General Academic Regulaton: Preamble

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General Academic Regulaton

The Universidade Lusfona do Porto (hereinafer referred to as ULP) assumes as the primary purpose
of its educatonal acton the academic and professional promoton of its students, always meetng
the reuirements of uality, adeuacy to the la!our world and contemporariness vis"#"vis the
contnuing advances o$ered !y science and technology, with a view to !uilding a more %ust,
euita!le and caring society&
't is with this purpose in mind that it see(s to !uild educatonal responses that coordinate and
integrate, on the one hand the unity and diversity of human !eings in a glo!al world, and on the
other a new culture of learning and (nowledge, !ased on freedom and personal responsi!ility in
autonomy, cooperaton and solidarity&
This mission acuires its dynamics with the colla!oraton of all and with the understanding of the
role that each one plays in the organi)aton& This mission involves a networ( of uality relatonships
!etween all mem!ers of the academic community&
't is therefore essental to de*ne the rules that shall guide the di$erent academic acts, some of them
regulated !y legislaton and other competent !odies of the ULP, as the recipients (now them&
Artcle 1 Scope and Objecte!
This document de*nes the general rules applica!le to courses at the ULP, contemplatng the +
, ,
and -
cycles, 'ntegrated .asters, Post /raduate Training, 0peciali)aton 1ourses and Technological
0pecialisaton 1ourses (T01)&
The regulatory framewor( considered here refers to acts that are generally applica!le to any
academic cycle of studies and type of educaton provided at the ULP&
/iven the need for ongoing, consistent and accurate informaton with regard to the various acts that
contri!ute to the provision of a uality service, this regulaton was created, and its immediate
o!%ectves are2
Limit, formali)e and standardi)e a set of rules contnuously applica!le to academic acts,
3acilitate the understanding of the main academic acts while counselling the 4u5es involved,
6ind the respectve recipients to comply with the esta!lished standards and procedures&
This regulaton does not waive the reading of the /eneral 7egulatons of the ULP and the 0peci*c
7egulatons of each 8rgani)atonal Unit&
Artcle " Recipien#!
+& The following recipients are !ound to o!serve and comply with the rules contained in this
+&+ 0tudents
+&, Teachers
The recipients shall devote their !est e$orts towards the compliance with the correct practce
standards enumerated here&
General Academic Regulaton
Artcle $ %oncep#!
3or the purposes of this regulaton, the following de*nitons shall apply2
+& Applicaton is the act in which the individual indicates the course, in which he9she wants to enrol,
,& Enrolmen# is the act !y which the student enters the University for the *rst tme& :nrolment is the
administratve act that guarantees the right to annual enrolment in a num!er of curricular units of a
cycle of studies,
-& Regi!#raton is the act that provides the student with a valid registraton at the University, the
a;endance of the curricular units and cycles of studies& <o student may, in any way, a;end or !e
evaluated in a curricular unit without !eing registered,
=& Re&en#r' is the act where!y a student, afer an interrupton of studies in a partcular course and
higher educaton insttuton, enrols in the same school and in the same course, or in the one that
succeeded it,
>& Tran!(er is the act !y which a student enrols in the same course in a higher educaton insttuton
other than that where he9she had !een enrolled, with or no interrupton of enrolment in a higher
educaton insttuton,
?& %)ange o( cour!e is the act !y which a student enrols in a course di$erent from that in which
he9she had registered last, in the same or in another insttuton of higher educaton, with or no
interrupton of enrolment in a higher educaton insttuton,
@& Accredi#aton o( %ompe#ence! is the recogniton of the (nowledge and competences acuired !y
cit)ens in their academic, personal and professional life, and its respectve validaton and
accreditaton in a partcular cycle of studies&
Artcle , Prere-ui!i#e (or .unctonal/ P)'!ical and Spor#! Apt#ude
+& Applicants for the course in Physical :ducaton and 0ports are su!%ect to the prereuisites of the
type of eliminaton (Apt9'napt)&
,& Proof of 3unctonal, Physical, and 0ports Apttude, in accordance with the Law, are composed of
the following modalites2 collectve sports, swimming, athletcs, and gymnastcs& Applicants may only
ta(e the tests in an insttuton at a natonal level&
-& The results of the Prereuisite for 3unctonal, Physical and 0ports Apttude shall !e made pu!lic in
a proper place at the ULP
=& Applicants for the prereuisite via access, must su!mit the following documentaton2
=&+& .edical proof of a *t conditon, in order to guarantee the functonal assumptons
necessary for the pursuit of studies in Physical :ducaton and 0ports,
=&,& 0tatement of a;endance or the :ducatonal 1ert*cates (of the +B
9 ++
9 +,
grade) or
euivalent document,
=&-& Photocopy of the 'dent*caton Cocument and 1opy of the Ta5 Payer 'dent*caton 1ard
or 1it)en 1ard,
=&=& A photograph&
General Academic Regulaton
