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Integrated Slums Development Programme (ISDP)

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(* EST")LIS+#ET "D ,RO!T+ OF F"IS"L")"D
Faisalabad previously known as Lyallpur was established between 1895 and 1905 as a mandi or
market town as a part programme of colonization of the est !un"ab# $t was named after %ir &ames
Lyall' the then Lieutenant (overnor of the !un"ab# )he town was laid out by *aptain !epham +oung
in the form of a s,uare on an area of -5 hectares with room for e.tension on the northwest and
southwest# )he roads radiating from the center' which had a *lock )ower' resembled the /nion &ack#
$ndustry came to the town during the 19001s with the Lyallpur *otton 2ills 3completed in 190-4 being
the first ma"or unit followed by three other units during the same decade# 5fter $ndependence in 19-6
the town grew rapidly' initially due to the influ. of 2uslim refugees from $ndia and later due to
government policies that promoted industrialization and green revolution technologies# )oday
Faisalabad has become a sprawling' very rapidly e.panding city characterized by large un7serviced and
under7serviced areas 3slums and katchi abadis) where the vast ma"ority of the population resides in
poor living conditions# )he planned and well laid out low7density areas provide housing for the
government officials and staff and the city entrepreneurs# )he total Faisalabad 2unicipal *orporation
area is 18' 095 hectares#
1.1 Population In$rease
)he increase in the population of Faisalabad from 1901 to the 1998 census is given in the table71
T")LE -(. POP/L"TIO (0'(1(00(

Y e a r Population In$rease Over
Last Census
Per$entage ,ro2t%
over Last Census
,ro2t% Rate
Per "nnum
1901 9'161 7 7 7
1911 19'008 9'006 101#8 7
1981 80'109 -'188 81#6 7
1901 -8'988 19'689 85#58 7
19-1 99'900 86'008 98#98 7
1951 169'000 109'060 155#6 9#89
1991 -85'8-0 8-9'8-0 1-6#98 8#9
1968 880'0-- 098'10- 90#91 9#8
1981 1'808'000 -08'959 -9#90 -#9
1998 1'966'8-9 6-5'8-9 90#-9 0#5
Sour$e. (overnment of !akistan *ensus ;eports
(*& Reasons For ,ro2t%
From (0'( to (0&(
$n these two decades the population of Faisalabad increased from 9'161 to 80'109# )his increase was
due to the establishment of the city and its administrative structure# $n this period the flood plain was
brought under cultivation and in 1910 the railway was established to link the town with <arachi port#
From (0&( to (03(
=uring 1981 7 1901 the increase in population was due to an increase of about -0 per cent in the
production of wheat and almost 100 per cent in the production and e.port of cotton# >etween 1901
and 19-1 industries started to develop in Faisalabad and in this period three large cotton mills'
including the Lyallpur *otton 2ills' which was completed in 190-' were set up# Labour for these mills
was also imported from eastern !un"ab thus increasing the settler population#
)et2een (03( to (04(
$n the period between 19-1 and 1951 the population of Faisalabad increased by 155#6 per cent# )he
reason for this was an influ. of refugees from $ndia into the city# *amps for the incoming refugees
were set up near the city centre and these eventually became permanent settlements# 5lmost all these
settlements were on agricultural land# $n addition to the refugee influ.' anarchic conditions in the
countryside' as a result of the partition of >ritish $ndia' forced many people into the city#
$n the period from 1951 to 1991 the population again increased by 1-6#98 per cent# )his was because
of two reasons: one' Faisalabad was declared an industrial zone with a ta. holiday as an incentive for
investors# >ecause of this a large number of te.tile mills came into being# )wo' green revolution
technologies were introduced in the agricultural hinterland of Faisalabad# )his forced' and continued to
force' a large number of peasants off their land or re,uires that at least one member of the family of
