Master Broschüre Nov 2013 Englisch

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Information for applicants to Masters Degree

programs at RWTH Aachen University
For international applicants

RWTH Aachen University
Dezernat fr Internationale
International Offce
Templergraben 57
52062 Aachen / Germany
Tel.: +49 241 80 90660
FAX: +49 241 80 92662
Offce hours:
Mo, Tu, Th, Fr: 9:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
We: 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
Text: Dr. Dieter Janssen
Layout: Philipp Lennartz
Picture credits:
Cover page: Victoria Busch
Page 4: Peter Winandy
Page 6: Andreas Hub
Page 8: Andreas Hermann
Page 21: Timo Merki
Last update: August 2013
Welcome 4
RWTH Aachen University
An Excellent Choice 5

Ten good reasons to choose
RWTH Aachen University 6
Is RWTH Aachen University
the right university for me? 7
Is this information for me? 8
How can I apply? 9
Further importaint Information 22
Any Questions? 23
I am pleased that you are interested in pursuing graduate studies at RWTH Aachen Universi-
ty. Since our university is constantly aiming to improve its quality, we want to attract the best
students from all over the world. In return we offer top-level study and research opportunities
in Engineering, Natural Sciences and other fields as well as important connections to German
Certainly you know that RWTH Aachen University is one of Germanys most renowned Tech-
nical Universities. Due to its outstanding performance in the Excellence Initiative of the Ger-
man federal and state governments, its reputation has increased even more. Top-level stu-
dents from Asia, Africa, America and Europe already benefit from RWTH Aachen Universitys
very high standard of education and research. Numerous partnerships between RWTH Aa-
chen University and international universities and companies give you great professional and
academic perspectives.
Reading this brochure will provide you with detailed information related to the admission
process. It will be a pleasure to welcome you as a member of RWTH Aachen Universitys
academic community.
Prof. Dr. Ernst Schmachtenberg
Rector of RWTH Aachen University
Dear applicant,
RWTH Aachen University An Excellent Choice
RWTH Aachen University was founded in 1870 with considerable support from local compa-
nies. Originally a polytechnical institute, it subsequently became the Rheinisch-Westflische
Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH), i.e., the North-Rhine-Westphalian Institute of Tech-
nology, in 1900.
Today, RWTH Aachen University is one of the most renowned Technical Universities in Eu-
rope. The University maintains an academic staff of more than 2.500, with 500 full-time pro-
RWTH Aachen Universitys long-standing reputation for research and educational distinction
attracts students from all over the world: Out of a total of more than 37.000 students over
5.000 come from 130 different countries.
Close cooperation in research and development between Engineering and Natural Sciences
and numerous important companies contribute decisively to the RWTH Aachen Universitys
competitiveness at a national and international level.
The settlement of international research institutions such as Microsoft, Ford, United Technolo-
gies and Philips as well as a large number of start-up companies in the Aachen region proves
the universitys strength in innovation.
Ten good reasons to choose RWTH Aachen University
1. Academic excellence
2. Long-standing tradition in Engineering, IT and the Natural Sciences
3. Interdisciplinary research with external partners
4. Close cooperation with international companies
5. Research-oriented education
6. State-of-the-art facilities
7. International atmosphere and cooperation
8. Outstanding prospects for employment
9. Cultural diversity
10. A supportive and stimulating environment
Is RWTH Aachen University the right university for me?
RWTH Aachen University is an Excellence University in the German educational system and
one of the leading technical universities in the world. We offer a world-class education that
enables you to start a successful academic or professional career. Many of our international
alumni now hold top positions in business, politics, administration and academia.
In return we expect our students to have shown outstanding performance in their past studies
(Bachelors degree studies as well as secondary education) and dedication to their field of
study. Furthermore, you should be willing to integrate and become an active part in the uni-
versity community, to learn German and to take part in university activities (starting with the
orientation workshop, BeBuddy-program, etc.).
The German system of university education is quite different from the Anglo-American sys-
tem. You are expected to be much more self-reliant. You need to organize your studies your-
self and should show a willingness to make informed decisions for yourself. It is much harder
in Germany to gain access to professors and lecturers than in, e.g., the U.S. Professors in
Germany have to supervise more students than in the Anglo-American educational system.
