QC Engineer3

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Seeking a position in my professional branch to utilize my skills and abilities to the fullest
extend. Active participation using my skills and knowledge with the best possible attitude to
achieve organizational goals and simultaneously accomplish career growth along with the
professional development.
Career Details:
Company Name .
POSITION : ! Engineer
PERIOD : "rom to #ill date

Pro"essional #!ali"ication:
CS$IP %&' $E%&'() '(S*E!#+,
ASNT LE(EL)II !ertifications in:
,adiography #est
-ltrasonic #est
.agnetic *article #est
%i/uid *enetrant #est
,eview of material test certificates for all incoming materials and $elding
#o monitor the 0ob activities for the above products as per 'nternational standards1
!lient 2 *ro3ect specification and *rocedures
,eview of &rawings1 codes1 specification1 procedures1 !ustomer * and contractual
'nvolved in preparation of uality Assurance *lans1 'nspection documentation
4erification of the $*S1 $itnessing procedure /ualification test and welder
performance /ualification tests.
*reparing list of /ualified welders indicating the procedures and positions in which
they are /ualified.
.onitoring the use of welding process1 parameters1 and electrodes with respect to
the applicable $*S.
4isual inspection like checking the use of pre5 heat1 interpass and *ost heating
temperatures in accordance with $*S1 .onitoring the welding se/uence in order to
control distortion.
Effectively identify the critical parameters1 dimensions that will be taken care during
the "abrication.
#roubleshoot welding problems1 make recommendations for improvement and
develop corrective actions.
'nspection of the welded components for visual and dimensional tolerance.
.onitoring the *$6# !ycle and 4erification of the *$6# chart.
&irects and coordinates technical personnel in performing inspections to ensure
worker7s compliance with established welding 2/uality procedures1 restrictions and
"inal inspection of the components for visual and dimensional tolerances.
$itnessing and checking the 6ydro testing of the component for pressure drop and
!oordinate with other departments in all interface activities related to inspection of
fabricated items.
!o5 ordination of inspection activities with third party inspection agencies like 8oiler
'nspectors 9'8:1 %,A.1 #*%1 etc.1
'nvestigating ; analyzing customer complaints to determine the corrective action ;
preventive action.
*reparation of internal uality control ,eports and data manufacturing records at
various stages of the 3obs.
Ensure safety in shop floor and welding is done safe manner.
,eporting to 4ice *resident < uality regarding all uality aspects and 3ob.
Projects *anle:
S+ill Set:
Software #ools: Auto !ad.
+perating Systems : $indows =>>?
.S +ffice Suite
Personal Pro"ile:
(ame :
&ate +f 8irth :
Sex :
%anguages @nown :
*assport (o :
Email :

*ermanent Address :1

State :
!ountry :

' hereby declare that the above written particulars are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
&ate : Aours truly1

Sample (ame

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