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Name Meanings

Japanese: Tsukino Usagi

Meaning: Rabbit of the moon
NA: Serena Tsukino
Meaning: Calm (English)

Japanese: Mizuno Ami

Meaning: Friend of water
NA: Amy Anderson
Meaning: Beloved one (Old French)

Japanese: Hino Rei

Meaning: Spirit of fire
NA: Raye Hino
Meaning: Ewe (Hebrew - from Rachel)

Japanese: Kino Makoto

Meaning: Wisdom of trees
NA: Lita Kino
Meaning: Orchard (Hebrew - from Carmel/Carmelita)

Japanese: Aino Minako

Meaning: Surrounded by the beauty of love
NA: Mina Aino
Meaning: First born daughter (Siouan)

Japanese: Meioh Setsuna

Meaning: Instant Dark Rule
NA: Trista Meioh
Meaning: Sad (French - from the world triste)

Japanese: Tenoh Haruka

Meaning: Distant Sky King
NA: Amara Tenoh
Meaning: Everlasting (Latin) or bitter (Latin)

Japanese: Kaiou Michiru

Meaning: Mature Ocean Ruler
NA: Michelle Kaiou
Meaning: Who resembles god (Hebrew - from Michael)

Japanese: Tomoe Hotaru

Meaning: Firefly of the soul
NA: Hotaru Tomoe
Meaning: Firefly of the soul

Japanese: 'Chibi Usa'

Meaning: Small Rabbit
NA: Rini
Meaning: Pure
Japanese: Chibi Mamoru
Meaning: Protector of earth
NA: Darien Sheilds
Meaning: No meaning found

Senshi Colors

Sailor Moon
Pink and White.
Pink is often associated with romance, friendship and femininity White is the purest of all colors and a symbol of purity
and chastity.
Why doesn't she wear it? She does all the time out of her uniform. Her later uniforms also have some pink in them. Blue
and Reds are usually the colors of leaders in most things. (Voltron - red, Thudercats -Blue, X-Men -Blue)

Sailor Mercury
Blue stands for tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy. It is the symbol of wisdom and the color of hope and generosity.
Why is it her color? Everything about her from abilities to fuku is blue. Ami and full of wisdom and generosity. She is
clearly defined by this color.

Sailor Mars
The color red is extremely dominating. It stands for truth, passion, strength, courage and fire. The maroon tint represents
sacrifice and bravery.
Why is it her color? Her abilities and fuku consist mostly of red. It is the color she is seen with most. Red is also the color
of fire and Mars, which Rei represents. She holds the personality of fire and passion.

Sailor Jupiter
Green is life and is indicative of nature, youth, vigor, hope, cheerfulness, and abundance.
Why is it her color? Same as the other ones. She deals with green, she wears green. Jupiter is green and nobody can
disagree. Makoto is one of the characters that is full of youth and vigor at all times. She is primed and ready. The Jupiter
attack - Oak Evolution deals directly with nature along with her thunder and lightening attacks.

Sailor Venus
Gold is often associated with riches, beauty, fame, victory, and other good fortunes.
She has fame as Sailor V, beauty, and many victories and good fortunes. I think gold best represents her rather than
orange or yellow. It has a glitter to it as does Venus.
How do I get this? Her powers consist of gold. Yes they look orange/yellow but you can't really draw gold. The color Venus
is shown with a lot of times is a Golden color.

Sailor Pluto
Black signifies depression, death, mystery but when tempered with white signifies prudence and humility.
She always seems to have a depressed (or mysterious) overtone with how she acts. Pluto is the god of the dead, and
black is also darkness.
But she looks dark green? No, that is black. Black is hard to draw as well as gold. If you make things straight black in
drawing and inking, you can't really get much color and shadow definition. Her hair is dark green, yes but Meioh Setsuna
is the "Instant Dark Ruler". Black would make sense immediately. In Naoko's drawings of Setsuna she is often seen
wearing black and the colors around her are black. Besides, on a process of elimination theory, Green is for Sailor Jupiter.

Sailor Uranus Navy Blue.

Navy Blue or Dark Blue means classic, dignified, and wealthy.
She is classy, very dignified and very wealthy. All three are clearly represented in Haruka.
Why not yellow? Because, yellow would be too close to Venus' gold in my opinion, and she wears predominantly Navy.
The colors seen around her in drawings is mostly navy. Haruka is probably the one character that can be called dignified.

