Godavari 1907

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Hemingway F.R., 1907, Madras District Gazetteers.

Godavari, Madras, Government Press,

vol 1., 302 p.
ritis! "i#rary.
1. P!ysi$al des$ription
2. Politi$al !istory
3. %!e people
&. 'gri$(lt(re and irrigation
). Forests
*. +$$(pations and trade
7. Means o, $omm(ni$ation
-. Rain,all and seasons
9. P(#li$ !ealt!
10. .d($ation
11. "and reven(e administration
12. /alt, '#0ari and mis$ellaneo(s reven(e
13. 'dministration o, 1(sti$e
1&. "o$al sel,2government
1). Ga3etteer
2 'malap(ram tal(0
2 4o$anada %al(0
2 5agaram %al(0
2 Peddap(ram %al(0
2 Pit!ap(ram 6ivision
2 Ra1a!m(ndry %al(0
2 Rama$!andrap(ram %al(0
2 %(ni 6ivision
2 Bhadrachalam Taluk 258-65
2 4!odavaram 6ivision
2 Polavaram Division
2 7ellavaram 6ivision
2)- 8 !adra$!alam tal(0 r(ns along t!e le,t #an0 o, t!e Godavari a#ove t!e G!ats, #y w!i$!
it is $(t o,, ,rom t!e rest o, t!e distri$t. 9t is interse$ted #y t!e /averi, an important tri#(tary
1oining t!e Godavari at :(nnavaram. Greater variations o, t;, !ig!er rain,all, almost all
#ro(g!t #y t!e /2< monsoon. Re0apalle ,orests. %!e tal(0 is ,or t!e most part $overed wit!
low !ills and ,orest. /ome !ig! !ills rise to t!e <est o, t!e /averi river ad1oining t!e G!ats.
%!e w!ole tal(0 is malario(s. %!e s$ope ,or irrigation is $onsidera#le, and wit! more
energeti$ ryots and a #etter land sys, $(ltivation mig!t #e largely e=tended.
4!olam is t!e stapple $rop, t!o(g! paddy and a little to#a$$o are grown along t!e river #an0s.
5o indigeno(s ind(stries. "a$e wor0 in 6(mmag(dem.
%!e $(rio(s :oya people >see p. *0? ma0e (p a large proportion o, its in!a#itants. 9ts reven(e
sys, in!erited ,rom t!e 4entral Provin$es admin, is in most respe$ts (n(s(al in t!is
Presiden$y. 4oal !as #een mined ,or at Ga(ridevipeta and pl(m#ago !as #een wor0ed at
Peda0onda. Garnets, ro$02$rystal, sapp!ires and gold are ,o(nd @ t!e $o(ntry possesses many
legendary asso$iations wit! t!e story tod in t!e Ramayana o, RavanaAs stealing /ita. R(de
stone mon(ments. >2)9? From t!e position o, s0eletons aro(nd t!em it wo(ld appear t!at
!(man sa$ri,i$es a$$ompanied t!e ,(neral $eremonies. Forts as$ri#ed to t!e Reddi dynasty are
,o(nd at 5allapalli, Baddig(dem near Re0apalle and 6evarapalli >t!e last one largely
demolis!ed #y t!e engineers engaged in t!e Cpper Godavari navigation wor0s?.
The zamindar of Bhadrachalam has a semi-proprietary right over the hole of the
taluk! eneat! !im, #(t still re$ogni3ed #y Govt, are a n(m#er o, ot!er proprietors o, larger
or smaller estates. %!e only one o, t!ese w!i$! is o, any si3e is Re0apalle, w!i$! was ,or
some time independent o, its s(3erain. %!e ot!ers only $ontain a village or 2 a pie$e. %!e
largest are t!ose o, 5andigama, w!i$! $ontains 10 villages and pays a pes!0as! o, Rs. 1,30-,
and %rip(rapantavid(, wit! 7 villages and a pes!0as! o, Rs, 1,19). 5o ot!er in,erior
proprietor pays as m($! as Rs &00 pes!0as!.
Bhadrachalam 8 HeadD(arters o, t!e tal(0 and t!e Head 'ssistant 4olle$tor. Pop 1,7-3. 9t is
t!e $!ie, town o, t!e 3amindari o, t!e same name. %!e original !older o, t!is is said to !ave
#een one 'napa 's!wa Rao, w!o re$eived it in ,ree 1ag!ir ,rom t!e .mperor o, 6el!i in 132&
on $ondition o, 0eeping (p a #ody o, )00 ,oot ,or servi$e, and it is stated t!at t!e property !as
remained almost even sin$e in t!e ,amilies o, t!e ,o(nder or !is 0insmen. %!e tal(0 ,ormed
part o, a large estate w!i$! is $alled t!e H(ssana#ad /an0aragiri 3amindari, and is also
spo0en o, as t!e Palavan$!a estate, ,rom t!e town o, t!at name in t!e 5i3amAs 6ominions in
w!i$! a large portion o, its lay. %!e 3amindar o, !adra$!alam is 3amindar o, Palavan$!a
9n 17*9 one o, t!e 5i3amAs o,,i$ers p(t t!e t!en 3amindar to deat! and too0 t!e estate (nder
management till !is own deat! in 177-, w!en it reverted to t!e ,o(nderAs ,amily. >E,amily
,e(ds a,ter an adoption d(ring &0 yearsE?. 2*0 8 %!e estate at one time also in$l(ded t!e
present Re0apalle 3amindari.