>& Applicants for the prereuisite via entry, must su!mit the following documentaton2
>&+& .edical proof of a *t conditon, in order to guarantee the functonal assumptons
necessary for the pursuit of studies in Physical :ducaton and 0ports,
>&,& 0tatement of a;endance or higher educaton or :ducatonal 1ert*cates,
>&-& 0ports 1urriculum with appropriate evidence,
>&=& Photocopy of the 'dent*caton Cocument and 1opy of the Ta5 Payer 'dent*caton 1ard
or 1it)en 1ard,
>&>& A photograph&
Artcle 0 Re-ui!i#e! (or en#r' in #)e cour!e o( Aeronautcal Science!/ 1ranc) Airline Pilo#
Applicants for the course in Aeronautcal 0ciences, !ranch Airline Pilot, shall have to su!mit a
medical e5aminaton for Physical 3itness and Psychological Apttude for the profession of Airline
Artcle 2 Acce!! S'!#em 3ia 1"
+& The following may apply cumulatvely to the +
cycle courses or integrated .aster of the ULP2
+&+& All who prove that they have completed secondary school or an euivalent uali*caton,
+&,& All who have wri;en the entrance tests stpulated !y ULP for the course to which they
wish to apply, respectng the minimum grade of D> pointsE
,& According to 7esolutons <o& ++-=9,BB? and ?@9,BB@ of the 1<A:0, the entrance e5ams are valid
for three years&
-& Applicants shall !e seriali)ed for the respectve courses !y assigning them a grade on a scale of B"
,BB, calculated using the following weightng2 ?>F of the *nal grade for the secondary educaton and
->F for the grade in the :ntrance :5aminaton valid for the course they are applying&
=& Applicants shall !e ran(ed in a descending order of their respectve applicaton grades, and their
placement made in accordance with e5istng vacancies&
>& Applicants must su!mit the following documentaton2
>&+& Academic cert*cate of completon of secondary educaton (+B
, ++
and +,
grades) G
the original and a copy,
>&,& Ceclaraton (form :<:0), issued in the year of applicaton, with the :5aminatons grades
G original,
>&-& Photocopy of the 'dent*caton Cocument and 1opy of Ta5 Payer 'dent*caton 1ard or
1it)en 1ard,
>&=& A photograph&
?& The lists of placement shall !e made pu!lic in a proper place of the ULP, with results e5pressed as
?&+& Placed
?&,& <ot placed
?&-& :5cluded from the Applicaton
Artcle 5 S'!#em o( Admi!!ion (or Applican#! oer "$ 'ear! old
+& Applicants may enrol in the e5am at every period and every session9period& Applicants wishing to
a;end a higher educaton course of the +
cycle or the 'ntegrated .aster at the ULP if they do not
hold uali*catons for access to higher educaton and have completed ,- years of age on Cecem!er
-+ of the year preceding the e5am may apply&
General Academic Regulaton
,& Applicants must su!mit the following documentaton2
,&+& :ducatonal 1ert*cates (should the applicant have them in his9her possession),
,&,& An updated, documented, dated and signed 1urriculum Hitae, indicatng their
educatonal !ac(ground and professional,
,&-& A photocopy of the 'dent*caton Cocument and photocopy of the Ta5 Payer
'dent*caton 1ard or 1it)en 1ard,
,&=& A photograph&
-& Applicants for the course in Physical :ducaton and 0ports should su!mit proof of their medical
conditon, in order to guarantee the functonal assumptons necessary for the pursuit of studies in
Physical :ducaton and 0ports&
=& The tests are graded on a numerical scale from B to ,B, e5pressed in whole num!ers, and the *ve
tenths rounded to the unit shown&
>& The approval in the access e5am to higher educaton for applicants over ,- years of age at the ULP
shall a$ect the applicaton to enrol in courses for which they were made and in the academic year to
which they relate&
?& The results of the :5ams shall !e made pu!lic in a proper place at the ULP&
Artcle 6 Applicaton! (or people oer "$ 'ear! o( age 7i#) e8am! done in o#)er academic
+& Applicants must su!mit the following documentaton2
+&+& :ducatonal 1ert*cates (if the applicant has them in his9her possession),
+&,& An updated, documented, dated and signed 1urriculum Hitae, indicatng their
educatonal !ac(ground and professional,
+&-& A photocopy of the 'dent*caton Cocument and photocopy of the Ta5 Payer
'dent*caton 1ard or 1it)en 1ard,
+&=& A photograph&
Artcle 9& Applicaton (or %our!e %)ange/ Tran!(er or )older o( a )ig)er educaton cour!e
+& The following may apply for a change of course or transfer2
+&+& 0tudents who have !een registered and enrolled in a higher educaton course at a
natonal higher educaton esta!lishment and have not completed such course,
+&,& 0tudents who may have !een enrolled and registered at a foreign higher educaton
esta!lishment, in a course de*ned as !elonging to higher educaton !y the legislaton of the
country concerned , whether the course was completed or not &
,& Applicants applying at the ULP for a change or course or transfer must su!mit the following
,&+& 7egistraton 1ert*cate or 1ert*cate of the 1ourse they a;end or have a;ended
(original and copy duly stamped for applicants from higher educaton insttutons a!road),
,&,& 'f the applicant wants to apply for accreditaton of competencies, he9she should su!mit
the applicaton at the tme of applicaton in accordance with the provisions of Artcles +I and
+D of this regulaton,
,&-& The grading scale used in the esta!lishment of origin (applica!le to applicants from