small landowners works in the urban areas so that the household can be sustained#
)et2een (04( to (05(
=uring the 1991 7 1961 period Faisalabad increased at a rate of 9#8 per cent per year# ?atural growth
rate was about 0 per cent# 2igration into the city was the result of a demand in the international market
for cotton yarn# )o meet this demand small looms were installed all over the city and labour from the
rural areas moved in to operate them#
(05( on2ards
Faisalabad has continued to grow at a rate of 0#5 per cent per year# )his fall in the growth rate is due to
the fall both in the natural growth rate and the migration rate# )he rate of increase of industrial units
has fallen considerably and the disruption caused in the countryside by the introduction of green
revolution technologies in the 1990s' is stabilizing# $n addition' !akistan has over7produced both in
cotton te.tiles and in yarn and wheat is no longer an item of e.port#
5 mi.ed type of land use prevails in the city and it is obvious that very little planning control and@or
incentives in support of rational physical development are e.ercised# )he ma"or industrial and
commercial areas of city have been aligned along the trunk roads#
)here are three types of communities#
1# !lanned developments' which apparently accounted for 90A of the total city population#
8# %,uatter %ettlements@<atchi 5badis: houses developed in an unplanned
manner@makeshift on land illegally occupied by s,uatters#
0# %lums: developed on private land without municipal authorityBs approval#
)able78 describes the land use distribution in Faisalabad according to survey conducted in 1999#)he
total area within the new municipal boundaries is 18' 095 hectares# )he distribution of land in various
uses has changed since 1985 due to the e.tension in municipal limits#
T")LE -&. L"D1/SE DISTRI)/TIO6 (004
Land Use "rea (in +e$tares) 7
;esidential 5reaC 5908 -9#-9
*ommercial 5reaC 859 8#01
$ndustrial 5reaC 909 5#05
Dducational 5rea --1 0#95
Epen %pace 199 1#98
!ublic >uildings -69 0#9-
(raveyard 10- 0#89
5gricultural 5rea -15- 0-#--
2a"or ;oads 819 1#81
)otal 5rea 18095 100#00
C$ncludes minor roads and residential streets
8*( So$ial Stru$ture
)he biggest age group in the population of the city is up to 10 years is 00#9A# 2ore than 89A fall in
the age group of 11 to 18 years# )he working age group 318 to 90 years4 is about 00A# )he remaining
9#8A population is that of elderly people# 2ore than 5-A of the population is illiterate#
)he earning members are less and the dependent are more as only 89A of the total population is
working# )he ma"ority are businessmen and self7employed' followed by laborers and
government@private sector employees# $t indicates that due to industrial base ma.imum "ob
opportunities are in industrial and commercial sectors#
8*& E$onomi$ C%ara$teristi$s
5ccording to a recent survey covering household monthly income distribution in Faisalabad' it is
evident that about one third of the households fall in low7income groups 3below ;s# 0000@month4#
5bout another one third of the population belongs to non middle7income group 3;s# 0001750004#
5bout 15A households are in middle7income group' while nearly 18A belong to upper middle7income
group# %lightly more that 8A are in high7income group# )he average monthly household income is
appro.imately ;s# 5500# >ut according to poverty profile prepared by 5%> team in =ecember 8000
the household average monthly income in slums and <atchi 5badis is ;s# 850070000#
)able70 indicates socio economic attributes of the residents of a typical slums and <atchi 5badi as
representative of poverty stricken areas in Faisalabad:
Fouse hold %ize 8
5verage income per month ;s#850070000
orking hands per household
%killed labor 3in Aage terms4
%emi skilled@un7skilled labor
(ovt#@private employees
$n7house water supply
So$ial attributes.