Cntil the taluk as handed over to the British govt "y the #izam in $86%, t!e
!adra$!alam 3amindar always 0ept (p a troop o, Ro!illas, w!o re$eived very little pay ,or
t!eir servi$es and lived $!ie,ly #y looting t!e $o(ntry ro(nd. %!e tal(0 was divided into 10
samutus, ea$! o, w!i$! t!eoreti$ally $ontained 2) :oya villages and ea$! o, w!i$! !ad to
s(ppy ,or a mont!, wit!o(t pay or #atta, 100 :oyas to $arry #(rdens, ,et$! s(pplies, et$, ,or
t!e Ro!illas, and 100 Madigas to a$t as !orse20eepers. F %!e :oi women were ,reD(ently
stripped and t!en regarded as o#1e$ts o, ridi$(le. %!e :ois $o(ld never lie down to rest at
nig!t wit!o(t ,eeling t!at #e,ore morning t!eir sl(m#ers mig!t #e r(dely dist(r#ed, t!eir
!o(ses #(rnt and t!eir property $arried o,,. 's a r(le t!ey !id t!eir grain in $aves and !oles o,
large trees. %!e last great pl(ndering too0 pla$e in 1-)9 not ,ar ,rom Parnasala G >Mr. 4ain,
Ind. Ant.?.
%!e present position o, t!e !adra$!alam 3amindar is in many respe$ts (nli0e t!at o, most
ot!er 3amindars in t!is Presiden$y owing to !is estate !aving #een ,irst settled #y t!e 4entral
Provin$es Govt.
2*1 8 !adra$!alam is $onsidered a !oly spot, sin$e Rama is s(pposed to !ave lived t!ere ,or
some time a,ter t!e a#d($tion o, /ita. %!e name means Ht!e !ill o, !adraA, and is said to #e
derived ,rom t!e ,a$t t!at a saint o, t!at name was li$ing t!ere at t!e time o, RamaAs so1o(rn.
Rama promised to ret(rn w!en !e !ad ,o(nd /ita, and did so a,ter many yyears, and gave t!e
saint salvation. %!e temple in t!e village, w!i$! is #(ilt on t!e top o, a small !illo$0 and is not
remar0a#le ar$!ite$t(rally, is s(pported #y an endowment ,rom t!e treas(ry o, t!e 5i3am o,
Hyd. 9n 172), Rama 6as, an o,,i$ial o, t!e 5i3amAs govt, was sent to $olle$t t!e reven(es o,
t!is tal(0. 9nstead o, transmitting t!e money, !e spent it in enlarging t!e s!rine and #(ilding
t!e gop(ram. His s(periors at last o#1e$ted to t!is, and sent a n(m#er o, Ro!illas w!o $arried
!im to Hyd, w!ere !e died a,ter an imprisonment o, 12 years. %radition, !owever, de$lares
t!at !e was mira$(lo(sly ransomed #y Rama and "a0s!mana >w!o appeared #e,ore t!e t!en
5i3am in person? and ret(rned to !adra$!alam, w!ere !e disappeared and #e$ame one wit!
god. His advent(res are t!e s(#1e$t o, a #oo0 o, %el(g( poems, $alled t!e Rama 6as kirtana,
w!i$! is widely 0nown t!ro(g!o(t t!e $o(ntry. %!e poems in t!is are o,ten s(ng #y t!e
%el(g( #ards >bhagavatas? w!o are in s($! ,avo(r at so$ial gat!erings t!ro(g!o(t so(t! 9ndia.
2*2 8 %!e 5i3am originally endowed t!e temple wit! a la0! o, r(pees, #(t t!e endowment was
grad(ally red($ed till in 1-&0 it was ,i=ed to Rs. 19,12). 'n important ,estival ta0es pla$e at
t!e temple in t!e mont! o, 4!aitra >Mar$!2'pril? and is said to #e attended #y as many as
20,000 people ,rom all parts o, 9ndia, in spite o, t!e di,,i$(lties o, t!e 1o(rney. ' $ommon
o#1e$t o, t!e pilgrimage is to o#tain $!ildren.
