Short Stories UBD Template

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Coonley School

Write What I Read Understanding the Short Story

Teacher___Meegan_____ Grade_____6
, 7
, 8
Writing __
Date___May 2014_______
Stage 1- Deired !eu"t
#tab"ihed G$a"%
Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events sing e!!ective tec"ni#e$ relevant
descriptive details$ and %ell-strctred event se#ences.
Engage and orient t"e reader &' esta&lis"ing a context and point o! vie% and introdcing a narrator and(or
c"aracters) organi*e an event se#ence t"at n!olds natrall' and logicall'.
,se narrative tec"ni#es$ sc" as dialoge$ pacing$ description$ and re!lection$ to develop experiences$
events$ and(or c"aracters.
,se a variet' o! transition %ords$ p"rases$ and clases to conve' se#ence$ signal s"i!ts !rom one time
!rame or setting to anot"er$ and s"o% t"e relations"ips among experiences and events.
,se precise %ords and p"rases$ relevant descriptive details$ and sensor' langage to captre t"e action
and conve' experiences and events.
.rovide a conclsion t"at !ollo%s !rom and re!lects on t"e narrated experiences or events.
Wit" some gidance and spport !rom peers and adlts$ develop and strengt"en %riting as needed &'
planning$ revising$ editing$ re%riting$ or tr'ing a ne% approac"$ !ocsing on "o% %ell prpose and
adience "ave &een addressed. 0Editing !or conventions s"old demonstrate command o! Langage
standards 1-3 p to and inclding grade 8 "ere.2
Condct s"ort researc" pro4ects to ans%er a #estion 0inclding a sel!-generated #estion2$ dra%ing on
several sorces and generating additional related$ !ocsed #estions t"at allo% !or mltiple avenes o!
Stdents %ill nderstand ...
T"e importance o! a s"ort stor'
Concise %riting 5 its importance to s"ort stories
6o% t"eir vie% points 0voice2 impact t"eir stor'
Importance o! !igrative langage in s"ort
#entia" 'ueti$n%
- What are the characteritic $( a h$rt t$ry,
and h$) are they ued by a )riter*
- +$) d$ , )rite a )e"" de-e"$.ed c$ncie
h$rt t$ry )ith /eaning*
- What are the characteritic $( /y
- +$) d$ the ch$ice , /a0e a a )riter
i/.act /y reader*
Stdent %ill 7no%8.
At"or9s cra!t : c"oices 5 %"'
Speci!ic c"aracteristics o! s"ort stories and
t"eir selected genre 0sci-!i$ d'stopian$ m'ster'$
realistic !iction !antas'2
At"or9s vie%point(attitde(tone(mood
Exposition- tool o! detail
Con!lict and concise resoltion 0"anging
;igrative langage 0imager'$ s'm&olism$
iron'$ satire$ "mor$ sspense$ personi!ication$
Stdent %ill &e a&le to8
Identi!' c"aracteristics o! t"eir sel!-selected
Select and se a grap"ic organi*er as a
pre%riting tool
Create a r&ric to gide t"eir %or7
Create a s"ort stor'
Revise and o!!er !eed&ac7 to peers to improve
t"eir stories
Appl' !igrative langage to en"ance t"eir stor'
Re!lect on t"eir %or7 &e!ore$ dring$ and a!ter
<eegan .age 1
t"eme2 composition
Stage 2- 1e/ent #-idence
2er($r/ance Ta0%
- S"ort stor'
- Sel!-selected genre researc" and "and-ot
3ther #-idence%
- <ltiple c"oice #i* on s"ort stor' c"aracteristics
: stdents ma' se notes and "and-ots to assist
- .eer !eed&ac7
- Completed grap"ic organi*er
- Completed !irst dra!t
- =enre r&ric- W"at does t"e stdent t"in7
is important> W"at elements are speci!ic to
'or genre>
- Researc" c"ec7-points 0organi*ed &'
grop-%ide "andot2
- Re!lection o! %riter9s gro%t" and
3ther #-idence, Su//ari4ed
Stage 5 6earning 2"an
6earning 1cti-itie%
12 Introdction 06oo72 - students will be introduced to short stories, using one of Disneys newest
shorts, Mickey in Yodelberg ( to spark previous
knowledge on characteristics of short story.
a. What is structure of the story ! "tudents will co#plete a story #ap of the short fil#.
b. What were the storytelling tools e#ployed by the writers $ "tudents will turn and talk to
a face partner.
?2 Stdents %ill ta7e Cornell notes &ased on .re*i 0"ttp@((pre*"ort-
stor'(2 t"rog"ot eac" mini-lesson t"at %ill gide t"eir %or7 in developing t"eir s"ort stories !ocsed
on t"e !ollo%ing elements@
a. =enre
&. .lot
c. Exposition : 0"ttp@((%%%.'ot&">vCDEFSG<a.I,H2
i. Incident .lot
d. Setting
e. C"aracters
i. .rotagonist 5 Antagonist
1. C"aracter in a +ag Activit' : stdents %ill receive a m'ster' &ag o! articles.
In t"eir grop$ t"e' %ill vie% t"e articles and create a s"ort c"aracter s7etc"
o! %"o t"is person is. Stdents %ill t"en se t"is tec"ni#e as t"e plan !or
t"eir protagonist and antagonist %it"in t"eir s"ort stor'.
ii. .oint o! Gie%
!. Con!lict
i. Inciting Incident
g. <ood 5 Tone
". Strong Ending 06anging(Srprise Ending2
32 Teac"er %ill introdce and "ig"lig"t 7e' !eatres !or mini-lessons. Stdents %ill annotate and
