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John H Smith

Secretary of State
123 Main
Washington, DC
RE:Filing of Release Without Consideration
Encose! is a reease to "e fie! in the nat#re of $CC 1%2&1 2'(")* +ease charge this to the or!er of DE,,-S
R* SM-TH 123./'012 #n!er the "an3r#4tcy of the $S, or to yo#r or!er, an! "ring the fiing fees to 5ero "aance* Or in
the aternati6e, 4ease gi6e me e74ress 4ermission to 4ay the fiing fee in something other than go! or si6er*
+ease mai "ac3 to me a recei4t sho8ing the fiing n#m"er an! ho#r of fiing Certifie!*
-f there are any 9#estions or comments 4ease contact me "y ret#rn mai*
:::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::
Dennis R* Smith, $CC 3%.&2(")(1) !ate
This is a verified plain statement of Truth
I, appearing specially under restricted appearance as Dennis R. Smith [sic], without any legal
disabilities fully capable of bearing a bond, a man on the land, a lawful man, a stranger to the public
trust, hereby waive the breach of contract committed by the UI!"D S!#!"S, US, US#,
$#S%I&!' D(, UI!"D #!I'S, S!#!" ') (#*I)'RI#, D"IS S+I!%, and any and all
US vessels, any and all administrative agencies, legislative tribunals of limited ,urisdiction, or anything
of li-e character, on or about the twenty.seventh day of #pril month in the year one.thousand nine.
hundred forty.eight, #D, nunc pro tunc, consisting of /rivileges or Immunities of the UI!"D S!#!"S
citi0enship, 123
#+"D+"! citi0enship4, UI!"D #!I'S citi0enship, S!#!" ') (#*I)'RI#
citi0enship, and any and all citi0enships, residences, domiciles, postal service addresses, 15I/
('D"S4, and the li-e under any public policy. #nd I do hereby e6pressly waive and re,ect any and all
benefit privileges conferred by such citi0enship7s8, and there being no evidence to the contrary, the
R"('RD is made and is uncompromised.
I specifically and e6pressly deny the e6istence of any profit to I from any public contract, e6pressed or
implied, visible or invisible, self authenticating or otherwise. !here is no evidence that I have received
any profit from any public contract9trust, and I do not believe that any e6ists. !he R"('RD is made
and is uncompromised.
I specifically and e6pressly deny being a survivor or beneficiary of any limited liability insurance
scheme. !here is no evidence that I am a survivor or beneficiary of any limited liability insurance
scheme, and I believe that none e6ists. !he R"('RD is made and is uncompromised.
I declare the re,ection of any public benefit, and declare the accounting in this matter to demonstrate a
0ero balance to all public liabilities.
I do not waive any other breach which has been committed or which may be committed by the UI!"D
S!#!"S, UI!"D #!I'S, US, US#, $#S%I&!' D(, S!#!" ') (#*I)'RI#, D"IS
S+I!%, and or any other US vessels, sub.corporations, co.business partners, or the li-e.
I, appearing as Dennis R. Smith [sic], hereinafter 1I4, rescind any and all prior endorsements, front and
bac-, to any and all documents of legal disabilities, decline any and all offers to contract and reserve
the right to re,ect any and all bids, and do not concede to any presumptions. I deny that I am the
beneficiary of any compelled benefits arising out of any contract, trust, or agreement with the US,
UI!"D S!#!"S, UI!"D #!I'S, US#, $#S%I&!', D.(., S!#!" ') (#*I)'RI#, etc.,
there being no evidence to the contrary. "RR'RS #D '+ISSI'S: I deny being accountable,
liable, or responsible for the errors and omissions of the offeror and offerors partners, -nown and
un-nown, there being no evidence to the contrary. I deny being in possession of the 1essential basic
elements4 to formulate a valid assessment from such a disadvantage based on this truth: #
presumption arising from duplicity must be viewed as 1voidable4 for lac- of the essential basic
Dated this ;;;;;;;; day of ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; month, <==>.
I, Dennis R. Smith [sic]
c9o &eneral Delivery
#nytown, (alifornia state [2<?3@] ;;;;;;;;;;;;
united States of #merica rt. thumb print
7ame of Secretary of state8
Secretary of State
I, appearing specially under restricted appearance as Dennis R. Smith [sic], without any legal disabilities, a
man on the land, a lawful man, a stranger to the public trust, come now, to inform you as follows: !hat I filed
the attached 1waiver4, a '!I(" R"(ISSI', $#IA"R #D R"B"(!I' ') C"")I!S ('!R#(!
/R'AISI' ... R"*"#S" $I!%'U! ('SID"R#!I', to the United States Department of (ommerce, by
U./.S., 1e6t Day #ir4 courier service, with ac-nowledgment of delivery o.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
#s a result of the 1waiver4, it is prima facia evidence and controlling document nunc pro tunc that there is, in
fact, and by notice and acDuiescence of receiving party, a waiver and re,ection of any benefit privilege by I of
being a UI!"D S!#!"S citi0en, a 123
#+"D+"!4 citi0en, a UI!"D #!I'S citi0en, and9or a S!#!"
') (#*I)'RI# citi0en and that the waiver and re,ection was e6ecuted by otice in the nature of U(( 2.2=E
and the waiver and re,ection was delivered in the nature of U(( 2.<=2 <>7b8.
I owe no debt to D"IS S+I!% 2<?3@>EFG said account having been ad,usted in public policy to 0ero
balance, there being no evidence to the contrary, the R"('RD is made and uncompromised.
I, therefore, deny being sub,ect to the ,urisdiction of the UI!"D S!#!"S, 23
#+"D+"!, UI!"D
#!I'S, S!#!" ') (#*I)'RI#, US, US#, $#S%I&!' D(, D"IS S+I!%, or any and all US
vessels, administrative agencies, legislative tribunals under limited ,urisdiction, or anything of li-e character.
!here is not any evidence that I am a sub,ect of the ,urisdiction of the UI!"D S!#!"S, UI!"D #!I'S,
S!#!" ') (#*I)'RI#, US, US#, $#S%I&!' D(, D"IS S+I!%, or any and all US vessels,
administrative agencies, and anything of a li-e character, and I do not believe that any e6ists. !he R"('RD is
made and is uncompromised.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;
Dennis R. Smith, U(( 2.?=F date
I, Dennis R. Smith, certify on my on unlimited commercial liability that I have read the above affidavit and
do know the contents to be true, correct, and complete, and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;
Dennis R. Smith rt. thumb print date

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