Suncorp Assessment Centre Preparation

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Suncorp Systems Engineer Duties

Engage closely with the business as they provide really broad range of
analytical and engineering duties covering platform support / maintenance,
customer incident and work order engagements as well as systems rollouts /
Engages closely with the business, since they provide platform support / maintenance info,
customer incident and work order engagements as well as system rollouts.
Teamwork: Talk about CS
Situation problem: talk about friend in car accident, coy amplifier pro!ect.
Teamwork problem: talk about cs and coy pro!ect where shoaib dogged
Team dispute / actual engineering problem: Talk about the "#$ section where one member
only wanted to use mathematical e%uations for the "#$ while & wanted to add in human
input such as a mouse to determine where abouts in the data set thus that character will
appear, this makes it a true "#$ compared to a pseudo random number gen based on
mathematical e%uations alone.
Tell us a bit about yourself
'orn in Canberra, () years of age and recently graduated at $riffith university #athan
campus. *obbies include rugby league, basketball and gym. &n my spare time & like to keep
up to date with technology my reading whirlpool forums and +C user maga,ines, also
hanging out with friends. & went to high school in the gold coast, my favourite sub!ect was
&+T thus it was apparent that i found myself to be studying in this field.
&nterest: basketball, rugby league, cars, computer games
Spare time: & like to read whirlpool forums to see what new computer components have been
released and how they perform in benchmarks in +C user maga,ines. & train rugby league
roughly (-) times a week depending how much time & have and how tired & am, & also go
gym )-. times a week again depends on how im feeling and how much time & have, & hope
you/ve all got to know me a little better now and absolutely looking forward to working with
you guys in this group assessment.
Spare time
S0" 1Teamwork2
Situation / problem3 &n )
year regarding the coy amplifier a ma!or problem was a
teammate leaving the country without any prior notice.
0ction: 4iscussed the problem over the phone with remaining member, little argument about
other member !ust wanting to leave out the marketing section, while & was in favour of it. &n
the end we decided to finish his section and present it the ne5t day.
"esult: 0ll criterias of the product was presented, however the missing member/s section
could have been better presented. &n the end it was a good presentation and that assessors
and investors were impressed overall about the coy amplifier pro!ect.
S0"1Technical problem, team dispute2
Talk about the "#$ at "egan consultancy +ty 6td
Situation / problem: Teammate disagree/d on how the "#$ should be done
0 true "#$ was needed not a pseudo "#$
0ction: Convinced that we needed to create a character set and have human input
determine where in the character set it should point to, thus getting that character and going
through a bunch of e%uations. Thus using my idea along with my teammate/s idea of
running it through mathematical e%uation
"esult: better "#$ and both me and my teammate were happy of the outcome by
incorporating both our ideas.
Short term goal: a core position within the systems engineering team with increased
6ong term goal: a leadership position within the team and be involved in multi million dollar
pro!ects making innovative decisions within the pro!ect.
7hy are you interested in our graduate program3
8irst of all this is an e5ceptional opportunity for me to further develop and enchance my skills
that & have gained from industry and university. 9ne thing that & have noticed is that Suncorp
is heavily in favour of utilising agile methods into their line of work which is good since one of
the sub!ects that & en!oyed 1Software %uality management2 was focused on agile methods, in
particular SS and 4S4. The systems engineering program offer 0 tailored Career
4evelopment +lan, a buddy mentor program to ensure that my learning process doesn/t stop
thus time usage would be effective. 0lso suncorp provdes opportunities to deal with a
diverse range of technologies including :'9SS and will help develop my C; skills if need be.
0gile methods break tasks into small increments with minimal planning, and do not directly
involve long-term planning.
SS: Systematic approach to tackling real world problem situations and normally e5pressed
in seven steps.
4S4: 4S4 is an iterative and incremental approach that emphasi,es continuous
user/customer involvement and communication. 1Talk about say certain checklists2. 7hich &
can see already would be beneficial to my role since my role involves communicating heavily
with business anyway for analytical and engineering duties to support technology platforms
and maintenance along with customer incidents and system rollouts and implementations.
So & will further investigate problems in systems and no doubt with e5perience diagnose
%uick and effective solutions.
What can you bring to the company?
7hat & can offer Suncorp is my enthusiasm that & will bring into the team everyday. The
knowledge that & have gained from university and industry and utili,e them in a fashion that
my teammate and myself can benefit from and no doubt will & further enhance them. y
passion and dedication will hopefully further motivate the team to success and produce work
at an e5cellent standard which is evident from every team that & have been in whether it be in
uni, in my professional gaming days and sports. & would say that & socialise %uite a lot, thus &
have no doubt that & will get along with pretty much anyone and everyone in and outside my
Technologies use: !ava, C; and platforms such as 6inu5 and wintel on suncorp/s mobile
technologies and telephony &+ systems.
Suncorp background knowledge
Today Suncorp is 0ustralia<s fifth largest bank and operates in five separate divisions.
Suncorp also has appro5imately =>??? employees with appro5imately over @ million
customers. The divisions include:
personal and commercial insurance
Aero #ew Beleland
Suncorp bank / 6ife
Supported by specialist areas such as:
'usiness tech
*uman resource
SS: Stage =: unstructured problem definition
Stage (: problem situation e5pressed 1rich pictures2
Stage ):
Systems Engineer
Suncorp 6ife comments on three aspects of the current superannuation system
where comple5ity is clearly impacting efficiency and, conse%uently, having a
negative impact on ade%uacy. These are:
=. +roduct communication and design
(. $overnment intervention
). ember engagement
9ne of the suncorp/s systems is the current superannuation system where the main
problems lies behind the comple5ity of the system which impacts efficiency and ade%uacy.
The aspects impacting the superannuation system are:
product design and communication
$overnment intervention
Suncorp ember engagement

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