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Taking Notes

After selecting your sources, you should then take notes on that information. You will use this information in
your paper to support your thesis. Basically, there are three ways to use information in your paper. You can
paraphrase, summarize or quote applicable information. The information that you will find will become a
kind of research paper puzzle. Later your job will be to assemble the puzzle pieces when you write your
Read more and take more notes. Enter these in the document titled Notecards. Copy and paste the
form for each selection of information. The form acts as separate notecards in this document. You must
have a minimum of nine (9) notecards
(forms) from at least three(3) separate sources completed by January 13(A-day), 2014 and January 14 (B-
day), 2014. Be sure to use the links in the form for correct citation formatting, but double-check formatting
does not get lost when pasting.
You will continue taking notes from all of your required sources, but this initial due date insures that you are
doing it correctly. All of your note cards are due with the abstract of the paper by January 22(A-day), 2014
and January 23 (B-day), 2014.

Complete the table below for each notecard.
Select, copy, and paste the table below for each notecard.
Source # 1
Notecard #1
Source APA Citation

Blaese, R. (2014). Gene therapy. In World Book Student. Retrieved from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
It provides useful information for my project such as.
Some background information
What gene therapy could do

Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
Every human cell has an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 genes. Genetic diseases result when a
gene is defective or missing, causing affected cells to malfunction. Gene therapy makes it
possible to correct such defects
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
In each of our cells thousands of genes are estimated to exist however mistakes such as missing or
defective genes could cause a mutation. Fortunately new treatments know as gene therapy may be the

Source # 1
Notecard #2
Source APA Citation

Blaese, R. (2014). Gene therapy. In World Book Student. Retrieved from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
Types of gene therapy

Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)\
The type of gene therapy presently used involves only somatic cells (body cells) of the patient,
rather than the reproductive cells (male sperm and female ova). It is called somatic cell gene
therapy. Another, theoretical form of gene therapy is called germline gene therapy. This
therapy would introduce genes into the patient's reproductive cells. Thus, patients treated with
germline gene therapy would pass along the inserted genes to their offspring. This prospect
has aroused concern among both scientists and nonscientists. Many people worry that
germline gene therapy could change the basic nature of human beings by altering their genetic
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)

Currently we only use one type of gene therapy which uses somatic cells. However there is a theory for a
new form of gene therapy and this would work with sex cells and it helps by the parent passing the
introduced gene to the baby.

Source # 1
Notecard #3
Source APA Citation

Blaese, R. (2014). Gene therapy. In World Book Student. Retrieved from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
Shot definition of gene therapy
What are genes
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
Gene therapy is an experimental technique for treating or preventing diseases by inserting a
gene into a patient's cells. Genes are the basic unit of heredity. They carry the chemical
instructions that determine the form and function of each cell. Through gene therapy, doctors
can provide a new set of instructions for treated cells.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
The experimental treatment known as gene therapy is used to cure or prevent diseases or disorders by
inserting good genes into the patient.

Source # 3
Notecard #4
Source APA Citation

Trefil, J. (1996). Is there a future for gene therapy? 101 Things You Don't
Know About Science and No One Else Does Either. Retrieved from

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
The possible future of gene therapy
Why gene therapy might become popular or easy to use
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
But the real future of gene therapy doesn't lie with procedures such as
blood infusions or holes bored in skulls. It lies in making a virus that can be
inserted into the body through an ordinary injection (much the way a vaccine
is injected) and that will then (1) seek out the target cells on its own, (2) be
recognized by those cells, (3) enter the cells, and (4) insert its cargo of genes
at a spot on the host's DNA where vital cell functions will not be disrupted.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction) The
benefits of gene therapy is that the way the treatment is given will make it easy to use in the future all it
has to do is inject it like any other treatment such as vaccines and it will go strait to work.

Source #3
Notecard #5
Source APA Citation

Trefil, J. (1996). Is there a future for gene therapy? 101 Things You Don't
Know About Science and No One Else Does Either. Retrieved from

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
It explains how scientists use viruses in gene therapy to deliver the gene to the correct target.

Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
All cells have molecules called receptors in their outer membranes. Each
receptor has a complex shape that fits ("recognizes") a particular molecule in
the environment. Viruses enter cells by presenting shapes that the receptors
recognize. Scientists have succeeded in producing viruses whose outer
coatings have the right shapes to be recognized by specific cells in the human
body. If injected into the bloodstream, these viruses will circulate until they
find the right target cells, then bind to their surface.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction) In a cell
membrane there are small receptors that only allow certain shapes to enter into the cell. Scientists have
used this to their advantage by producing viruses with specific shapes for a specific cell. The advantage
of this is the virus will go around in the bloodstream until the correct target is found.