higher educaton insttutons a!road),
,&=& Photocopy of the 'dent*caton Cocument and 1opy of Ta5 Payer 'dent*caton 1ard or
1it)en 1ard,
General Academic Regulaton
,&>& A photograph&
-& The documents su!mi;ed !y applicants from higher educaton insttutons a!road must !e duly
signed !y the :ducatonal :sta!lishment and recogni)ed !y the e5istng Portuguese diplomatc or
consular representaton in the country, and translated !y an oJcial translator (e5cept documents in
0panish, 3rench and :nglish)&
=& Applicants holding secondary or higher educaton courses wishing to ma(e an applicaton for +
cycle courses or .asterKs shall provide the documents referred to in paragraph , of this Artcle&
>& The accreditaton of academic s(ills shall !e reuired at the tme of applicaton !y handing in the
documents referred to in paragraph , of this Artcle&
?& The decision concerning reuests to change or transfer courses shall !e placed in a list posted in a
proper place at the ULP, and communicated to the interested party via email or !y telephone&
Artcle 1: Re&en#r' Applicaton
+& 0tudents who have !een registered and enrolled in the same school in the same natonal higher
educaton course, or in the one that preceded it, may apply for re"entry, provided there has !een an
interrupton for a minimum period of one academic year&
,& 0tudents who ma(e an applicaton for re"entry to the ULP must su!mit the following
,&+& Photocopy of the 'dent*caton Cocument,
,&,& + A photograph,
,&-& Photocopy of the Ta5 Payer 'dent*caton 1ard&
-& The decision of the 7eadmission applicaton shall !e communicated to interested party via email
or !y telephone&
Artcle 11 Applicaton #o TS% ; Tec)nological Speciali<aton %our!e!
'f there are no speci*c reuirements, the following may apply2
+& Lolders of a secondary educaton course or euivalent,
,& Those who have completed all su!%ects of the +B
and ++
grades and having !een enrolled in the
grade of in a secondary educaton course, or in a legally euivalent course that they have not
-& Lolders of a level - uali*catonE
=& Lolders of a technological speciali)aton diploma, or a degree or diploma of higher educaton,
wishing their professional reuali*catonE
>& 0tudents with or over ,- years of age, to whom, !ased on their e5perience, the ULP recogni)es
s(ills and competences that ualify them to enrol into the T01 concernedE
?& Applicants must su!mit the following documentaton2
?&+& 8ne of the following2
?&+&+ Academic cert*cate of completon of secondary educaton (+B
, ++
and +,
(original or cert*ed copy),
General Academic Regulaton
?&+&, Academic cert*cate of completon of secondary educaton (+B
, ++
) and statement of
registraton in the +,
(original or cert*ed copy),
?&+&- &1ert*cate of completon of higher educaton,
?&+&= 1ert*cate of ownership of a level ''' T01,
?&,& Photocopy of the 'dent*caton Cocument,
?&- &+ A photograph,
?&=& Photocopy of the Ta5 Payer 'dent*caton 1ard&
The decision on the applicaton shall !e communicated to the interested party via email or !y
Applicants who have not had approval in all curricular units of the +,
grade may !e reuired to
a;end an Additonal Training Plan, pursuant to Law"Cecree <o& II9,BB? of .ay ,-& 't shall !e the
responsi!ility of the competent !ody of the ULP, following consideraton of the applicantMs
curriculum, to decide on the num!er of complementary credits her9she must o!tain, as well on the
num!er of hours reuired to o!tain such credits&
Artcle 1" Applicaton #o #)e "
c'cle o( !#udie! 3=a!#er4
+& .ay apply to the course leading to the degree of .aster2
+&+& Lolders of a 6A960c Cegree or its legal euivalent,
+&,& Lolders of a foreign academic degree conferred following a +
cycle of studies organi)ed
according to the principles of the 6ologna Process !y a 0tate acceding to this process,
+&-& Lolders of a foreign academic degree recogni)ed as meetng the o!%ectves of a degree
!y the statutorily competent !ody of the ULP,
+&=& Lolders of academic, scient*c or professional curriculum that is recogni)ed !y the
statutorily competent !ody of the ULP as a;estng the capacity to carry out this cycle of
+&>& The procedure referred to in points (+&,) and (+&=) has as its conseuence only access to
the course of study leading to a master degree and does not confer euivalence to a +
degree or its legal recogniton,
+&?& 'n the case of the .aster, the entry shall !e governed !y the rules applica!le to access
into the cycle of studies leading to a Licentateship, as provided in Artcle +D of Law"Cecree
<o& @=9,BB? of .arch ,=&
,& The selecton of applicants shall !e !ased on the following criteria2
,&+& 3inal classi*caton of a degree or euivalent,
,&,& The Licentateship area closest to the degree applied for,
,&-& The applicantMs curriculum vitae,
,&=& The result of the interview to ta(e place, if such is deemed necessary,
,&>& 8ther conditons in the speci*c regulaton of the course&
-& Applicants must su!mit the following documentaton2
-&+& :ducatonal 1ert*cates (original or cert*ed copy),
-&,& 1urriculum Hitae,
-&-& Photocopy of the 'dent*caton Cocument,
-&=& + A photograph,
-&>& Photocopy of the Ta5 Payer 'dent*caton 1ard,
-&?& 6iographical record authentcated !y the 0chool (,
cycle applica!le to 0pecial
