Special Proceedings Atty. Rosario Olivas-Gallo DLSU College of Law First Term, AY 2014-2015

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Special Proceedings

Atty. Rosario Olivas-Gallo

DLSU College of Law
First er!" A# $%&'-$%&(
This is a remedial law course based on Rules 72 to !" o# the Rules o# Court$ related laws$ rules and
Su%reme Court decisions& Sub'ects include the rules on settlement and administration o# estates o#
deceased %ersons$ wills$ letters testamentar( and administration$ encumbrances o# %ro%ert( o# decedents$
escheat$ )uardianshi%$ trusts$ hos%itali*ation o# insane %ersons$ ado%tion$ habeas cor%us$ writ o# am%aro$
writ o# habeas data$ chan)e o# name$ correction o# entries in the ci+il re)istr($ 'udicial a%%ro+al o# +oluntar(
reco)nition o# minor children$ and absentees&
/t the end o# the term$ students will be able to sol+e le)al %roblems a%%l(in) the rules on s%ecial %roceedin)s&
Rules o# Court$ Rules 72 to !"
/ntonio ,autista$ ,/SIC SPECI/1 PROCEEDIN2S
2em( 1ito 1& 0estin$ SPECI/1 PROCEEDIN2S
3our #inal )rade #or this course will consist o# three e5ual %arts:
a6 Class %artici%ation 75ui**es$ recitation$ com%arati+e case anal(ses6
b6 4id8term e9am
c6 0inal e9am
Nature o# s%ecial %roceedin)s
/%%licabilit( o# ordinar( rules o# %rocedure
Rules o# Court$ Rule 72$ Sections and 2
Natcher +s& Court o# /%%eals$ 2R No& ::!!! 72 October 2!!6
Paci#ic ,an;in) Cor%& Em%lo(ees Or)& +s& Court o# /%%eals$ 2<2 SCR/ <"2 7""=6
/lan -ose%h She;er +s& Estate o# /lice She;er$ 2R No& =7"2$ : December 2!!7
2& Non8%robate modes o# settlement
Summar( settlement
/##ida+it o# sel#8ad'udication
-udicial %artition
E9tra8'udicial %artition
8Rule $ Section :7c6
8Rules ?" and 7<
8Ernesto Cease +s& C/$ 2R No& 18::72$ @ Oct& "7"
8.ictoria ,rin)as Pereira +s& Court o# /%%eals$ 2R @<7$ 2! -une "@"
8Portu)al +s& Portu)al8,eltran$ 2R =====$ ? /u)ust 2!!=
84aria Socorro /+elino +s& Court o# /%%eals$ 2R No& =@$ : 4arch 2!!!
2&2 Initiation o# %robate %roceedin)s
-urisdiction and +enue
Petition #or allowance o# will
Petition #or letters testamentar(
Petition #or letters o# administration
8Rule 7:$ 7=$ 7?$ 77$ 7"
8Ci+il Code$ /rt& ?$ @$ @:"
8Rule <$ Section 77d6
8,P 2" as amended$ Section "7<6$ Sec& ::76A R/ 7?"
82arcia 0ule +s& Court o# /%%eals$ 2R 18<!=!2 B <2?7!$ 2" 4ar& 7<
8Emilia 0i)uracion82erilla +s& Carolina .da& De 0i)uracion$ et al$ 2R No& =<:22$ 22 /u)&
8/rbolario +s& C/$ 2R No& 2"?:$ 22 /%ril 2!!:
80eli9 /*uela +s& C/$ 2R No& 22@@!$ 2 /%ril 2!!?
8C(nthia C& /laban +s& C/$ 2R No& =?!2$ 2: Se%t& 2!!=
80leumer +s& Ci9$ 2R :2?:?$ 7 4arch ":!
8/lon*o D& /ncheta +s& Candelaria 2uerse(8Dala()on$ 2R No& :"@?@$ @ -une 2!!?
2&: /%%ointment and remo+al o# e9ecutor or administrator
8Rule 7@$ Rule @!$ Rule @2 Sec& 2 to <
8Testate Estate o# 2re)orio .entura +s& 2re)oria .entura$ 2R 182?:!?$ 2= /%ril "@@
8.illamor +s& Court o# /%%eals$ 2R No& 18<=!@$ 27 -une "@@
8Pi'uan +s& .da& de 2urrea$ 2R No& 182"7$ 2" No+ember "??
81u*on Suret( +s& Duebrar$ 2R 18<!=7$ : -anuar( "@<
2&< Duties and %owers o# e9ecutor E administrator
8Rule @$ @:$ @<$ @=$ @7$ @"
8Cilario 4 Rui* +s& C/$ 2R @?7$ 2" -an& ""?
8/na 1im Falaw +s& I/C$ 2R 7<?@$ 2 Se%t& ""
8-ose%hine Pahamotan) +s& PN,$ 2R No& =?<!:$ : 4arch 2!!=
8Teodora Rio#erio +s& C/$ 2R No& 2"!!@$ : -an& 2!!<
2&= Claims a)ainst the estate
4one( claims 8 nature
Ghen #iled
8Rule @?$ @@
8Rule :$ Sec& ?$ 2!
