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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: May 10-11, 2014

2014- 05- 18 13:05:39 GKToday
1. Himalayan Kumbh is held every 12 years in which among t he f ollowing
st at es?
[A] Himachal Pradesh
[B] Ut t arakhand
[C] Jammu & Kashmir
[D] Sikkim
Nandadevi Raj Jaat yat ra also described as Himalayan Kumbh will be held in
every 12 years in Ut t arakhand.
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2. Which among t he f ollowing count ries has t opped t he list of World Mot hers
[A]Aust ralia
[D]Brit ain
Finland ranked number one in t he world mot hers index compiled by save t he
children f ollowed by Norway, Sweden and Iceland.
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3. The SANA is t he nat ional of f icial news agency of ___?
The SANA or Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) is t he nat ional of f icial news
agency in Syria. It was est ablished in 1965.
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4. Who among t he f ollowing has been named World Snooker Player of t he
[A]Ronnie OSullivan
[B]James Wat t ana
[C]St eve Davis
[D]Mark Selby
Ronnie OSullivan
Ronnie OSullivan has been named world Snooker Player of t he Year.
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5. Indias Ankit a Raina is associat ed wit h which of t he f ollowing
sport s/event s?
[B]Badmint on
Ankit a Raina is a prof essional t ennis player. Raina has won f our singles and
f ive doubles t it le on t he ITF t our in her career.
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6. In India, Nat ional Technology Day is celebrat ed on May 11 t o commemorat e
t he_____?
[A]Launch of Indias f irst Sat ellit e
[B]Est ablishment of ISRO
[C]Nuclear t est s at Pokhran
[D]Inclusion of Brahmos missile t o t he army
Nuclear tests at Pokhran
On 11t h May, 1998 India achieved a major t echnological breakt hrough by
successf ully carrying out nuclear t est s at Pokhran. Also f irst , indigenous
aircraf t Hansa-3 was t est f lown at Bangalore on t his day and India also
perf ormed successf ul t est f iring of t he Trishul missile on t he same day.
Considering all t hese achievement s 11t h May was chosen t o be
commemorat ed as Nat ional Technology Day.
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7. Which among t he f ollowing share largest volume of t he count rys t ot al
veget able oil import s?
[A]Palm oil
[B]Coconut oil
[C]Ground nut oil
[D]Sunf lower oil
Palm oil
India meet s about 60 per cent of it s annual veget able oil demand of 17-18
million t onne via import s. Palm oils make up 80 per cent of t he count rys t ot al
veget able oil import s.
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8. Who among t he f ollowing has won t he Spanish Grand Prix-2014?
[A]Romain Grosjean
[B]Nico Roseberg
[C]Lewis Hamilt on
[D]Sebast ian Vet t el
Lewis Hamilton
Lewis Hamilt on won t he Spanish Grand Prix f or Mercedes t o chalk up his f ourt h
vict ory in a row and wrest t he Formula One championship lead f rom German
t eam-mat e Nico Rosberg.
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9. The Benuban Vihar monast ery, one of t he import ant pilgrim cent res of
Buddhism is locat ed in ____?
[C]Andhra Pradesh
The Benuban Vihar monast ery is in Agart ala, Tripura. It is considered one of
t he import ant pilgrim cent res f or Buddhism in nort heast India.
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10. Recent ly, an RBI panel has recommended t hat t he government should
reduce it s holding in public sect or banks t o below 50 per cent . This panel was
headed by __?
[A]Urjit Pat el
[B]PJ Nayak
[C]Chanda Kocchar
[D]Aruna Upadyaya
PJ Nayak
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