Literacy rate male
Literacy rate female
3* EST")LIS+#ET and ,RO!T+ OF 9"TC+I ")"DIS and SL/#S
)he rapid spatial growth coupled with industrial growth of Faisalabad and green revolution attracted
the people from other parts of the country and from rural areas# )hus the practice of un7planned shanty
towns got started in the city' firstly around the ma"or industries and then on other areas specially on
state land and other lands belonging to the government organizations such as railway' 5u,af' $rrigation
departments etc# ith the passage of time these settlements became a prominent feature of the city#
)he socio7economic and physical condition of these <atchi 5badis was very poor# %tructures were
mostly katcha' very small' dilapidated@deteriorated and no sanitation system e.isted# )hese were
mostly located in low7lying areas' thus a nuisance not only to its own residents but also to the whole
city# )he life in these 5badis was miserable and the human beings were living in highly substandard
)he government of !akistan' realizing the gravity of problem' started various programmes to overcome
the shortage of urban housing# =uring the 2artial ;egime a 2artial Law Erder was passed in 1968 for
formalization and improvement of the s,uatter settlements' directing all the local authorities for its
implementation# Faisalabad =evelopment 5uthority 3F=54 initiated work on this pro"ect and
according to the survey conducted by F=5 in 1968G there were 00 <atchi 5badis# )he total area under
theses settlements is 596 acres# )hese settlements comprise 86888 housing units accommodating
185'900 souls#
5ccording to the decision of the democratic government' elected under the umbrella of 2artial Law
rule' there were 98 <atchi 5badis 3with the criteria of having -0 houses and less than -0 houses on 80
2arch 19854' in Faisalabad# )hese <atchi 5badis were surveyed having an area of about 065 acres and
comprising 50-0 housing units and accommodating about -8'680 people# Funds were provided to the
concerned departments e#g Faisalabad =evelopment 5uthority' in Faisalabad# )he work of physical
improvement like lying of sewers' brick paving of streets' electricity etc# was completed on top priority
basis# $n this way the living conditions of the residents of these settlements have improved reasonably
to the e.tent of e.isting physical environment*
$n addition to <atchi 5badis a survey was recently conducted by 5%> team and about 90 slums were
identified# )ese slums have come up due to rapid e.pansion of city limits and the owners of the
agricultural hinterlands subdivided their agriculture land into residential plots without the provision of
any public facility# )hese slums have appro.imately 8000 acres area and accommodating about 886'
685 souls#
5 meeting was held with the =irector Dstate 2anagement' F=5' Faisalabad and staff of 5%5 to
discuss the list of %lums and <atchi 5badis situated in Faisalabad# 5 fly visit of the Faisalabad city
was conducted and a list of %lums and <atchi 5badis was finalized 35nne.71@1 to 1@54# 2oreover' the
identified slums and katchi 5badis are demarcated on the city of Faisalabad#
4* #"9I, T+E CL/STERS OF SL/#S "D 9"TC+I ")"DIS
5%> team conducted preliminary rapid social and physical assessment of the %lums and <atchi
5badis# 2oreover' to get the first hand information' the following !;5 tools were used in the field:
)ransect walk of the area
$nformal $nterviews
(roup =iscussions
<ey $nformantsB $nterviews
Fome visits
%treet Level *ommunity 2eeting
!reparing !hysical and %ocial 2apping
