Dengue Thesis

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Chapter 1: statement of the problem

Dengue Fever is transmitted by a bite from an infected aedes aegypti mosquito.

The Aedes mosquito gets infected through biting a Dengue-infected person.
Dengue is common in tropical countries like the Philippines. Dengue has also been
reported in other regions like America and Africa.
Signs of illnesses vary from person to person and may present as flu-like
symptoms. It can lead to a complication called Dengue Hemorrhagic fever that can
be lethal. (CDC, 2009)
Clinical presentations of dengue illness are non specific. They can present as fever,
abdominal pain, vomiting, nose or gum bleeding, lethargy and restlessness . For
patients presenting with fever, Dengue should be always be considered .Medical
management of the illness is simple and inexpensive. And if identified early can
lead to a favorable outcome for the patient.
There are 3 phases: The Febrile phase is characterized by development of high
grade fever usually 2-7 days. Petecchial rashes appear on the different parts of the
body. Patient complains of headache and joint and muscle aches. Gum bleeding or
nose bleeding can also occur. The Critical phase happens when the fever goes
down. This when the platelet count also goes down causing internal bleeding.
Without the proper blood work , a patient might feel that they are getting better but
is actually going to the second phase of the illness. This phase happens in 2 to 3
days. It is fast and the patients condition worsen within this time. The next phase
is the Recovery phase. With proper hydration and supportive treatment, the
patient recovers. ( WHO, 2009)
The Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is divided into 4 grades.
Grade 1 is non specific. A simple test using Tourniquet test. This is done by
inflating the BP cuff half way between the diastolic and systolic pressure. Leave it
inflated for 5 minutes. If more than 10 small red rashes appear in 1 square inch.
This is considered a positive tourniquet test ( WHO ,2006). Grade 2 presents
bleeding such as nose and gum bleeding. Grade 3 involves internal bleeding
resulting to circulation failure. Grade 4 presents severe internal bleeding, the
patient can go into hypovolemic shock.( WHO, 2006)
the life cycle of the aedes aegypti mosquito. It is important to note that the egg to
pupa stage is spent on water. The mosquito lays its eggs on water and grow in the
water from a larvae to pupae.
Humans are the hosts of the dengue virus. After being bitten by an infected
mosquito, 4-10 days later symptoms of the illness start to show. Each individual
host reacts differently to dengue. This varies on age and presence of chronic
illnesses like asthma or diabetes. Children are a greater risk than adults because
they are unable to recover from the bleeding during the shock phase.
Due to the alarming increase of Dengue illness in the Philippines, the Department
of Health along with different sectors such as media, local government, private
sectors have worked together to fight Dengue. In June 2011, the Department of
health announces it as the Dengue prevention month. Massive anti-dengue
campaigns using media campaigns in such flyers and posters were distributed.
Flyers and education materials show how to help eradicate the mosquitoes by
removing water sources that can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. These
campaigns are geared towards raising awareness to the communities about the
threat of Dengue, to call the public to action and do their share in eliminating the
Background of the Study

The Dengue control program of the DOH has been implemented since then but the
number of infected dengue patients are still raising, current statistics showed that
dengue cases in august risen above 10,000 more and its very alarming to the public
health. That prompted the researchers to conduct a study about the dengue control
program of the DOH.

This study was conducted at Selected Dengue Prone Barangays in San
Pedro Laguna

Statement of the Problem

This study attempts to assess the Affectivity of the Dengue control Program
of the DOH in Dengue Prone Barangays in San Pedro Laguna

Specially, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the participants with respect to the following
demographic variables:
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Educational attainment
2. What are the factors that affect the incidence of dengue fever and its occurrence
in the vicinity

3. What factors can aid the ABKD (aksyon barangay kontra dengue) of the DOH .

There Is no significant relationship Between the Compliance and the Affectivity of
the Dengue control Program.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study aims to benefit the following:

People of the barangays. Results of this study will provide information
that can help the people to develop ways to combat and prevent the occurrence of

Nursing Profession. Results of this study will help the nurses, specially
the nurse in the community to develop and render useful teachings regarding

Researchers. This study will enable the researcher to identify what are the
factors related to the affectivity of the dengue control program.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as a guide to future
researchers that may want to start a new research about The Dengue Control

Scope and Limitations

This study is focus on determining the affectivity of the Dengue Control
Program of the DOH , results of the research will help the program to develop and
teach people on how to
The respondents are 100 people from Selected Dengue prone Barangays in
San Pedro Laguna This study was conducted from Aug2012-Mar 2013

Definition of Terms
Dengue Fever- an acute febrile disease that is caused by a Mosquito, known
as Aedes Aegypti, this disease causes chills, joint pain and even
Hypovolemia during acute stages of this disease.

Aedes Aegypti the Vector of the Dengue/ Chikungunya virus, that causes
dengue fever.

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