Can You Remember The Right Connector of Contrast? Use Despite, in Spite Of, Although, Even Though, Though or However

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Can you remember the right connector of contrast?

Use despite, in spite of, although, even though, though or however.

1. ___________________ the extreme weather conditions, the concert was not
2. ___________________ the house was quite new, the roof and the gate had to
be repaired.
3. I waited for her patiently for ! minutes. _______________, she didn"t even
apologi#e for being late.
. $hey get on really well ________________having very different political
!. I didn"t %now many answers ______________ I had studied hard for that
&. 'verybody disagreed with the decision. ________________, nobody said

Multiple choice:
1. I tried to finish the book I didnt have enough time.
a. although b. however c. though d. despite
2. We enjoyed ourselves at the party there werent many people there.
a. although b. in spite c. however d. even
. his illness! he managed to finish his project on time.
a. despite of b. however c. in spite of d. although
". I tried hard! I didnt manage to finish the book.
a. because b. even though c. even although d. despite
#. being on a diet! he ate a lot of chocolate.
a. although b. however c. even though d. in spite of
Rewrite the sentences using the words given:
1. $e seemed a friendly person but I didnt like him. %although&
2. $e didnt like sport but he didnt mind watching football. %however&
. 'he flat wasnt in the city centre but it was very e(pensive.%although&
". )lthough it was very foggy the plane took off. %in spite of&
#. In spite of being able to speak several languages! hes a terrible teacher. %although&
*. )lthough )lfred was over seventy! he continued cycling every day. %despite&
+. $e is la,y but he is very intelligent %in spite of&
-. In spite of playing well they lost the match. %although&
.. /he worked hard but she failed some of her e(ams. %however&
10. $e didnt speak a word of 1erman but he decided to work in 2unich.
%despite& .
1 W!"E
# $WE%ER
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()*+', -'.
1/espite0 in spite of
3 1owever,
/espite0 in spite of
linking e(pressions
1 $owever
2 although
In spite of
" 3ven though
#In spite of
1A2though he seeme3 a frien32y 4erson. ! 3i3n5t 2i6e him.
#e 3i3n5t 2i6e footba22. o7e8er9 he 3i3n5t min3 7atching footba22.
&A2though the f2at 7asn5t in the city centre9 it 7as e:4ensi8e.
( !n s4ite of the fog; !n s4ite of being foggy the 42ane too6 off.
*A2though he can s4ea6 se8era2 2anguages9 he5s a terrib2e teacher.
+,es4ite being o8er se8enty9 he continue3 cyc2ing e8ery 3ay. ; ,es4ite his age.
-!n s4ite of being 2a<y he is inte22igent.
/A2though they 42aye3 7e229 they 2ost the match.
=She 7or6e3 har3. o7e8er9 she fai2e3 some of her e:ams.
1>,es4ite not s4ea6ing a 7or3 of 0erman9 he 3icei3e3 to 7or6 in ?unich.

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