Classic Cycle Heavy Snatch CJ

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Cycle: Classic Cycle
4 weeks
This is actually a 3-week cycle with a transition week to start. Heavy snatch/CJ
Monday November 23 2009

- Power snatch - 60% x 2 x 5
- Power clean & power jerk - 60% x 2 x 5
- Good morning (straight knee, straight feet) - 3 x 10 light
- GHB sit-ups - 3 x 15

Light Transition Week
Tuesday November 24 2009

- Snatch - (70% x 1, 74% x 1, 78% x 1) x 3
- Clean & jerk - (70% x 1, 74% x 1, 78% x 1) x 3
- Back squat - 75% x 6 x 4 - 3 sec pause in bottom

Rounds in 5 min:
5 kipping pull-ups
5 lunges/leg
5 box jumps
5 push-ups
Wednesday November 25 2009

- Power snatch + hang power snatch + 2 snatch balance - 70% (of power snatch
) x 4 sets
- Push press + power jerk + jerk - 80% (of push press) x 5 sets

3 rounds for time:
250 m row sprint
10 kipping pull-ups
3 min rest
Thursday November 26 2009
Friday November 27 2009

- Power clean + hang clean + power jerk - 70% (of clean) x 4 sets
- Jerk dip squats - 90% (of jerk) x 3 x 4
- Muscle snatch - 60% x 3 x 4

For time:
35-30-25 KB swings
400-200-100 m sprint
Saturday November 28 2009

- Snatch - heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 3
- Clean & jerk - heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 3
- Front squat - heavy single; 80% of that x 3 x 3

3 sets:
A. GHR x 15
B. GHB sit-ups x 25
Sunday November 29 2009
Monday November 30 2009

- Power snatch - 75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
- High-hang clean & jerk - 60% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
- Front squat - 70% x 1; focus on speed up
- GHB sit-ups - 50 total

20-15-10 reps:
Box jump - above knee+
Kipping pull-ups
Week 1
Tuesday December 1 2009

- Snatch - heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
- Clean - heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
- Front squat - heavy single; 80% of that x 2 x 2
- Weighted back extensions - 30 total; DB behind neck; lock pelvis in place
and flex/extend ONLY the spine; 2 sec pause at top

Wednesday December 2 2009

- Snatch balance - heavy single; 90% of that x 1; 85% x 1; 80% x 1
- Power clean & jerk - 75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
- Front squat - 70% x 1; focus on speed up
- Planks - front/side; 2 x near max hold

4 rounds:
10 DB muscle snatch
10 KTE
Thursday December 3 2009

- Snatch - heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
- Clean & jerk - heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
- Pause back squat - work up to heavy triple; 3 set pause in bottom; NO boun
- Good morning (straight knee) - 3 x 8; 3020 tempo; feel out weight, approx
20-25% of BS

Friday December 4 2009
Saturday December 5 2009

- Snatch - heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
- Clean & jerk - heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
- Front squat - heavy single; 80% of that x 2 x 2
- Weighted back extensions - 30 total; DB behind neck; lock pelvis in place
and flex/extend ONLY the spine; 2 sec pause at top

300-200-100-200-300 m sprints;
2 min rest between each
Sunday December 6 2009
Monday December 7 2009

- Snatch - heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
- Clean - heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
- Back squat - heavy single; 85% of that x 2 x 2
- Weighted back extensions - 30 total; DB behind neck; lock pelvis in place
and flex/extend ONLY the spine; 2 sec pause at top; add weight from last Monday

Week 2
Tuesday December 8 2009

- Snatch balance - heavy single; 90% of that x 1; 85% x 1
- Power clean & jerk - 75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
- Front squat - 75% x 1; focus on speed up

4 rounds:
200 m row
15 hanging leg raises
Wednesday December 9 2009

- Snatch - heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
- Clean & jerk - heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
- Pause back squat - work up to heavy triple; 3 set pause in bottom; NO boun
cing; add weight from last Wednesday

- Good morning (straight knee/arched back) - 3 x 10; 3020 tempo; should be a
ble to use same weight as last Wed or add

Thursday December 10 2009

- Power snatch - 75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
- Power clean & jerk - 75% x 1 x 10; 1 min rest
- Front squat - 75% x 1; focus on speed up

3 rounds:
20 GHB sit-ups
3 rope climbs
Friday December 11 2009
Saturday December 12 2009

- Snatch - heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
- Clean & jerk - heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3; 1 min rest on drop sets
- Back squat - heavy single; 85% of that x 2 x 2
- Reverse hyperextensions - 3 x 25

4 rounds:
30 sec double-unders
30 sec push-up + 2 kick-up
Sunday December 13 2009
Monday December 14 2009

- Back squat - 75% x 5 x 5
- Clean deadlift - 90% (of clean) x 5 x 3
- Push press - 70% x 5 x 5
- Jerk dip squat - 90% (of jerk) x 5 x 3

3 sets:
A1. Pull-ups x 10; 21X0; 2 min rest; add weight each set as needed to hit reps
A2. GHB sit-ups x max consecutive; 2010; NO failed reps; 2 min rest
Tuesday December 15 2009

- Muscle snatch - 40% (of snatch) x 3 x 2
- Power clean + clean - 60% (of clean) x 2 + 1 x 3
- Power jerk + jerk - 60% (of jerk) x 2 + 1 x 3

4 rounds:
10 m shuttle run x 4
10 KB swing

Overhead KB swings; must touch floor with outside hand at end of each shuttle ru
Wednesday December 16 2009

- Front squat - 75% x 4 x 5
- Snatch pull - 85% (of snatch) x 3 x 4
- Jerk - 70% x 3 x 2; 75% x 2 x 2; 80% x 2 x 2

3 sets; no rest:
15 kipping pull-ups
20 shoulder-to-shoulder sandbag push press - 25% BW

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Shoulder-to-shoulder sandbag push press: grab m
iddle of sand bag with both hands with the bag across one shoulder (front/back e
nds of bag in front/back of shoulder). Push press the bag up overhead to a fully
extended elbow position and bring down to opposite shoulder. This constitutes 1
Thursday December 17 2009

Make sure rest days are active in terms of restorative modalities. Sitting on th
e couch is not a good choice. Foam rolling, light rowing, stretching, mobility d
rills, contrast plunges and massage should be employed whenever possible.
Friday December 18 2009

- Overhead squat - 65% (of snatch) x 3 x 5; 3 sec pause in bottom
- Tall snatch - 3 x 3; find weight that allows good speed and sharp turnover

- High-hang snatch - 60% x 2 x 4

3 sets; no rest:
300 m row
3 rope climbs

On tall snatches and high-hang snatches, focus on immediate and aggressive pull
under with the arms, keeping the elbows out to the sides; don't focus on shruggi
Saturday December 19 2009

- Snatch - max
- Clean & jerk - max
- Deadlift - max

3 sets:
A1. Hanging leg raise x 15; 90 sec rest
A2. Back extension x 10; 2020; add weight if needed with DB behind neck; 90 sec
Sunday December 20 2009

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