PT 611 Preaching Syllabus (2013-14)

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Course Syllabus

Course title: PT 611 Preaching & Teaching

Course description: A systematic and practical study regarding the nature and method of preparing
and delivering sermons and lectures. Includes an analysis of types of sermons
(expositional, topical, redemptive historical) and a consideration of the
importance of the Holy Spirit and prayer in connection with the ministry of
the Word.
Course instructor: Brian Borgman is founding pastor of Grace Community Church. He earned a
B.A. in Biblical Studies from Biola University (La Mirada, CA), a Master of
Divinity from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary (Portland, OR) and a
Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Seminary (Escondido, CA). Pastor
Brian has authored Rethinking a Much Abused Text: 1 Cor. 3:1-15
published in Reformation & Revival Journal 11:1 (Winter 2002), My Heart
For Thy Cause: Albert N. Martins Theology of Preaching (Christian Focus
Publications, 2002), and Feelings & Faith: Cultivating Godly Emotions in the
Christian Life (Crossway, 2010). Brian has been married to Ariel, the wife of
his youth, since 1987. He also has three wonderful children, Ashley, Zachary
and Alex.
Visiting lecturer Robert Briggs pastored in Northern Ireland for eleven and a half years before
moving to northern California to take up pastoral responsibilities at Immanuel
Baptist Church, Sacramento in January 2004. He has a Bachelor of Divinity
(B.D.) from Queens University of Belfast. Robert also serves on the
governing board of the Midwest Center for Theological Studies in
Owensboro, KY, and Reformed Baptist Seminary in Taylors, SC.
Visiting lecturer Robert Elliott served as an Assistant Pastor in downtown Glasgow, Scotland
for three years before moving 50 miles south to take up the role of Teaching
Pastor in a small village church in Ayrshire. In 1995 he was called to lead the
newly constituted Reformed Baptist Church of Riverside, CA where he has
been serving ever since. Robert completed studies at the Free Presbyterian
Theological Hall and Whitefield College of the Bible. Later he earned the
Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree through Reformed Baptist Seminary
where he also serves as an advisory board member.
Course credit: 2 credits
Course requirements: Student must satisfactorily complete the following course requirements:
(1) Lectures Student must listen to all 23 lectures as well as the Q&A session. The student
may access these lectures on Virtual Campus
(2) Reading The student must complete the assigned reading below.
Graeme Goldsworthy, Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture
(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000).
John Piper, The Supremacy of God in Preaching, 2nd edition (Grand
Rapids: Baker Books, 2004).
Pierre Marcel, The Relevance of Preaching (New York: Westminster
Publishing, 2000). Read pages 25-37; 69-110. [Note: This book may be
out of print. If student cannot or does not wish to acquire it, a pdf format
is available on RBS Virtual Campus.]
Brian Borgman, My Heart for Thy Cause: Albert Martins Theology of
Preaching (Rosshire, U.K.: Christian Focus, 2002). Read Unit 4, The
Act of Preaching, pages 201-256.
Samuel T. Logan, ed. The Preacher and Preaching (Phillipsburg:
Presbyterian & Reformed, 1986). Read the following sections:
J. I. Packer, Introduction: Why Preach (pp. 1-29)
Ferguson, Exegesis (pp. 192-211)
Krabbendam, Hermeneutics and Preaching (pp. 212-245)
Bettler, Application (pp. 331-349)
Thomas, Powerful Preaching (pp. 369-396)
Total pages: 606
The student may be allowed to substitute other reading for the requirements
listed above, but he must obtain approval from his mentor and course
instructor before doing so.
(3) Course papers The student must complete the following writing assignments:

This paper gives the student the opportunity to think through and articulate his
theology of preaching. The paper should express the biblical convictions of
the student about the nature and function of biblical preaching. The paper
should be based on Scripture, not merely ones opinions about preaching. The
students paper should reflect an interaction and synthesizing of his reading on
the subject. The paper should be 12 to 15 pages (double-spaced).


This paper should interact with the material on this topic presented in the
lectures and in the assigned reading. It should critique the biblical arguments
for redemptive-historical preaching, as well as perceived strengths and
weaknesses. The student is encouraged to research some collateral reading on
the subject as well. The assessment should be 6 to 8 pages (double-spaced).


Student should evaluate two sermons. Ideally, the student should evaluate live
sermons. If thats not possible, he can evaluate sermons delivered in video or
live-streaming format. Evaluation sheets are provided on Virtual Campus. It
is recommend that the student use a hard copy during the sermon and then fill
it in as a Word doc. and sent it electronically for grading.
All papers should follow the Chicago Manual of Style. The format of the
paper should conform to the standards set forth in the RBS Guidelines &
Expectations for Students and more fully in A Manual for Writers of Term
Paper, Theses, and Dissertations, 6th edition by Kate L. Turabian.
If the student has any questions, he should contact the course instructor:
(4) Sermon prep The student should prepare and submit a sermon manuscript. The manuscript
may be word-for-word or an expanded outline. The sermon may be submitted
as an MS Word doc or a PDF file. For a sample sermon manuscript or
expanded outline, the student should check Virtual Campus or email the

The student should also include a "sermon preparation log" which details the
preparation process as well as the time spent on each stage of preparation.
Course grading:

Lectures - 20%
Reading - 20%
Term Paper - 25%
Assessment Paper - 15%
Two Sermon Evaluations - 10%
One Sermon Manuscript w/ Preparation Log - 10%

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