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This technical note discusses most of the soil tests used at Hill Laboratories, and gives very
general interpretive information for each.
Information for this Technical Note has been taken from Chapter three of the Field Consultants
Guide to Soil & Plant Analysis.
Hill Laboratories has organised its soil tests into two groups. The first, the asic !oil test,
includes components of significance across all applications"
The Cations" Calcium, #otassium, $agnesium and !odium
Cation %&change Capacity and ase !aturation
'olume (eight
The asic Test can be supplemented by additional tests where e&tra information is re)uired. Hill
Laboratories routinely offers the following"
sulphate * sulphur
e&tractable organic sulphur
resin #
organic matter
soluble salts
+!C ,phosphate retention-
available nitrogen
total nitrogen
total phosphorus
total sulphur
reserve potassium
reserve magnesium
trace metals
!election of these additional tests depends upon the crop under consideration, the cultivation
techni)ue and other factors ,see Table .-. If in doubt about your e&act re)uirement, or if you
re)uire analyses not listed, please do not hesitate to in)uire, or talk to your consultant or
The following information is prepared as a general summary of the range of soil test levels likely
to be encountered in New /ealand soils. It is intended as a guide only. It is crucial to take both
the seci!ic cro re"uire#ents and local conditions into account $hen usin% this
su##ary in con&unction $ith any analysis results' +lso refer to the appropriate Cro Guide
for more specific information and to the histogram presentation issued with individual reports.
Sa#le Prearation
+ll soils are dried in a forced air convection drier at 012C. +ll results are reported on this basis
and no correction is made to an oven dried basis ,.302C-. In*house e&periments have
determined residual moistures to be typically 14.
+fter drying, soils are crushed to pass through a 5mm sieve.
6 Item" 0.78 'ersion" 9 . of .5
(asic Soil Test
:ollowing is a brief description of the most common tests available. The section also has interpretation data from
references or derived from our own database. (here applicable, cross references to our Technical Notes are
also made.
The soil pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the sample. It is important because of how it influences the
chemical and physiological processes in the soil, and the availability of plant nutrients.
:igure . shows how pH can affect the availability of nutrients.
Le*el Peat Loa# Sandy
+ery Lo$ ,acid- 9.3 1.3 1.3
Lo$ 9.1 * 1.3 1.. * 1.1 1.. * 1.;
.ediu# 1.. * 1.1 1.8 * 8.1 1.7 * 8.;
)i%h 1.8 * 8.3 8.8 * <.3 8.7 * <.1
+ery )i%h
= 8.3 = <.3 = <.1
Fi%ure /0 ) a!!ects on lant a*ailability o! nutrients
lakemore, L.C.> !earle, #.L.> ?aly, .6. .7;<. $ethods for chemical analysis of soils. New /ealand, N/ ?!I@. ,N/ !oil ureau
!cientific @eport ;3-.
:rom Truog, .79;
The Alsen # test is the standard method in New /ealand to assess phosphorus availability to
plants. The @esin # test is an alternative test, described later, and is recommended for soils
where @#@ or other slow release # fertilisers have been used.
The following interpretations apply to autumn sampling of soils in areas with rainfall more than
.333 mm per year.
Le*el A%' Soil
)ort' Soil
G2) Soil
Lo$ B 53 B 03 B <3
.ediu# 53 * 03 03 * ;3 <3 * .13
)i%h = 03 = ;3 = .13
It is recommended that the anion storage capacityCphosphate retention of the soil is considered
when interpreting # levels.
Cations and Cation E3chan%e Caacity
The cations potassium ,6-, calcium ,Ca-, magnesium ,$g- and sodium ,Na- are an important
group of nutrients essential for plant growth.
There are two ways to consider cations in the soil"
.. In terms of the actual amounts e&tracted, which gives an indication of the absolute
amount available to plants. Their concentrations are e&pressed in meC.33g. +t Hill
Laboratories, this is the preferred and recommended way to assess cations.