:ducaton, cognitve and motor control),
-&@& PorNolio (applica!le to the ,
cycle in 3ilm 0tudies)&
=& A selecton lists shall !e made pu!lic in a proper place at the ULP, with results e5pressed
as follows2
General Academic Regulaton
=&+& The result of the interview to ta(e place, if such is deemed necessary,
=&,& 8ther conditons in the speci*c regulaton of the course,
=&- Accepted,
=&= <ot Accepted&
Artcle 1$ Applicaton (or #)e $
+& .ay apply to the course leading to the degree of Coctor2
+&+& Lolders of .asterMs degree or its legal euivalent,
+&,& Lolders of a Licentateship degree, holders of an academic, professional or scient*c
curriculum recogni)ed !y the competent statutory !oard of the ULP, a;estng the capacity to
carry out this cycle of studies,
+&-& The procedure referred to in paragraph , only applies to the access to the cycle of
studies leading to a doctoral degree and does not confer euivalence to the Licentateship
degree or .asterMs or to its legal recogniton &
,& The selecton of applicants shall !e !ased on the following criteria2
,&+ 3inal classi*caton of the masterMs degree or its euivalent,
,&, The area of the Licentateship and master9,
cycle scient*cally closer to the course
!eing applied for,
,&-& The applicantMs curriculum vitae,
,&=& The result of the interview to ta(e place,
,&>& 8ther elements may !e provided in the regulaton of the speci*c courses&
General Academic Regulaton
General Academic Regulaton
-& Applicants must su!mit the following documentaton2
General Academic Regulaton
1:> S#uden#?! @andbooA
General Academic Regulaton
General Academic Regulaton
General Academic Regulaton
-&+& :ducatonal 1ert*cates (original or cert*ed copy)E
General Academic Regulaton
General Academic Regulaton
-&,& 1urriculum HitaeE
General Academic Regulaton
-&-& Pre"thesis pro%ect, if applica!leE
General Academic Regulaton
-&=& Photocopy of the 'dent*caton CocumentE
General Academic Regulaton
-&>& + A photographE
General Academic Regulaton
-&?& Photocopy of the Ta5 Payer 'dent*caton 1ardE
General Academic Regulaton
=& The selecton of applicants is the responsi!ility of the 0cient*c 6oard of the courses&
General Academic Regulaton
>& The results are communicated to the applicants via email or !y telephone&
General Academic Regulaton
?& 0peci*c rules for admission and pedagogical operaton of the cycle of studies leading to a doctoral
degree are part of its proper regulaton
Artcle 1, Applican#! #o Po!#gradua#e Speciali<aton! and o#)er po!#&gradua#e educaton #)a#
doe! no# a7ard a degree
+& .ay apply for postgraduate speciali)aton or other postgraduate courses that do not award a
+&+& Lolders of a 6A960c degree or its legal euivalent,
+&,& Lolders of an academic, scient*c or professional curriculum recogni)ed as a;estng the
capacity to ta(e the course&
,& Applicants must su!mit the following documentaton2
,&+& :ducatonal 1ert*cates (original or cert*ed copy),
,&,& 1urriculum Hitae,
,&-& Photocopy of the 'dent*caton Cocument,
,&=& + A photograph,
,&>& Photocopy of the Ta5 Payer 'dent*caton 1ard,
,&?& 8ther elements may !e reuested !y 0cient*c 6oards responsi!le for the courses&
Artcle 10 Admi!!ion o( E8#ernal S#uden#!
+& :nrolment in courses can !e made either !y students enrolled in a higher educaton program or !y
other interested partes, pursuant to Art& =?"A, of Law"Cecree <o& +B@9,BBI of Oune ,>&
,& The ULP provides enrolment in the curricular units taught in it to !oth students enrolled in higher
educaton and to other interested partes&
-& 7egistraton can !e made su!%ect to regime of evaluaton or not&
=& The Cirectors of the 8rgani)atonal Unit of the ULP may conditon entry to certain courses&
>& The courses in which students9interested people enrol under a regime su!%ect to evaluaton and in
which they o!tain approval2
>&+ Are su!%ect to cert*caton,
>&, Are compulsorily accredited under the law if the holder has or shall acuire the status of
a student in a course of higher educaton&
?& The registraton is su!%ect to the operaton of the curricular unit, the schedules set and the e5istng
num!er of vacancies&
Ar#icle 12 S#uden#! in an E8c)ange Programme
0tudents of the ULP applying for an e5change program have to enrol in the curricular units afer the
completon of the same authori)ed !y the competent services, carrying out the payment of their
tuiton fees&
Artcle 15 Accredi#aton o( %ompe#encie!
1onsidering Artcle => of Law"Cecree <o& +B@9,BBI, of Oune ,>, and in accordance with the internal
regulatons of the ULP the following students may reuest accreditaton of competences2
+& 0tudents entering higher educaton pursuant to Law"Cecree"Law <o& ?=9,BB? of .arch ,+&
General Academic Regulaton
,& 0tudents who wish to o!tain the accreditaton of their professional competences or others ones&
-& Previous undergraduate students wishing to enrol in +
or ,
cycles of studies already adeuate to
=& 0tudents who have completed their educaton in other higher educaton insttutons, !e they
domestc or foreign&
>& 0tudents who have completed Technological 0peciali)aton 1ourses at a level 'H (T01),
The applicaton for accreditaton of competencies should !e su!mi;ed at the tme of su!mission of
the applicaton&
Artcle 16 Accredi#aton o( Academic %ompe#ence!