Dammagudem 8 13 miles nort! o, !a. Pop 2))*. HeadD(arters o, t!e old Cpper Godavari
5avigation Pro1e$t. +perations on t!is were dis$ontin(ed in 1-71. 5ow itAs an insigni,i$ant
village. %!e ani$(t is in good $ondition and a $anal r(ns parallel to t!e river. %!e village is
also t!e HI o, t! 4!(r$! Missionary /o$iety in t!e distri$t and t!e $entre o, a la$e2ma0ing
&undala 8 &.) miles east o, !a. Pop 3)9. /aid to #e t!e pla$e w!ere 0ing Janame1aya
per,ormed t!e sa$ri,i$e des$ri#ed in t!e Ma!a#!arata #e$a(se !is ,at!er !ad #een #itt!e #y a
sna0e. Pilgrims #at!e in t!e !ot spring.
'umarasvamigudem ( 2* mils /. o, !a. Pop 110. Bery old temple to :(marasvami, son
o, /iva.
2*3 8 'unnavaram ( 't t!e 1(n$tion o, t!e /averi and Godavari rivers. Pop 1107. HI o, t!e
6istri$t Forest +,,i$er, Cpper Godavari.
Parnasala 8 22 miles nort! o, !a. Pop 27*. elieved to #e t!e spot on t!e #an0s o, t!e
Godavari des$ri#ed in t!e Ramayana w!ere Ravana $arried o,, /ita. /itaAs H,oot2printsA on a
)ekapalle ( 2- miles .2/2. p, !a. Pop *17. %!e name means Hwing villageA, re,erring to t!e
a#d($tion o, /ita. 9t is s(pposed t!at t!e wings o, t!e #ird Jayat( w!o tried to oppose
RavanaAs ,lig!t #(t was 0illed #y !im, ,ell !ere. 9ptt as t!e $!ie, village o, t!e most
$onsidera#le o, t!e in,erior proprietors o, t!is part o, t!e $o(ntry.
2*& 8 %!e Re0apalle estate was leased in 1)7& to a ,amily o, :or(0onda >in Ra1a!m(ndry
tal(0? w!o en1oyed it ,or nearly 2 and a !al, $ent(ries. 9n 1-*2 it was given over to t!e
!adra$!alam 3amindarAs dire$t $ontrol #y t!e 4entral Provin$es Govt. Re0apalle was
,ormerly t!e HI o, a tal(0.
%!is $o(ntry 1oined in t!e Rampa re#ellion o, 1-79. Cnder t!e 4entral Provin$es admin, podu
>s!i,ting? $(ltivation !ad #een almost (nrestri$ted, and t!e assessment on it !ad #een only &
annas an a=e. %!e Madras Govt almost tre#led t!e assessment, e=$l(ded t!e $(ltivators ,rom
$ertain tra$ts, and levied a ta= on t!e ,elling o, $ertain spe$ies o, reserved trees. Rampa
ins(rgents atta$0ed t!e Badig(dem poli$e station.
2*) *ri )amagiri ( >H!oly RamaAs !illA? && miles /2. o, !a. <!ere t!e #ird Jayat( told t!e
news o, t!e a#d($tion. %!e grate,(l Rama per,ormed t!e ,(neral rites o, t!e #ird !ere. %emple
s(pported #y t!e 3amindar o, Re0apalle.
Polavaram division
27- 8 %!e Polavaram division is t!e so(t!2westernmost portion o, t!e Godavari 'gen$y, and
t!e only part o, t!e distri$t w!i$! lies on t!e rig!t #an0 o, t!e river. 6ensity o, t!e pop ,ar
a#ove t!an t!e rest. 't t!e permanent settlement o, 1-02, it was all in$l(ded in t!e Polavaram
estate. 't present only 2& o, its villages are 3amindari land. Polavaram is more ,ertile and
more $ivili3ed t!an t!e ot!er parts o, t!e 'gen$y.
13 8 %!e :oya $attle are in,erior animals raised #y t!e !ill tri#e o, t!at name.
1* 8 9n !adra$!alam and Polavaram, t!e :oyas, Reddis and M(tra$!as are 0een sportsmen.
3* 8 /(##a ReddiAs Re#ellion, 1-)-, in t!e !ills nort! o, 7ernag(dem, indire$tly $onne$ted
wit! t!e M(tiny. 9t originated in a private disp(te among some !ill $!ie,s a#o(t a woman, #(t
t!e leader o, t!e a,,air, /(##a Reddi, pleaded t!at !e !ad !eard t!at 5ana /a!i# was
advan$ing wit! !is vi$torio(s army and w!oever did most against t!e .nglis! wo(ld #e
rewarded most. 't t!e !ead o, a large #ody o, :oyas !e 0illed t!e village magistrate o,
(ttayag(dem, w!o 0ept as !is mistress a ri$! widow w!om /(##a Rao wanted to marry to
!is son.