5. +s a proportion of the soilDs C%C ,see below-. This is the cationDs ase !aturation
level, and is e&pressed as a percentage.
There are comple& interactions that may take place among the cations, affecting the soilDs
characteristics and their availability to plants. Considering the cations in terms of their ase
!aturation as well as absolute concentrations may provide more information than either can do
Cro 4
A%ricultural 3.1 * 3.; 8 * .5 . * 0 3.5 * 3.1
)orticultural 3.1 * . 8 * .5 . * 0 3 * 3.1
Glasshouse . * 0 ; * .1 5 * 9 3.5 * 3.8
:or many crops the magnesium level should ideally be twice as much as the potassium. (hen
magnesium is lower than potassium, suppression of magnesium uptake can occur.
!odium is only of secondary importance in the soil test as its uptake by plants is largely
dependent on the plant species involved and the potassium status of the soil, rather than the
actual level of sodium e&tractable from the soil. This element is mainly of interest for animal
health and can generally be ignored for cropping and horticultural situations.
High sodium levels may occur in low lying coastal areas, or in glasshouse soils irrigated with
water high in sodium. If this situation is suspected, a soluble salts test may be useful.
6 Item" 0.78 'ersion" 9 0 of .5
The Cation %&change Capacity ,C%C- of a soil is a measure of itDs capacity to hold cations
> in particular, potassium,
calcium, magnesium and sodium. The larger the value of the C%C, the higher the soilDs capacity for cation nutrients. :ine
te&tured soils and those with high organic matter and clay content have higher C%Cs.
!oils may contain cations in the form of soluble salts that are not part of the e&changeable pool. Concentrations of
e&changeable cations can be overestimated if soluble salts are high. Aur C%C measurement assumes negligible free
soluble salts.
Typical C%C values for different soils are given below.
Le*el CEC
Soil 6escrition
Lo$ 1 * .5 !andy or low in organic matter
.ediu# .5 * 51 +verage, silty or clay soils with medium to low organic matter level
)i%h 51 * 93 High fertility silt or clay soils with high or medium organic matter level
+ery )i%h = 93 Clay soils with high organic matter levels or peat soils
!ometimes re)uests are made to convert our cation results from meC.33g units to mgCmL or $+: units. This can be
done according to the formula in the table below, provided the testing procedures are known to be similar, which is
normally the case with results from New /ealand laboratories.
meC.33g & 07. & '( E FgCmL
meC.33g & 533 & '( E FgCmL
meC.33g & .55 & '( E FgCmL
meC.33g & 503 & '( E FgCmL
meC.33g & 53.; & '( E $+: 6
meC.33g & ..57 & '( E $+: Ca
meC.33g & 50.0 & '( E $+: $g
meC.33g & 10 & '( E $+: Na
Note0 for results on a weight basis"
for results on a volume basis"
:or results on a per hectare basis ,<.1 cm sample-
FgCg E mgCkg E ppm
FgCmL E mgCL E ppm
FgCmL & 3.<1 E kgCha
(ase Saturation
+s discussed above, the individual cations can be considered as proportions of the C%C. This approach may give
interesting information about the balance among the nutrients. ?esirable ase !aturation levels are given in the table
Cro 4
A%ricultural 5 * 1 13 * <1 1 * .1 . * 5
)orticultural 0 * 8 13 * <1 < * .1 . * 5
Glasshouse 8 * .5 13 * <1 < * .1 . * 5
The proportion of the soilDs total capacity for cations that is actually occupied by these nutrients, the Total ase
!aturation, is calculated by summing together the levels of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium found in the soil
and e&pressing this sum as a percentage of the C%C value.
There is a correlation between Total ase !aturation and soil pH, with increasing Total ase !aturation being associated
with increasing soil pH. This can give another perspective on the soils re)uirement for lime.
@efer to 60.;;" Cation %&change Capacity and ase !aturation.
Fi%ure 10 Relationshi bet$een ) and (ase Saturation9
+olu#e 9ei%ht ,(ulk 6ensity-
The 'olume (eight is the weight of a known volume of air*dried and ground soil. This figure
gives an indication of the soilDs physical characteristics, as well as allowing the conversion of
test results to other units if necessary.
