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Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
1West Virginia University PETE Unit Plan
Unit Activity Floor Hockey
Unit Context Learner Characteristics: Most students will be taking the class to
add an hour on their schedule. The class will be offered during
the last 6 weeks of class; therefore, most students will likely be
amateurs at hockey and be on a low skill level. Most students
taking the class will hold some rior knowledge of the sort, but
only a few, if any, will have e!erience in laying hockey. The
class si"e will be between #$%#& students.
Physical Environment: The location of the class will take lace on the
entire gymnasium floor of the shell building.
Equipment Access: 'll e(uiment will be accessible via )oug
*atterfield+s e(uiment room. ,(uiment will include
%hockey goals
%hockey sticks -three different si"es.
%wiffle balls
%orange hockey balls
%disc cones
%goalie e(uiment -baseball mask, shin ads, goalkeeers glove.
Special Concerns: /roer footwear and athletic attire will be re(uired
to be worn at all times. 0now which students have secial needs and
!ASPE Stanars "or PE
12 Motor *kills 3 Movement Forms
1 Movement 4oncets
1 /hysical 'ctivity
1 Health%5elated Fitness
1 /ersonal 3 *ocial 6ehavior
1 7alues /hysical 'ctivity
WV Stanars "or PE
212 Movement Forms
212 Motor *kills
212 /hysical 'ctivity
212 /hysical Fitness
212 /ersonal 3 *ocial 6ehavior
!ame: Forrest 6leinberger, 8uinn Miller #ate: 1$9#:91:
Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
Unit $oal *tudents will be able to;
%)emonstrate motor skills by combining the basic critical elements
of the following hockey skills;
%dribbling9attacking footwork
%defense9defensive footwork
%team lay
%The aforementioned skills will be e!ected to be erformed at an
<$= accuracy.
%)emonstrating erformance concets in floor hockey by
combining motor skills and fundamental hockey skills.
%>dentify the rules, strategy, and e(uiment necessary for floor
%)escribe the historical and cultural significance in of floor hockey
since the game was first created.
%'naly"e fellow eers floor hockey skills and criti(ue them on their
critical elements erformed9lacked
%)emonstrate fair, cometitive, yet safe and fun game lay with
one another by abiding by the rules of the game and by the
instructions of the instructor.
%'chieve an elevated heart and resiratory rate of &$= each
Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
Unit %&'ectives Psychomotor: *tudents will be assessed on their ability to dislay the
re(uired floor hockey skills at a roficient level -<$= or higher. via
alication tasks, skill cometence tasks, and the culminating event.
/roficiency will be assessed through a critical element checklist.
Cognitive: *tudents will be assessed on floor hockey history, culture
and skill%related critical elements via weekly written (ui""es and a
written unit e!am. <$= accuracy or higher is e!ected on both.
A""ective: *tudents will be assessed on their comliance to team
affiliation, resect of the game, rules, one another, and themselves via
an affective behavior checklist.
(ealth)*elate +itness: *tudents will erform daily fitness routines
leading u to the end of the semester fitness challenge assessment.
Training for the end of the semester fitness challenge will also be aided
on by &$= M7/' in ractice and alication tasks. M7/' will be self%
assessed %# la srint around track
%T%test drill for agility
%as many ushus ossible in 1 minute
%as many situs ossible in # minutes
Stuent *oles an *esponsi&ilities
Coach: They will be resonsibility for handling and imlementing the
re%rinted coaches lanned given to them by us, the instructors. They
will motivate and romote a high%energy, active, and roductive
ractice. ?astly, they will determine matchus in daily alication tasks
and coach his9her @layersA through the alication task via ulse
Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
Content %utline ,otor S-ills:
*tick Handling
'ttack Footwork
Critical Elements:
*hake Hands Bri
%*et stick on ground,
away from body
%)ominant hand 6
inches down the
%Con%dominant hand
above dominant hand
%Face ball
%Feet are shoulder
width aart
%0nees slightly fle!ed
%Head u
4ontrol 6o!
