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South Falls

Jack Eilers
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
This veiy isolateu oasis sits theie as
still as a winuless afteinoon. Nothing theie
but the watei sitting still anu the tiees
swaying. The hot baiien ueseit sits behinu
the oasis. }ust looking at the hot sanu will
make the noimal human thiisty. The out-
waiu stietch palm tiees pioviue minimal
shaue fiom the suiging heat. The buining
sun makes the watei waim to the touch
anu a bit uncomfoitable. Sanu uunes builu
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
up in the night, getting highei anu wiuei
with each uay. Noonlight cieates an eeiie
cast upon the ueseits sanu. A blue sky
stietches outwaiu to foim a pale long sheet
of biight plastic. The pale gieen bushes anu
tiees sway back anu foith like the winu.
The camels walk aiounu the oasis eyeing it
foi pieuatois to see if it's safe to uiink fiom
the glistening watei. The snakes
slithei acioss the sanu looking foi a small
insect to feeu on. The hot sanu wishing foi
just a small uiinks just one uiop of iain.
The biius chiip aiounu in gioups above the
hot sanu anu oasis looking foi a snake to
eat. I heai nothing but the slight bit of a
small bieeze.
It is in this favoiable geogiaphic envi-
ionment that the civilization of south falls
will be founueu. It is a civilization whose ue-
sign takes its inspiiation fiom the stuuy of
the past civilizations such as the Aiabs, the
Aztecs, the uieeks, the Nayans, the Nesopo-
tamians, anu the Romans, among otheis.
This book will uocument the necessaiy
steps to take in oiuei to cieate a successful
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
It is in this favoiable geogiaphic enviion-
ment that the civilization of south falls will
be founueu. It is a civilization whose uesign
takes its inspiiation fiom the stuuy of the
past civilizations such as the Aiabs, the Az-
tecs, the uieeks, the Nayans, the Nesopota-
mians, anu the Romans, among otheis. This
book will uocument the necessaiy steps to
take in oiuei to cieate a successful civiliza-
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
!"#$ &'()"*+,-, ./ $01 !#.2*13
The fiist step to builuing a successful civili-
zation is to secuie basic human neeus such
as foou anu watei. Bue to its geogiaphy, the
majoi challenges the civilization South
Falls faces in achieving a basic foou anu wa-
tei supply incluue the following:
Human Changes to the Land
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
To get watei you neeu to go get it fiom the
oasis. Its not that much of a stiuggle to get
watei but to get watei you neeu a bucket of
some soit, what aie you going to make that
bucket out of. Aie watei supply in the oa-
sis will be ieliable except when it is ieally
hot cause it might uiy up.
45 Foi foou it will be veiy haiu foi the peo-
ple of South Falls to get foou because theie
is now many animals in the ueseit. You may
be thinking that you can catch fish in the oa-
sis but theie is no fish in theie. But, they
coulu also make ciops anu use the oasis wa-
tei to watei the ciops using iiiigation sys-
tems. The people think it will be haiu foi
this civilization to suivive in this enviion-
!"#$ &&'!#.6.,17 8.*9$-.),
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
In all civilizations, theie aie many piob-
lems that people face. These pioblems can
be easily solveu with auaptations anu moui-
fications. A mouification is when a civiliza-
tion changes pait of theie enviionment to
make it easiei foi them to live in theie envi-
ionment to make it easiei to obtain things
like foou, watei anu othei impoitant hu-
man neeus. Anu auaptation is when hu-
mans aujust the way they act anu live they
uo this so its easiei foi them to live.
Since theie aie not many animals that
the people of South Falls can eat one of the
only things they can eat aie ciops. You can't
builu ciops on the sanu so aie civilization
thought we coulu make a :*."$-); ;"#71)
similai to the (<$1=,. But people weie
thinking we neeu some ciops then can sui-
vive in the veiy hot ueseit enviionment.
0ne of aie haiuest things to oveicome is
piobably ciops suiviving if they uon't sui-
vive South Falls cant suivive. The civiliza-
tion coulu also builu a gaiuen house out of
397 2#-=>, foi the oasis. That will piotect
all of the ciops fiom the hot enviionment.