+& The process of accreditaton of academic s(ills should !e formali)ed with academic services, !y
su!miPng the following documents2
+&+& :ducatonal 1ert*cates provided !y academic services,
+&,& 1urriculum vitae (prefera!ly prepared according to the :uropean model),
+&-& 1ert*cates of educaton completon (original or cert*ed copy),
+&=& 1urriculum structure and content of the curricular unit prefera!ly classi*ed as :1T0
(original or cert*ed copy),
+&>& 8ther documents deemed relevant to the assessment process&
,& The courses credited retain the grades o!tained in the higher educaton insttutons where they
were ta(en&
1" S#uden#?! @andbooA
General Academic Regulaton
-& 'n the case of curricular units ta(en in foreign insttutons of higher educaton, the classi*caton of
curricular units !eing accredited results from the conversion of the classi*caton o!tained to the
Portuguese grading system&
=& 0tudents waitng for the 8rder of the process of Accreditaton of Academic 1ompetences must
enrol in the curricular units of their respectve study plan, with the e5cepton of those who have
reuested accreditaton& Afer e5amining the case and in the seven days immediately following the
communicaton of the decision, the student must enrol in curricular units for which he9she has not
o!tained accreditaton&
>& The decision process of accreditaton shall !e communicated to the applicant via email or !y
Artcle 19 Accredi#aton o( %ompe#ence! Ac-uired Via Pro(e!!ional BualiCcaton!
+& The process of accreditaton of competences acuired through professional reasons should !e
formali)ed with the academic services, !y su!miPng the following documents2
+&+ Applicaton provided !y the academic services,
+&, A porNolio organi)ed !y the applicant containing the following elements2
+&,&+ 1urriculum vitae prepared according to the :uropean model, which should have
a;ached a full descripton of each of the functons and %o! tas(s performed, relevant to the
+&,&, 0tatements issued !y the employer(s) with ident*caton of functon, positon and
period of performing of the same, or when you cannot su!mit the declaraton of the
employer, proof of discount for social security and ident*caton of functons, positons and
tme period in ueston,
+&,&- :ducaton 1ert*cates (original or cert*ed copy),
+&,&= 1ert*cates or other evidence of training underta(en in the past, em!racing the
educaton conducted in formal or non"formal conte5ts,
+&,&> 8ther informaton considered relevant for the assessment process (le;ers of reference,
pu!lished studies or other wri;en documents, pro%ects, concrete professional references
concrete, etc&)&
-& The competent authorites, in accordance with Artcle ,B of Law"Cecree <o& =,9,BB>, of Oanuary
,,, shall convert the ualitatve and uanttatve grading for the calculaton of the *nal grade&
=& Qhere the accreditaton of academic s(ills does not e5ceed -B :1T0, the respectve *le must !e
forwarded to the 1ommi;ee for :1T0 at the ULP, to !e validated&
>& 0tudents who wait for the 8rder of the process of Accreditaton of Academic 0(ills, must register in
courses of their curriculum, with the e5cepton of those who have reuested accreditaton& Afer
e5amining the case, the student must, in the seven days immediately following the communicaton
of the decision, enrol in courses for which has not o!tained accreditaton&
?& The decision process of accreditaton shall !e communicated to the applicant via email or !y
Enrolmen#! and Regi!#raton!
Artcle ": Enrolmen#
General Academic Regulaton
The applicant has @ days from the date of not*caton of the outcome of the applicaton, to process
his9her registraton&

Artcle "1 Regi!#raton
+& The registraton gives the student the right to2
+&+& A;end lectures and other teaching actvites developed within the modules for which
he9she is validly registered,
+&,& 0ee their (nowledge assessed in the su!%ect ma;er of the courses listed in +&+,
+&-& Use in accordance with the respectve regulatons, li!raries, computer resources, study
rooms, other social and educatonal support structures&
,& 7egistraton in the curricular units must comply with the Pedagogical 7egulaton of the 1ourse&
-& 7enewals of registratons in the netPA portal shall !e validated !y the services in accordance with
this 7egulaton&
=& :nrolment is not permi;ed in courses the student has *nished successfullyE
>& :nrolment is not permi;ed in courses for which the student has o!tained an accreditaton of
?& The num!er of entries from each student in each academic year may not e5ceed DB :1T0&
Artcle "" Al#eraton o( #)e Regi!#raton
+& The change in enrolment in curricular units can occur up to +> days afer the !eginning of each
,& Qhen changes are the result of reasons a;ri!uta!le to the ULP, the student is e5empted from
tuiton fees for the curricular unit&
Artcle "$ %ancellaton o( regi!#raton
+& 0tudents may cancel their registraton in curricular units for their current year&
,& The date of cancellaton shall ta(e e$ect from the date of the applicaton&
-& 7egistratons may !e canceled due to non"payment of tuiton fees
Artcle ", Regi!#raton in %urricular Dni#! o( Sub!e-uen# %'cle! o( S#ud'
+& According to paragraph + of Artcle =? of Law"Cecree <o& @=9,BB?, of .arch ,=, students enrolled
in a course of study may enrol in courses in su!seuent cycles of studies, with the e5cepton of
courses related the thesis9 internship report s9pro%ect wor(&
,& The inscripton under the preceding paragraph is made under an evaluaton regime&