5 sketch information of the rapid physical and social information collected from the sample %lums and
<atchi 5badis is given at 5nne.78#
)he following additional information has been collected:
!hysical 2apping
%ocial 2apping
=etailed 5rea !rofile
%ketch 2ap of the cluster of %lums@<atchi 5badis
=etailed street map of each street
!rofile of the respondents
)otal !opulation of the %lums
%e. *omposition
2ain Eccupation of the respondents
*ommunityBs illingness towards contribution for sewerage installation
;ecently under devolution plan 8000 the whole Faisalabad city was divided into 889 /nion
*ouncils@ards# )he limits@boundaries of these /nion *ouncils were earmarked on the map of
Faisalabad city# 5 rapid appraisal of the slums and <atchi 5badis was conducted by 5%> staff to
shortlist the slums and <atchi 5badis to include in the list where 5%> can intervene#
5%> package of sharing 100A cost by the community at street level is tough one# $t is difficult to
motivate the community and to remove the social' financial and physical barriers from their minds# $n
the last %i. +ears it is learned that 5%> should not fi. the areas for its intervention# $t raises the
e.pectations of the community and the community members start thinking that 5%> has some
compulsion to do work in their settlement#
<eeping in view the above e.periences and lessons learned following wards are selected for
intervention in future# as given below:
%r# H /nion *ouncil@ards ?o# ?ame of %ettlements
1# 199 5shraf 5bad' (housia 5bad' 2attoo !ura' (aden )own and
+akta 2arket
8# 196 (hazi 5bad H 1' <atchi 5badi *recent %ugar 2ills' (ahzi 5bad H
0# 198 Fa"i 5bad' Faider 5bad' %iddi,ue 5bad' (arden 2uhallah and
&aved !ark
-# 80- 5shraf !ura' Lu,man 5bad' =ata !ark
5# 815 %harif !ura' ;asool ?agar and *hibban
9# 816 Farro, 5bad and ;oza !ark
6# 806 Feroze %hah' >usti 5llahu ali
8# 808 Dlahi 5bad
9# 85- Faroo, 5bad' 2urad *olony' %ohail 5bad' %indhu )own' 5bad
2ehr =in etc#
10# 859 2asood 5bad' 2anan )own and 2uzaffar *olony
11# 898 5ltaf (un"' Firdouse *olony' >usti Dssian &hang ;oad' 5yub
*lony etc#
18# 895 !urtab ?agar' !un" !ir &hang ;oad
10# 860 Famid !ark' Latif !ark' ?asrat *olony' %aif 5bad
1-# 861 &amil !ark' (ul ;ahim )own' >adar *olony
15# 860 >ismillah !ark' %ana !ark
19# 880 5zam 5bad' (ulzar *olony' 2adina 5bad' *hak H 869@;>
<hurd' >ilal !ark' %iddi,ue 5kbar )own and ?awaz !ark
16# 889 2unir 5bad' $lyas !ark' <amal 5bad' 5fghan 5bad H 8' ;ehman
!ura' 5li )own' ?adi town' Iulif,ar *olony
5%> )eam is adopting the following steps for social mobilization and undertaking the physical
infrastructure works:

1# $dentification of %lums@<atchi 5badis
!reparing the list of %lums@<atchi 5badis
*ollection of *ity 2ap and discussion Faisalabad =evelopment 5uthority 3F=54 5%5 and other agencies
Fly visit of the city for orientation
!lotting@2arking the %lums@<atchi 5badis on the city map
Jerification of %lums@<atchi 5badis on the ground
2aking clusters of %lums@<atchi 5badis
;apid 5ppraisal of the clusters for short7listing of possible clusters to include in survey
8# !reliminary ;apid !hysical 5ssessment of the 5rea@*luster
0# !reliminary %ocial and !hysical 5ssessment of individual %lum@<atchi 5badi
-# !reparing !hysical and %ocial 2apping of the $ndividual settlement
5# !reparing Location@<ey 2ap of the *luster
9# !reparing 5rea !rofiles
6# !reparing =etailed !rofile of each %treet
?ame of area
)otal H of streets
)otal area in acres
)otal !opulation
=etail of each %treet
%treet H
%treet length and width
)ype of %treet pavement
?E# Ef houses
?E# Ef shops
?E# Ef Jacant !lots