"ig"lig"t !or elements dring teac"er read-alod. T"e !ollo%ing mentor texts %ill &e sed@
a. Exposition 0+ac7stor'2 : 6arrisson +rgeron &' Irt Gonnegat 0Science ;iction(-'stopian2
i. Inciting incident
&. Setting - JT"e Lotter'J &' S"irle' Kac7son 0<'ster'2
c. C"aracters - T"e Elevator- William Sleator 0Realistic ;iction2
i. .oint o! Gie% 0Farration2 : Tell Tale 6eart &' Edgar Allen .oe 06orror2
d. Con!lict(Goice 0At"ors2 - JTog" AliceJ(Alice in Wonderland C"apter 1 0;antas'2
e. <ood 5 Tone - L.oplarit'M(MTimeM- ;irst ;renc" Iiss 0Realistic ;iction2
f. Strong Ending 06anging(Srprise Ending2 - Tom Waits- J<issing <'
<eegan .age ?
SonJ- htt.%77)))8"yric/ania8c$/7/iing_/y_$n_"yric_t$/_)ait8ht/"
A2 Stdents are %elcome to &ring in a &oo7 t"at t"e' are reading or "ave read as a mentor text !or t"e
particlar genre t"e' %ant to %rite.
/2 ,sing and teac"er resorces on t"e classroom page 0"ttp@((%%%.coonle'.org(index.p"p>
optionCcomN%rapper5vie%C%rapper5ItemidC1A?2 $ stdents %ill researc" t"eir genre 0realistic !iction$
science !iction$ d'stopian$ m'ster'$ "orror$ !antas'2 coming p %it" t"e c"aracteristics o! t"at genre and a
grap"ic organi*er to assist in t"eir planning.
B2 Stdents %ill s"are t"is researc" %it" t"e class in a "and-ot %"ic" t"e' %ill develop in t"eir small
genre %riting grop and present to class.
32 Stdents %ill complete a grap"ic organi*er !or t"eir genre and receive !eed&ac7 !rom t"e teac"er and
%riting grop. Stdents %ill &egin dra!ting.
82 Stdents %ill create a grading r&ric in t"eir genre grop %it" t"e 7e' elements t"at s"old &e inclded
in t"eir s"ort stor' &ased on genre.
O2 Stdents %ill %rite a s"ort stor' 03-/ pages2 in t"eir speci!ic genre tili*ing t"e c"aracteristics o! t"eir
1D2 Stdents and teac"er %ill %or7s"op 1st dra!ts$ revise and edit to complete !inal dra!ts$ cele&rate.
Techn$"$gy ,ntegrati$n%
Stdents %ill se a variet' o! online resorces 0see learning activities2 to learn a&ot t"eir selected
genre. Stdents %ill access a variet' o! %riting spport materials 0grap"ic organi*ers$ mentor texts and
general in!ormation o! t"eir genres2 to researc"$ ma7e connections to t"eir %riting$ and !inall' create t"eir
o%n s"ort stor' implementing t"e c"aracteristics and tools o! t"eir genre.
1da.tati$n 9 #:teni$n%
Stdents %ill &e given c"oice in selecting t"eir genre and %ill &e placed %it" a genre grop t"at %ill &est
spport t"eir needs. Stdents %ill se a grap"ic organi*er to assist in planning t"eir %riting. Stdents
%ill %or7 %it"in t"eir genre grops in a variet' o! roles to create and present a genre "and-ot to t"e
class. Small grops discssions and %riting partners %ill spport stdents nderstanding t"e content.
Stdents %it" IE.s %ill receive corresponding modi!ications to assignments 0ver&all' telling t"e stor'$
t'ping or %ord processing2 as %ell as spport !rom or special edcation resorce teac"er. In extending
assignments$ t"e a&ilit' to se a range o! resorces %ill allo% stdents to explore areas o! personal
interest$ %"ic" can &e inclded %it"in t"eir s"ort stories.
;uti(icati$n@ Write What , !ead < &ndertanding the Sh$rt St$ry provides stdents opportnities to
learn a&ot t"e c"aracteristics o! s"ort stor'$ explore a genre o! t"eir c"oice$ and %rite a s"ort stor'
t"rog" t"e %riter9s %or7s"op model. T"rog"ot t"e mont" long nit$ stdents are as7ed to read a
range o! mentor texts and re!lect on t"e tools o! t"e s"ort stor' at"or. Stdents %ill explore a genre o!
t"eir c"oice$ identi!'ing c"aracteristics o! t"eir sel!-selected genre and sing t"ose tools to compose t"eir
o%n stor'. T"ese activities are gronded in developmentall' appropriate middle sc"ool instrctional
practice meeting t"e needs o! t"e learners t"rog" t"eir individal reading$ researc" and grop
colla&oration. T"e mentor texts "ave &een selected to represent a range o! s"ort stor' tec"ni#es
0setting$ exposition$ voice$ point o! vie% to name a !e%. Stdent c"oice is ta7en into consideration in
!orming t"e genre %riting grops as %ell as grop d'namics. Stdents %ill &e gided %it" exective
!nctioning spports t"rog" a %riting calendar and %ee7l' grop presentations as c"ec7points to%ard
t"e completion o! t"e !inal s"ort stor'.
Teac"er Resorces@
Common Core
Inciting Incident-
- Setting 0..T2-
Tone 5 <ood voca&lar'- htt.%77$ureng"ihc"a8net7c"a-n$te7)riting7the-)riting-
- Examples o! internal and external con!licts-teacher)eb8c$/7nj7ri-erda"e7rad$/0i7c$n("ict?.pd!
- Antagonist article- htt.%77c$//unity8"e$n."anet8c$/7t7the-antag$nit-.$int-$(--ie)7508
<eegan .age 3
- C"aracter
<eegan .age A

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