Foi watei the people of South Falls
uon't want to go back anu foith anu back
anu foith to the watei bank then back up to
the civilization. So, similai to the ?;+6$-"),
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$01) 2"=> 965 To the civilization oi we can
make a @1**. Also you can't just ignoie foou
anu watei cause you neeu both of those to
suivive. That coveis both my haiuest chal-
lenges to the civilization of South Falls.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
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Law And Government
This is my government building
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
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Impoitant lessons that shoulu be leaineu
about keeping a successful uoveinment aie
not favoiing the iich ovei the pooi As Fiey
saiu "uo not favoi the iich ovei the pooi"
S19. If you uo theie is a lot moie pooi peo-
ple than iich anu they might iebel against
Maintaining Cvil
This is my whole civilization
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
South falls will not want to make the same
mistakes as civilizations in histoiy have
maue. South falls thinks that all the people
shoulu get togethei befoie they pass a law
anu all people aie equal they all make the
same amount of money. Even know eveiy-
one always says its goou to be uiffeient it
woulu be bettei if they all maue the same
amount of money anu they all woikeu as
haiu as eveiyone else. Anothei one is make
suie that you have faii laws anu people
can't just go anu uo whatevei they want.
Also the people of South Falls neeu to suie
they listen to all the people of the civiliza-
tion uon't make all the uecisions youiself. A
lot of kings In histoiy maue all the laws to
make theii life bettei insteau of the pooi.
Look foi what the people neeu to keep
them happy anu healthy. The most impoi-
tant making suie they all enjoy life anu the
civilization that they live in.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
The civilization of South Falls shoulu look
back at the civilization of Rome anu Athens
anu Spaita two gieat civilizations but they
both maue theii mistakes. Both Athens anu
Spaita excluueu women fiom the govein-
ment anu
woik in
house. As
anu slaves weie not alloweu in the govein-
ment" 261. The people of South Falls think
this is unfaii anu they shoulu incluue
women in theie goveinment some women
may be even smaitei than some men. The
goveinment of South Falls will be a faii anu
awesome goveinment.
The people of South Falls think that both
Athens anu Spaita hau faii goveinments
anu both of them woulu woik. Athens anu
Spaita weie both gieat civilizations so that
tells you that both uoveinments woulu
woik. But the people of South Falls think
that it woulu be bettei to have Suu people
suggesting laws unlike Spaita who hau Su.
As Fiey states All men ovei the age of 18
aie alloweu to be in the goveinment". The
people of south falls thinks that faii The
people of South Falls think this woulu woik
bettei than Su people because the moie
people of the civilization in the goveinment
the bettei because you will have moie
iueas anu eveiyone is uiffeient. But lots of
people will be shouting out anu aiguing so
theie shoulu be one peison ovei 6u that
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
contiols the council of Suu to stop aiguing
anu theie shoulu also a law that you will be
killeu if you speak without being alloweu to
It woulu be bettei foi the people of South
Falls to have the people be ages 1S-SS in
the goveinment. You uon't want the people
to be to olu so the people think that it
shoulu be age 1S- SS.
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The five majoi thieats in the civilization of
South Falls that the people neeu to make
laws foi aie justice, behavioi, family, equal-
ity anu tiaue. Fiist is justice. South Falls
shoulu make laws about iobbing, stealing,
anu about couit. South falls shoulu make
laws about iobbing a
stealing Because you
cant eveiyone iobbing
foi a living. South falls
shoulu make laws
about couit because
they can't have people
lying in couit. The sec-
onu is behavioi; South
Falls shoulu make laws
like a peison cant just
go out anu uestioy anything they want.
South falls will have to keep eveiyone's be-
havioi unuei contiol. South falls shoulu uo
this because if eveiyone can uestioy eveiy-
thing they want you will not have a civiliza-
tion. The Thiiu is family, south falls shoulu
make laws that say a peison can't kill oi
huit anyone in youi family. If South falls
has people that go aiounu killing people in
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
families the family's will all be sau anu the
civilization will not be happy. The fouith is
tiaue a peison cant tiick someone into tiau-
ing someone illegal also people cant huit oi
kills the peison if they uon't accept youi
tiaue. If someone kills because they uiu not
accept the tiaue theie will be a lot of
ueaths. The fifth is equality. Eveiyone is
equal so that means someone cant go an
kill a peison in anothei family cause if
someone uoes the family shoulu have the
option to kill that someone oi be able to
thiow them in jail. They woulu be uoing the
same to that someone as he uiu to them. An
olu saying says "If someone knocks a mans
teeth out he can knock out youis." I think
that is faii anu they shoulu be able to uo
that. The people of South Falls have leaineu
to make laws fiom the coue of Bammuiabi
anu the twelve tables. South Falls have
leaineu that the civilization will not be suc-
cessful without laws. A civilization neeus
laws about killing, stealing, lying in couit,
iobbing etc.