Source # 3
Notecard #6
Source APA Citation

Trefil, J. (1996). Is there a future for gene therapy? 101 Things You Don't
Know About Science and No One Else Does Either. Retrieved from

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
Diseases that gene therapy could cure in the future
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
Since that first trial, almost a hundred different genetic therapy protocols
have been approved for use in the United States. And while rare diseases may
have been appropriate for the "proof of concept" studies, the first payoff for
gene therapy will be in diseases that are much more common, such as
cancer, cystic fibrosis, and various blood and pulmonary diseases. In fact, the
first commercial application may be a treatment for certain types of brain
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction) While
rare sicknesses are important to cure, what is probably going to become the first payoff for gene therapy
will start with diseases that are more common such as cancer.

Source # 4
Notecard #7
Source APA Citation

Gene therapy (2004). The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas. Retrieved from

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
Setbacks in gene therapy history
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
An apparent breakthrough followed in 2000, when scientists at the Hospital
Necker, Paris, France used gene therapy to correct a gene disorder in the
bone marrow of two infants suffering from the life-threatening disease severe
combined immunodeficiency (SCID). This success prompted a series of gene
therapy trials in the United States, France, and the U.K. Although initially a
success, the two infants developed leukemia in October 2002 and January
2003 respectively; this setback stopped 30 gene therapy trials in the United
States in January 2003, but these continued in the U.K., on the grounds that
without the treatment the affected patients had almost no chance of living
beyond their first year of life.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Although there have been many new techniques and trials in gene therapies history, setbacks have been
a main reason for why this topic is still not well known. For example in 2000 a trial in France with two
infants prompted the stopping if 30 different trials in the united states because the infants later
developed leukemia.

Source # 4
Notecard #8
Source APA Citation

Gene therapy (2004). The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas. Retrieved from

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
What are current techniques in gene therapy and what is being researched
and what could become new ways to administer the treatment?
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
Retroviruses are being used as vectors but as these cannot be used to target
specific chromosomal sites experiments are being conducted using both
adenovirus and adeno-associated virus (AAV). Using adenovirus, the cystic
fibrosis defect in humans has been successfully corrected within the nasal
cavity. AAV is particularly advantageous because it integrates its gene cargo
at specific sites, and causes no known human illnesses.

Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Currently the use of retroviruses are becoming a problem because these viruses cant be used to target a
specific part. However a new way of administering the treatment is being experimented with. These
ways are through the use of adenoviruses and adeno-associative viruses; with theses, a better way of
targeting specific sites and less side effects are possible.

Source # 4
Notecard #9
Source APA Citation

Gene therapy (2004). The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas. Retrieved from

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
More ways to administer DNA
Pros and cons of each.
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
The use of liposome vectors to deliver new or altered DNA to cells is safe but
imprecise, as they deliver their cargo to target cells and nontarget cells alike.
Disabled virus vectors are more precise but there is a danger they will be
reactivated and are therefore unsafe.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
New vectors such as liposome and disable virus vectors are being tested and each has their benefits like
liposome vectors are safe and disabled virus vectors are precise, however there are problems with both
of the like liposomes are imprecise and disabled viruses could become unsafe through reactivation.

Source # 2
Notecard #10
Source APA Citation

Levine, L. (2014). Gene Therapy. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 12, 2014, from Grolier

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
Concerns with gene therapy
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
Some people might find it difficult to think of a downside to
banishing genetic diseases. Yet there are concerns. Gene therapy is
in its infancy. A fuller understanding is needed before gene therapy
can be used with consistent, predictable success. Delivery
techniques must be developed that are more efficient and scalable.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Although many people think that gene therapy has no flaws the truth is that concerns such as gene
therapy being in its infancy and that new techniques must be developed.

Source # 2
Notecard #11
Source APA Citation

Levine, L. (2014). Gene Therapy. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 12, 2014, from Grolier

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
Past trial
First trials
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
The first gene-therapy trial was in 1990, involving a child who could
not produce the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA). ADA is
crucial for the normal development of the immune system.
Lymphocytes were removed from the child's blood and genetically
altered by the addition of a normal ADA gene, using a retrovirus.
These cells were then returned to the child's bloodstream.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
In 1990 a child with ada deficiency was treated with gene therapy. Blood was taken from the girl and
using retroviruses they inserted the correct gene into the body of the child.

Source # 2
Notecard #12
Source APA Citation

Levine, L. (2014). Gene Therapy. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 12, 2014, from Grolier

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
Diseases with a possible cure of gene therapy
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
Geneticists around the world continue to investigate the use of
gene therapy to treat a wide range of diseases. Clinical trials have
been conducted for treatments of cancer diseases such as
mesothelioma, metastatic melanoma, and Hodgkin disease;
infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis C; neurological
diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson disease; and eye diseases
such as macular degeneration, retinal disease, and colorblindness.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Today many world wide diseases such as hiv and cancer are being researched and trialed so that in the
future there could be a cure.

