also source of
land pollution.
4 17 9 0 1 4.22 MA 6
8. Pesticides and Fertilizers can cause
pollution to land.
18 17 11 3 1 3.96 MA 8
9. Increased Urbanization can also add to
land pollution.
27 13 7 2 1 4.26 VMA 4
10.Land pollution is caused by released of
nuclear waste on open land.
25 19 6 0 0 4.38 VMA 2
Average WAM 4.11

Table 1 shows that the respondents are much aware of the cause of land
pollution with an average weighted arithmetic mean of 4.11. However, they are very
much aware of the following causes: Littering, Releasing of nuclear waste on open land,
and Human Sewage with a weighted arithmetic mean of 4.48, 4.38 and 4.36
respectively. On the other hand, they are aware of the following causes of land
pollution: Pesticides and Fertilizers, debris from construction, and they are slightly
aware of human and animal burial that causes land pollution with a weighted arithmetic
mean of 3.96, 3.66, and 2.36 respectively.
The findings above are proven by David Laine, an contributor. He
stated that Litter is the most visible form of land pollution and it is not just a problem in
cities, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find places that are free of litter. With this,
not only human suffer from litters but animals as well when people are not careful to
properly dispose of trash and household toxic substances. Nuclear waste emits
radioactive substances when not buried properly and that becoming a main issue today,
Barry Steven, PhD, stated that nuclear wastes can be health hazardous especially
when ingested. He added on another article dated November 19, 2009 that sewage, a
water-carried waste can contaminate the water and be absorbed by land that causes
several diseases. On the other hand, according to Pesticide Action Network, humans
depend on fertilizers and pesticides to yield more crop yet they are merely unaware that
this causes contamination and pollute the land when they are washed in the soil. It was
also added that construction debris are often left in landfills where humans didnt realize
that this debris are carrier of toxic waste and soon, can harm those occupant of the
land. Lastly, according to Prof. Andie McGamer of University of Phoenix stated that
burial is a very common methodology of surrendering the dead. Whether animal or
human, the general digging process leads to erosion especially when the burials
happen on plots within cemeteries. As bodies decompose there is a release of gases
and fluids that are harmful to the ground, causing serious pollution problems for the
surrounding land. Its not unusual for the spread of disease caused by decomposition to
trigger an investigation into the nearby burial grounds.

Table 2 showing the Weighted Arithmetic Mean and Rank of the level of
awareness on the effects of land pollution
Questions 5 4 3 2 1 WAM VI Rank
B. Effects
1.Mental retardation in
developing fetus in children can
also be a result of land
8 16 11 10 4 3.22 A 10
2. Land pollution indirectly
affects the respiratory system of
human beings.
26 16 5 4 0 4.42 VMA 1
3. Vegetation that provides food
and shelter is destroyed
because of land pollution.
22 23 2 3 0 3.72 MA 8
4. Land pollution produces acid
rain that kills trees and other
22 13 9 4 2 3.98 MA 7
5. Humans can loss their food
supply because of land
26 15 7 1 1 4.28 VMA 3
6. Aquatic animals also die due
to land pollution drifted to water
forms like oceans.
19 18 12 0 1 4.08 MA 5
7. Land pollution causes us to
lose 24 Billion tons of top soil
every year.
18 19 12 0 1 4.06 MA 6
8. Skin problems are often
diagnosed due to land pollution.
15 15 15 4 1 3.3 A 9
9. Landslides and Flash floods
can occur as drastic effect of
land pollution.
23 19 7 0 1 4.26 VMA 4
10. Land Pollution lessens the
chances of having pure and
clean drinking water.
26 17 3 4 0 4.3 VMA 2
Average WAM 3.96

Table 2 shows that the respondents are much aware on the effects of land
pollution with an average weighted arithmetic mean of 3.96. However, they are very
much aware of the following effects: Respiratory diseases, unclean drinking water, and
loss of food supply with a weighted arithmetic mean of 4.42, 4.30, and 4.28 respectively.
On the other hand, they are aware of the following: destruction of vegetation, skin
problems, and mental retardation with a weighted arithmetic mean of 3.72, 3.30, and
3.22 respectively.
The findings above are proven by Dr. Luke Havens Ph.D. of University of Florida
that respiratory diseases can be acquired from toxic wastes deposited on land and be
inhaled or ingested by humans. He added that almost 78% of people living in dump site
areas suffer from the said disease. UNWWAP reported that Naturally occurring arsenic
pollution in groundwater now affects nearly 140 million people in 70 countries on all
continents. Accorsing to Prabhakar Pillai of, ion can seriously disrupt the
balance of nature causing food supplies contaminated and cause human fatalities. On
the other hand, the site added that Increase in salinity of the soil, which therefore makes
it unfit for vegetation, thus making it useless and barren. Skin problems are often
diagnosed due to land pollution. It is said that the improper disposal of household
wastes leads to allergic reactions on the skin. More than one in every 200 children who
suffer from developmental or neurological disabilities could have acquired the
impairment by exposure to these toxic chemicals, according to the report by three
national environmental and health advocacy organizations. These chemicals have the
potential to affect the way a child's body and brain develops, says the report. Many
defects could have been caused by exposure to the developing fetus, it says. "While it's
usually impossible to say that a particular child's disability is caused by a toxic chemical,
it is clear that toxic chemicals are taking a tragic toll across the population," says Ted
Schettler, a practicing physician in Boston, speaking on behalf of Physicians for Social
Responsibility, which co-authored the report.

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