?E# Ef power7looms
)ype of !ublic buildings in the street
)otal !opulation of the street
%e. *omposition
%tatus of drainage@sewerage in the street 3running' blocked and choked etc#4
5ctivists in the street
5ny *>E in the settlement
!ast initiatives of the *>E
illingness of the community for the development of the area
!reparation of street level map
*ommunity =ialogues
Jisits of houses
$nformal discussion with community 3both male Kfemale4 members
$ntroduction of the 5%>7approach' components and ob"ectives
2ethods or )erms of !artnership
=iscussion about the past communityBs self7help initiatives
!robing about the area development
8# !reparing the $nfrastructure 2ap of the 5rea
%treet !attern
=irection of flow of %ewers@=rains
ho paid for the drains@sewers
)ype of %treet !avement
ho paid for street pavement
%econdary@!rimary source of sewerage
2issing links of %econdary@!rimary system
?earest disposal point 3main sewer line' drain@nullah' disposal works or pumping station etc#4
9# !reparing the poverty profile of the settlement
10# =iscussion with 5%5 for !rimary@%econdary Level networking of services in the area
11# !reparing the =esign and *ost Dstimates for tertiary %ewers@ater %upply Lines
18# Erganizing the community meeting for discussion on the !rimary@%econdary and tertiary Level
10# !reparation of !*71 by 5%5 for primary@secondary sewers@water supply lines
1-# Finalization of the design and cost estimates of trunk sewers@water supply lines
15# !reparing and signing of 2emorandum of /nderstanding between 5%>'5%5 and *>Es
19# Lobbying with =istrict =evelopment *ommittee for funding of primary@secondary lines from
<hush7hal !akistan !rogramme or any other source
16# 5pproval of !*71 and allocation of funds for primary@secondary sewers@water supply lines
18# )endering and award of work to contractors by 5%5
19# D.ecution of primary@secondary level work by the contractors under the supervision of 5%5
80# *ommunity 2obilization *ampaign for tertiary level sewers@water supply lines by using !;5 tools
)ransect walk 3walk and talk4 of the area
$nformal interviews
<ey informantsB interview
Fome visits
*ommunity meetings at street level
$dentification of community activists
D.change@D.posure visits of other pro"ects e.ecuted by 5%> for the community activists
(eneral *ommunity 2eeting
Formation of lane level organizations
$dentification and selection of Lane managers
!reparing the baseline information of each street
=iscussion with community and prioritization of the sewers@water supply facility
!reparing the street level sewerage@water supply plan and design
!reparing and discussion on cost estimates
*alculating the share of each house
=evelopment of )erms of !artnership 3)E!s4 for 5%>' 5%5 and the community
*ollection of shares from individual houses by the lane managers
)raining of masons and@or labourers about low7cost@appropriate sewers
!urchase of construction material
D.ecution of work at site
%upervision of work by lane organization@lane manager and monitoring as well as technical
assistance by 5%> !reparation of completion report for the work e.ecuted at site
!resentation of completion report in front of lane organization members by the lane manager
Epening *eremony of lane sewer and@or connecting the lane sewer to !rimary@%econdary system
81# Eperation and 2aintenance of the services by the community
88# $mpact 5ssessment by 5%>
List O? 9at$i "badis
3;ecognized in 19684
%r# ?ame of <atchi 5badi ?E# of ?o# of
5cres <anals 2arlas
1# ?oor !ur chak ?o# 188@&> 099 558 10 5 9
8# *hibban ;oad *hak ?E# 806@;> 800 019 88 0 8