%*(uat down, reach
forward to lace ball
centered in front of
feet -lacement 3
%Dse shake%hands
%*trike lower half of
ball with stick
%Maintain balanced
6reakdown *tes
%*tick is held in
shake%hands gri
%*houlders 3 toes
s(uare to ball
%*hort stride
%*tick 3 arms are
away from body
%Head u to focus on
.nstructional Cues:
@shake handsA
@head uA
@control ballA
@athletic stanceA
@stay balancedA
@stay under controlA
@short, choy stesA
@be (uickA
@head uA
@athletic stanceA
@be light on feetA
@control ballA
Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
Content %utline ,otor S-ills:
'ttack Footwork
Critical Elements:
%*tick is held in
shake%hands gri
%6urst into a short run
%*horten stride
%Fle! knees in a semi%
crouched osition 3
um feet
%6urst into another run
%Head u
*to 3 Turn
%Head u
%*hake%hands gri
%6urst into a short run
%Ho before you sto
%6ack foot lands first;
lead foot lands
%Turn on the balls of
your feet
%/ush off in new
Forehand /ush /ass
%6all in control bo!
%'thletic stance
%*tick is ne!t to lower
half of the ball
%*hake hands gri
%/ush stick forward
through lower half of
the ball
%Finish weight transfer
through front leg
.nstructional Cues:
@strike lower half of
@follow throughA
@should at targetA
@kee stick lowA
@see what you hitA
Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
Content %utline ,otor S-ills:
/assing -continued.
Critical Elements:
5everse /ush /ass
%6all in control bo!
%'thletic stance
%*tick in ne!t to the
lower half of ball
%)ominant hand ulls
stick forward
%/ush through lower
half of ball using both
8uick Hit
%6e aware of goal and
%?ead shoulder
ointed toward target
in goal
%Make a short, (uick
backswing using
forearms and wrist
%'lign hands with wrist
before striking lower
half of the ball
%Momentum moves
forward through front
%'rms 3 stick finish in
line with target
4hi *hot
%Head down over ball
%0nees bent with a
crouched body
%?ead shoulder oints
toward target
%Hands are behind the
ball at imact
%*trike the lower half
of the ball with face of
%'rms and stick finish
in line with target
.nstructional Cues:
@shoulder at targetA
@follow throughA
@transfer weightA
@straight line with
Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
Content %utline ,otor S-ills:
Critical Elements:
*eed )ribble
%5eceive ball in
athletic osition
%*hake hands gri
%Focus on ball
%*trike lower half of
%Dse sudden change
of direction seed
%Head is u for good
field vision
%/ush the ball ahead
/ower )ribble
%5eceive ball ne!t to
%6ody is in an athletic
%*tick is ne!t to lower
half of ball
%6all in control bo!
%0ee stick close to
the ball
%'ccelerate away from
%Head u
>ndian )ribble
%5eceive ball ne!t to
%6ody is in an athletic
%*hake hands gri
%6all in control bo!
%*tick is close to, or in
contact with lower half
of ball
%6all is dribbled from
side to side
%*hort tas
%)ribble within limits
of feet
.nstructional Cues:
@head uA
@ush ballA
@be under controlA
@see the floorA
@kee ball close to
@change directionA
@change seed and
@be (uickA
Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
Content %utline ,otor S-ills:
Boal 0eeing
Critical Elements:
6lock *ave
%*tand in rela!ed
ready osition in front
of goal
%?et the ball roll to
your legs 3 feet
%?ower center of
gravity, bend knees
forward of toes as ball
hits legs
%)irect rebound
%0ee head over ball,
forward of knees
%4lear ball
?ung *ave
%'ssume ready
osition between ball
3 goal
%Turn in direction of
%*trike ball with inside
of lunge foot
%5eturn to ready
*tick )ive
%'ssume ready
osition between ball
3 goal
%7ault toward the sot
to intercet ball
%,!tend stick arm,
head, 3 shoulders into
ball+s ath with body
arallel to ground
%?and on ground on
side of body
%6lock the ball with
angled stick
.nstructional Cues:
@kee eye on ballA
@stay lowA
@kee weight
@stay focusedA
@turn with ballA
@inside footA
@last resortA
@land on sideA
@angle stickA
@stretch outA
Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
Scope an
Sequence o"
.n"orming Tas-s:
Stic- (anling% Have
students lace stick
on ground and ick u
the stick using shake
hands gri.