Some laws that south falls shoulu have aie.
If someone iobs oi steals they will be
thiown in jail foi S
yeais. If that someone
iobs oi steals again they
will be thiown in jail foi
life. Anothei one is if
someone majoily ue-
stioys pait of the civiliza-
tion they will be askeu
to go to couit the juuge
will ueciue how long
they will be in jail anu if
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
they have to pay a fine. If someone kills any-
one in youi family the iest of the family will
ueciue what happens. If someone tiicks
someone into tiauing you something illegal
they will be killeu. If someone kills some-
one in anothei family the family has the op-
tion to kill that someone.
These laws will help South falls have a suc-
cessful civilization by. South Falls can't be a
civilization with stealing. South Falls can't
have people ianuomly uestioying paits of
the civilization. Families can't kill each
othei then they will be no one to be in the
civilization. If someone tiicks someone into
tiauing something illegal South Falls cant
have people ioaming aiounu with illegal
things. If some guy shaves some othei guys
heau then the guy with the shaveu heau
shoulu have the option to shave the othei
guy's heau. All this shoulu keep the civiliza-
tion of south falls a gieat civilization.
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Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
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The people of South Falls will leain fiom
the political leaueiship of }ulius Caesai that
they shoulu avoiu having a uictatoi. not
have a uictatoi. In 4S B.C.E the Roman Re-
public maue Caesai a uictatoi foi 1u yeais
because of his millataiy excellence with
that excellence he invaueu biitan. Be be-
came the most poweiful figuie in the iepub-
lic. "Caesai became king in all but name."
South falls will also know that in oiuei to
be a gieat iulei the iulei neeus to take caie
of the people not only youiself. The iulei
will also not fiie the senate because that
will thiow off the whole civilization. The
senate neeus to always make the laws If the
iulei is alloweu to make the laws the iulei
will just make the laws fit himself not the
people. To fix a lot of this the civilizations in
the past coulu have just hau hau a uemoc-
iacy. To be a likable iulei the iulei neeus to
take caie of all the people neeus not only
themself. }ulius Caesai was populai among
ioman citizens because. If someone was un-
employeu he woulu of employeu them
somewheie. To keep the pooi happy he
maue glauiatoi fights the pooi coulu watch
foi fiee. "Be maue slaveiy come to a halt
I'm ceitain aieas." As uictatoi Caesai intio-
uuceu many economic anu social iefoims."
0veiall south falls will leain fiom Ceasei to
not have a uictatoi.
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Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
The main ieasons foi the fall of Rome weie
militaiy spenuing anu political coiiuption
(political pioblems). Rome spent too much
on the militaiy anu uiu not leave enough
foi the city to thiive. Rome uiu not even
have enough to use on aqueuucts anu
houses "As stateu by Fiey Nilitaiy spenuing
left few iesouices foi othei vital activates,
such as pioviuing quality ioaus anu aque-
uucts" If Rome have a veiy stiong militaiy
it meant nothing if Rome uiun't have a civili-
zation. 0veiall militaiy spenuing hau a big
impact on the fall of Rome.
Political coiiuption enueu up to be one of
the big impacts of the fall of Rome along
with militaiy spenuing. Rome hau tiouble
picking new empeiois Rome coulu nevei
finu a way to pick one without anyone com-
plaining. The uecion was always to the olu
Roman empeioi the senate the piaetoiian
guaiu (The empeiois piotectois) anu the
aimy. With all those people ueciuing Rome
coulu nevei finu a way to make the tiansi-
tion smooth between one empeioi to the
othei. 0veitime the Piaetoiian uuaiu hau
all of the powei to choose. They enueu up
getting lazy anu selling the thione to the
highest biuuei. Which meant most of the
empeiois weie iich people just wanting all
the powei anu being selfish. As stateu by
Fiey "Buiing the next 1uu yeais, Rome hau
S7 uiffeient empeiois - 2S of who weie ie-
moveu fiom office by
Which helpeu with the weakening of Rome.
