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Approval Framework

Processing Header and Line

Flow - Stages, Paths and Steps

Criteria is an entity that evaluates to true or false. It uses transaction-specific information to determine if
a transaction requires approvals and follows the approval paths and steps that evaluate to true. To set
the context for the criteria, the approval process definition provides the transaction keys as bind values.

1. Application developers register information with the Approval Framework by using the Register
Transactions page.
2. Functional business analysts define the approval process definition for an application transaction.
The approval process definition includes definitions of stages, paths, steps, and criteria.
3. Requesters submit a transaction for approval.
This action launches the approval process. The Approval Framework reads the approval process
definition and queues the transaction for approvers.
4. The system queues an approval task to an approver or reviewer using email notification, worklist
entry, or both.
5. Approvers and reviewers take actions on transactions using the Approval Monitor. Reviewers
may only add comments.
Understanding the Approval Transaction Registry
The approval transaction registry is the interface application that developers use to register an
application with the Approval Framework. Transactions that require approvals are candidates for being
linked to Approval Framework. You use the Register Transactions page to link the components, event
handler, records, and classes that you created into the approval process for an application transaction,
such as a requisition or purchase order. Application developers register the main records and
components that make up the transaction, then functional business analysts select the approval
transaction on which to base the approval process definition.
Configuring Approval Transactions
Use the Configure Transactions page to select and define elements that determine what triggers a
notification, who receives the notification, and the content of the notification. Notifications are mapped to
work with the approval transaction registry and include menus and components and SQL definitions.
Defining Notification Templates for Approval Framework

Defining Users for Approval Framework

Attach workflow roles to users.
Define workflow for user profiles.
Define user lists.
Understanding Dynamic Approval Authorizations
PeopleSoft applications can define Approval Framework paths to be either static or dynamic. Static path
approvals define every approval in step-by-step fashion. Dynamic approvals enable you to create a
single step that systematically identifies every potential approver, searches to find out if that approver
has enough authority to complete the approval, and creates a visual path for users to view of all
necessary approvers in the process. You can configure a dynamic path allowing supervisor roles to
approve or deny a transaction, and stop the approval path when the system has determined that all
criteria has been satisfied. The administrator creates a user list that the system uses to select the
appropriate supervisory approvers for a transaction and then checks for authorization. The dynamic
path takes the prior approver into consideration.

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