Soil Tye +9
Sandy ..3
Clay 3.;
Peat 3.1
In the past, this test was called ulk ?ensity, but the name was changed in .77< to avoid
confusion with the :ield ulk ?ensity property.
Li#e Re"uire#ent
Lime re)uirement is a calculation that estimates the amount of lime ,CaCA
, 734 pure-
necessary to achieve a target total base saturation for a particular crop
. The default target is
<34. Ather targets range from 014 for peat soils to ;34
for some horticulture crops.
The formula for .1 cm core samples is"
Lime Req. (t / ha)= (Target%BS Soil%BS) x CEC x VW x 0.008
The formula for <.1 cm core samples is"
Lime Req. (t / ha)= (Target%BS Soil%BS) x CEC x VW x 0.008 ! "
Soil$ %ith 0.&0'VW(0.)0 a*+ ,-'CEC(. $ele/te+ 0rom 1ill La2oratorie$ +ata2a$e.
Theoreti/all3 +eri4e+ 0rom 0ir$t 5ri*/i5le$.
6 Item" 0.78 'ersion" 9 1 of .5
1.0 1.; 8.0 8.;


+n alternative formula to calculate Lime @e)uirement for pastoral soils, based on New /ealand field trials
using pH and
C%C, is"
Lime Req. (t / ha)= "&." (#.# x 51) 6 (0.00- x CEC)
Additional Soil Tests
There is a range of additional tests available. (hich to choose can depend primarily on the crop being grown. @efer to
Table . to help select the appropriate tests.
This test measures readily available sulphur in the form of dissolved plus absorbed sulphate. !ulphur testing is important
where low sulphur or sulphur*free fertilisers are used, such as high analysis N#6 fertilisers. @etention of sulphate*
sulphur by the soil is related to its phosphate retention, with high leaching losses of sulphate being associated with low
phosphate retention soils. This should also be taken into account when considering sulphur fertiliser options.
Le*el Sulhate:Sulhur
+ery Lo$ B 9
Lo$ 9 * .3
.ediu# .3 * 53
)i%h 53 * 13
+ery )i%h = 13
E3tractable Or%anic Sulhur
$ost of the soilDs sulphur ,714- is in organic forms. This pool of ! is in a slow e)uilibrium with the plant available,
inorganic form of !. eing a natural source of !, it is useful to have a means of assessing this component, especially
where the sulphate*! test indicates low levels of the readily plant available form. This test measures the readily soluble
fraction of the organic ! pool.
Le*el Ext rac tabl e Organi c Sul phur
( mg/kg )
+ery Lo$ B 1
Lo$ 1 * ..
.ediu# .5 * 53
)i%h = 53
%dmeades, ?.C.> (heeler, ?.$.>(aller, G.%. ,.7;9-.
Comparison of methods for determining lime re)uirements of New /ealand soils. 7e% 8eala*+ 9o:r*al o0 ;gri/:lt:ral Re$ear/h 5;" 70*
Resin P
+s with the Alsen # test, the @esin # test
also gives an indication of plant available
phosphorus in the soil. The Alsen # test is considered to have a poorer correlation with pasture
growth than the @esin # test where there is a history of slow release phosphorus fertiliser use
,i.e. @#@, #+#@ or Longlife !uper-. There is also evidence that the @esin # test may have
some advantages, particularly when interpreting results from a variety of soil types and pHs.
However, as interpretation data for the @esin # test is limited, this test is offered as an additional
test rather than a replacement for the Alsen # test.
Le*el 6airy Soil
6ry Stock Soil
Lo$ B 13 B 93
.ediu# 13 * .33 93 * <1
)i%h = .33 = <1
Soluble Salts
This test monitors the level of soluble salts in the soil. The ."1 water e&traction is used for field
soils and the ."5.1 calcium sulphate e&traction for glasshouse soils.