Attac- +oot/or-)
*tudents will erform
the breakdown stes
along with the
stes, running at 1$
Passing E Have
students ass back
and forth with a
artner using different
tyes of assing.
Shooting% Have
students shoot at an
oen goal using the
(uick hit and chi
shot. The shots
should be taken
directly in front of the
goal at 1# yards.
will dribble 1& yards,
back and forth
between cones using
seed, ower, and
indian dribble.
$oal 0eeping% ,ach
student on every team
will take a turn goal
keeing, while the
other team members
shoot for a goal-ball
remains on ground..
Fnly one shot at a
time from directly in
front of goalie.
Extension Tas-s:
Stic- (anling) Have
students use the
shake hands gri and
be able to get into a
roer stance.
Attac- +oot/or-)
*tudents will ractice
the sto and turn
stes of attacking at
1$ yards.
Passing) Have the
students ass back
and forth, at 1$ yards,
with a artner using
the reverse ass.
/lace cones in middle
of artners that are #
yards aart. Gith
every & consecutive
asses through the
cones each artner
should take two stes
backwards to increase
assing distance.
Shooting) *tudents
will shot at an oen
net from different
angles using the (uick
hit and chi shot.
/oly sots will be
lace at an arc around
the goal. 'll shots will
be taken from
different oly sots.
#ri&&ling) have
students weave in and
out of cones using
seed, ower, and
>ndian dribble at H1&
Applying Tas-s:
Stic- (anling) Have
students hold the stick
using shake hands
gri, get into a roer
stance, and control a
ball in their control
Attac- +oot/or-)
Have students attack
a defender and use
any three stes of
attacking to move u
the field.
Passing) Have
students lay # vs. #.
To score, the offense
must make &
successful asses to a
team mate.
Shooting) ,ach
layer from every
team will take turns
being goalie. The
offensive layer will
stand 1$ yards away
from the goal at any
direction and try to
score using either shot
he or she desires.
#ri&&ling) /lay a 1
vs. 1 game where the
offensive layer can
use any tye or
dribbling to ass u a
defender. ,very
layer on each team
should comete
against each other.
Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
Scope an
Sequence o"
.n"orming Tas-s: Extension Tas-s:
$oaltening) ,ach
team member will
take a turn being
goalie. To simulate
game lay, the
offensive layer will
begin 1& yards away
from goal. The
offensive layer can
erform any shot or
move to try and score.
The goalie can block
the ball using
whatever block is
Applying Tas-s:
$oaltening) ,ach
team member will take
a turn being a goalie.
The task will be for the
goal to sto a two man
fast break. The
offensive team can
ass back and forth as
many times as
ossible to set u an
attack. The goalie will
need to think fast and
be able to react to
block the shot.
1loc- Time Plan
Geek 1
Lesson 2:
%*yllabus )ebriefing
%*kills 4ombine
Lesson 3:
%)irect instruction on
stick handling, gri,
and stance
%4oaches meeting
%Fitness routine
%'lication task
Lesson 4:
)8ui" 1 -stick
%)irect instruction on
stick handling and
control bo!
%4oaches meeting
%Fitness routine
%'lication task
Geek #
Lesson 5:
%)irect instruction on
attack footwork and
breakdown stes
%4oaches meeting
%Fitness routine
%'lication task
Lesson 6:
%)irect instruction on
attack footwork and
%4oaches meeting
%Fitness routine
%'lication task
Lesson 7:
%8ui" # -attack
%)irect instruction on
attack footwork and
sto and turn
%4oaches meeting
%Fitness routine
%'lication task
Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
Geek :
Lesson 8:
%)irect instruction on
forehand and reverse
ush ass
%4oaches meeting
%Fitness routine
%'lication task
Lesson 9:
%)irect instruction on
(uick hit and chi shot
%4oaches meeting
%Fitness routine
%'lication task
Lesson ::
%8ui" : -assing and
%)irect instruction on
how to combine
assing and shooting
%4oaches meeting
%Fitness routine
%'lication task
Geek I
Lesson 2;:
%)irect instruction on
seed dribble
%4oaches meeting
%Fitness routine
%'lication task
Lesson 22:
%)irect instruction on
ower dribble
%4oaches meeting
%Fitness routine
%'lication task
Lesson 23:
%8ui" I -dribbling.