If you are a self-reliant person, this offers you the chance to follow your own path into the
world of research. This system, however, is not suitable for those individuals who expect to
be guided through every aspect of their student life.
In short, what we expect of our future students is: dedication to your studies, extraordinary
intellectual abilities, a high degree of self-reliance, assertiveness, willingness to become part
of the RWTH Aachen University community and the willingness to learn German.
Is this information for me?
This brochure is intended for international applicants interested in joining a Masters degree
program at RWTH Aachen University one of Europes leading Universities of Technology.
In order to apply for a place of study at this university you need a Bachelors or a comparable
academic degree. If you have or will get a Bachelors degree from a German university, you
are considered to be a so called Bildungsinlnder. In this case (no matter what nationality
you have) you need to apply at the Registrars Office of RWTH Aachen University and this
brochure is not relevant to you. Likewise German citizens have to apply at the Registrars of-
fice even if they have a degree from a foreign university. Additionally, citizens of a EU-country
and Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland (EEA) who would like to apply for a Masters degree
that is restricted with a numerus clausus need to get in contact with the Registrars Office.
The following table shows who has to apply at which offce:
German citizens (with German or international degree) Registrars Offce
EU/EEA citizens (applying for a restricted study program) Registrars Offce
EU/EEA citizens (applying for a freely accessible study program) please continue
reading this brochure
International students (with a degree of a German university) Registrars Offce
International students (with a degree from a country other than Germany) please
continue reading this brochure
The first step in every application should be the gathering of relevant information. When you
have found a study program that interests you, you should seek information on curricula,
content of studies, job perspectives and specializations within the study program. The name
of a study program especially when translated might be misleading. It is advisable to make
sure that you have a clear idea about the content and goals of a study program.
A list of all study programs available at RWTH Aachen University can be found at this link:
You will find a short description of the study program and links that lead to more compre-
hensive information. If you should still have questions about the content of a study program,
please contact the study advisor of the study program. The study advisor can counsel you on
questions like 1) available specializations within the program, 2.) recognition of courses you
already attended at a foreign university and 3.) mandatory internships. A list of study advisors
can be found at:
Since a Masters degree program at our university is considered to be a continuation of your
Bachelors studies, you need to have studied in a degree course that prepares you for the
Masters degree. Bachelor and Master are consecutive at RWTH Aachen University. There
are only few non-consecutive Masters degree study programs. In order to find out whether
your Bachelors degree studies qualify you for a chosen Masters degree program you need to
look into the examination regulation of the study program. In 3 of the examination regulation
you find the prerequisites for joining the program. The examination regulations can be found
For legal reasons examination regulations have to be in German language!
The most important prerequisite for acceptance is the compatibility of your Bachelors degree
with the Masters degree program that you would like to join. The Bachelors degree must pre-
pare you for the advanced studies that you will encounter in your Masters degree program.
For this reason it is not possible that a person holding a Bachelors degree in e.g. Philosophy
may continue in a Masters degree program in Mechanical Engineering.
How can I apply?
When you apply we will check in a first step that you have a suitable academic education.
Your application will be submitted to an expert panel (Prfungsausschuss) that will assess
your previous education. Of course, we do consider the reputation of the university that awar-
ded your Bachelors degree and we take a look at the grades you achieved. As a rule of thumb
you should have achieved a result above average.
Advice: To increase the chances to be accepted you should include in your application short
descriptions of the content of the courses you attended. Most universities have these descrip-
tions on their website or in module catalogues or in the diploma supplement.
Some study programs require additional tests or documents, e.g. GRE, letters of recommen-
dation or documents comparing your Bachelors degree studies with the courses mandatory
at RWTH Aachen University. Please inform yourself about these additional requirements. You
find them on the web pages of the study programs.
In the German academic educational system it is differentiated between restricted study pro-
grams (i.e. study programs with a Numerus Clausus) and freely accessible study programs.
A numerus clausus is a restriction grade. In restricted study programs it is necessary to
introduce a restriction grade because more eligible applicants seek admission than places of
study can be provided. When applying for a restricted program the chance to receive a place
of study is always slim. It is advisable to seek admission at more than one university then.