0# $slam ?agar *hak ?E# 818@;> 8-00 0000 10 8 11
-# >awaywala *hak ?E# 180@&> 108 108 10 8 10
5# <ashmir ;oad *hak ?E# 800@;> 800 868 18 - 0
9# 2anawala *hak ?EL 800@;> 698 880 89 9 0
6# Eld ater orks *hak ?E# 18-@&> 116 1-6 0 0 0
8# 2ai7=i7&huggi *hak ?E# 188@&> 8986 0685 60 1 18
9# 2alik !ur *hak ?E# 800@;> 11- 188 11 1 10
10# Mudrat 5bad *hak ?E# 18-@&> 001 001 0 5 0
11# <anak >usti 3%yed 5bad4 *hak ?E# 18-@&> 809 809 89 0 19
18# %atiana ;oad *hak ?E# 810@;> -85 595 19 6 18
10# Fateh 5bad *hak ?E# 88-@;> 1100 1019 10 5 0
1-# Factory 5rea *"hak ?E# 818@;> 9990 9990 109 1 19
15# Eld ;ailway Line *hak ?E# 180@;> 559 9-8 19 5 11
19# (#)#%# %riwala =istributary *hak ?E# 818@;> 800 805 10 9 0
16# ;ailway Muarters *hak ?E# 818@;> 805 005 10 9 0
18# )oayian ali %tiana ;oad *hak ?E# 88-@;> 11- 115 0 9 0
19# ;ailway Fead ater orks *hak ?E# 818@;> 858 890 - 0 0
80# (rain Dlevator *hak ?E# 818@;> 158 188 0 0 16
81# ?arwala ;oad =isposal orks *hak ?E#
115 189 1 8 18
88# 2adanpura %laughter Fouse *hak ?E# 898@;> 055 055 0 1 -
80# Eld Jegetable 2arket *hak ?E# 818@;> 161 199 1 6 8
8-# ?arwala ;oad *hak ?E# 18-@&> 90 180 - - 9
85# >aba ;amzan %hah *hka ?E# 88-@;> 18 18 8 0 16
89# 5li !ur *hak ?E# 88-@;> 098 -06 11 0 5
86# >ole7di7&huggi 99- 99- 80 6 5
88# 2#*# 2arket &hang ;oad 1905 1905 0 9 0
89# =7)ype <orian 185 189 0 8 0
00# ;efhan 2ills *hak ?E# 810@;> 86 86 1 8 0
01# (urunanak !ura 18 18 8 8 19
08# *hak ?E# 869@;> <hurd 60 68 11 8 19
00# (okhuwal -6 58 11 8 5
List o? 9at$%i "badis
3=eclared 5ccording to 1985 *riteria)
?ame of Katchi Abadis
?o# Ef
@ %urvey
!opulation 5rea
<anal 2arla %F)
I* Katchi Abadis $mproved
1# 2andar %eeta ;am *hak ?o# 818@;> 50 850 1 18 0
8# >asti Dssian ?o# 8 850 1'155 5- 0 0
0# (u"ar >asti 186 1'188 05 8 0
-# (urunanikpura 58 018 8 0 0
5# !artab ?agar 908 0'888 90 9 0
9# (aushalla 000 1'800 18 8 0
6# 2urrian 0-1 8'0-9 08 8 0
8# ;afi,abad near !remier 2ills 1-- 980 19 1- 0
9# ?ear !remier 2ills -6- 8'060 81 9 0
10# ;isale ala ?o# 18 800 1'800 8- 0 0
11# >asti Dssian' &hang ;oad 85 510
18# !un" !ir' &hang ;oad -0 8-9
10# ?asirabad' &hang ;oad 90 5-0
1-# *hak ?o# 869@;>' %,# ?o# 16 K 18 888 5'888 891 18 0
15# %her %ingwala <alan 181 689 58 0 0
19# %her %ingwala <hurd 60 -80 10 0 0
16# &udgwala 80- 1'-0- 85 9 0
18# <ookianwala -0 858 5 10 0
19# *hak ?o# 869@;> <hurd 60 -08
80# ?ear 5#>#*# *inema -1 880 - 0 0
81# ?adir <han ali 869@;> 885 1'610
88# ;ehmanpura near 5#>#*# *inema 51 855
80# 2adanpura near %laughter Fouse
8-# 2adanpura 3%t# ?o# 64 158 918 15 9 0
85# +ang ala near 5gri# /niversity 198 90- 0- 8 0
89# ?asirabad@5kbarabad N $ 899 1'599 09 8 0
86# (ole >hatta@Fish Farm -1- 8'-8- -1 0 0
88# Faizabad near (raveyard 69 -50 10 0 0
89# (anda ?ala 088 1'910 08 19 0
00# *hur 2a"ra with <onnawali (ali N $ 888 -'500 90 0 0
01# *hur 2a"ra with <onnawali (ali N $$ -6 898 9 0 0
08# <ashir ;oad near !unnu *howk 55 000 85 0 0
00# ?ew $slamnagar 109 000 8- 0
0-# >aselines $slamnagar 811 1'899 08 18
05# >ole7di7&huggi 89 519 81 11
09# )a" *olony 11- 590 19 5
06# 2ai7di7&huggi 6- 000 0 9
08# ?oorpur N $$ 118 618 -- 0
09# (okhuwal 2illat ;oad 899 1'669 86 8 0
-0# ?ear *rescent %ugar 2ills 868 1'500 80 9 9
-1# Faroo,abad near 2ansoorabad 111 999 1- 16 5
-8# aheed !ark 50 018 9 0 5
-0# ;ailway !ul )ari, 5bad $ and $$ -08 8'0-0 - 10 0
--# Epposite 2uslim Figh %chool
-1 8-9 5 8 0
-5# %arwala =istributory 000 1'500 -6 9 0
-9# Fussainabad 160 1'000
-6# %haheenabad $ K $$ near ;ailway
110 990 8- 0 0
-8# %aad >ela 198 810 80 18 0
-9# <ohinoor Flats 50 018 8- 5 0
50# >ahadar %inghwala 90 560 8 10 0