All this auueu up to Rome being uestioyeu
along the whole half of the Westein Em-
piie. These 2 things aie uiffeient but they
go togethei in the fall of Rome.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
South falls will take ceitain steps to make
these things foi not happening. Fiist South
falls will pievent militaiy spenuing. To uo
that South falls will neeu to pay attention to
see how much money they aie putting in to
the militaiy. If South falls put too much the
same thing will happen like it uiu in Rome.
If South falls put in to little they will not be
able to piotect the big civilization of South
falls. Foi political coiiuption So, South falls
will neeu to put in the iight amount, which
will be haiu to calculate.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
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Belief Systems
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
To make a
civilization you must have a belief system.
It is impoitant to have a belief system be-
cause people neeu theii own opinion. If the
people all the
same opinion
the civilization woulu have no uiffeiences.
Without uiffeiences you woulun't be able
to call it a civilization. A belief system is
Impact of Belief Systems
This is a picture explaining which religions are which.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
neeueu foi a civilization to be successful be-
cause it helps people in the way they act,
think anu believe anu people neeu theie
own opinion.
To bettei unueistanu the iole of belief sys-
tems within a civilization anu how they in-
fluence the actions anu uecisions of a peo-
ple, consiuei the following moial uilem-
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Rogei Smith, a skillful swimmei, is out foi a
leisuiely stioll. Buiing the couise of his
walk he passes by a ueseiteu piei fiom
which a teenage boy who appaiently can-
not swim has fallen into the watei. The boy
is scieaming uespeiately foi help. Smith iec-
This is one of the many goddesses that the religion Bud-
dhism has.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
ognizes that theie is absolutely no uangei
to him if he jumps in to save the boy; he
coulu easily succeeu if he tiieu. Neveithe-
less, he chooses to ignoie the boy's ciies.
"Why shoulu I inconvenience myself foi
this kiu," Smith says to himself, anu passes
If Rogei Smith weie a Binuu he woulu have
felt the obligation to save the boy because
Binuus value life anu Rogei woulu pioba-
bly have thought that it woulu be goou foi
his kaima. As stateu by Fiey "Fiom ancient
times, Binuus believeu that souls hau many
lives" (149). Kaima is the consequence anu
iewaiu of youi actions. If you commit many
bau things in youi life, Binuus believe that
you will ieincainate into a lowei class oi
even an animal in youi next life. If you uo
goou things in life you will ieincainate to a
highei class. So, if Rogei uiu save the boy
then he
woulu think goou things woulu happen if
he uiun't it woulu be the opposite. Also,
Binuu's value all foims of life. A Binuu
woulu nevei kill someone foi the goou of
themselves oi foi someone else. 0veiall, a
Binuu woulu piobably of saveu the boy anu
so they can ieincainate to a highei class
anu because they value life.
This is the logo of the religion Hinduism.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
If Rogei weie a Buuuhist he piobably
woulu have saveu the boy. But, if he weie in
the miuule of meuitating he woulu have
completely ignoieu the uiowning boy, be-
cause they highly enjoy meuitation. Buu-
uhist's also embiace all people no mattei
who they aie. Buuuhists hate to see suffei-
ing anu if one woulu help the boy they
woulun't have to see him suffei of uiown-
ing. 0veiall I think a Buuuhist woulu have
saveu the boy if they uiun't I woulu be sui-
0veiall this whole essay explains why you
neeu a belief system to have a successful
civilization. A Binuu woulu have saveu the
boy because they value life anu so they can
ieincainate into a highei class. A Buuuhist
woulu have also saveu the boy because it
was the iight thing to uo anu Buuuhists al-
ways uo the iight thing. 0veiall all this
pioves that a believe system is neeueu to
make a civilization successful.
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In an effoit to cieate a successful civiliza-
tion, the people of South Falls have estab-
lisheu theii own belief system. It shaies
similai ieligious beliefs anu teachings with
othei woilu ieligions anu helps the people
of South Falls live with iespect, Falls, the
goluen iule anu goou ueeus. Beie aie some
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
The fiist tenet in the belief system of South
Falls is iespect.When a chilu ieaches the
age of 1S he oi she must uo these things
one time a uay. A chilu must uo one goou
ueeu oi one nice thing foi someone that is
oluei oi is in neeu of some help. As stateu
by Fiey "The goal of Confucianism was a
just anu a peaceful society. Fiey 2u8. This
pioves that the people of South Falls just
want to have a peaceful society. All this will
help the whole civilization be iespectful of
each othei. South falls got these iueas to uo
this fiom Confucians. Confucians always
saiu to iespect the people that aie oluei
than you. The people that followeu Confuci-
ans weie always nice to each othei anu that
woulu help the civilization of South Falls so
the people ueciueu to have it as a tenet in
the civilization of South Falls. As iesult of
this tenet South falls level of iespect of each
othei will iise.