9& 8 %!e :oyas and !ill Reddis lived in villages sit(ated on t!e #orders o,, or even wit!in, t!e
proposed reserves, and ,or politi$al reasons, great $are was $onsidered ne$essary in dealing
wit! t!em. 6issatis,a$tion wit! t!e new ,orest r(les in Re0apalle was apparently t!e reason
w!i$! !ad ed t!e :oyas o, t!at tal(0 to 1oin t!e Rampa re#ellion o, 1-79.
ot! t!e :oyas and t!e Reddis lived #y t!e s!i,ting >pod(? $(ltivation, ma0ing $learings in
t!e !eart o, t!e ,orest #y ,elling and #(rning t!e trees, $(ltivating t!em ,or a year or 2 (ntil
t!eir ,irst ,ertility was e=!a(sted, and t!en moving on to new gro(nd. 5ot only were a$res o,
val(a#le ,orest t!(s ,elled, #(t t!e ,ires lit ,or #(rning t!ese pat$!es spread over enormo(s
areas. +n t!e ot!er !and, reservation, to #e t!oro(g!, ne$essitated t!e e=$l(sion o, t!is $lass
o, $(ltivation ,rom t!e reserved #lo$0s and meant a $onsidera#le $(rtailment o, t!e old
privileges o, t!e !ill men, w!o !ad #een a$$(stomed to wander and #(rn w!erever t!ey li0ed.
9) 8 9n !adra$!alam t!e settlement was $ompleted wit!o(t $ontroversy. %!e !ill men o, t!at
tal(0 !ad long #een a$$(stomed to t!e idea o, reservation, and $onsidera#le lenien$y was
s!own in t!e provision o, areas ,or $(ltivation. 9t is !owever only in t!e last ,ew years t!at
pod( $(ltivation in t!e reserves t!ere !as #een $ompletely stopped.
9* 8 9n t!e 'gen$y o(tside t!e Rampa $o(ntry t!e ,orests are eit!er w!olly or partially
reserved. 9n t!e latter, tim#er may #e ,elled ,or agri and domesti$ p(rposes ,ree, e=$ept t!at
$ertain trees m(st not #e to($!ed. 9n !adra$!alam :oyas and !ill Reddis are allowed to ,ell
any trees e=$ept tea0 and Diospyros melanoxylon. Minor prod($ed may #e gat!ered ,ree ,or
domesti$ (se. :oyas and Reddis are allowed to gra3e t!eir $attle ,ree. +t!er people are
1&- 8 .ven t!e :oyas, w!o !ave resided ,or (ntold generations in t!e 'gen$y, are not
imm(ne to malaria. %!e disease is said to #e $!roni$ among t!em, and its e,,e$ts are
parti$(larly noti$ea#le in t!e $ase o, t!e $!ildren. People ,rom t!e plains s(,,er ,ar more
severely, !owever.
1-& 8 9n t!e 'gen$y, t!e arra$0 reven(e is di,,erently administered. 3 sys are in ,or$e 8 t!e
ordinary e=$ise sys, t!e nominal ,ee sys, and t!e o(t2still and s!op sys. %!e 2nd one is in ,or$e
in t!e :oya and Reddi villages, t!e in!a#itants o, w!i$! are allowed to ma0e arra$0 ,or t!eir
own $ons(mption on payment o, a nominal ,ee o, 2 annas a !ead per ann(m ,or every male
over 1&. %!e r(les reD(ire t!at t!e village !eadman s!o(ld ta0e o(t t!e li$ense an dma0e and
s(pply arra$0 to t!e :oya and Reddi residents, #(t in pra$ti$e no a$t(al li$ense is granted.
*0 8 %!e :oyas are a $aste o, 1(ngle men ,o(nd in t!e $o(ntry on eit!er side o, t!e Godavari
,rom t!e point w!ere t!e 9ndravati 1oins it dow to t!e ape= o, t!e delta. %!ey o$$(r as ,ar
so(t! as :ammamet in t!e 5i3amAs 6ominions, and on t!e nort! t!ey stret$! ,ar into t!e
astar /tate. %!e Rev. J. 4ain o, 6(mmag(dem, w!o !as lived among t!em ,or 30 years and
p(#lis!ed several a$$o(nts o, t!eir ways, and w!o !as #een 0ind eno(g! to s(pply
in,ormation em#odied #elow, estimated t!at t!ey ,orm 1K& o, t!e in!a#itants o, !adra$!alam
tal(0. %!ey are also $ommon in astar and t!e Mal0anagiri tal(0 o, Bi3agapatam. 9n t!e $ase
o, a tri#e spread over s($! a large e=tent o, s($! wild $o(ntry it is di,,i$(lt to #e s(re t!at
statements regarding $(stoms are (niversally appli$a#le. <!at ,ollows applies primarily to
t!e :oyas o, Polavaram and !adra$!alam tal(0s and t!e so(t! o, astar /tate.
*1 8 9t !as #een stated t!at t!e :oyas are a se$tion o, t!e great Gond tri#e, #(t in t!is distri$t
t!ey !ave no t!eory o, t!eir origin e=$ept t!at t!ey are des$nded ,rom !ima, one o, t!e )
Pandava #rot!ers. y t!e people o, t!e plains t!ey are $alled :oya 6oral(, or H:oya lordsA.