!ome common reasons for this determination are"
Heavy application of fertilisers under conditions of intensive cropping ,particularly in
glasshouses- where plant growth may be affected by salt stress.
:or specific investigations of irrigation and ground waters.
!oils recently affected by seawater are perhaps too salty to support some crops or
pasture species.
#lants vary considerably in their tolerance to soluble salts. In outdoor situations, soluble salts
should ideally be at a low level.
Le*el Glasshouse Soils
Field Soils
Lo$ B 3..3 B3.31
Nor#al 3..3 * 3.53 3.31 * 3.03
)i%h 3.53 * 3.93 3.03 * 3.<3
+ery )i%h = 3.93 = 3.<
@efer to 60.75" The @esin # !oil Test.
6 Item" 0.78 'ersion" 9 < of .5
Anion Stora%e Caacity ,Phoshate Retention-
+nion storage capacity or +!C ,previously termed phosphate retention- refers to the phosphorus immobilisation property
of the soil. +lthough high +!C soils may re)uire between two to three times the amount of phosphorus as capital or
maintenance fertiliser than low +!C soils, it is important to realise that an +!CCphosphate retention of 734 does not
mean that 734 of the applied # is rendered unavailable to plants.
+!C should be included with any initial soil test to establish the value for that soil type. This value is an inherent property
of the soil and does not change.
Le*el ASC2Phoshate
+ery Lo$ B .3
Lo$ .3 * 03
.ediu# 03 * 83
)i%h 83 * ;3
+ery )i%h = ;3
Or%anic .atter
The Arganic $atter ,A$- level in the soil is strongly correlated to the soilDs C%C, and is a source of many plant nutrients,
particularly nitrogen. Arganic matter also plays a maHor role in determining soil physical characteristics> soils with
medium to high A$ levels would generally be e&pected to have good structure, moisture retention and water infiltration.
The )uantity and nature of organic matter
is highly dependent upon farming practices and climatic conditions and is
found as both chemically stable humus ,or passive A$- and partially decomposed plants, microbes and animal residues
,or active A$-.
It is Arganic Carbon ,as Total Carbon- that is directly measured in the laboratory, and A$ is calculated from this using a
standard factor derived for soils.
<rga*i/ =atter (%) = <rga*i/ Car2o* (%) x ,.-"
Le*el Or%anic C
Or%anic .atter
+ery Lo$ B 5 B 0
Lo$ 5 I 9 0 * <
.ediu# 9 I .3 < * .<
)i%h .3 I 53 .< * 01
+ery )i%h = 53 = 01
A*ailable Nitro%en ,also kno$n as Anaerobically .ineralisable N-
This test provides an indication of the )uantities of nitrogen that can be readily mineralised from soil organic matter under
ideal soil conditions. The actual amounts of nitrogen that will mineralise in the field will depend on factors such as soil
temperature and moisture, which are impossible to emulate or predict in the laboratory. This test must therefore be
interpreted with caution, realising that it is a measure of nitrogen mineralised under specific laboratory conditions.
The test measures the potential of soil to provide nitrogen to growing plants. It has been widely used for arable soils, but
has not been widely used for pasture soils. #asture soils usually show high levels with this test, but may still benefit from
strategic use of nitrogen fertiliser because of unfavourable conditions for the mineralisation of these soil reserves at
certain times of the year.
Le*el Anaerobically .ineralisable N
A*ailable nitro%en
+ery Lo$ B01 B 13
Lo$ 01 I 13 13 * .13
.ediu# 13 I ;3 .13 * 513
)i%h ;3 I 593 513 * 013
+ery )i%h =593 = 013
@efer 6 .3.1. +ssessing !oil JualityKthe Arganic !oil #rofile
?uring the last few years, researchers have shown that the anaerobically mineralisable nitrogen
,+$N- is a good indicator of biological activity and is closely related to microbial biomass.
Total Nitro%en
This test determines the total nitrogen ,TN- content of the soil including that present as both
chemically stable humus ,or passive- and partially decomposed plant and animal residues ,or
active- organic matter fractions. The test gives some indication of the N supplying power of a
soil, but itDs primary use is to enable the e&pression of other, related parameters ,Arganic C,
+$N- relative to this property.