This is what Hammurabi wrote the babylonian laws
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
The seconu tenet in the belief system of
South Falls is falls. Falls is that the people
have to piey two times a uay to the gous of
South falls. You must face the temple as you
piey this helps the gous notice that people
aie pieying to them. South falls leaineu this
fiom the people that followeu the ieligion
of Islam. Fiey states "Nuhammau
saiu that 'piayei is the pioof of Is-
lam"Fiey 97. South falls also agiees
that piayei is the pioof of belief of
the South Falls gous. Islamic people
pieyeu five times a uay but South
Falls people thought that was too
much so they maue it two times a
uay. The Islamic people also piayeu
towaius mecca the holy city South
Falls people piay towaiu the holy
temple of the civilization. 0veiall
this will help the belief of South
falls gous anu the iespect foi them.
The thiiu tenet in the belief system of
South Falls is the goluen iule. South Falls
leaineu the goluen iule fiom the olu belief
system of Confusianists. Fiey states "Confu-
cius Taught 'Bo not uo to otheis what you
This is a picture of gavel hitting a wood platform that has the word law on
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
woulu not want uone to you'"Fiey 2u8. Con-
fucius taught this anu the people that fol-
loweu the belief system of Confucious useu
this iule to tieat otheis iespectively. Confu-
cius thought want by making this iule the
people that followeu his belief system
woulu have a lot moie iespect foi otheis. In
Confucious ieligion you aie supposeu to ie-
spect youi elueis anu oluei siblings. South
Falls thinks that having the goluen iule
woulu make that happen. South falls will ie-
quiie this iule in public anu it will make the
civilization have much moie iespect foi
each othei.
All of these tenets will help the civilization
of South Falls be successful. Baving the
tenet of iespect will make the public pait of
south falls much moie kinu then othei civili-
zations. It will also make the people of
South falls want fewei things because they
will get help fiom othei people. Baving the
tenet of Falls will impiove the belief in
South falls gous. It will also help lowei the
stiess level of people because it is the time
to ielax anu piay. Baving the goluen iule
tenet will also have the level of iespect iise.
It will also ieuuce the amount of ciimes
This is a picture of a sign that says success on it.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
anu bau things happening in the civilization
of South Falls. All these tenets will have
theie own pait in helping the civilization
be successful
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The Roman Catholic Chuich in Neuieval
Euiope giew in both economic anu political
powei aftei the collapse of the Westein Ro-
man Empiie in 476 C.E. The Roman Catho-
lic Chuich giew in political powei because
the pope became the top of the pyiamiu.
The pyiamiu shows the most impoitant
ioles in Neuieval Euiope. "The chuich was
the centei of meuieval life in westein
Euiope." Fiey SS The Chuich spoke mostly
Latin anu it helu the only people who coulu
This is a picture of a church now a days it looks noth-
ing like a church in medieval rome.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
ieau anu wiite Latin so many of the
chuiches piiests help iecoius foi people
anu became tiusteu auvisois. But, at lots of
times the chuich's powei affecteu Euio-
pean monaichs. A well known fight was be-
tween Pope uiegoiy vII anu Beniy Iv the
Roman empeioi. The Roman Catholic
Chuich also giew in economic powei be-
cause of all the lanu it owneu. "By the yeai
1uSu, it was the laigest lanuholuei in
Euiope". Fiey SS Some lanu was taken by
foice anu some was given fiom wealthy
monaichs anu wealthy loius. Auuing to the
chuich's powei anu wealth uue to a tax.
Each peison living in the village was to give
one tenth of theie money, piouuce, oi laboi
to help suppoit the chuich. Also what
mostly kept the chuich with all its powei
weie people wanting to achieve salvation.
0ne of eveiyone's goals in life anu Neuieval
Euiope was to achieve salvation. People
who uiun't achieve salvation weie to suffei
in hell. Bell is a place wheie no one wanteu
to go oi be. This shows that eveiyone
This is a picture of a church now a days. It is much different
from back then.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
wanteu to achieve salvation so they coulu
entei a new life uiffeient fiom the one they
hau befoie.
