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Griffith University

School Of Engineering
2004ENG Hydrology
Hinze Dam Upgrade
Hydrologic ssessment
E!ec"tive S"mmary
This report provides an overview of the Hinze Dam Upgrade and the hydraulic
analysis that is involved when upgrading a dam. The first step is to determine the
flood volume from peak discharge for annual recurrence intervals of 50 100 and !00
years. The flood peak discharges "#
$ can %e calculated %y using a distri%ution from
&lood &re'uency (nalysis which is called the )og*+earson Type ,,,. They were-
#p 50 years . !5/0.15/ m12s
#p 100 years . 345!.50 m12s
#p !00 years . 45!!./ m12s.
These values were then used to esta%lish that the line was a power regression and
from the function we were a%le to estimate the flood volume. They were-
&lood 6olume for 1 in 50 year . !3!000 7)
&lood 6olume for 1 in 100 year . 304000 7)
&lood 6olume for 1 in !00 year . 3/0000 7).
Design inflow hydrographs for the 50 100 and !00 year floods were generated which
after a few calculations showed the difference in the inflow %efore and after the
upgrade. The differences were-
,ncreased dam level increases the inflow %y 55/.55 "m12s$ for a 50 year event.
,ncreased dam level increases the inflow %y 5!/.45 "m12s$ for a 100 year event.
,ncreased dam level increases the inflow %y 5!8.!4 "m12s$ for a !00 year event.
9y using the formula :i . Di ; #p < :i-1 we were a%le to show the significant
relationship %etween the increase in dam level and the change to regulated water
supply as a result of increased storage capacity.
Ta%le of =ontents
$%0 &ntrod"ction 4
2%0 'ethodology 4
(%0 Disc"ssion )
4%0 *oncl"sion +
)%0 ,eference +
+%0 ppendices -
+%$ ppendi! $ . Section Data -
+%2 ppendi! 2 . Section / Data $0
+%( ppendi! ( . Section * Data $$
$%0 &ntrod"ction
This hydrological analysis produces an in*depth understanding of flood estimation
flood fre'uency analysis and flood routing. ( study like this is e>tremely important
for the upgrade of a natural hydrological system like the Hinze Dam. The Dam
supplies water to the whole of the ?old =oast and also reduces the amount of flooding
along the lower @erang Aiver. However the proposed upgrade of the Hinze Dam %y
increasing the elevation has e>pected to further reduce the risk of flooding and to
augment the water supply. (n analysis like the following is important %ecause it
provides data that is used for choosing the most %eneficial design and also provides
certainty in the performance of the design.
2%0 'ethodology
The investigation consisted of determining design inflows %y recognising the
hydrological relationships and conducting a flood fre'uency analysis. (lso to ac'uire
an assessment of flood improvement level pool flood routing must %e generated. (s
well as a se'uent peek analysis was carried out to assess regulated water supply.
(%0 Disc"ssion
Bhen determining the design inflow a flood fre'uency analysis must %e conducted
and the hydrologic relationships recognised. The option of using the C>treme 6alue
Distri%ution or the )og*+earson Type*,,, distri%ution was given for this flood
fre'uency analysis. Bhen choosing the correct distri%ution it is important to keep in
mind that the C>treme 6alue Distri%ution originates from the theory of e>tremes and
it limits distri%utions for the minimum or the ma>imum of a collection of random
o%servation from the same ar%itrary distri%utions. However when graphed this
function is un%ounded on either side and can lead to the calculations of negative flow
(Pilgrim, D. H. (Rev. ed. 1998)). Dn the other hand the pro%a%ility of floods of
various sizes can %e e>tracted from the curve of a )og*+earson Type*,,, distri%ution
of statistical information from o%servations when arranged in a fre'uency distri%ution.
Bhen arranged in this manner e>trapolation can %e made of the values for events with
return periods well %eyond the o%served flood events. Though when this distri%ution
is skewed to the negative the distri%ution is upper %ound and this sometimes causes
pro%lems in estimating floods of low (C+ "(nnual C>ceedance +ro%a%ility$ (Pilgrim,
D. H. (Rev. ed. 1998)). The )og*+earson Type ,,, distri%ution is the most appropriate
pro%a%ility distri%ution for this particular annual series (Refer to Appendix 1, Figure
1). Bhen fitting this distri%ution into annual series data to calculate the &lood +eak
Discharges the mean standard deviation and skewness need to %e esta%lish in order
to find the estimation of peak discharge (Refer to Appendix 1, Figure 2 nd Dt
Re!ult! ".1.1). ,n order to estimate the pro%a%ility of floods of various sizes from this
distri%ution a regression line that %est fits the data must %e found. This data has a
power relationship which you can esta%lish when you refer to (ppendi> 1 &igure 3
and 4 and Data Aesults 5.1.!. Bhen the function is determined from the graph we
were a%le to estimate the flood volume for the specified annual recurrence intervals
"(A,$ Therefore the flood volume for a one in 50 year event was !3!000 7)
304000 7) for a one in 100 year event and 3/0000 7) for a 1 in !00 year event.
&lood fre'uency analysis are performed %y using instantaneous peak charge data and
are used to predict design floods the certain distri%utions involved in this analysis
especially )og*+earson Type*,,, distri%ution tells the likely values of discharge to
e>pect in the water storage at various recurrence intervals %ased on the availa%le
historical records(Pilgrim, D. H. (Rev. ed. 1998)) . These distri%utions are needed for
hydrological analysis and design especially when designing structures that may %e
affected %y floods and also for this case in particular when designing structures to
protect against the largest affected event.
To assess the flood mitigation we need to determine the flood routing of the Hinze
Dam. &or this study to %e accurate the flood routing through the Hinze Dam needs to
%e shown for the 50100 and !00 year floods with and without the upgrade. Then the
change in the attenuation in peak discharge due to the increased dam level can %e
determined. &or 50 year floods the change in the attenuation is the difference %etween
the peak outflows which shows the increased dam level increases the inflow %y
55/.55 "m12s$ for 100 year floods the increased dam level increases the inflow %y
5!/.45 "m12s$ and for !00 year floods the increased dam level increases the inflow %y
5!8.!4 "m12s$ (Refer to Appendix 2, Figure #, " nd $, for t%e grp%!).
Bhen assessing the regulated water supply a se'uent peak analysis needs to %e
performed. To detect the effect of increased dam level on regulated water supply
potential for the greater ?old =oast region a relationship %etween the increase in dam
level and the change to regulated water supply as a result of increased storage
capacity (Refer to Appendix &, '(le, 1 nd Figure 8). To find these values the
formula :i . Di ; #p < :i-1 from module 0 ()rt*rig%t, Dr +i,%ol! (2--8)). The
purpose for the Hinze Dam is to act as a reservoir and also to reduce the risk of
flooding. However the %enefits of the dam are that %y increasing the wall of the dam
"which increase its water capacity$ it doesnEt cause more of a risk of flooding to the
lower @erang Aiver. This works %ecause the water levels are monitored and with
hydrologic calculations the amount of water leaving to lower @erang Aiver is
controlled due increase in the walls.
4%0 *oncl"sion
The hydrological analysis has allowed an in*depth understanding of flood estimation
flood fre'uency analysis and flood routing. (fter using various techni'ues from what
has %een taught throughout the semester we were a%le to analyse and calculate the
data that was needed for the upgrade of the natural hydrological system the Hinze
)%0 ,eferences
+ilgrim D. H. "Aev. ed. 188/$ Australian Rainfall and Runoff: A guide to
flood estimation 6ol. 1. ,nstitution of Cngineers (ustralia.
=artwright Dr @icholas "!00/$ H.drolog. /e,ture +ote! !004C@?
Hydrology ?riffith University :chool of Cngineering (ustralia.
+%0 ppendices
+%$ ppendi! $ . Section Data
Figure 10 1rp% of nnul !erie! of flood! for t%e Hin2e Dm
Figure 20 1rp% of rn3ed nnul !erie! of flood! for t%e Hin2e Dm, t%i! i! u!ed to
find t%e 4en, 5tndrd Devition nd 53e*ne!! of t%e Dt.
+%$%$ Data ,es"lts
7ean . !.43/455
:tandard Deviation . 0.47941732
:kewness . -0.04002317
@oteF Gtg was e>trapolated from ta%le 8.3 "from workshop 'uestions$ ()rt*rig%t,
Dr +i,%ol! (2--8)).
#p 50 years . !5/0.15/ m12s
#p 100 years . 345!.50 m12s
#p !00 years . 45!!./ m12s
Figure &0 1rp% of t%e reltion!%ip (et*een flood volume runoff nd pe3 di!,%rge