51# >ishan %inghwala -0 8-0
58# %hamash ?agar 90 068 16 18 0
50# Disa ?agri 9- 08- 18 9 0
5-# 2askeenabad near Eld ;ailway Line 189 609 89 10 0
55# ;asool ?agar 858 1'850 0 9 0
59# /smanabad 80 -80 19 0 8
56# %uhailabad -8 858 8 18 0
58# (anda %inghwala near >atala *olony 90 560 81 19 0
59# ?ew <ausarabad near !eoples *olony 66 990 6 18 0
90# ?ear %iddi,ue )e.tile 2ills -0 800 9 0
91# ;ailway *rossing N 8 858 1'908 09 0 0
98# (haribad (odown ?o# $$ 99 099 8- 0 0
90# ;ailway *rossing7$$ =i"kot ;oad 55 000 0
9-# Eld *entral &ail 90-
95# ?ear ;ailway - 15 0
99# *howk *houdhry Flour 2ills 9- 09- 58 16 0
96# <ausar 5bad near &hang ;oad 19- 98- - 0 0
98# 2ananwala %,# ?o# 80 180 1'-80 0
99# )alabwali 190 1'1-0
$$ Katchi abadis with less than -0 units
60# ;ailway ;est Fouse 5
61# ;ailway Muarters ?ear 2os,ue 88
68# (inash Flour 2ills ;oad 818@;> 89
60# 5yub *olony 18
6-# Epposite *ivil Fospital 16
65# ;ailway *olony near &anbaz Force 88
69# 2illat ;oad attached %argodha ;oad 18
66# &amia *hishtia 1
68# ?ear >ahari *olony 5
69# ?ear eaver *olony 15
80# ?ear ;ace *ourse $slamnagar 00
81# 5wami *olony 09
88# Farid *ourt 89
80# 2ansoorabad near (raveyard 81
8-# ;ailway (ate ?o# 9 Lal 2ills *howk 00
85# $lyas !ark
89# ?ear 2unicipal =egree *ollege 89
86# Farcharnpura 08
III Katchi Abadis (falling in e.tended municipal limits unimproved)
88# *hangar 2ohallah@Fimmat !ura
3&aranwala ;oad4
7 110 0
89# =hup %ari 3%argodha ;oad4 95 80 11 0
90# *hak ?o#6@&> 3%argodha ;oad4 1'990 598 0 0
91# 2arzi !ura 3?arwala ;oad4 -00 89 - 0
98# ;asool ?agar 3&aranwala ;oad4 858 9- 11 0
Sour$e. =irectorate of Dstate 2anagement' F=5' Faisalabad#
List O? Slums (/</nder1Servi$ed "reas) On Private Land
%r# H ?ame of 5rea Fousing /nits 5rea 5cres
1# >hatta *olony %argodha ;oad 100 10
8# *hak ?o# 6@&> !un"warh 8'000 65
0# Fussain 5bad En 2illat ;oad 000 85
-# Faider 5bad near &ohar *olony 000 15
5# Lu,man 5bad %anat %ing ;oad 800 85
9# =astgir *olony near 2uhammad <han )own 850 00
6# &amil )own near Faiz 5bad 000 85
8# 2adina 5bad near *hotee 69 600 50
9# %hadab *olony &hang ;oad 0'000 165
10# &amil !ark near <ookianwala 600 50
11# ?usrat *olony near Latif !ark -00 18
18# Fareed )own &hang ;oad 500 00
10# %aifabad near Ectri !ost &hang ;oad 1'800 50
1-# 5ltaf (an" &hang ;oad 500 00
15# 2uzaffar *olony ?awabanwala 500 50
19# 2asoodabad ?awabanwala 900 -0
16# 2inan )own ?awabanwala -00 50
18# %ohailabad near $ron 2arket 160 85
19# %indhu )own 3old chak4 %ummandry ;oad 800 00
80# (ousia 5bad *hak ?o# 88-@;#> -00 65
81# azir <han ali 32ohallah ?isar 5bad4 950 180
88# >arkat !ura -00 50
80# =awood ?agar near *hurch 800 85
8-# 5hmad 5bad near <areem !ark 850 50
85# ?oor !ur 3=huddi ala4 050 50
89# Fussan !ura &aranwala ;oad 8'500 100
86# %mall =huddiwala 960 85
88# Fimmat !ura@*hangar 2ohallah 600 06
89# ;aza 5bad 8000 100
00# 5zam 5bad 1160 00
01# (ulzar *olony 688 85
08# $lyas !ark 5-0 19
00# <amal 5bad 050 18
0-# %iddi,ue 5bad 000 18
05# ;ahim (ul )own 800 6
09# Latif !ark 500 05
06# Firdouse *olony 000 18
08# 5yub *olony 1000 91
09# ;ari @&adeed <orian 150 0#5
-0# <orian *hak 880@;> 106 -#9
-1# aris !ura 800 89
-8# &handa !eer *olony 150 5#85
-0# Feroze %hah 600 86#5
--# 5lah 5bad 500 86#65
-5# 5min !ark 950 89
-9# Dlahi 5bad 1500 06#5
-6# >ara =hudi ala 59- 05#65
-8# %harif !ura 500 10#85
50# >agban !ura -00 19
51# ;ehmat 5bad 1510 00
58# Fa"i 5bad 1065 16
50# ?awaz !ark
5-# 2unir 5bad
55# 2urad *olony 085 18#5
For ?urt%er in?ormation please $onta$t.
"n@uman Sama@i )e%bood ("S)) Faisalabad

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