8Rule :"$ Sec& 7
8Union ,an; +s& Edmund Santibane*$ 2R No& <""2?$ 2: 0eb& 2!!=
8PN, +s& C/$ 2R No& 2="7$ 2" -une 2!!
8/ldami* +s& -ud)e o# C0I o# 4indoro$ 2R 182!2!$ 2" Dec& "<"
2&? Distribution and closure o# estate
8Rule "!
80e D& Duita +s& C/$ 2R No& 2<@?2$ 22 Dec& ""@
8Emilio Pacioles$ -r& +s& 4i)uela Chuatoco8Chin)$ 2R No& 27"2!$ " /u)ust 2!!=
Conce%t o# escheat %roceedin)s
Com%are and contrast escheat %roceedin)s with settlement o# estate %roceedin)s
8Rule "
8Re%ublic +s& C/$ 2R No& <:<@:$ : -an& 2!!2
8 Ghat is the Re)alian doctrine and how does this relate to escheat %roceedin)sH
Conce%t o# )uardianshi%
Com%are and contrast )uardianshi% %roceedin)s with %roceedin)s #or escheat and settlement o#
DIstin)uish between )uardianshi% o# minors and )uardianshi% o# Iincom%etentsI
Duali#ications and dis5uali#ications o# )uardians
8Rule "2 to "7
8/4C No& !:8!28!=8SC$ Rule on 2uardianshi% o# 4inors
8/4 No& !:8!<8!<8SC$ Rule on custod( o# minors and writ o# habeas cor%us in relation to
custod( o# minors 7/%%endi9 C$ ,autista$ ,asic S%ecial Proceedin)s6
80amil( Code$ /rt& 222 to 227
8,oni#acia P& .ancil +s& Celen 2& ,elmes$ 2R No& :222:$ " -une 2!!
8Parco +s& C/$ 2R No& ::=2$ :! -an& "@2
8-ocel(n Pablo82ualberto +s& Crisanto Ra#aelito 2ualberto$ 2R No& =?2=<$ 2@ -une 2!!=
8Carmen Cani*a re%resented b( /m%aro E+an)elista +s& C/$ 2R No& =<""<$ 2< 0eb&
8In the matter o# a%%lication #or the issuance o# a writ o# habeas cor%us$ Richard ,rian
Thornton +s& /del#a 0rancisco Thornton$ 2R No& =<="@$ ? /u)ust 2!!<
8 Dacasin +s& Dacasin$ 2R No& ?@7@=$ = 0eb& 2!!
8 / conte9t: Parental /lienation S(ndrome
a6 htt%:EE#amil(8law&law(ers&comE+isitation8ri)htsE%arental8alienation8s(ndrome&html
b6 htt%:EEs(ndromes%edia&comE%arental8alienation8s(ndrome8s(m%toms8treatment8
Conce%t o# trusteeshi%
Com%are and contrast the role o# a trustee with that o# a )uardian$ and an administrator or
8Rule "@
8Ci+il Code$ /rt& <<!$ <<:8<<?
8Social Securit( S(stem +s& Commission on /udit$ 2R <"2<!$ -ul( 2!!2
Conce%t o# ado%tion
Philoso%h( behind ado%tion %roceedin)s
Cow do #oundlin)s )ain identit($ and how to the( become eli)ible #or ado%tionH
Re5uirements$ 5uali#ications$ dis5uali#ications
Re+ocation and rescission o# ado%tion
80amil( Code /rts& @: to ":
8/4 No& !28?8!28SC 722 /u)ust 2!!26
8/4 No& !:8!<8!<8SC
8R/ @==2 J Domestic /do%tion /ct o# ""@
8R/ @!<: J Inter8Countr( /do%tion /ct o# ""=
8R/ "=2: J DSGD Certi#ication
8Rainbow;ids&com on Phili%%ines:
8Diwata Ramos 1andin)in +s& Re%ublic o# the Phili%%ines$ 2R No& ?<"<@$ 27 -une 2!!?
8In the matter o# the ado%tion o# Ste%hanie Nath( /stor)a 2arcia$ Conorato ,& Catindi)$
%etitioner$ 2R No& <@:$ : 4arch 2!!=
8Isabelita S& 1ahom +s& -ose 4el+in Sibulo$ 2R No& <:"@"$ < -ul( 2!!:
8 In the matter o# the ado%tion o# the minor Edwin .illa ( 4endo*a$ 2R No& 1822=2:$ Se%t&
2"$ "?7
Present conce%t o# mental disabilit(
Standards #or determinin) mental disabilit(
8Rule !
8RPC /rt& 2$ %ar&
8 Con+ention on the Ri)hts o# Persons with DIsabilit($ /rticles 2$ : and =
8Chin /h 0oo +& Conce%cion$ 2R ::2@& : 4arch ":!