Freely accessible study programs have enough places of study for all suitable and eligible
Since the admissions process is different for both types of program, you need to be aware
that different application deadlines apply. Furthermore, when admitted to a restricted program
you receive a place of study offer valid for two weeks. If you do not accept the offer within
two weeks (by fax, email or letter) the offer is automatically revoked and your place given to a
different person. When applying for a restricted program all documents must be submitted by
the time of the application deadline. When applying for a freely accessible program, usually
the Bachelors degree certificate and the language proficiency proof may be submitted after
the deadline.
As soon as you have gathered all relevant information you should inform yourself about the
application deadlines. Deadlines are non-negotiable! Handing in an application after the re-
levant deadline leads to an automatic exclusion from the admissions process. There are no
exceptions to this rule.
Information about the deadlines you find at:
Advice: Hand in your application several weeks before the end of the deadline. The deadline
denotes the date when your application must have reached us. Doing the online part of the
application on that day is not sufficient. If you hand in your application early on, we can inform
you about missing documents etc.
Most degree programs at RWTH Aachen University are held in German. If you would like to
apply for a program in German, you will need to prove proficiency of the German language.
This has to be done by submitting one of the following certificates:
Deutsche Sprachprfung fr den Hochschulzugang (DSH 2 or 3)
Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaF): minimum of grade 4 in all four testing units
Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz - Zweite Stufe (KMK II)
Goethe-Institut: Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom (KDS), Groes Deutsches Sprachdip-
lom (GDS) or Zentrale Oberstufenprfung (ZOP)
Deutsche Sprachprfung II des Sprachen- und Dolmetscher-Instituts Mnchen
More information on German language courses and requirements can be found here:
Please keep in mind that when applying for a restricted program you need to submit the
language certificate together with all other required documents before the end of the dead-
line. When applying for non-restricted programs you may submit the language certificate
until enrolment. In either case you cannot be enrolled if you do not have a valid language
certificate. How can I learn German?
Excellent proficiency in the German language is a necessary precondition for studying suc-
cessfully in one of RWTH Aachen Universitys German language study programs. Applicants
who need a visa to stay in Germany get a visa to learn German for a maximum duration of
twelve month. We strongly recommend that you start learning German in your home country.
In most cases beginners courses in German are much less expensive in your home country
than in Germany.
In most countries the Goethe Institute offers German language course. There are online Ger-
man language courses available at:
For your information: Experts have calculated that a minimum of about 800 to 1000 hours
of training are required to learn German to a level that studying in this language becomes
RWTH Aachen Universitys German language course:
RWTH Aachen University offers an advanced German language course for prospective stu-
dents. This course is intended for persons who already have managed to pass one of the
intermediate level German language exams:
DSH Level 1
Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache (ZD), Mindestnote befriedigend
Zentrale Mittelstufenprfung (ZMP) der Goethe-Institute
TestDaF, mindestens Niveaustufe 3 in allen Prfungsbereichen
If you would like to take part in the RWTH Aachen University German language course you
need to check the appropriate box during the online application.
Additionally, you have to contact the examination board of the Masters degree program and
ask for an assessment of your qualification (Prfung der fachlichen Eignung). If you have a
positive assessment of your qualification and passed the entrance test for the German langu-
age course you may enroll as a regular student at RWTH Aachen University in the semester
of your language course. If your application is successful and you pass the language exam
you may switch in the following semester into the Masters degree program.
We recommend that if you plan to take part in the language course you start your appli-
cation at least one year before the start of your Masters degree program. Please also note
that before the language course starts there will be a mandatory placement test. If you fail
this test you cannot be enrolled. Additionally, please get information about fees and dates.
You find this information on:
In order to join an English language Masters degree program at RWTH Aachen University
you need to prove proficiency in the English language. Only persons who have required a
higher education in one of these countries are exempted from providing a proof of language
proficiency: Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand and the United States of
The following tests are accepted as proof of language proficiency:
TOEFL 80 (Internet based), TOEFL 550 (paper based)
IELTS 6.0 (International English Language Testing System)
Certificate of Advanced English (Cambridge ESOL)
Please note that the level given here is the standard level. However, some Masters degree
programs may require a higher level. Please inform yourself on the webpage of the program
you are interested in if the standard level is sufficient for your application.
Please also note that it is not sufficient to have studied in an English language program in a
country other than the six named above. We do not recognize certificates, letters of support
or transcripts that state that the medium of education was English.