Sailor Neptune
A blue-green is very pleasing and livable as well as flattering to the human complexion. (This one is more like a
decorating note...) Blue-green is also said to be one of the iciest colors to use.
The way Michiru presents herself is pleasing to those around her. She has a flattering appearance. She can also have a
very icy personality when dealing with others.
Why not blue or green? Because her fuku is aqua, blue green, whatever you want to call it. When she uses her abilities
they are not blue waters, they are a blue-green waters. Blue is Mercury, not Neptune.

Sailor Saturn
Purple symbolize intelligence, religiousness, holiness, sadness, nostalgy, power, healing, and visionary.
Hotaru seems to take on most of these means of purple. Power, Healing abilities, Intelligence, and sadness all seem to
come to her. You can call her visionary as well with the powers over destruction and resurrection.
Shouldn't she be black? No, she's purple. Black is Sailor Pluto's color. Her fuku is consistently purple.

Click on the planet's symbol for an image of the planet.

Mercury was named after the messenger of the gods because the planet Mercury seemed to be the
fasted moving of the planets. (Mercury the messenger was known for his swift feet.) It is the closest
planet to the sun and has no moons. It is the second smallest of the planets with a core that makes up
70-80% of the entire planet's composition. The atmosphere on Mercury is so thin that the planet
reaches temperatures of up to 750 degrees Farenheit. At night, it gets even colder at -300. It takes
Mercury 87.97 days to rotate around the sun. The surface of mercury is rather plain, but it's most noticeable
feature is the Caloris Basin, a large circular basin much like that of the moon. It was probably caused by an early
impact and then filled with lava, but that is debated over.

Venus is certainly one of the most beautiful planets to look at. That is the reason it was named Venus -
after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Venus is second closest to the sun, and is it the hottest
because of the greenhouse effect. No heat can escape the surface because of the acid clouds that
swarms the planet. This is what gives the planet of Venus it's color. It takes Venus 224.7 days to
complete one revolution around the sun, and it takes 243 earth days for Venus to rotate on it's axis.
Venus also has a retrograde revolution, meaning that it revolves backwards compared to Earth.

The Earth, of course, is our home. It is the only planet that has life on it. Recently, it was discovered
that Mars had ancient bacteria on it. Our planet is the only one with unfrozen water and that has an
atmosphere that supports life. It takes earth 365.26 days to revolve around the sun and 23.93 hours to
make one rotation around the axis. This is mainly the reason that we have a leap year. Because the
revolution and rotation are not precise like our calender system. Earth has one satellite which we simply
call 'the Moon.'

The Moon is Earth's only satellite. By the middle 17th century, Galileo made telescopic observations of
the moon noticing it's overlapping craters. The moon has been known for a long while to be less dense
than the Earth and has less of a gravitational pull. This is why moon walkers look like they're jumping
and floating. The moon, indeed, is silent and airless. There is no atmosphere. Because of this, the lunar
sky always looks black. Neil Armstrong was the first man to step onto the surface of the Moon in 1969.
Mars is well known as being called the Red Planet. Because of it's red color, it was named for Mars - the
Roman god of war. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun, and it has also been discovered that Mars
had remnants of frozen water and ancient bacterial life. Mars' atmosphere is mainly composed of carbon
dioxide, but it also holds nitrogen and bits of oxygen, water and neon. It takes Mars 686.98 days to
revolve around the sun and 1.026 days to rotate on it's axis. Mars has two moons: Deimos and

Jupiter is the first planet on the outside of the asteroid belt. It is one of the 'Gas Giants,' and the fifth
planet from our sun. The most well known feature of Jupiter is it's 'Great Red Spot' which is actually a
hurricane larger than the Earth. Jupiter is the largest planet, able to fit over 1000 planets the size of
Earth in it (if you could do such a thing). Jupiter revolves once in 9.8 hours, that means if you could
stand on Jupiter, the gravitational pull would crush you flat into the surface. Jupiter also has faint rings
that are hard to see from some photographs made of rock fragments caught in it's gravitation. Jupiter has four
planet sized moons: Callisto, Ganymede, Io and Europa. The others are: Metis, Adrastea, Amalthea, Theme,
LEda, Himalia, Lysithea, Elara, Ananke, Carme, Pasiphae, Sinope, and S/1999 J1. Each are named after people in
the life of god Jupiter.