%!eir lang(age, $alled :oya, is 6ravidian, and #ears analogies to %amil and %el(g(. Most o,
t!e men, !owever, $an spea0 %el(g(, t!o(g! t!e women 0now little #(t t!eir own verna$(lar.
%!e !ig!land, or kutta, :oyas, w!o live in t!e (plands o, astar, are distin$t ,rom t!e
riverside, or gommu, :oyas wit! w!om we are $on$erned. %!e latter say t!ey were driven
down ,rom t!e astar platea( some 200 years ago #y t!e ,ormer. %!ey are rat!er despised #y
t!e !ig!landers, w!o $all t!em ras$als >mayalotilu? and t!ey a$0nowledge t!eir in,eriority #y
sending t!e kutta :oyas gi,ts on ,estal o$$asions. %!e tri#e is also split (p into o$$(pational
endogamo(s s(#divisions, among w!om are t!e :ammaras >#la$0smit!s?, M(saras >#rass2
wor0ers?, 6olis >pro,essional #eggars?, Pattidis >$(ltivators and #eggars?, +ddis >s(perior
priests?, t!e :a0a and t!e Matta :oyas, and t!e Ra$!a or 6ora :oyas. %!ese last are #y ,ar
t!e most n(mero(s and $onsider t!emselves s(perior to all ot!ers e=$ept t!e +ddis. /ome o,
t!e ot!ers are apparently not tr(e :oyas at all. %!e 6olis are Malas ,rom t!e plains.
.=ogamo(s divisions $alled gottas o$$(r in t!e tri#e >M(do, 5alo or Paredi, 'ido or
Rayi#anda, 'ro, 5(tam(ppayo, Peram#oya?. /aid to #e re$ogni3a#le #y t!e di,,eren$e in t!e
mar0s t!ey o$$asionally wear on t!eir ,ore!eads >spot, !ori3ontal line, perpendi$(lar line?.
%!e :oyas are loo0ed (pon wit! a $ertain respe$t #y t!e Hind(s o, t!e plains, #(t are !eld to
poll(te a ra!man #y to($! >*2? and t!e #etter non2!ramans #y entering t!eir 0it$!ens. (t
t!e :oyas, li0e ot!er !ill tri#es, !ave no respe$t at all ,or !ramans or ot!er Hind(s merely
on a$$o(nt o, t!eir $aste.
%!e :oyas proper are $!ie,ly engaged in agri$(lt(re. %!eir $!ara$ter is a $(rio(s medley.
%!ey e=$ite admiration #y t!e tr(t!,(lness, pity #y t!eir love o, strong drin0, listlessness and
want o, t!ri,t, s(rprise #y t!eir simpli$ity, and t!eir $om#ination o, timidity and sel,2
importan$e, and aversion #y t!eir (n$anny s(perstitions. %!eir tr(t!,(lness is prover#ial @ t!ey
never #rea0 t!eir word. %!eir intemperate ways are largely d(e to t!e $ommonness o, t!e
ippa (Bassia latiolia! tree, ,rom t!e ,lowers o, w!i$! strong spirit is easily distilled. %!eir
listlessness !as o,ten #een remar0ed. H%o t!e o,,i$er enD(iring a,ter kahbar o, game >gi#ier?,
t!e reply is invaria#ly ledu >not!ing? @ w!ile i, approa$!ed on t!e s(#1e$t o, t!e (tili3ation o,
t!eir la#o(r, t!ey passively o#str($t all progress #y t!eir e=asperating reply o, repu
>tomorrow?. Re$0less and primitive modes o, agri$(lt(re. 9gnoran$e and simpli$ity. They are
terri"ly victimized "y traders and moneylenders from the lo country, w!o ta0e
advantage o, t!eir g(ilelessness to $!eat t!em in every $on$eiva#le way. %!eir timidity !as on
o$$asion driven t!em to see0 re,(ge in t!e 1(ngle. %!ey are per,e$tly aware t!at t!eir title
6ora means lord, and t!ey insist on #eing given it. %!ey tolerate t!e address H(n$leA >mama?
,rom t!eir neig!#o(rs o, ot!er $astes, #(t t!ey do not li0e #eing $alled :oyas. <!en so
addressed t!ey !ave sometimes replied Hw!ose t!roat !ave i $(t LA playing on t!e word koya"
w!i$! means to Hsli$eA or H$(t t!e t!roatA.