-& The total num!er of :1T0 of curricular units of the present or su!seuent cycle of studies in which
the student may enrol must comply with the provisions of paragraph ? of Artcle ,B of this
General Academic Regulaton
=& The approval in these curricular units enttles the students to2
=&+& 1ert*caton,
=&,& .enton in the Ciploma 0upplement,
=&-& Accreditaton in the event of the studentMs enrolment in the cycle of studies in which
they are integrated&
Artcle "0 S#uden#! under a Special S'!#em
+& Under the legislaton, one considers students in a 0pecial 0ystem in duly su!stantated cases2
+&+& Pregnant women,
+&,& The .ilitary,
+&-& Ligh competton athletes and athletes representng the ULP in oJcial compettons,
+&=& The associatve leaders,
+&>& Qor(ing students&
,& The student who wishes to en%oy the status of wor(ing student should reuire it upon registraton&
-& The students can stll ta(e advantage of this special system only in the second semester, if
reuested !y .arch -+&
=& 'f they are wor(ers, regardless of employment in the pu!lic service or for a private entty, they
must su!mit2
=&+& A statement issued !y the employer containing the complete ident*caton of the same,
the name of the wor(er, the type of employment contract and his9her 0ocial 0ecurity
=&,& A statement issued !y the 0ocial 0ecurity (or euivalent structure) proving his9her
registraton and discounts&
>& 'f they are self"employed, they must su!mit the following documents duly authentcated2
>&+& 0tatement issued !y the 8Jce of 3inance, con*rming the onset of actvity and the
contnuaton of the actvityE
>&,& 0tatement issued !y the 0ocial 0ecurity (or euivalent structure) proving the regulari)ed
contri!utory situaton&
?& 'f a;ending professional training courses or temporary occupaton programmes for young people,
including curricular or professional internships, with a duraton eual or a!ove si5 months, they must
deliver a statement issued !y ':3P, the Oo!centre, the promoter of the course or the entty grantng
the internship, mentoning the dates on which it !egan and ended, or shall end, duly authentcated&
O#)er General Academic Rule!
Artcle "2 Tran!iton #o #)e Plan According #o 1ologna
Transiton .inimum for transiton
of the curricular +
year to the ,
-B approved :1T0
of the curricular ,
year to the -
DB approved :1T0
of the curricular -
year to the =
+>B approved :1T0
of the curricular =
year to the >
,+B approved :1T0
of the curricular >
year to the ?
,@B approved :1T0
Artcle "5 %reaton o( cla!!e!Ecurricular uni#!Eoptonal curricular uni#!
General Academic Regulaton
+& The opening of classes and optonal curricular units always depends on the num!er of students
enrolled for the curricular unit9class&
,& 'n order to open a class one must have a minimum of ,B students enrolled for the course9class&
-& 'n order for opening of an optonal curricular unit to !e approved there shall !e a minimum of +>
students enrolled&
=& 0tudents chose the optonal curricular units every si5 months in consultaton with the 6oard of
each 8rgani)atonal Unit&
>& The veri*caton of the registratons, the approval and authori)aton for the opening of
classes9courses and optonal curricular units is the responsi!ility of the Administraton&
Artcle "6 %)ange o( %la!!
+& 0tudents should reuire to the secretariats of the respectve courses a change of class, within +>
days afer the !eginning of each semester&
,& The applicaton shall !e su!mi;ed through the opton netPA through the opton RPedagogical
Artcle "9 & Period! and Rule! (or A!!e!!men#
0tudents should consult the /eneral 7egulatons for Assessment of Snowledge of the ULP and the
3unctonal and Pedagogical 7egulaton of the 1ourse&
Artcle $: *eadline! (or Regi!#raton in Appeal E8am!
+& The deadline for registraton, payment or cancellaton of special period e5ams is ,= hours prior to
date of the same& :nrolment is only allowed in a special period e5am if the students are enrolled in
curricular units of their current academic year&
,& 7egistraton for special period are only allowed for students a!out to *nish their courses or under
a special system if duly proven&
-& 'n this conte5t, students are considered as a!out to *nish their courses if they do not have more
than -B :1T0 to complete&
=& The deadline for registraton, payment or cancellaton of special period e5ams is ,= hours prior to
date of the same& :nrolment is only allowed in a special period e5am if the students are enrolled in
curricular units of their current academic year&
>& Curing special period e5ams, students can only register for a ma5imum of -B :1T0& 0tudents who
get their approval in curricular units during a special period and who are registered in the same in
the su!seuent academic year shall have a =I hours deadline afer postng of its result to reuire its
Artcle $1 Grade Improemen#
+& 0tudents may ta(e an e5aminaton for grade improvement in all of the curricular units for which
they have o!tained approval during the academic year following the conclusion of the course and
always on the appeal period (part of the special period)&
General Academic Regulaton
,& The grade improvement can only !e appealed once for each curricular unit&
-& The deadline for registraton or cancellaton is ,= hours prior to the e5am date&
=& 0tudents cannot improve their grades in curricular unit for which they have already o!tained
Artcle $" *eadline! (or %on#e!tng #)e Grade!
