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Task 7: Kajang has transformed itself from a small old town to a big modern town by
designing and developing new township such as Bandar Baru Bangi and Bandar Seri Putra
as well as extending its CBD (central business district) such as extension to Sungai Chua.
However, its centre is inadequately transformed and most of its residences are working in
Kuala Lumpur and other external areas. Write your vision and plan for Kajang to transform
its town centre and to be a self-reliance town. You may use sketches to enhance your vision
and plan.

The main vision for this plan is to make Kajang as a town where the residences enjoying
the benefits of a sustainable economic growth and dwells in a friendly livable environment. The
mission is transforming Kajang town centre to become a self-reliance town. The principle
objectives of the plan are:

i. All the new development not only adds to the range of facilities in the town centre,
but also improves the quality of the environment
ii. To ensure that new development is well related to existing areas and does not give
rise or lead to the potential for urban sprawl.
iii. To ensure that the alterations and extensions to existing buildings generally will
improve the environment and reinforce the sense of place.
iv. To create new buildings and houses this can enhance the special character of Kajang
and meet the needs of residents and other users.


Urban renewal, the publicly subsidized destruction of old inner-city properties and construction
of new development, began nationwide with the Housing Act of 1949. The legislation authorized
the federal government to pay cities at least two-thirds of the difference between the cost
of acquiring and clearing a blighted area and the price the land brought when sold to a private
development. The act's initial aim was to clear slums, but successive amendments broadened
what cities could do with the money, allowing authorizing clearance of neighborhoods for office
and retail, as well as for rehabilitation of old homes.

Kajang can take urban renewal approach redesign their city. But kajang is an old town its
involve so many aspects to be considered for example rehabilitation of old homes is very hard to
be done. So by considering the existing Kajang, the main step can be taken are alterations and
extension to existing building and construction of sustainable building.

a) Alterations and extension to existing buildings

Planning permission will be granted for alterations and extension to existing buildings which:
i. Choice of materials and positioning are compatible with the character of the
existing building.
ii. Will not result in an unreasonable loss of privacy or natural light to
neighboring properties
iii. Will not be detrimental to the neighborhood amenities and the characters.
iv. Will result in more conformability and convenience.
v. Alterations and extensions to existing buildings generally raise similar design issues
to those of new development. Every change to a building, a street or a space has
the potential to enrich or, if poorly designed, impoverish a part of the public realm.
vi. The impact of a proposal on the appearance and character of the existing building and
street scene generally must be satisfactory and there should be no unreasonable lossof
amenity and privacy for immediate neighbors.

b) Construction of Sustainable Building

Planning permission will only be granted for development where its demonstrated that:
i. Energy needs have been minimized
ii. Through a combination of design for energy efficiency and the incorporation of a
sustainable energy supply such as green energy generation or combined heat
and power
iii. New buildings should be designed and constructed to reduce their energy demandsan
d minimize their adverse effects.
iv. other features will be incorporated to reduce or minimize environmental resource use
and impact
v. Ensure that the rate of surface water run-off from a site is not increased by the
development proposed.
vi. In new housing developments, facilities are provided, and an environment created,
that encourages more sustainable lifestyles, for example, waste disposal facilities that
support recycling initiatives.
vii. The quality of Kajangs built and natural environment should be respected and
improved to a complementary mix of uses.
viii. Mixed use development such as integrating housing with shops and employment
opportunities, can make the most of the potential for higher densities and intensive
activity at locations with good access to public transport.


Development will be permitted where all external spaces, including streets, footpaths, civic
spaces, other open spaces have been designed as an integral part of the scheme as a whole, and it
has been demonstrated that:
i. The design and the materials to be used are appropriate for their intended purpose, to
the use and character of the surrounding buildings and the area generally
ii. Different elements of paving, landscape and street furniture are coordinated to avoid a
sense of clutter
iii. Particular consideration can be given to the planting of trees to provide a setting
for buildings, boundaries and road sides
iv. Public open spaces and pedestrian routes are connected with the pedestrian network w
here the opportunity exists.

Proposals involving the loss of open space will not be permitted unless it is demonstrated that:
i. There will be no significant impact on the quality or character of the
local environment
ii. The open space is a small part of a larger area or of limited amenity or leisure value
and there is a significant overprovision of open space serving the immediate area
iii. There will be a local benefit in allowing the development in terms of either alternative
equivalent provision being made in the area or improvement to an existing
public park or other open space or
iv. The development is for a community purpose and the benefits to the local community
outweigh the loss


