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Love Is Blind

Annotated Bibliography

Jessica Kim, Derique Villanueva, and Diana Voropaeva
Senior Division
Group Documentary

Primary Sources:

Argentina OKS Gay Marriage in Historic Vote . Dir. Associated Press. Perf. Real Gay
Couples . gay , 2010. Film.
The country of Argentina became the first in Latin America to legalise samesex marrage. Senator
Gerardo Morales was in favor of same sex marriage and argued to the council about equal rights. In
the end 33 votes in favor, 27 against, and 3 abstentions. This is a special time for lesbians and gay
couples in European countries.

Bush , Darry . Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?. 2008. Dan Fransisco Hall , San Francisco . Web. 15 Nov. 2008.
As of July 17, 2013, gay marriage has been legalized in 14 states. Yet 35 states have gay marriage
bans through either laws or constitutional amendments or both. Gay rights movement started in
Stonewell, York City at 3am on June 28, 1969. Police raids on gay bars and the gay & lesbian
patrons fought back.

"Fun Sun Facts for Kids - Interesting Facts about the Sun." Fun Sun Facts for Kids -
Interesting Facts about the Sun. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.
Proposition 8 of the California Amendment recognized that only marriage between a man and a
woman is valid or recognized in CA After striking down of the similar Proposition 22 in 2008, the
Supreme Court ruled in the case of Hollingsworth V. Perry that since the law served to remove right
from disadvantaged group with no rational basis. As a result, the law was abolished, and same sec
marrage is now legal in California and a dozen other states.

Secondary Sources:

Alsenas, Linas. Gay America: struggle for equality. New York: Amulet Books, 2008. Print.
When America first started getting sick from AIDS most gays were disapointed because of how low
people thought of them. Most of the gay community during the 1980s were getting as sick first
known as gay cancer. Many didnt care for the gay community at the time, so it was sad to see
how the public treated the gays. It was largly spreading in New York at a gay bar called The Saints.

Central Intelligence Agency, . N.p.. Web. 2 Mar 2014.
The LGBT Pride Month is a time when Gay, Lesbian and bisexual officers and Allies create a
diverse work environment, last festival was held in Downtown Washington, D.C. creating a diverse
workforce. This is a good example to show in our documentary since it gives us a visual view of
people that are interested in working together and creating an environment with different

"Celebrities Come Out for Equality in 2013." Human Rights Campaign. N.p., n.d. Web. 03
Mar. 2014.
Jason Collins was the first openly gay NBA player to come out while still actively playing in the
league. Hillary Clinton joined HRC in May to come out of favor of marriage equality. Celebrities
such as Wentworth Miller, Raven-Symon, Clive Davis, Brittney Griner, and Lucas Cruikshank are
openly gay. Senator Rob Portman supports gay rights and his son Will is openly gay. Prime Minister
Kevin Rudd supports gay rights. Victor Barger, Michelle Rodriguez, and Robbie Rogers are openly
gay. Robbie is the first openly gay man to participate in Major League Soccer.

" - The Official Web Site of the The U.S. Presidential Transition." Civil Rights.
N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.
In 2004, crimes against LGBT Americans constituted the third-highest category of hate crime
reported and made up more than 15% of such crimes. Obama believes we need to repeal the Defense
of Marriage Act and enact legislation that would ensure that the 1,110+ federal legal rights and
benefits of martial status to same-sex couples.

"Civil Rights." The White House. The White House, n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2014.
Obama signed the Dont Ask, Dont Tell Act of 2010 into law. It ended for good on September 20,
2011 allowing gays to serve openly in the U.S. military. On June 26, 2013 the Supreme Court ruled
that Section 3 of the DOMA is unconstitutional. Obama issued, the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) that medical-decision-making rights of LGBT patients are respected.

Democratic Party, . N.p.. Web. 2 Mar 2014.
Democrats across the country were joining with President Obama to recognize Lesbian Gay
Bisexual Pride Month. The President says that renewing our commitment for equal rights of
Americans and ending injustice and prejudice is important for the society. The president represented
the fullest extension of benefits. This helped us understand that this right is still a struggle today,
many administrations continue prevent providing same sex domestic partners.

Dennis , Kucinich. N.p.. Web. 2 Mar 2014.
There has been a growing demand for protection and rights against discrimination in all forms,
which shows that it is against anyone based on any part of their identity, creating a system in which
everyone is the same. This gave us an idea that people are fighting for their rights as one in a
community. The relationships between workers-employers, track unions-government, employee-
employer. Conferences and summits have increased the demand for a new comprehensive analysis
of the dynamics of discrimination in various different forms.

Garden, Nancy. Hear Us Out!: Lesbian and Gay Stories of Struggle, Progress and Hope,
1950 to the Present. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2007. Print.
They all have different stories and struggles of different gays and lesbians throughout 60 or so years.
Some were from the 1950s to the 1970s and 1980s to the 2000s. A lot of them had letters and some
chapters were mostly letters. Also written in essays and short stories for the chapters.

Hamilton, Neal. "gay rights movement." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 3 Mar.
The contemporary gay rights movement struggles for full civil rights for homosexuals and greater
societal acceptance of homosexuality. This way considered to have begun in the US with the
Stonewall riots of June 1969. Ex. Dozens of same sex couples waited in the rain outside the city of
NY Clerks Office to obtain marriage licenses, but were turned away with a letter explaining that gay
marriages are illegal in the state. On June 27, 1969 when the police raided the stonewall inn, the
patrons decided to take a stand which resulted in injuries to 4 policemen. After that incident the
LGBT formed the Gay Liberation front and demanded an end to discrimination, based on sexual

Newman, Jason. "gay rights." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 3 Mar. 2014.
There was a murder in 1998 of gay college student Matthew Shepard. In 1533, Parliament passed
the Buggery Act, which made homosexual intercouse a capital offense punishable by hanging.
Congress passed the Hate Crimes Statistics Act in 1990 mandating that the U.S. Justice Department
acquire data on race, religion, sexual orientations, or ethnicity.

Staff, Finding Dulcinea . "Happy Birthday, Harvey Milk, Gay Rights Icon ." Finding
Dulcinea Staff 356.44 (2009): 2. Print.
Harvey Milk was one of the first openly gay Americans to hold elected office, winning a seat of San
Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1978. He was crusader of gay rights and he was responsible for
banning anti- gay discrimination targeting gay teachers, his life ended when he was murdered by a
fellow city politician. On November 27, 1978 Milk was murdered by Dan White.

"The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights." The Leadership Conference on
Civil and Human Rights. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.
This website is talking about the Stonewall Riots and how it started all the gay protest

Zernike, Kate. "Christie Wants States Top Court to Block Gay Marriage Ruling." The New
York Times. The New York Times, 30 Sept. 2013. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.
A 2006 NJ Supreme Court decision said that the State Constitution required the same rights and
protections for same-sex couples as heterosexual couples. The Legislature passed a law allowing
civil unions, but gay couples sued, saying they were still denied many benefits. The Legislature
passed another law allowing same-sex marriage last year. But Mr. Christine, a Republican, vetoed
the bill. Democratic leaders, along with gay rights group, are pushing to override Mr. Christies veto
before a January deadline. Two Republicans and Democrats supported the override, but were still
short by several votes.

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