%)irect instruction on
>ndian dribble
%4oaches meeting
%Fitness routine
%'lication task
Geek &
Lesson 24:
%)irect instruction on
block, lunge and stick
%4oaches meeting
%Fitness routine
%'lication task
Lesson 25:
%Co direct instruction
%6rief fitness routine
and ractice
%/erform skill analysis
when layers are
warming u
%*tanley 4u /layoffs
Lesson 26:
%8ui" & -goal keeing.
%Co direct instruction
%6rief fitness routine
and ractice
%*tanley 4u
Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
Sport Eucation Components <
Seasons: 6eing that it is the start of hockey season, this unit fits well
into the sort season. 5eal%life sort e!amles from the CH? season
will be ulled and held in comarison to this /, class to hel make
connections between game lay, rules, and concets.
Culminating Event: The urose of the culminating event is to have
the students work towards a articular goal, that goal being the
culminating event -*tanley 4u.. The *tanley 4u layoffs will be a
seeded tournament based of each team+s season record.
A""iliation: Teams will be icked on based off the student+s
erformance in the skill combine that will commence on the very first
day of class. 'fter tallying the students+ erformance in the skills
combine students will slit into e(ual numbered and skilled teams.
,ach team will have above average, average and below average
*oles; The three official student roles used in this class will be the
coach, fitness trainer and e(uiment manager. These three roles will
rotate from student to student on a daily basis so that students get to
erform each role at least once. The role of score keeer and referee
will be assigned the day of class in relation to the scenario at hand -i.e.
Team 4 officiated when Team ' and 6 comete, while Team ) kees
*ecor 0eeping: *core keeers will only be used to tally the oints
ac(uired in the daily alication tasks. The score keeers will reort
these scores to the teacher and then convert the scores to the
aroriate scale -1.$ for 1
; $.K for #
, etc..
+ormal Competition: Formal cometition will transire in the form of
alication tasks that will take lace throughout the entire season at the
end of each class. >n addition, full%sided games will take lace in a
tournament that leads u to the chamionshi game.
+estivity: Teams will come u with a team color and team name as
soon as teams are assigned and they are e!ected to know their
resective colors and team names each week. /oints will be deducted
from teams who do not comly.
Team Selection Protocol
Teams will be selected on their erformance on the following trials in
the skills combine;
%1$ shots on goal from 1$ yards
%srint around "ig%"agged cones with stick and ball
Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
%# la srint around track
%T%test drill for agility
%as many ushus ossible in 1 minute
%as many situs ossible in # minutes
Stuent *oles an *esponsi&ilities
Coach: They will be resonsibility for handling and imlementing the
re%rinted coaches lanned given to them by us, the instructors. They
will motivate and romote a high%energy, active, and roductive
ractice. ?astly, they will determine matchus in daily alication tasks
and coach his9her @layersA through the alication task.
+itness Trainer: They will be resonsible for handling and
imlementing the re%rinted fitness task card.
Equipment ,anager: They will be resonsible for gathering,
distributing and collecting all e(uiment needed for their resective
team+s ractice.
'ssessment will be conducted as follows;
)Attenance=Participation) )aily attendance will be taken via a class
roster. 'ttendance oints will be awarded if the student is on time.
Those attendance oints can be with withheld if a student is not fully
articiating in that day+s activities.
)>ui??es: There will be five (ui""es administered throughout the
semester on every Monday. These (ui""es will be assessed via an
answer key.
)Application Tas-: *tudents will have daily team alication tasks.
6eing that there are four teams, the 1
/lace team will receive a 1.$,
the #
/lace team will receive a $.K, the :
/lace team will receive a
$.J, and the I
lace team will receive a $.J. The scoring of each team
will be laced into a cometition matri!.
)A""iliation; 'ffiliation will be assessed simly by wearing the correct
color to class each day. >t is an all%or%nothing grade.
)S-ill Competence: *tudents will individually artake in a skill
cometence check. They will do this both verbally and by
demonstrated the articular skill they randomly choose. The critical
elements of each skill will be graded off of a checklist.
Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]
*esources Use Electronic Sources:

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