*3 8 +, t!e Hind( religion t!e :oyas 0now not!ing. %!ey wors!ip deities o, t!eir own. /ome
o, t!em !ave adopted t!e village goddesses o, t!e plains, s($! as :ondalamma and airamma
>near Polavaram?, Maisamma and Poleramma >near !adra$!alam? and M(t!yalamma and
!er #rot!er Pot(ra3(. M(t!yalamma is spe$ially reveren$ed as t!e goddess o, disease, and as
eD(ivalent to t!e Maridamma o, t!e plains. +t!er :oyas ad!ere to t!e wors!ip o, t!e
animisti$ deities o, t!e !ills and ,orests, t!e konda devatulu. Palam(ni, 5ilam(ni and
:orrara3(, t!e god o, tigers, are 3 o, t!ese. :ommalamma and a ,earsome ,emale devil $alled
Pida is propritiated in 6e$em#er wit! $(rio(s rites. %!e Pandava #rot!ers >espe$ially !ima?
and t!e wild dogs w!o are s(pposed to #e t!eir messengers, are also wors!ipped. H(man
sa$ri,i$es, made sometimes to a dread deity $alled Mamili, were not (n0nown in ,ormer days.
<riting in 1-7*, Mr. 4ain said t!at t!ere was strong reason to #elieve t!at 2 men !ad #een
sa$ri,i$ed t!at year not ,ar ,rom 6(mmag(dem, and t!at t!ere was no do(#t t!at in astar
strangers were 0idnapped and se$retly o,,ered (p every year. 6(ring t!e Rampa o(t#rea0 o,
1-792-0, several $onsta#les and ot!ers were openly sa$ri,i$ed #y t!e re#els. Mr 4ain says t!at
a lang(r >w!ite2,a$ed mon0ey? was ordinarily s(#stit(ted ,or t!e !(man vi$tim, (nder t!e
name o, 0(rommapot( >Ha male wit! small #reastsA?, as an o,,ering to appease t!e deity.
Most parti$(lar o#1e$ts o, reveren$e are t!e velpus, a name w!i$! 4ain says is t!e :oya ,or
HgodA. %!ey $onsist o, small pie$es o, metal, generall iron and less t!an a ,oot in lengt!,
w!i$! are 0ept in a !ollow #am#oo deposited in some wild and (n,reD(ented spot. %!ere is
one s(preme velp( w!i$! is 0ept !idden in t!e dept!s o, astar. %!ere are also velp(s ,or
ea$! gatta and ,or ea$! ,amily.
*& 8 %!e velp(s are #ro(g!t o(t on$e in every 3 or & years, espe$ially d(ring widespread
si$0ness, ,ail(re o, $rop or $attle disease. %!e velp( is was!ed, and a ,lag is t!en planted
#eside it. 'n animal >generally a yo(ng #(llo$0? is sta##ed (nder t!e le,t s!o(lder, t!e #lood
is sprin0led over t!e deity, and t!e animal is ne=t 0illed, and its liver is $(t o(t and o,,er to t!e
deity. ' ,east, w!i$! sometimes lasts ,or 2 days, ta0es pla$e and t!e velp( is t!en p(t #a$0 in
its !iding pla$e. %!e ,lag o, a ,amily velp( is a large t!ree2$ornered red $lot! on w!i$! are
stit$!ed a n(m#er o, ,ig(res to represent vario(s an$estors.
"i0e ot!er !ill tri#es, t!e :oyas are ,irm #elievers in t!e #la$0 art and t!e power o, wi3ards.
9n some parts w!enever anyone ,alls ill t!e pro,essional sor$erer >vezzugadu? is $ons(lted,
and !e reads #ot! t!e $a(se and t!e remedy in a lea,2platter o, ri$e w!i$! !e $arried t!ri$e
aro(nd t!e invalid. <!enever a man dies !e is s(pposed to !ave #een t!e vi$tim o, some
sor$erer instigated #y an enemy. 'n enD(iry is t!en !eld as to w!o is g(ilty. 4ain mentions a
$ase in w!i$! a :oya was $ompelled, in 1-7*, to m(rder a woman o, !is ,amily #e$a(se s!e
was t!o(g!t to #e a wit$!.
%!e :oyas appear to !ave ,ew ,estivals now. e,ore t!ey (sed to $ele#rate every $rop
ripening. %!ey still 0eep a ,east ,or #onna kotta, Ht!e new $!olamA !arvest. %!e mango 0otta
and samai 0otta are also important. +n$e a year is $ele#rated a ,east similar to t!e well20nown
4!aitra /at(rnalia in t!e Bi3agapatam 'gen$y, w!ereat all t!e men go o(t and #eat ,or game
and t!ose w!o ret(rn empty2!anded are pelted wit! m(d and ,ilt! #y t!e women and not
allowed to enter t!e village t!at nig!t. %!is is $alled t!e !(devi Pandigai, or ,estival o, t!e
eart! goddess. 9n times o, dro(g!t a ,estival to !ima, w!i$! lasts ) days, is !eld. <!en rain
appears, t!e :oyas sa$ri,i$e a $ow or a pig to t!eir patron. 6an$ing plays an important part at
all t!ese ,easts and also marriages. %!e men p(t on !ead2dresses o, straw into w!i$! #(,,alo2
!orns are st($0, and a$$ompany t!emselves wit! a 0ind o, $!ant.