The naked streets approach is not a specific set of designs, but an underlying set of principles.
Depending on the context, different responses will be appropriate. However it is essential that
urban planners and transport engineers work together closely, to ensure that traffic management
concerns never overwhelm the need for our streets and public spaces to be primarily places
for people. A useful starting point is to establish where the location lies on a movement/placemat
Concept of naked street is remove all the things that were supposed to make it safe for
the pedestrian for example traffic lights, railing, curbs and road marking. Its sound impossible to
bed one in Malaysia since mentality and attitude some of Malaysian still in third class. But, this
can be taken as first step to change our mentality become a world class. What we can do to
is giving drivers and pedestrians equal status. Road humps, chicanes and other physical measures
designed to reduce the speed of vehicles would be removed and the question of who had priority
would be left open deliberately, making drivers more cautious. Traffic lights have been uprooted
and drivers must negotiate their way across junctions, forcing them to slow down and establish
eye contact with pedestrians.
One of Kajang landmark is Kajang mosque. So, masjid centred can be used to transform
Kajang become a friendly livable environment. Kajang mosque already located at the town
centre. What we need to do only emphasize the function and need of Kajang mosque so that it
will become livelier with Islamic activities. Then, we can redesign the location or position
of building for example shop houses and offices around the Kajang mosque. We need to give ana
dequate facilities and amenities to generate the development and sustainable economic growth
around the mosque.

Planning permission will only be granted where development provides for integration and
connection of development to enable access by all modes of transport. Development should
connect into existing transport networks to ensure it is convenient for travel to the site to be
achieved by all modes in order to provide genuine choice of travel. Priority must be given to the
main shopping streets center in developing pedestrian priority measures, whether full pedestrian,
footway widening or simply measures to enhance the attractiveness and safety of the pedestrian
If necessary re-allocation of space to pedestrians can be adopted, encouraging shoppers
and visitors to enjoy the amenities of the city center. Building at Kajang city centre already
centralized which located close to each other. But, there is no pedestrian walkway. They need
walk along building perimeter which is busy. So, good walking passages have to provide to
ensure the safety and comfort for pedestrians. This is to encourage them to walk to their
desire place.
Existing main road main road that connecting from other places to Kajang are Kajang
Dispersal Link Expressway, Cheras-Kajang Expressway and Kajang-Seremban expressway.
While the public transport that connect the Kajang town and other city are commuter, bus rapid
KL and taxi. The increasing reliance on private transportation, in particular private cars, has
created considerable pressure on the roads network which caused the traffic congestion even not
during peak hour. Implementation of fully integrated transportation system to improve to the bus
networks are being facilitated by MPKj providing exclusive bus and taxi lanes in the City centre
and comfortable stop. Tram lined system which travel internally and around a Kajang
perimeter can be proposed to improve the public transportation facilities. In order to make it
greener, this tram line system is utilizing the electric energy as power of movement. This
electricity power produced by municipal waste. The interchange would be at existing KTM
kajang. People will take a tram to go into a city canter which has several station around city
centre (stadium, KPJ Kajang Specialist Hospital, Hospital Kajang, School, Metro Kajang).

Our purpose then is to aid in healing of riverfront as a place of critical ecological importance, as
well as a place for working and living. Where the river has been an excuse for dividing
neighborhoods and peoples, we desire a place where people can come together. We concur with
the view that parks can create new value on adjacent lands, but also propose that a new ecology
of parks is necessary that makes productive use of the rich riverfront lands and waters, as well as
the people on its shores.
Transformation of Kajang town center base on river-front development is one of the ways
to transform Kajang from a small old town to a big modern town. The natural river adds to the
variety of scenery within the urban area and the citys biodiversity interest. River-front could be
a potential development that will give uniqueness of the town to Kajang. Where possible, river-
front should be accessible and used to develop the public footpath network. The nature
river generally has a secluded and tranquil character. Adjoining development should positively
address a water course, by enhancing security on footpaths through natural surveillance
and providing links for people on foot, whilst also in most places preserving and enhancing their
tranquil character.
To make river-front accessible, integration of river-front access should be planned. These
areas of riverfront access should be linked together to eventually provide large stretches
of accessible riverfront. In addition to this general policy, the provision of publicly accessible
riverfront is a requirement as part of the major development proposals. Development on sites on
the river edge and development on sites adjoining a watercourse will only be permitted where
the proposal:
i. Provides an attractive frontage to the water
ii. Maintains or provides public access to the river edge
iii. Maintains and enhances the nature conservation
iv. If appropriate, provides a series of mixed use sustainable neighborhoods that connect
to the waterfront, with each other and with nearby neighborhoods in the existing
urban area.


Planning permission for retail development in the city centre with the following considerations:
i. Provide high quality, commercially attractive units to a high standard of design that
will strengthen the role of this area as a regional shopping centre, safeguard historic
character and improve the appearance of the city centre
ii. Reinforce the vitality of the shopping streets in the central area
iii. Paid special attention to upper floors which are not to be used for shopping purposes,
and how these may be put to, or brought into beneficial uses which will enhance city
centre character
iv. Help to create a safe and attractive pedestrian environment, safeguard historic
character and improve the appearance of the city centre including the public realm.

In conclusion, we can transform kajang itself from a small old town to a big modern town by
designing and developing new township such as Bandar Baru Bangi and Bandar Seri Putera. So,
a proper plan, vision and proper designing can be implemented in kajang city. Some of the best
practices in Europe can be implementing in kajang city to make the city more self-reliance.

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