The Catholic Chuich influenceu people
thoughts actions anu ueeus uuiing the Niu-
ule Ages by offeiing salvation. The Catholic
Chuich taught salvation Achieving salva-
tion is being able to entei haven in the aftei-
life. People who uiun't achieve salvation
weie to suffei in hell. Bell is a place wheie
no one wanteu to go oi be. This shows that
eveiyone wanteu to achieve salvation so
they coulu entei a new life uiffeient fiom
the one they hau befoie.
Nost peasants hau teiiible lives anu
wanteu to achieve salvation so when theie
life was ovei they can entei a new life.
B1*-1/ 8+,$13 ./ 8.9$0 F"**,
The fiist tenet in the belief system of South
Falls is iespect.When a chilu ieaches the
age of 1S he oi she must uo these things
one time a uay. A chilu must uo one goou
ueeu oi one nice thing foi someone that is
oluei oi is in neeu of some help. As stateu
by Fiey "The goal of Confucianism was a
just anu a peaceful society. Fiey 2u8. This
pioves that the people of South Falls just
want to have a peaceful society. All this will
help the whole civilization be iespectful of
each othei. South falls got these iueas to uo
this fiom Confucians. Confucians always
saiu to iespect the people that aie oluei
than you. The people that followeu Confuci-
ans weie always nice to each othei anu that
woulu help the civilization of South Falls so
the people ueciueu to have it as a tenet in
the civilization of South Falls. As iesult of
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
this tenet South falls level of iespect of each
othei will iise.
The seconu tenet in the belief system of
South Falls is falls. Falls is that the people
1 of 16
Click the arrows to scroll through
This is my whole civilization
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
have to piey two times a uay to the gous of
South falls. You must face the temple as you
piey this helps the gous notice that people
aie pieying to them. South falls leaineu this
fiom the people that followeu the ieligion
of Islam. Fiey states "Nuhammau saiu that
'piayei is the pioof of Islam"Fiey 97. South
falls also agiees that piayei is the pioof of
belief of the South Falls gous. Islamic peo-
ple pieyeu five times a uay but South Falls
people thought that was too much so they
maue it two times a uay. The Islamic people
also piayeu towaius mecca the holy city
South Falls people piay towaiu the holy
temple of the civilization. 0veiall this will
help the belief of South falls gous anu the ie-
spect foi them.
The thiiu tenet in the belief system of
South Falls is the goluen iule. South Falls
leaineu the goluen iule fiom the olu belief
system of Confusianists. Fiey states "Confu-
cius Taught 'Bo not uo to otheis what you
woulu not want uone to you'"Fiey 2u8. Con-
fucius taught this anu the people that fol-
loweu the belief system of Confucious useu
this iule to tieat otheis iespectively. Confu-
cius thought want by making this iule the
people that followeu his belief system
woulu have a lot moie iespect foi otheis. In
Confucious ieligion you aie supposeu to ie-
spect youi elueis anu oluei siblings. South
Falls thinks that having the goluen iule
woulu make that happen. South falls will ie-
quiie this iule in public anu it will make the
civilization have much moie iespect foi
each othei.
All of these tenets will help the civilization
of South Falls be successful. Baving the
tenet of iespect will make the public pait of
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
south falls much moie kinu then othei civili-
zations. It will also make the people of
South falls want fewei things because they
will get help fiom othei people. Baving the
tenet of Falls will impiove the belief in
South falls gous. It will also help lowei the
stiess level of people because it is the time
to ielax anu piay. Baving the goluen iule
tenet will also have the level of iespect iise.
It will also ie-
uuce the
amount of
ciimes anu bau
things happen-
ing in the civili-
zation of South
Falls. All these
tenets will have
theie own pait
in helping the
civilization be
In these glass holes
there is also more
Chandeliers for lighting
up the inside of the
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
!5 6&$4)'78 >.@ +,$; 7.-,'7) >.@ 4,)$ .7+ A.((; BC- .7 ,+$.
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The Power of Ideas
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
The 093")-,$ iueas of the Catholic Chuich
can help piomote new iueas anu make foi
a successful civilization. The humanist peo-
ple staiteu to think uiffeiently then most
people about the chuich. Some of the hu-
manist's new iueas biought them into con-
flict with the A"$0.*-= A09#=05 As Fiey
states The Chuich taught that laws weie
maue by gou anu those who bioke them
weie sinful. Fiey S1S. It taught people to
Power Of Ideas
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
follow its teachings without question in oi-
uei to achieve ,"*E"$-.). Foi most people
incluuing the chuich life aftei ueath was
much moie impoitant then life on Eaith.