Currently, RWTH Aachen University offers Masters degree programs in which some modules
are taught in German and some in English. When applying for such a program, you will be
required to submit the language proof for both languages! It is not sufficient to show profici-
ency just in one language!
As soon as you have gathered and read all relevant information on the program that you
would like to join you may begin with the online application. RWTH Aachen University has two
online-application platforms.
If you are interested in joining a Bachelors degree program, a Masters degree program (in
German) or would like to do doctoral studies, please go to this webpage:
If you are interested in joining a Masters degree program (in English), please go to this
Please answer the questions in the questionnaire. At the end you will be asked to confirm
your answers and you will be able to print out the application form that will be generated from
your answers. Please keep in mind that we do not accept application forms other than those
generated in our online platform. If you find general applications forms for Germany (usually
used by uniassist), do not use them!
Here you will find a more detailed explanation of the online application process. Please first
go to this website:
You will receive a screen looking like this:

Please choose the link Online Bewerben on the left side of the screen.
Next you will see an information page. Please note that the main language on this platform is
German. However, there are English translations provided next to the German text or when
you hover with the cursor over a certain item. Additionally, there may be English help texts.
Please read the information carefully. At the bottom of the page you will be asked to choose
one of four options. Usually, you should either belong to the group keine der oben genannten
Aussagen trifft auf mich zu (none of the above) or EU/EWR Staatsbrger & auslndischer
Bildungsnachweis (EU/ EEA national & foreign education). Should you not belong to one of
these two categories you need to get in contact with the Registrars Office in order to inquire
about the correct way of application for you. The Department of Admission will not be respon-
sible for your application then.
If you belong to one of the mentioned groups please click on the Weiter-button. On the next
page you will be asked for the degree you seek. This should be a Masters degree.
On the following page you can choose the program that you would like to join. Under the hea-
ding of Fachsemester you should choose 1. Also dont change the entry Erststudium.
For some Masters degree program a special information page now follows. Please read the
information carefully and follow the advise given on this page.
Now you can choose the semester you would like to start in. It is not possible to apply for a
semester not listed in the drop-down menu. The reason for this is that we do not process ap-
plications after certain deadlines and likewise not beforehand. It is e.g. not possible to reserve
a place of study two years in advance.
Next you will be asked about your language proficiency. If you would like to take part in the
German language course at RWTH Aachen University preceding your first semester you
need to check the appropriate box. Please remember that you have to go to the website of
the Sprachenzentrum of RWTH Aachen University in order to apply for the placement test
to this course. If you want to be enrolled as a student while attending the German language
course you need to do the following:
apply at least before January 15 if you would like to join the German language course
starting in April; before July 15 if you would like to join the German language course
starting in October
ask the examination board of the course of study you would like to apply for to receive a
verdict on your academic eligibility (fachliche Eignung)
when you can show that you have been offered a place in the language course and that
the verdict on your academic eligibility is positive you can be enrolled as student partici-
pating in the RWTH Aachen University German language course.
On the next page you can choose a second course of study. Usually, it is only sensible to
choose one study program. At RWTH Aachen University study programs are composed in
such a way that you need 40 or more working hours per week in order to study successfully.
If you do not want to choose a second study program, please simply press the Weiter-
Now you have to enter your personal data. Please use the normal way of spelling. Refrain
from writing in capitals and please use a capital letter at the beginning of names, e.g.
John Doe, Washington
Next you will be asked for information on your school education. Here you need to fill in only
the item Staat des Erwerbs der HZB im Ausland. Please enter the name of the country in
which you finished your school education.
If you do not have a statutory German health insurance you may ignore the next questions
on health insurance.
Next you will be asked for information on a possible exam to enter university in your home
country and for time spent in a Studienkolleg in Germany. Both questions are irrelevant when
applying for a Masters degree program and may be ignored.
On the following page you need to give us some information on your last studies (usually a
Bachelors degree program). You need to change the information on this page only if you
have already studied for some time in Germany.
On the next page you need to fill in information about your studies abroad. For most in-
ternational students this page is relevant. Please enter the necessary information on your
Bachelors studies in your home or a third country.
Now you will see a page on parallel studies. This is only relevant if you intend to study at two
German universities simultaneously.