.n Polavaram and Bhadrachalam/ 'oya villages are divided into groups/ sometimes
called samutus/ over each of hich is an hereditary head called the samutu dora or
9, a :oya yo(t! is re,(sed #y t!e maiden o, !is $!oi$e !e generally $arries !er o,, #y ,or$e.
(t a #oy $an reserve a girl #a#y ,or !imsel, #y giving t!e mot!er a pot and a $lot! ,or t!e
#a#y to lie (pon, and t!en s!e many not #e $arried o,,. <idows and divor$ed women may
remarry. %!e wedding ta0es pla$e in t!e #ridegroomAs !o(se and lasts ) days. ' tali and a
sa,,ron2$olo(red t!read are tied ro(nd t!e ne$0 o, t!e girl. 9, t!e marriage was e,,e$ted #y
$apt(re, matters are m($! simpli,ied. %!e girl is made to 0neel, t!e #oy stoops over !er, and
water is po(red over #ot! o, t!em. %!e #oy t!en ties a sa,,ron2$olo(r t!read ro(nd !er ne$0
and t!e $eremony is over. Girls w!o $onsort wit! a man o, low $aste are p(ri,ied #y !aving
t!eir tong(es #randed wit! a !ot golden needle and #y #eing made to pass t!ro(g! 7 ar$!es o,
palmyra leaves, w!i$! are a,terwards #(rnt.
%!e :oyas generally #(rn t!eir dead, #(t in,ants are #(ried. a#ies less t!an a mont! old are
#(ried $lose to t!e !o(se, so t!at t!e rain dropping ,rom t!e eaves may ,all ipon t!e grave and
$a(se ,ertility in t!e parents. <!en a :oya dies, a $ow or #(llo$0 is sla(g!tered and t!e tail is
$(t o,, and p(t in t!e dead personAs !and. %!e liver is said to #e sometimes p(t in !is mo(t!.
His widowAs tali is always pla$ed t!ere, and w!en a married woman dies !er tali is p(t in !er
mo(t!. %!e pyre o, a man is lig!ted #y !is nep!ew, and o, a woman #y !er son.
** 8 ',ter t!e #ody is #(rnt, t!e as!es are made into #alls and depositied in a !ole at t!e side
o, t!e road, w!i$! is $overed #y a sla#. Many :oyas pla$e a perpendi$(lar stone over t!e
sla#. 5o poll(tion is o#sered #y t!ose attending t!e ,(neral. %!e #ee, o, t!e animal slain at t!e
#eginning o, t!e rites provides a ,east, and t!e w!ole party ret(rns !ome an ma0es merry. +n
t!e -t! day a pot ,(ll o, water is pla$ed in t!e dead manAs !o(se ,or !im to drin0, and is
wat$!ed #y !is nep!ew. 5e=t morning anot!er $ow is sla(g!tered and t!e tail and a #all o,
$oo0ed ri$e are o,,ered to t!e so(l at t!e #(rning gro(nd. 4ain says t!at w!en a man passes an
old ,riendAs tom#stone !e will o,ten pla$e a little to#a$$o on it, remar0ing t!at t!e de$eased
li0ed t!e !er# w!en alive and will pro#a#ly #e glad o, it now.
'$$ording to 4ain, t!e only $on$eption o, a ,(t(re state among t!e :oyas is t!at t!e dead
wander a#o(t t!e 1(ngle in t!e ,orm o, pisachas or g!osts. Rev. 'le=ander !owever says t!at
some o, t!em #elieve t!at t!ere is a !eaven, a great ,ort ,(ll o, t!ings to eat, and a !ell in
w!i$! an iron $row $ontin(ally gnaws t!e ,les! o, t!e wi$0ed. People w!o are neit!er good
eno(g! ,or !eaven nor #ad eno(g! ,or !ell are #orn again in t!eir ,ormer ,amily. 4!ildren
wit! !are2lips, moles, et$, are o,ten identi,ied as rein$arnations o, de$eased relations.
:oya villages are small and are (s(ally in!a#ited solely #y people o, t!e tri#e. 'ny o(tsiders
live in a separate D(arter. %!e !o(ses are made o, #am#oo wit! a t!at$! o, grass or palmyra.
%!e :oyas are very restless, and ,amilies $!ange ,reD(ently ,rom one village to anot!er.
e,ore moving, t!ey $ons(lt t!e omens to see w!et!er t!e $!ange will #e a(spi$io(s or not.
/ometimes t!e !at$!ing o, a $l(t$! o, eggs provides t!e answer, or & grains o, & 0inds o,
seeds >representing t!e prosperity o, men, $attle, s!eep and land? are p(t on a !eap o, as!es
(nder a manAs #ed, any movement among t!em d(ring t!e nig!t #eing a #ad omen.
