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American Literature: Cultural Analysis Essay

Ms. Wu
Cultural Analysis Essay
Due Friday, August 29 at the beginning of class
Paper Length: 3 to 5 pages
Format: Typed !ou"le#spaced $% pt. Times &e's (oman
)rading Category: (eading*Writing
Rubric: Please self-score the rubric on the back of this sheet and submit it with
your essay on Friday. I will not read your essay unless you fill out your rubric
Option 1: Music
Choose a song +rom any period o+ time and genre,5-.s /-.s (a0e techno pun1
country etc.,that you "elie0e represents distinctly American 0alues or ideas. Write a 3
to 5 page essay analy2ing the song.s lyrics and e3plaining 'hich distinctly American
0alues and ideas they represent and why. Pro0ide speci+ic e3amples and commentary.
Please attach a copy o+ your song.s lyrics so 4 can see them in their entirety.
Option 2: ports
50er all other sports "ase"all has "een called 6America.s +a0orite pastime7 historically
claiming that it is the American sport. What a"out "ase"all appeals to Americans8 4ts
true origins aside ho' and 'hy is it distinctly American8 Consider not only the game o+
"ase"all itsel+ "ut also the e3perience spectators ha0e. 9o' is their e3perience
'atching "ase"all distinctly American8 What 0alues are "eing played out :pun
intended; at a "ase"all game +or "oth the players and the spectators8 Write a 3 to 5
page essay analy2ing the appeal o+ "ase"all to the American spirit. Pro0ide speci+ic
e3amples and commentary e3plaining why you ha0e arri0ed at your position.
Option !: E"tre#e ports
The <#)ames and other e3treme sports li1e =M< s1ate"oarding etc. ha0e emerged as
a po'er+ul +orm o+ acti0ity and entertainment in the >nited ?tates. While still not
considered mainstream sporting acti0ities li1e +oot"all or "ase"all e3treme sports ha0e
gained @uite a +ollo'ing. 9o' does the emergence o+ e3treme sports re+lect distinctly
American 0alues8 9o' and 'hy do e3treme sports appeal to the American spirit8
Write a 3 to 5 page essay analy2ing the appeal o+ e3treme sports to the American spirit.
Pro0ide speci+ic e3amples and commentary e3plaining why you ha0e arri0ed at your

Option $: uper %ero Mo&ies
This summer Iron Man sa' a A$-B million opening 'ee1end. ?pider Man 3 opened at
A$5$.$ million 'hile X-Men: The Last Stand opened at A$-%./ million. 9o' and 'hy do
super hero mo0ies appeal to the American audience8 What 0alues does this mo0ie
genre seem to portray on the "ig screen that may "e considered distinctly American8
Why are people dra'n to see mo0ies on opening 'ee1end any'ay8 Write a 3 to 5
page essay analy2ing the appeal o+ super hero mo0ies to the American audience.
Pro0ide speci+ic e3amples and commentary e3plaining why you ha0e arri0ed at your

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