Finally, you will be asked to confirm the information you have given us. You will be informed
that incorrect information may lead to a revocation of your admission or in worst case to a
The online-application-questionnaire is now finished. You will see a screen like this one:

Please click on Application form as HTML and print out the application form. Sign the appli-
cation form at the end and send it together with the required documents to us
The required documents are:
signed print-out of online-application-form
curriculum vitae
cover letter (detailing why you would like to study at RWTH Aachen University, why you
chose this specific study program, why you would like to study in Germany, how you
found out about the study program)
copies of your transcripts of academic record (list of courses, grades and credits)
copy of your final degree certificate (if already acquired)
copy of language proficiency proof
additional documents as required by the study program (e.g. in Architecture you
need to submit a portfolio, in Mechanical Engineering programs you need to submit a
special form comparing the content of your Bachelors degree with the standard ME
Bachelors degree of RWTH Aachen University etc.)
translations (if your documents are not in German, English, French or Dutch you need
to submit translations from a certified translator)
Please mind the following advice:
1. Do NEVER send originals to us. Your application documents will be destroyed after the
process. You only need to send simple copies. We check the originals upon enrolment.
2. Remember to include translations if documents are not in German, English, French or
Dutch. Translations need to be made by a certified translator.
3. Refrain from using folders, sheet protectors etc. Please send your documents as simple
sheets of paper. This way you help us speed up the processing of your application.
4. Please remember to bring the originals of your documents to the enrolment. That is the
moment when we check the documents for authenticity. Without your originals you may
not be enrolled. The authenticity check is performed at the enrolment itself and you will
receive your originals back immediately.
Some short information on the issue of handing in application documents later than
the deadline:
When applying for an unrestricted study program you usually may hand in your proof
of language proficiency, your final degree certificate and the final transcript upon en-
When applying for a restricted program this is not possible. All documents have to be
send to us before the end of the deadline.
Please also note that some study programs require a language proficiency proof at the
time of the application deadline. Inform yourself before you apply which regulations
are in place for the study program you would like to apply for.
Please go to this website:
You will now see this screen:

Press the button start to begin the online application.
Now you will enter into a short self-explaining interview. When answering questions please
keep in mind to avoid special characters like , $, %, & or letters with accents like , , ,
etc. The character @ is okay though. Special characters might make it impossible to create
the pdf-admission form that you need in order to finish the application.
To apply for an English language Masters degree program you need the following documents.
Please note that most documents have to be uploaded at the end of the online application.
Some documents may be handed in later (until the enrolment!). Please make sure that you
have the correct information which documents you need for your degree program. There is a
variance in requirements!
These documents you need:
transcript of academic records (list of courses, grades and credits)
curriculum vitae
cover letter (detailing why you would like to study at RWTH Aachen University, why you
chose this specific study program, why you would like to study in Germany, how you
found out about the study program)
final degree certificate (if already acquired)
language proficiency proof
additional documents as required by the study program (e.g. GRE)
translations (if your documents are not in German, English, French or Dutch you need
to submit translations from a certified translator)
Please make sure that the pdf-files you upload have a sufficient quality to be read online!
Additionally, we need to inform you that an incomplete application is not possible. You can
only finish the online application if you upload the required documents. Please do not upload
dummy files. Incomplete and illegible applications will receive an invalid notice and will not
entered in the selection process!
At the end of the online application process you need to print our the application form and
send it to the International Office of RWTH Aachen University. The address is already on the
application form. Please keep in mind that the printed form must reach us before the end of
the deadline. The date of giving your application into the mail is not considered to be relevant,
only the arrival here at RWTH Aachen University. To ensure that your application is in time we
recommend sending it at least three weeks before the end of the deadline.
You only need to send the application form. Please do not send any other documents.
We kindly ask Chinese citizens to keep in mind that there is a peculiarity in the application
for this group. Chinese citizens who want to study in Germany have to go through the visa
application of the Akademische Prfstelle Beijing (APS). Part of this process is a plausibility
interview at the APS. RWTH Aachen University uses this interview to get to know its appli-
cants from China. This interview gives participants the unique chance to show commitment,
motivation and abilities that otherwise are often hard to describe on paper.
Please notice the following important information:
Applicants from China are kindly asked to apply first at RWTH Aachen University. We will
then arrange for an appointment at the APS for you!