%attooing is $ommon. 9t is $onsidered very important ,or t!e so(l in t!e ne=t world t!at t!e
#ody s!o(d !ave #een adeD(ately tattooed.
'onda )eddis >or !ill Reddis? are a $aste o, 1(ngle men !aving some $!ara$teristi$s in
$ommon wit! t!e :oyas. Fo(nd only in t!e Re0apalle $o(ntry, t!e !ills in t!e nort! o, t!e
Polavaram division and in Rampa. %al0 a ro(g! tel(g(. >*7? /ome o, t!em spea0 :oya. %!ey
are o, slig!ter #(ild t!an t!e :oyas and t!eir villages are even smaller. %!ey will not eat in
t!e !o(se o, a :oya. %!ey live #y s!i,ting $(ltivation >podu?. %!ey do not eat #ee,, #(t will
parta0e o, por0. %!ey pro,ess to #e #ot! /aivites and Bais!navites and o$$asionally employ
ra!man priests at t!eir ,(nerals. 'nd yet t!ey wors!ip t!e Pandavas, t!e spirits o, t!e !ills,
t!eir an$estors, and t!e deities M(t!yalamma and !er #rot!ers.
+t!er people
3- 8 9n 1901, popl o, Godavari distri$t M 1,&&),9*1
6ensity M 2)7KsD mile >)1 in t!e 'gen$y, )1* in t!e rest?.
39 8 %!e distri$t was on$e r(led #y t!e (dd!ist emperor 'so0a and per!aps remained
#(dd!ist till t!e middle o, t!e 7t! $ent(ry. ' n(m#er od (dd!ist or Jain remains s(rvive in
%!e relations o, t!e M(salmans wit! t!eir Hind( neig!#o(rs are on t!e w!ole ,riendly.
& 4!ristian missions in t!e distri$t 8 Roman $at!o, 4anadian aptist, 'meri$an .vangeli$al
"(t!eran and 4!(r$! Missionary /o$iety.
Prin$ipal $astes 8
2 %el(g( ra!mans
2 Ra3(s
2 :omatis
2 :ap(s
2 :ammas
2 Peri0es >$(ltivators?
2 9digas >toddy drawers?
2 Gamallas >toddy and arra$0 s!op0eepers?
2 :arna#att(s >weavers?
2 /anis >dan$ing girls and prostit(tes?
2 Malas
2 Madigas
2 :oyas
2 Hill Reddis
4!ap 2 8 Politi$al !istory
17 8
'so0aAs $onD(est, 2*0 4
t!e 'nd!ras, down to 200 '6
t!e Pallavas, 2002*1) '6
t!e 4!al(0yas, t!eir $onD(est o, Bengi a#o(t *1)
/eparation o, t!e .astern and <estern 4!al(0yas a#o(t *30
Hi(en %siangAs des$ription o, t!e ,ormer
.astern 4!al(0ya r(le *302999
4!ola $onD(est, 999
:(lott(nga 4!ola 9 >!e o#tains t!e 4!ola and Bengi t!rones, 1070?
His vi$eroys in Bengi
His deat! in 1119 and t!e de$line o, t!e 4!olas
t!e Belanand( $!ie,tains, 12t! $ent(ry
t!e :ona $!ie,s o, t!e delta
"o$al $!ie,s o, .llore, 5adendla, et$
t!e :a0atiyas o, <arangal $onD(er :istna a#o(t 1200 and Godavari a#o(t 1300
Pratapa R(draAs vi$eroys
temporary m(salman $onD(est o, t!e distri$t, 1323
t!e :or(0onda Reddis, 132)29)
t!e Reddis o, :ondavid, 13&&21&22
t!e Ra1a!m(ndry Reddis, 1&222)0
t!e Ga1apatis o, +rissa ta0e t!e distri$t, 1&)0
(t $ede part o, it to t!e M(!ammadans, 1&70
%!e latter o(sted, 1&-9
4onD(est #y Bi1ayanagar, 1)1)
M(salman $onD(est o, :istna, 1)&0 and o, Godavari, 1)71
M(!ammadan period, wea0enss o, t!eir r(le
'(rang3e# esta#lis!es !is a(t!ority, 1*-7
%!e /(#adar o, t!e 6e$$an #e$omes independent, 172&
%!e 5ort!ern 4ir$ars $eded to t!e Fren$!, 17)3
%!eir di,,i$(lties t!ere, (ssy at lengt! o#tains possession, 17)7
FordeAs e=pedition against t!e Fren$!, 17)-
His vi$tory at 4ondore, t!e $o(ntry $leared o, t!e Fren$!
4ession o, t!e 5ort!ern 4ir$ars to t!e .nglis!, 17*)
.nglis! period, early administration, dist(r#an$es o, t!e pea$e in 17-)290, 179021-00
I(ieter times t!erea,ter
/(##a ReddiAs re#ellion, 1-)-
+(t#rea0s in Rampa

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