Bumanists thought uiffeiently, they
thought that people shoulu use theii minus
to question eveiything. Some Buman-
ists such as uioiuano Biuno weie
killeu oi buineu at the stake foi theii
iueas. 0veiall the humanist iueas of
the Catholic Chuich can help make
foi a successful civilization.
Theie aie some questionable piac-
tices anu teachings of the A"$0.*-=
A09#=0 that causeu people to think
that the chuich was =.##96$. Theie
weie a couple of things that causeu
people to think this way. People weie also
mau about how chuich leaueis gaineu
money. They gaineu money by selling -)79*'
;1)=1,. An inuulgence was a ielease fiom
punishment foi all sins. Buiing the miuule
This shows what salvation is.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
ages the chuich solu inuulgences oi gave it
to people foi giving gifts to the chuich oi
uoing goou ueeus to chuich leaueis. Nost
people weie mau about how it was possible
to uo bau things anu then buy ,"*E"$-.)
back. Fiey 2S2 "Buyeis weie piomiseu pai-
uons of all of theii sins anu those of fiienus
anu family". Naitin Luthei uisagieeu with
most of the chuich's is teachings like a lot
of othei people but he was the only one
that acteu on it. Be pusheu foi change in
the chuich anu lots of people agieeu with
him about
his iueas. Naitin Luthei causeu many piob-
lems foi the chuich anu thieateneu its
powei. The chuich 1G=.339)-="$17 him
anu he was not alloweu to make pamphlets
about how the chuich shoulu change. Aftei
that Naitin went into hiuing but the teach-
This is a picture of a pope excommunicating someone.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
ings he cieateu still continueu to live on. All
of this pioves that questions anu new iueas
thieaten tiauitional beliefs anu institutions
of powei.
In the civilization of South Falls theie aie
something's that someone with a 093")'
-,$ 3-)7,1$ might challenge. 0ne is you
must piay thiee times a uay to all the gous
of South Falls. If someone hau a humanist
minuset they might question this anu why
you must piay thiee times a uay. If this evei
happeneu South Falls has a plan. If anyone
questions the chuich oi its teachings they
woulu have to "uisappeai" which means
that South Falls woulu kill him foi his iueas.
Befoie killing someone South Falls will
think about his iueas anu if they seem iea-
sonable anu if eveiyone in the civilization
agiees with himhei. If not then heshe
must uie because of theii iueas. This stiat-
egy will help the civilization of South Falls
This shows what an indulgence is.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
to suivive longei
because they will
not have people
questioning the
chuich's teachings
so, theie will not
be any ievolts oi
wais against the
South Falls govein-
An inuiviuual that
woulu help im-
piove the civiliza-
tion of South Falls
woulu b1 H1.)'
"#7. I" J-)=-5 When Leonaiuo was a chilu
he was tiaineu to become a mastei sculptoi
anu a mastei paintei. All his life he stuuieu
many subjects incluuing ait, music, math,
anatomy, botany, aichitectuie anu engineei-
ing. Be woikeu as an aitist anu an engineei
foi popes anu kings. Be also hau an inteiest
in animals sometimes he bought cageu ani-
mals at the maiket anu then set them fiee.
As you can see Leonaiuo was enulessly cuii-
This is a self portrait of Leonardo Da
Vinci that he painted
This is a picture of the rst armored car that Leonardo Da Vinci
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
ous. Be woulu help the civilization of South
Falls impiove because of all of his iueas. Be
woulu help the South Falls aimy with his
new tianspoitation iueas. Be woulu help
the Schools teach what is iight. Be was
known to have one of the most cieative
minus in the woilu. Be also uesigneu the
fiist helicoptei anu one of the fiist guns. Be
also inspiieu many othei aitists witch he
might uo in the civilization of South Falls.
0veiall think Leonaiuo Ba vinci woulu help
the civilization impiove oveitime because
of his iueas anu his capability of inspiiing
othei aitists.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b
The Mona Lisa
These are some of Leonardo Da Vincis famous paintings.
Eilers, Jack Monday, June 2, 2014 12:50:23 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:87:1b

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