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Course Syllabus & Evaluation Form


PT 911 Preaching Practicum


Preaching Practicum is a practical course that requires the student to preach or

teach at least four sermons and/or lectures in the presence of at least one or more
of his pastors for the purpose of receiving constructive feedback on the structure,
presentation, and delivery of his sermon or lecture.


Robert R. Gonzales Jr. is the dean and a professor of Reformed Baptist

Seminary. He holds a Master of Arts degree (M.A.) in Theology and a Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Old Testament Interpretation from Bob Jones University.
He is the author of Where Sin Abounds: the Spread of Sin and the Curse in
Genesis with a Special Focus on the Patriarchal Narratives (Wipf & Stock, 2010)
and a contributor to the Reformed Baptist Theological Review, The Founders
Journal, and Westminster Theological Journal.


2 credits


The student must preach at least four sermons or lectures in a context where his
pastor(s) may assess his preaching/teaching and provide constructive feedback. The
sermon or lecture must be at least 20 minutes long. Appropriate venues for the
sermon or lecture include formal worship services or Sunday School classes as well
as preaching at a rescue mission, jail ministry, nursing home, etc.
If the student and his pastor(s) have questions about the requirements above, they
should contact the course administrator, Dr. Gonzales (

Evaluation form:

A evaluation form form is provided below (pp. 2-4). The students pastor(s)
should fill out a copy of the form for each sermon or lecture and date it. He will
give a copy to the student and also provide a copy to Dr. Gonzales.


Upon fulfilling the requirements for the course, the student will receive two credits
and a pass (P) score rather than a letter grade.

PT 911 Preaching Practicum Evaluation Form

Reformed Baptist Seminary

This evaluation form is designed to serve as a guide for evaluating the structure, content, delivery,
and effectiveness of sermons or lectures. The evaluator (usually the students pastor) may use the
space on the left of each category to rate the sermon or lecture (e.g., scale from 1 to 10). The blank
area to the right of each category may be used for comments (as well as the back of the form). While
the evaluator may not need to rate or comment on every category listed, he will usually benefit the
student the more thorough and detailed the evaluation. Its recommended that the evaluator and
student discuss the evaluation afterwards to clarify positive or constructive criticism.



_____ Does it get attention?


_____ Does it orient you to the subject or main idea?


_____ Is there a specific purpose stated?


_____ Does it touch some need directly or indirectly? ______________________________________




_____ Is the overall structure and development



_____ Is the structure reflected in the text, passage,

or theme?


_____ Do the sub-points relate clearly to the main




_____ Are the transitions clear?


_____ Are there reviews in all transitions?





_____ Does the speaker use correct wording and



_____ Is his vocabulary too technical?


_____ Does the choice of words add to or detract

from the effectiveness of the sermon?







_____ Is the sermon built on solid exegesis?


_____ Is the analysis of the text, passage, or subject




PT 911 Preaching Practicum Evaluation Form

Reformed Baptist Seminary

This evaluation form is designed to serve as a guide for evaluating the structure, content, delivery,
and effectiveness of sermons or lectures. The evaluator (usually the students pastor) may use the
space on the left of each category to rate the sermon or lecture (e.g., scale from 1 to 10). The blank
area to the right of each category may be used for comments (as well as the back of the form). While
the evaluator may not need to rate or comment on every category listed, he will usually benefit the
student the more thorough and detailed the evaluation. Its recommended that the evaluator and
student discuss the evaluation afterwards to clarify positive or constructive criticism.

_____ Is the analysis of the text, passage, or subject
sufficiently thorough?


_____ Is there sufficient and clear definition and



_____ Are there helpful illustrations?






_____ Is there a clear relationship between the

content and applications?


_____ Are there applications directed to the various

classes of individuals in the congregation
(saved/unsaved, weak/mature, young/old,
men/women, etc.)?
_____ Are the applications sufficiently directed to
the mind, the emotions, the will, and the


_____ Are searching questions employed in the



_____ Are there helpful suggestions to the audience, ______________________________________

directing them how to act upon the message? ______________________________________




_____ Is the enunciation and pronunciation of words ______________________________________

_____ Is the level and variety of volume appropriate?
_____ Is there appropriate variety in the pitch of the
_____ Is the force and rate of the delivery

PT 911 Preaching Practicum Evaluation Form

Reformed Baptist Seminary

This evaluation form is designed to serve as a guide for evaluating the structure, content, delivery,
and effectiveness of sermons or lectures. The evaluator (usually the students pastor) may use the
space on the left of each category to rate the sermon or lecture (e.g., scale from 1 to 10). The blank
area to the right of each category may be used for comments (as well as the back of the form). While
the evaluator may not need to rate or comment on every category listed, he will usually benefit the
student the more thorough and detailed the evaluation. Its recommended that the evaluator and
student discuss the evaluation afterwards to clarify positive or constructive criticism.

_____ Is the emotional pathos of the delivery
appropriate to the content?


_____ Is the pause used effectively?




Physical Presentation


_____ Is there sufficient eye contact?


_____ Is his entire body involved in the delivery?


_____ Are the gestures spontaneous?


_____ Are there distracting mannerisms?


_____ Are there good facial expressions?





_____ Does the sermon build to a climax?


_____ Is there an adequate review of all of the

content and thrust?





Other Comments or Remarks


Please identify yourself as the evaluator, the student whos being evaluated, and the date on which the
sermon or lecture was given:

Evaluator: __________________________________

Speaker: __________________________________

Date: _____________________________

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