+& 0tudents may ta(e an e5aminaton for grade improvement in all of the curricular units for which
they have o!tained approval during the academic year following the conclusion of the course and
always on the appeal period (part of the special period)&
,& The grade improvement can only !e applied once for each course&
-& The deadline for registraton or cancellaton is ,= hours prior to the e5am date&
= 0tudents cannot improve their grades in curricular unit for which they have already o!tained
Artcle $$ & Special Period (or FriGen and Oral E8am!
+& The 1ourse 6oards may authori)e a special period for wri;en or oral e5ams for students who have
missed the dates posted for reasons of hospitali)aton or for e5ceptonal reasons, namely, death of
spouse, !irth, illness or other force ma%eure, provided that within - days from the date of
occurrence, they can prove their impossi!ility to ta(e an e5am&
,& The applicaton for new e5am dates due to the a!sence of teachers must !e presented in 1ourse
6oards within two !usiness days afer the scheduled date&

Artcle $, Acce!! #o a cop' o( #)e 7riGen e8am
+& The student may reuest from the Academic 0ervices a photocopy of his9her wri;en e5am duly
+&+& The student has a period of +> days, afer the pu!licaton of the grades, to reuest a
copy of the wri;en test,
+&,& The reuest for a copy of the *nal e5aminaton is sent to the teacher responsi!le for the
grading, !y writng an applicaton,
+&-& The teacher must provide the corrected e5am in order for it to !e photocopied and given
to the applicant,
+&=& The photocopied e5am should !e availa!le for delivery to the student within @, hours,
+&>& This process reuires the payment of the respectve fee without which, it is ine$ectve
from an administratve point of view&
Artcle $0 Rei!ion o( e8am! alread' 7riGen and graded
+& There is only room for the revision of e5ams already wri;en and graded if such is determined in
the speci*c regulaton of the organic unit that oversees the course in ueston&
,& 3or such a revision, the student must *ll out a reuest to this e$ect within +> days afer the
pu!licaton of the results&
-& 7euests for such revision are made to the administratve services&
General Academic Regulaton
=& The applicaton referred to in the preceding paragraph shall refer2
i) The name and student num!er, course and academic yearE
ii) The curricular unit and the course to which it !elongs if it is di$erent from the num!er i),
the date of the e5aminaton, the name of the teacher responsi!le for the grading and
teachers who were overseeing the e5am, if di$erent&
iii) 6rie4y, a valid reason for reuestng such revisionE
>& The revision should !e completed within a ma5imum period of -B days from the date of the
?& Afer delivery of the applicaton to the 1ourse 6oard calls the teacher responsi!le for grading the
e5am as(ing him9her to give his9her opinion on the grading& The teacher can2
1onsider that is nothing to !e changed, producing a !rief report that should !e a;ached to
the applicaton,
1onsider to uphold the studentKs claim, ma(ing the necessary correctons to the test and
changing the grading on the pu!lished oJcial sheets with the grades&
@& 'f the decision of the teacher responsi!le for the grading is de*ned in paragraph a) of paragraph -
of the 1ourse 6oard, he9she can turn to another teacher in the scient*c area of the course, to issue
a well"reasoned second opinion&
I& 'f the opinion of the second teacher coincides with the one from the teacher responsi!le for the
grading, the case is considered closed, !eing delivered to the student a copy of the revision process
and providing him9her with the informaton that goes against the studentKs wishes&
D& 'f the second teacher is favoura!le to a change a grades, it up to the 1ourse 6oard to decide, !ased
on the arguments presented !y each teacher&
i ) 'f the decision of the 1ourse 6oard is the change the grade, the aforementoned 6oard is
reuired to inform the teacher responsi!le for the grading, giving him9her a copy of the
grounds for such decision& 'n this case, it up to the 1ourse 6oard to ma(e the necessary
changes to the *nal grading&
ii) 'f the decision of the 1ourse 6oard coincides with the one of the teacher responsi!le for
the grading, the process follows what has !een de*ned in su!paragraph a) of paragraph ?,
%oining to the process the report of the second teacher and a report of the 1ourse 6oard in
order to %ustfy such decision&
+B& The student may appeal to the 1hairman of the Pedagogic 6oard of the ULP should he9she not !e
sats*ed with the decision&
+B&+ 8n the appeal, the student should menton !rie4y the process and the reasons that led
him9her to turn to the Presidency,
+B&,& 't is up to the Presidency of Pedagogic 6oard of the ULP to appoint a %ury to revise the
e5am with the following compositon2
i) A teacher from the scient*c area of the curricular unit having an academic standing a!ove
or eual to that of the teacher responsi!le for the grading, who has a castng vote E
ii) The teacher responsi!le for the grading,
iii) The teacher referred to in paragraph = of this Artcle,
iv) The 1ourse Cirector,
+B&-& The Oury shall meet speci*cally to assess the evidence produced !y the student, actng
on the !est *nal suita!le soluton, producing to the e$ect minutes with a !rief e5planatory
statement of the decision, and handing the whole process to appropriate administratve
departments& The %ury can2
i ) Cecide in order to proceed to an ad%ustment of the grading, postng a new printed oJcial
sheet wit the altered grading,
General Academic Regulaton
ii ) Cecide not to grant the studentKs reuest,
+B&=& The deli!eraton of the %ury cannot !e appealed,
+B&>& The deadline for the *nal decision of the %ury is -B days from the date of delivery of the
appeal in the administratve departments&
++& 8rgani)atonal Units can produce speci*c regulatons that shall introduce the standard rules for
the revision process& 0uch regulaton has to !e rect*ed !y the 1hairman of the Pedagogic 6oard and
approved !y the 7ector and the Administrator&
+,& The review process reuires proof of payment of the respectve fee, without which it is
ine$ectve from an administratve point of view&
+-& The tme limits in this Artcle are suspended during the periods of interrupton of school actvites
in accordance with the academic calendar&
Artcle $2 %alculaton o( #)e .inal %our!e Aerage
1> Pursuant to Artcle +, of Law"Cecree <o& @=9,BB? of .arch ,=, the *nal grade is the weighted
arithmetc average of :1T0, rounded to the hundredth and the mar(s o!tained in the courses with
their :1T0, unless speci*cally stated in the 0peci*c 7egulaton of the course&
,& The uali*caton of a Coctoral degree is awarded under the terms esta!lished !y the /eneral
7egulaton from Coctorates of the ULP&
Artcle $5 Educatonal %ertCca#e!