Figure 60 1rp% of t%e po*er regre!!ion fun,tion of t%e reltion!%ip (et*een flood
volume runoff nd pe3 di!,%rge
+%$%2 Data ,es"lts
AH 6alue
+ower F .85/
)inear F .813
Therefore +ower Aegression line is the most accurate
Cstimated &lood Aunoff 6olume "7)$ for the 3 (A, specified
@oteF &lood Aunoff 6olume was e>trapolated from Aegression )ine
&lood 6olume for 1 in 50 year . !3!000 7)
&lood 6olume for 1 in 100 year . 304000 7)
&lood 6olume for 1 in !00 year . 3/0000 7)
+%2 ppendi! 2 . Section / Data
Figure #0 1rp% !%o*! t%e flood routing for #- .er event, it !%o*! t%e inflo* nd
t%e outflo* *it% nd *it%out t%e upgrde. '%e ,%nge in t%e ttenution i! t%e
differen,e (et*een t%e pe3 outflo*! *%i,% !%o*! t%t !%o*! t%e upgrded dm *it%
t%e in,re!ed dm level in,re!e! t%e inflo* (. ##8."# (m78!)
Figure "0 1rp% !%o*! t%e flood routing for 1-- .er event, it !%o*! t%e inflo* nd
t%e outflo* *it% nd *it%out t%e upgrde. '%e ,%nge in t%e ttenution i! t%e
differen,e (et*een t%e pe3 outflo*! *%i,% !%o*! t%t !%o*! t%e upgrded dm *it%
t%e in,re!ed dm level in,re!e! t%e inflo* (. "28.6# (m78!).
Figure $0 1rp% !%o*! t%e flood routing for 2-- .er event, it !%o*! t%e inflo* nd
t%e outflo* *it% nd *it%out t%e upgrde. '%e ,%nge in t%e ttenution i! t%e
differen,e (et*een t%e pe3 outflo*! *%i,% !%o*! t%t !%o*! t%e upgrded dm *it%
t%e in,re!ed dm level in,re!e! t%e inflo* (. "29.26 (m78!).
+%( ppendi! ( . Section * Data
Time (hours)
'(le 10 '(ulte! t%e Reltion!%ip (et*een t%e in,re!e in dm level nd t%e
!uppl.8demnd of t%e *ter.
Height of Dam (m) Supply (ML) Deman (ML)
!2 1"9000 1"!000
!4 179000 1#!000
!# 201000 179000
!! 224000 190"00
90 249000 203000
92 27"000 21#000
94 303000 230000
9# 333000 24"000
Figure 80 1rp% of t%e reltion!%ip (et*een t%e in,re!e in dm level nd t%e ,%nge
to regulted *ter !uppl. ! re!ult of in,re!ed !torge.

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