Le*el Total Nitro%en ,8-
+ery Lo$ B 3..
Lo$ 3.. * 3.5
.ediu# 3.5 * 3.1
)i%h 3.1 * ..3
+ery )i%h = ..3
Carbon0 Nitro%en Ratio
The ratio of total organic carbon and total nitrogen is the traditional guide to the nature of the
organic matter present in the soil.
The C"N ratio is readily calculated as follows"
Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio =
Organic Carbon (%)
Total Nitrogen (%)
The basic premise behind this ratio is that organic carbon is the primary source of energy for
soil microbes, but these also re)uire nitrogen to multiply and utilise this energy. The microbes
utilise soil carbon via respiration, with the conse)uent loss of carbon dio&ide from the soil. +s
the a/ti4e 0ra/tio* of the A$ is thus degraded, the C"N ratio drops until a steady state ,the
5a$$i4e 0ra/tio*- is finally attained.
Interpreting this ratio is complicated, as it also depends on the nature of the A$.
The 5a$$i4e 0ra/tio* of the A$ can have a C"N ratio that is LmediumD. Conse)uently, medium
C"N ratio soils can have a wide variation in mineralisable N status, and this is a limitation when
considering the C"N ratio in isolation.
Le*el C2N Ratio
+ery Lo$ B ;
Lo$ ; I .3
.ediu# .3 I .1
)i%h .1 I 51
+ery )i%h = 51
+ ratio of .3*.5 is normal for an arable soil with a good rate of organic matter decomposition,
.1*53 indicates slow decomposition of the organic matter. @atios greater than 51 suggest that
the organic matter is not decomposing.
6 Item" 0.78 'ersion" 9 7 of .5
E3chan%eable Alu#iniu#
+luminium ,+l- is not present in a plant available form in soils with a pH above 1.1 and therefore tests for e&tractable
aluminium need only be done on distinctly acid soils. In New /ealand, soils with a pH range of 9.1 * 1.1 are those most
likely to be affected by aluminium to&icity. Mp until recently, Hill Laboratories has reported +l measured from a .$ 6Cl
e&tract. + recent change means the 3.35$ CaCl5 e&tractable method is now in use, with this lower ionic strength
e&tractant giving different interpretive levels.
Le*el /. 4Cl
5'51. CaCl1
Lo$ B 3.1 B.
.ediu# 3.1 * ..3 ..3 * 0.3
)i%h ..3 * 5.1 0.3 I .3.3
+ery )i%h = 5.1 = .3.3
E3tractable (oron ,)ot 9ater Soluble (oron-
oron is an essential plant nutrient, but many crops are also susceptible to boron to&icity. The difference between
ade)uate levels and to&ic levels can be )uite small.
The following guidelines may be used, although be aware of different cropsD tolerance to boron. :or e&ample, avocado
has a high boron re)uirement, but kiwifruit is sensitive to boron to&icity. This should be considered, especially when
changing from one crop to another.
Le*el (oron ,#%2k%-
Lo$ B .
.ediu# . * 5
)i%h 5 * 1
+ery )i%h = 1
Reser*e .a%nesiu#
@eserve magnesium is used to estimate long*term magnesium reserves in the soil and is predominantly used in
research investigations.
The difference between the slow, long term available magnesium and the e&changeable magnesium of the soil is called
the @eserve $agnesium. ecause the total magnesium content of soils is often very large, and the maintenance
re)uirements of pasture and crops are relatively small, it is likely that slow weathering of magnesium containing minerals
and clays can supply an appreciable proportion of plant re)uirements.
