Warhammer Fantasy Battle 8 Edition House Rules: Movement

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Warhammer Fantasy Battle 8

edition house rules
Written by Ady Arnold
http://warpedreality.wordpress.com twitter: #warpedoverlord
Charge distance is amended to M+1D !M+"D ta#e the highest $or $ast cavalry%
&$ a 'nit with spears has not moved( are not already engaged in a $ight and are charged $rom the
$ront by cavalry) *hey gain +Always strikes first' on the $irst ro'nd.
Panic test
,anic tests are ta#en i$ a 'nit loses a ro'nd o$ combat and has lost at least "-. o$ their current
Break test
When a 'nit brea#s it/s opponent get a 0free hack1
&$ a 'nit is ca'ght by p'rs'ers( the p'rs'ers get a 0free hack1) *he 'nit is not a'tomatically
*hey do co'nt as being in combat again( with de$ender having W2 1 and +Always strikes last' on the
ne3t ro'nd to represent the con$'sion o$ being ca'ght while trying to $lee
Free Hack
*his is a single attac# per model( hitting against W21( rolling to wo'nd and save as normal !,arry
saves are not allowed%
Magic users
All magic 'sers are $ree to select their spells( rather than randomly choose.
*he spells a magic 'ser can pic# on the respective spell lists are limited to 4evel+" in the n'mber
*hese ho'se r'les are totally 'no$$icial and in no way endorsed by 5ames Wor#shop 4imited .
All associated mar#s( names( races( race insignia( characters( vehicles( locations( 'nits( ill'strations and images $rom the Warhammer or Warhammer
67(777 'niverse are either 8( *M and/or 9 Copyright 5ames Wor#shop 4td "777:"77;( variably registered in the <= and other co'ntries aro'nd the
world. <sed witho't permission. >o challenge to their stat's intended. All ?ights ?eserved to their respective owners.
Warhammer Fantasy Battle 8
edition house rules
Written by Ady Arnold
http://warpedreality.wordpress.com twitter: #warpedoverlord
order on the spell list !@g $or heavens( Comet is - and chain lightning is ) meaning yo' wo'ld need
to be at lest level A to have access to comet( and level 6 $or chain lightning%
Magic 'sers can select a n'mber o$ spells each t'rn eB'al to their level + 1
Armour Save modifiers:
Change to starting at 2trength -:
2trength - C ; D 17
Armo'r Modi$ier :1 :" :A :6 :- :
Special Rules
Always 2tri#es Eirst: Changes to applies on $irst t'rn o$ combat i$ charged $rom the $ront only.
Fn $ailing a $ear test( victims gain &always 2ti#es 4ast as well as reduction to WS 1
*o'ghness increase to
5iant has - attac#s or the option to per$orm special attac#s
4arge models the same siGe as the giant !*reeman( Cygor( 5horgon etc% 'se $allen giant template
*hese ho'se r'les are totally 'no$$icial and in no way endorsed by 5ames Wor#shop 4imited .
All associated mar#s( names( races( race insignia( characters( vehicles( locations( 'nits( ill'strations and images $rom the Warhammer or Warhammer
67(777 'niverse are either 8( *M and/or 9 Copyright 5ames Wor#shop 4td "777:"77;( variably registered in the <= and other co'ntries aro'nd the
world. <sed witho't permission. >o challenge to their stat's intended. All ?ights ?eserved to their respective owners.
Warhammer Fantasy Battle 8
edition house rules
Written by Ady Arnold
http://warpedreality.wordpress.com twitter: #warpedoverlord
when they $all/die
Do not s'$$er $rom animosity
Initiative increases to 6
Cowardly Valour: As verminous valour $or 2#aven( b't reB'ires a s'cces$'l 4D test else champion
gets shoved bac# to the $ront ran#.
Strength in Numbers: 5oblins !normal( night and $orest% gain a +1 to 4D $or every complete ran#
they have a$ter the $irst( 'p to a ma3im'm o$ 4D 17
Do not s'$$er $rom st'pidity
*hese ho'se r'les are totally 'no$$icial and in no way endorsed by 5ames Wor#shop 4imited .
All associated mar#s( names( races( race insignia( characters( vehicles( locations( 'nits( ill'strations and images $rom the Warhammer or Warhammer
67(777 'niverse are either 8( *M and/or 9 Copyright 5ames Wor#shop 4td "777:"77;( variably registered in the <= and other co'ntries aro'nd the
world. <sed witho't permission. >o challenge to their stat's intended. All ?ights ?eserved to their respective owners.

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