For applicants from China may apply different deadlines. Please check the website of
our liaison office for current information (see below).
Applicants from China are advised to send their application to the liaison office of RWTH
Aachen University which is located in Beijing. The address is:

2 1612
+86 (10) 65906656-30
+86 (10) 65906393
After receiving your application the first step is the check of formal correctness:
was the application submitted before the end of the deadline
was the application complete
is the university where the applicant received a Bachelors degree recognized, is the
degree recognized
what is the CGPA of the Bachelors degree in the German system
If everything is correct the application is transferred to the examination board of the study pro-
gram. The examination board takes a look at the Bachelors degree program and assesses
whether this program offers the necessary preparation for the Masters degree program offe-
red at RWTH Aachen University. The process of this assessment is called the Feststellung
der fachlichen Eignung (assessment of academic qualification).
At RWTH Aachen University we consider Bachelor and Master studies to be consecutive. A
suitable Bachelors degree is the prerequisite for a fitting Masters degree. If e.g. you have
received a Bachelors degree in Sociology you may not continue in a Masters degree in Me-
chanical Engineering. Even if you have studied Mechanical Engineering in your Bachelors
studies, but the content of your study program is too different from the studies expected here,
your application has to be turned down.
When receiving a letter of admission you may use it to apply for a visa in your home country.
Do not enter Germany with a tourist visa, because then you would have to return home to
have this changed into a student visa. Please apply directly for a student visa!
When you applied for an English language program you will receive a pdf that you can down-
load from the application platform. You may use this to start the visa process. A hardcopy will
also be send to you.
Applicants for German language programs currently only receive the hardcopy.
Important Advise:
Do not forget to read your letter of admission carefully. Please make sure that you will be able
to meet the conditions mentioned in the letter. For example, a condition might say that you
need to submit a valid language test before enrolment. You may only be enrolled if you can
present such test certificate.
Here is a short check list of important documents you need to bring with you to Germany:
passport with valid student visa
letter of admission
documents that are mentioned in the letter of admission
originals of those documents that you submitted in your application
Your letter of admission will also include an information leaflet on the enrolment procedure.
We kindly ask you to read it carefully and follow its advise. Thank you.
Further importaint Information
There are two types of costs you need to keep in mind. One type concerns the fees that you
need to pay to RWTH Aachen University, the other involves the living costs.
Currently, RWTH Aachen University does not charge tuition fees. This is due to the fact that
tuition fees are regulated at state level and the state of North-Rhine-Westphalia abandoned
tuition fees. However, these fees may be reinstated at short notice. In order to keep yourself
informed, please check this webpage:
Regardless, you need to pay a student body and social contribution fee each semester. The
exact amount can be found on the page mentioned above. This fee has to be paid after en-
rolment. Please do not transfer any money before enrolment!
For living costs in Aachen you should plan with about 700 to 750 Euro per month. With this
amount you should be able to cover rent, food, clothing and consumable supplies.
Provided that you have graduated from your Bachelors studies with an extraordinarily good
result you have the chance to be awarded a scholarship. Information on which scholarships
are available and who may apply can be found on this webpage:
Unfortunately, this page is only available in German. Please do not forget to gather informati-
on on scholarship programs in your home country.
Aachen is a town of approximately 260,000 inhabitants. The town due to its location close
to Belgium, the Netherlands and France has always enjoyed an atmosphere of tolerance
and openness for different cultures. Additionally, Germany is one of the safest countries for
tourists and travelers from around the world. If nonetheless you should encounter any prob-
lems you may turn to the police or seek help from the Information Service Centre of RWTH
Aachen University.
During the enrolment process we will inform you about orientation workshops. These work-
shops serve to help you to get to know your new university. We highly recommend that you
take part in these workshops in order to receive vital information and make friends with your
peers. The International Office of RWTH Aachen University offers a BeBuddy-program. In this
program we match one international student with one German student. The German student
serves as a mentor to the international student. We strongly encourage you to become part
of this program.
Any Questions?
We hope that this leaflet has answered most of your question. If you have any additional
questions, please feel free to contact us. You may reach us in these ways:
- via email:
- by phone: +49 241 80 90660
- or during our office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 9:30 to 12:30
and Wednesday from 13:00 to 16:00
We look forward hearing from you!

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