+& The :ducatonal 1ert*cate registers the studentKs academic career&
,& The applicaton for the :ducatonal 1ert*cate must !e made through the netPA&
-& The issuance of the :ducatonal 1ert*cate upon course completon will ta(e place afer ?B days
afer its payment&
=& The re"issuance of the :ducatonal 1ert*cate of completon will ta(e place untl -B days afer its
>& The issuance of an intermediate :ducatonal 1ert*cate shall ta(e place within -B wor(ing days
afer its payment&
?& The issuance of the intermediate :ducatonal 1ert*cate when as(ed urgently, will ta(e place
within +B !usiness days afer its payment&
Artcle $6 Regi!#raton %ertCca#e!
+& The registraton cert*cate proves the registraton9enrolment of the student in the :ducatonal
,& The applicaton for the cert*cate of registraton9enrolment must !e made through the netPA&
-& The cert*cate of registraton9enrolment when issued is availa!le in PC3 format on the page of the
student or in the Academic 0ervices&
=& The registraton cert*cate is issued normally within > days afer payment of the registraton
General Academic Regulaton
Artcle $9 *iploma
+& Pursuant to paragraph %) of Artcle - of Law"Cecree <o& =,9,BB>, of 3e!ruary ,,, ,BB>, the
Ciploma is a document con*rming the e5istence of an academic degree awarded !y the educatonal
esta!lishment& This document shows2
+& The studentMs name,
,& The name of the studentKs father and mother,
-& Place of !irth,
=& The date of completon of the course,
>& The name of the course,
?& The *nal average,
@& The registraton oJciali)ing the course,
I& The degree&
The applicaton for a Ciploma must !e made through the 8<L'<: 0ecretariat (T <:TP)&
The Ciploma is delivered in the school year following the conclusion of the course, during the 0olemn
1ommemoraton Cay at the University& 'f the student does not wish to receive the diploma on the
day appointed for the solemn session, it shall !e issued within DB days afer the registraton of the
applicaton, regardless of the appeal e5ams&
Artcle ,: Supplemen# #o #)e *iploma
+& Pursuant to art& -D of Cecree"Law <o& =,9,BB>, of ,, 3e!ruary, the Ciploma 0upplement is a
companion document to the diploma2
+&+& Cescri!es the Portuguese higher educaton system and its environment in the
educatonal system at the date of o!taining the degree,
+&,& 1haracteri)es the insttuton that gave teaching that awarded the diploma,
+&-& 3eatures training performed (grade, area, entry reuirements, duraton normal level)
and its purpose,
+&=& Provides detailed informaton a!out the training underta(en and the results o!tained&
,& Pursuant to Artcle > of Cecree <o& -B9,BBI, of Oanuary +B, the Ciploma 0upplement should
include relevant !ac(ground informaton&
-& 't is the responsi!ility of the University to ensure that the additonal informaton have occurred
through initatves promoted !y the University&
=& The following actvites shall !e considered as additonal informaton2
=&+& .erit Awards,
=&,& 0eminars, conferences promoted !y the Lusophone University,
=&-& 'nternships,
=&=& :5tracurricular internships,
=&>& Pu!licatons,
=&?& Partcipaton in academic !odies (e&g&, 0tudentsK Associaton, Pedagogical 1ouncil),
=&@& Ligh competton athletes,
=&I& Partcipaton in mo!ility programmes&
.inal Proi!ion!
Artcle ,1 Validi#' and Applicaton o( #)e Regulaton
General Academic Regulaton
+& This 7egulaton shall !e su!%ect to amendments or repealed whenever the laws reuire and %ustfy
,& These 7egulatons shall ta(e e$ect from the academic year ,B+,9+-, and will !e revised when it is
shown the need for an update&
-& 8missions and interpretatons of this regulaton shall !e integrated !y use of the applica!le legal
Artcle ," Rei!ion
This document was revised on +I9B@9,B+,

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