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Equal Rights

By Jaiden, yohan, aaron,

Daniel, aj, Shruthi and
Women should have equal rights but unfortunately nearly half our would dose
not respect women.
Not long ago women where not allowed to vote or have a word on the choices
they make.

The resolution in Congress that proposed the amendment set a ratification
deadline of March 22, 1979. Through 1977, the amendment received 35 of the
necessary 38 state ratifications. Five states later rescinded their ratifications
before the 1979 deadline, though the validity of these rescissions is disputed.
In 1978, a joint resolution of Congress extended the ratification deadline to
June 30, 1982, but no further states ratified the amendment before the
passing of the second deadline. Several feminist organizations, disputing the
validity and/or the permanence of the ratification deadline, and also
disputing the validity of the five rescissions, continue to work at the federal
and state levels for the adoption of the ERA.

In February 1970, NOW picketed the United States Senate, a subcommittee of
which was holding hearings on a Constitutional amendment to lower the
voting age to eighteen. Feminists disrupted the hearings demanding a hearing
on the Equal Rights Amendment and won a meeting with Senators to discuss
the ERA. That August, an estimated 20,000 American women held a
nationwide Women's Strike for Equality to demand full social, economic, and
political equality. Said Friedan of the strike, "All kinds of women's groups all
over the country will be using this week on August 26 particularly, to point out
those areas in women's life which are still not addressed. For example, a
question of equality before the law; we are interested in the Equal Rights
Vision and Motivation

Although slavery in the United States ended in the late 19th century, racism
continued to oppress African Americans even decades later. By the mid-20th
century, blacks were still forced to use separate public utilities and schools from the
superior ones reserved for whites; they suffered routine in employment and housing,
as well as abuse and lynching from some whites, and they were unable to fully
exercise their right to vote.
For decades, civil rights activists had been fighting these laws and social customs to
secure equality for all Americans. These activists had won some significant victories;
among the most notable was the 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of
Education, which held that state laws requiring black students and white students to
attend different schools were unconstitutional.
However, these victories could not
dismantle the systemic racism that plagued the country. It was in this environment,
seeing the possibility of an America where black and white citizens were truly equal,
that Martin Luther King, Jr. joined in the fight for civil rights for black Americans

Cristiano Ronaldo has donated his Golden
Boot worth 1.5 million to a cause of
supporting Palestine children.?
The Portuguese forward and one of the worlds best players has raised the money
from the sale of his Golden Boot trough his clubs charity foundation which will
dedicate the funds to schools in Gaza following an auction.
he money of selling the Golden Booth which Cristiano Ronaldo has earned in 2011
and gave away will be dedicated for the funds to schools in Gaza.
Rumour or not, we will know soon much more, but still, this is not the first time that
Cristiano Ronaldo donating the Palestine Children.
According to various reports, Foundation of Real Madrid until now has helped to
build 167 schools in 66 countries.
Last year on November 20th of 2011 at auction of Real Madrid Foundation which
was dedicated to raise funds to schools in Gaza, Ronaldo has sold the most of his
sports shoes.
Cristiano so far was and a donor..

THANK YOU from the Equal Rights group

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