Source # 5
Notecard #13
Source APA Citation

Gene Therapy. (2014). The New Book of Knowledge. Retrieved January 13, 2014,
from Grolier Online type=0ta

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
The goal of gene therapy
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
Geneticists do more than study genes. They tinker with them. Early
genetic technology involved simple organisms such as bacteria.
Scientists inserted genes to produce bacteria with useful new traits.
Researchers also kept their sights on more ambitious goals. They
understood how genetic defects could produce disease. Could they
use technology to cure these disorders? This is the goal of gene
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
The main goal of gene therapy and geneticists is to understand genetics better as well as to cure
disorders by using technology.

Source # 5
Notecard #14
Source APA Citation

Gene Therapy. (2014). The New Book of Knowledge. Retrieved January 13, 2014,
from Grolier Online type=0ta

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
Gene therapy for diseases such as cancer
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
Another type of gene therapy is used to treat cancer. The inserted
gene does not fix the cancerous cell. It instead produces a protein
that tells the body to destroy the cell. The challenge is to insert such
genes in cancerous cells only. To do this, the gene is placed in
special fat droplets. These pass through cell membranes. The
droplets are then injected into cancerous tumors. Such treatments
have proved moderately successful.

Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
A different type of gene therapy that is used to treat cancer and it is when genes telling the body to kill
the cell go into the cancerous cell to destroy it, that is why fat droplets are being developed so they can
specifically go into the cancerous cells..

Source # 5
Notecard #15
Source APA Citation

Gene Therapy. (2014). The New Book of Knowledge. Retrieved January 13, 2014,
from Grolier Online type=0ta

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
Controversy of gene therapy

Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
But aspects of gene therapy remain controversial. The human
genome is complex. It is far from well understood. Some experts
question whether we are tinkering blindly. The instances of
dangerous reactions are also of concern. These remain little

Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Many things are still unknown in the human genome and a concern that we are blindly messing with
peoples genes.

Source # 6
Notecard #16
Source APA Citation

Hunt, S. (n.d.). Controversies in Treatment Approaches: Gene Therapy, IVF, Stem
Cells, and Pharmacogenomics. Retrieved January 11, 2014, from

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
Background on human dna
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
Human DNA is estimated to have approximately 12 million single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs) and thousands of copy number variants (CNVs), most of which are not harmful. However,
genetic disorders do sometimes occur as a result of mutations that alter or inhibit protein function.
Gene therapy focuses on correcting these mutated or defective genes by way of the following
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
DNA is composed of millions of nucleotides and cnvs which are harmless, however when a mutation
occurs it causes a problem with the bodys protein function and gene therapys goal is to fix that.

Source # 6
Notecard #17
Source APA Citation

Hunt, S. (n.d.). Controversies in Treatment Approaches: Gene Therapy, IVF, Stem
Cells, and Pharmacogenomics. Retrieved January 11, 2014, from

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
Fearful concepts for people as well as curable disorders today.
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
The concept of changing a person's DNA, even to cure a fatal genetic disease, differs from more
traditional remedies like surgery, pharmaceuticals, and physical therapy, and it is frightening to
some people. Successful treatment approaches are available for a handful of single-gene
disorders, most of which are enzyme deficiencies, including Gaucher's disease (a lysosomal
storage disorder) and phenylketonuria (phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency). Other disorders,
including Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), are the result of the complete loss of a functional
protein. DMD is an X-linked recessive disorder that is caused by a mutation in the dystrophin gene.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Although the idea of changing ones dna is frightful for some people it has great promise in curing
diseases. Today a lot of diseases have found their cure although most of them are enzyme based.

Source # 6
Notecard #18
Source APA Citation

Hunt, S. (n.d.). Controversies in Treatment Approaches: Gene Therapy, IVF, Stem
Cells, and Pharmacogenomics. Retrieved January 11, 2014, from

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?)
Obstacles for gene therapy
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
. The scientific obstacles to gene therapy are related to the vehicles used to deliver normal genes.
Most attempts at gene therapy involve inserting a normal or slightly modified version of a gene
sequence into a viral vector. This virus then carries the gene into the patient's body and to the
targeted tissue. Indeed, some success has been achieved in treating DMD using this method.
However, this and other uses of viral vectors are often hindered by issues related to the patient's
immune response, the specificity of delivery, and insertional mutagenesis.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
One of the current problems of gene therapy is the genes way of travel known as vectors. Today virus
vectors are being use and although these have shown success new vectors must be developed because
virus vectors have many down sides such as the bodys immune system possibly destroying it.

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