8 Peo%le +& /ndres 4a)allano$ 2R 18:2"7@$ :! October "@!
8 Peo%le +& Policar%io Ra#anan$ 2R =<:=$ 2 No+& ""
@& GRITS O0 C/,E/S CORPUS$ C/,E/S D/T/ and /4P/RO
Conce%t o# these remedies
Rationale #or these remedies
E##ecti+it( o# these remedies
Distin)uish these #rom the )eneral nature o# other s%ecial %roceedin)s
8Rule !2
8,P 2"$ Sec& 276$ Sec& :"
8/4 No& 78"828SC 7Grit o# /m%aro6
8/4 No& !@88?8SC 7Grit o# Cabeas Data6
84oncu%a +s& Enrile$ 2R No& ?::<=$ :! -an& "@?
82lenn Caballes ( Chua +s& C/$ 2R No& ?:!@$ 2: 0eb& 2!!=
8Samuel ,arredo ( 2olani +s& Con& .icente .inarao$ 2R No& ?@72@$ 2 /u)& 2!!7
8In the matter o# the %etition #or habeas cor%us$ En)r& /shra# Funtin)$ 2R No& ?7":$ "
/%ril 2!!?
84arie /ntonette /bi)ail C& Salientes +s& 1oran SD /banilla$ 2R No& ?27:<$ 2" /u)ust
8 Edita ,ur)os +ersus 2loria 4aca%a)al8/rro(o$ 2R No& @:7$ -ul( =$ 2!
8 Secretar( o# National De#ense +ersus 4analo$ 2&R& No& @!"!?$ October 7$ 2!!@
8 Re+& 0ather Robert Re(es +ersus Court o# /%%eals$ et al$ 2R No& @2?$ December :$
8 Ra*on +ersus Ta)itis$ 2R No& @2<"@$ December :$ 2!!"
Distin)uish amon) %roceedin)s #or chan)e o# name$ 'udicial correction E cancellation o# entries in
the ci+il re)istr($ and administrati+e correction o# entries in the ci+il re)istr(
Ghich o# these %roceedin)s are ad+ersarial$ and which are notH
Ghat ma;es such %roceedin)s ad+ersarialH
Gh( is it necessar( #or such %roceedin)s to be ad+ersarial i natureH
8Rule !:$ !@
8/rt& <2$ Ci+il Code
8Re%ublic /ct No& "!<@
8Re%ublic /ct No& !72 and Im%lementin) Rules 7O##ice o# the Ci+il Re)istrar 2eneral 8
/dministrati+e Order No& $ Series o# 2!2
8Re%ublic +s& Carlito I& Fho$ 2R No& 7!:<!$ 2" -une 2!!
8Re%ublic +s& Trinidad$ 2R No& =7!<:$ 2 0ebruar( 2!!7
8In Re Petition #or Chan)e o# Name andEor CorrectionECancellation o# Entr( in Ci+il
Re)istr( o# -ulian 1in Carulasan Gan)$ 2R No& =""??$ 2! 4arch 2!!=
84arcelo 1ee +s& C/$ 2R No& @:@7$ Oct& 2!!
8,arco$ as Natural 2uardian and 2uardian /d 1item o# 4ar( -o( /nn 2ustilo +s& C/$ 2R
No& 2!=@7$ 2! -anuar( 2!!<
8Rommel -acinto Dantes Sil+erio +s& Re%ublic& 2R No& 7<?@"$ 22 Oct& 2!!7
8Re%ublic +ersus Ca)andahan$ 2R No& ???7?$ 2 Se%t& 2!!@
8 Rosendo /lba +ersus Court o# /%%eals$ 2R No& ?<!<$ -ul( 2"$ 2!!=
!& 0/4I13 CO4E
Cow is a #amil( home constitutedH
Di##erentiate between %ro+isions o# the 0amil( Code and Ci+il Code
,ene#its o# ha+in) a #amil( home in )eneral$ #or ta9 %ur%oses$ #or e9ecution %ur%oses under Rule
Im%ortance o# +alue o# the #amil( home
80amil( Code$ /rt& =28?2
8NIRC Section 27<6
8 ROC$ Rule :"$ Sec& :
8-ose 4ode5uillo +s& Con /u)usto ,re+a$ 2R No& @?:==$ : 4a( ""!
8 De 4esa +& /cero$ 2R @=!?<$ ? -an& 2!2
Com%are and contrast duration o# absence #or %ur%oses o# administration o# estate$ settlement o#
estate$ remarria)e
8Rule !7
8Ci+il Code$ /rt& :@ to :@?$ :"
80amil( Code$ /rt& <! to <:
8Re%ublic +s& C/$ 2R No& ?:?!<$ ? 4a( 2!!=
8Re: Petition #or Declaration o# /bsence o# Roberto 1& Re(es$ 2R No& 18:2!2?$ ? -anuar(
8.alde* +& Re%ublic$ 2R No& @!@?:$ @ Se%t& 2!!"
Di##erentiate this with ordinar( a%%eals under Rule <<
8 Rule !"
8Testate Estate o# 4aria 4anuel +da& de ,iascan +s& Rosalina C& ,iascan$ 2R :@7:$
Dec& 2!!!
/ll ri)hts reser+ed& 2!<&
/tt(& Chato Oli+as82allo

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