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DRAFT Executive Leadership and Change

Continuity of Teaching and Learning (revised 201!

Course" LEAF 501
Facu#ty" John Frederick, Kim Pagano
$revious C#ass" LEAF500 Organizational Leadership and Sel!"e#elopment
Fo##o%ing C#ass" LEAF50$ Leadership and Organizational Ethics, %al&es and Social
"e'ono, E(, )1***+( Six Thinking Hats( ,e- .ork( Little, 'ro-n and /ompan0(
1S',2 *34 0516134510
/reati#it0 7n8o&nd, $011, 5th Edition
A#aila8le rom ! 'lair 9iller : Associates ! E#anston, 1llinois
Facilitation A "oor to /reati#e Leadership
A#aila8le rom ! 'lair 9iller : Associates ! E#anston, 1llinois
Optional <eadings2
OConnor, J. & McDermott, I., (1997). The Art of Systems Thinking: Essential Skills for
Creativity and Problem Solving. San Francisco. Thorsons.
Pccio, J.!. Mr"oc#, M.C, Mance, M. ($%11). Creative Leadership: Skills That Drive Change
$n" &"ition. Thosan" Oa#s, Ca. Sa'e P()ications, Inc.
&ideo 'ntegration" ((ouTu)e* TedTa#+s* ,ovies!
Experientia# Activities"
Facilitation La8
/onnection o s0stems thinking to creati#e pro8lem sol#ing and leadership(
Practice di#ergent and con#ergent thinking skills in and o&t o class
Fo&rSight = pro8lem sol#ing preerence )/lariier, 1deator, "e#eloper or 1mplementer+
KA1 Adaptor or 1nno#ator = Kirton
/limate or 1nno#ation at -ork )Ek#all+
>r&e /olors )-hen time allo-s+
Learning .)/ectives" As a result of this course our ELC students will be able to:
"isting&ish dierent thinking approaches )6 ?ats, "i#ergent@/on#ergent+ and appl0
them to pro8lem sol#ing and decision making(
Anal0ze and appl0 the Fo&rsight model o /reati#e Pro8lem Sol#ing in task appropriate
Appl0 sel!assessment data on st0le o creati#it0 )KA1+ and pro8lem sol#ing preerence
)Fo&rsight+ to anal0ze and e#al&ate their role in pro8lem sol#ing and decision making
7nderstand the importance o organizational climate or inno#ation and design an
impro#ement plan or their -orkplace(
Facilitate a di#ergent and con#ergent thinking session = in class and at -ork, home or in
the comm&nit0(
0y##a)us .)/ectives"
>o introd&ce a rame-ork or &nderstanding the &ndamental aspects o
dierentiated creati#e and critical thinking
>o stim&late the creati#e pro8lem sol#ing potential o st&dents
>o assist in the personal &nderstanding o the 8asic philosoph0, thinking skills
and techniA&es o /reati#e Pro8lem Sol#ing )/PS+
>o pro#ide practice in order to increase conidence -hen &sing creati#e and
critical thinking as eecti#e leadership, research and pro8lem sol#ing tools
>o gain hands!on eBperience -ith each o the maCor roles o a /PS session
>o eecti#el0 identi0 and manage di#ersit0 o thinking and learning st0les in
0o&rsel and others
>o identi0 -a0s in -hich creati#e and critical thinking and pro8lem sol#ing can
8e transerred into organizations at all le#elsD
7nderstand ho- A&alitati#e and A&antitati#e methods assist in decision making
and pro8lem sol#ing(
1ey $oints fro- Texts" 2EED0 3$DATE
1mportance o Parallel )6 ?ats+ or 'alanced )"i#ergent and /on#ergent+
Leadership and /reati#e Pro8lem Sol#ing or positi#e /hange(
Os8orn Parnes /PS = reorm&lated to incl&de /lariication, >ransormation and
1mplementation as components -ithin the /PS process( Each contains an
EBploring and Form&lating acti#it0( All acti#ities &tilize di#ergent and
con#ergent thinking(
/reati#e leadership reA&ires tapping cogniti#e and aecti#e thinking skills(
Skills o acilitation as a leadership &nction(
Fo&r P model o creati#it0 ) Person, Process, Prod&ct, Press@en#ironment+
7tilizing airmati#e C&dgment tools to e#al&ate an action and take ideas that are
not &ll0 ormed to a le#el in -hich the0 ma0 8e &rther de#eloped and@or
Ena8ling st&dents to take a glo8al #ie- o a person, action, or challenge to
o8ser#e i rom #ario&s points o #ie-(
2otes" Ke0 take a-a0 = 1mportance o deerring or s&spending C&dgment and ha#ing a
process and approach to get 0o&r 8est thinking and the 8est rom 0o& colla8orators(
ELC students commit their resources (time, tuition, oenness to learning! in order to be
effecti"e in al#ing their leadershi, and ro"ide a ositi"e difference in their organi$ations,
communities, work grous and families%
4o% does %hat you teach in LEAF 501 contri)ute to the a)ove6
LEAF 501 pro#ides st&dents -ith a Etool 8oBF o reso&rces that can instantaneo&sl0 8e
&sed in their personal and proessional li#es( From airmati#e C&dgment tools to
&nderstanding the Ladder o 1nerence as -ell em8racing that the0 are creati#e pro8lem
sol#ersD st&dents are a8le to &tilize -hat the0 learn in the classroom and immediatel0
share and &tilize -hat the0 ha#e learned( >he Spring LEAF 501 8lack 8oard disc&ssions
are &ll o eBamples o st&dents &sing their ne-l0 acA&ired skills and tools and
enlightening others -ith -hat the0 ha#e learned res&lting positi#e o&tcomes in each

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