Le*el Reser*e .a%nesiu#
+ery Lo$ B 0
Lo$ 0 * <
.ediu# < * .1
)i%h .1 * 03
+ery )i%h = 03
Reser*e Potassiu# and T(4
The amount of slowly released potassium is often more significant than the amount of
immediately available e&changeable potassium. The N@eserve #otassium Ntest is used to
estimate the long term potassium supplying potential of the soil, and appears to be unaffected
by short term treatments. +n alternative test known as NT6 N ,modified from the original
Gackson test- has now largely been adopted in N/ laboratories. This test gives similar
information about the long*term supply of reserve potassium.
Le*el Reser*e
+ery Lo$ B 3..3 B 3.93
Lo$ 3..3 * 3.53 3.93 * 3.;3
.ediu# 3.53 * 3.01 3.; I ..5
)i%h 3.01 * 3.13 ..5 I ..;
+ery )i%h = 3.13 = ..;
Trace Ele#ents
!oil trace element tests
are available although Hill Laboratories consider that plant tissue
analysis is the best approach to determining the trace element status of plants. !oil trace
element tests can be used to identify best treatment options such as soil application or foliar
application of nutrients for plant nutrition by giving a general indication of soil nutrient status.
!oil T% tests can also be used to monitor changes in levels of elements that accumulate in
horticultural soils due to long term application of fungicides.
$ehlich 0 profile
" #, $n, /n, Cu, Co, :e, , +l
%?T+ profile" $n, /n, Cu, Co, :e
Total element tests" $o, !e, !, #, Ca, Cd, Cu, Co
Total Ele#ent Tests
Total ,acid*recoverable- element tests
are available for several elements. The main use of
these tests is for comparison with Lplant availableD nutrient tests and monitoring the long*term
effects of fertiliser application to soils.
There are several tests available from Hill Laboratories that have not been described in this
section. #lease contact the laboratory to discuss your re)uirements.
@efer to 60.;1" New Calibration ?ata for !oil Trace %lement Tests in N/.
@efer to 61181" The $ehlich 0 !oil Test
@efer to 650.3<" !oil Total Nutrients I +nalysis O Interpretation
6 Item" 0.78 'ersion" 9 .. of .5
Table /0 Soil test selection %uide by enterrise descrition
#asture Crop Tree
:orestry !ports

(asic Soil
Sulhate Sulhur I where sulphur is likely to be
lost by leaching ie sedimentary soils or if sulphur
is not included in the fertiliser programme on a
regular basis.
: - - -
Or%anic Sulhur I where sulphate sulphur status
is low and there is a re)uirement for more
information on soil sulphur status.
- -
Resin Phoshorus I where @#@ or similar slow
release # fertilisers have been used.
- - - -
Soluble Salts I In glasshouse soils where high
fertiliser application rates and high evapo*
transpiration rates often cause a build up of salts
which may harm sensitive crops.

* *

Soluble Salts :,!ield- where high salt levels due
to fertiliser, irrigation water content, sea water
contamination or other factors is suspected.

* *
Anion Stora%e Caacity2Phoshate Retention I
where capital application of # fertiliser is
contemplated. The # retention value will influence
the re)uired application rate to reach a target

Or%anic .atter I gives an indication of nutrient
reserve, soil structure and moisture retention
characteristics. Normally on cropping soils or in
development situations.
- -
A*ailable Nitro%en ; test is designed to estimate
N status of cultivated soil. ,+lso known as
+naerobic $ineralisable N-
* * - - -
.ineral N ; immediately available NA0*N and
- - - - -
E3chan%eable Alu#iniu# ; where soil pH is low
and the economics of lime application to counter
+l to&icity is being investigated.
(oron ; where the soil boron status is re)uired,
normally in horticultural cropping situations where
crops have a known re)uirement for this nutrient.


Total Nitro%en I used in conHunction with Arganic
$atter to determine C"N ratio as a measure of
biological activity in the soil.


Reser*e Potassiu# I where the soils capacity to
provide slow releaseClong term potassium to
pasture or crops is re)uired.


Reser*e .a%nesiu# I where the soils capacity
to provide slow releaseClong term magnesium to
pasture or crops is re)uired.
@ecommended :or specific investigations only
Aptional * Not normally re)uested

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