Saturn is the most well known of the Gas Giants because of it's beautiful rings. It is also the second
largest planet in mass while being the sixth planet from the sun. Saturn is less dense than water. This
means that if you had a bathtub large enough, you would be able to float Saturn on it. Saturn also has
great wind storms like Jupiter and Neptune, with speeds up to 1,100 miles per hour. It takes Saturn
29.46 Earth years to revolve around the sun. However, it only takes saturn 10.2 hours to make a
rotation around it's axis. Saturn is visibly oblate - it's equator pushes out about 10% more than the poles making
it look almost flattened. This results in it's rapid rotation and liquid state. Saturn has 18 named satellites. Three
pairs: Mimas-Tethys, Enceladus-Dione, and Titan-Hyperion all interact gravitationally with each other. The names
of the moons of saturn are: Pan, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Epimetheus, Janus, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys,
Telesto, Calypso, Dione, Helene, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Phoebe. There are at least 12 that are

Uranus (pronounced Yoor-a-nus) is the seventh planet from the sun. It is the third largest of the planets
and is known for it's beautiful blue color (caused by the absorption of red light by methane in the upper
atmosphere). Uranus is different in several ways: it is a gas planet, it spins north to south (instead of
the usual east to west), and it has rings that go around it's north and south pole rather than the
equator. Uranus is composed mostly of rock and other ices with only about 15% hydrogen (unlike
Jupiter and Saturn who are mostly hydrogen). Uranus also has a weird orbit, in that it seemed like it was being
pulled towards something. Scientists had theorized that there was another planet pulling it, and they were
correct. Uranus has 15 names moons plus 6 recently discovered moons. They are all mostly named for
Shakespeare and Pope characters: Cordelia, Ophelia, Bianca, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Portia, Rosalind,
Belinda, 1986U10, Puck, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, Caliban 1999U1, Sycorax, 1999U2, and

Neptune was discovered after a study of Uranus' orbit. It is the last of the Gas Giant planets and it
known for it's blue green color due to the methane in it's atmosphere. Neptune has a Great Dark Spot
like Jupiter's red spot. Neptune is full of great storms with wind speeds up to 1200 miles per hour. It
has an orbit of 165 years. Because of Pluto's strange orbit, Neptune is sometimes the furthest planet
from the sun. Neptune has 9 known moons, Triton being the largest of them: Naiad, Thalassa, Despina,
Galatea, Larissa, Proteus, Triton, and Nereid.

Pluto is the furthest planet from the sun. It's been debated whether pluto is actually a planet or just an
asteroid that got caught in the sun's pull. Pluto has a very long orbit, it takes it 249 years to pass
around the sun. 20 of those years, it closer to the sun than Neptune is because it's strange path. Pluto
is mostly composed of ice and rock. It also has one moon, Charon. Some scientists debate whether
Charon is actually the planet, and Pluto the moon because of Pluto's size and composition. Pluto is
actually smaller than our moon.
Star Signs (or sun signs) are the most popular thing known about Astrology. We see them in magazines, in
newspapers, and on websites. But what does your star sign mean about you?

Aries (Sailor Mars)

This is the first sign of the Zodiac ruled by the planet Mars, and this reflects on those who are born under the
ram. They see themselves as number one. Aries carry the traits of leaders, initiators, but never completers. An
Aries tends to be impulsive and tempted to push their ideas on others. Areis' are also able to summon their inner
strength, be agressive, bold, and courageous.

The bull in the Zodiac is all about rewards in the game of life. They enjoy physical pleasures and material goods,
and revel in excess. Adoring comfort, they surround themselves by pleasing and soothing things. You know, the
good life. Taurus' tend to be very thick headed and stubborn much like they're symbol. Taurus is ruled by the
planet Venus - the goddess who didn't deny herself any pleasures.

Gemini (Sailor Star Maker)

A Gemini loves to talk. The driving force behind their conversations, however, is their mind. They talk to
everybody and love collecting information, especially from those closest to them. Geminis tend to be very bright,
whitty, and the center of excitement. A Gemini can also see both sides of the issues, however this makes them
almost indecisive with things. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury with their quick thinking and whit.

Cancer (Sailor Moon & Chibi Moon)

Cancers are known as Moon Children, being ruled by the moon. This gives them their traits about home. Definite
home bodies, Cancers are very maternal, domestic, and love the comforts of home and family. Much like the
crab, their mascot, Cancers are quick to retreat into their shells when it suits their mood. Moody, yes, and they
know how to sympathize with others being overly sensitive at ti mes as well. Cancers are easily hurt and prone to
brooding around.
-On a pointless note, this completely describes me, being a Cancerian.

Leo (Tuxedo Kamen, Sailor Star Fighter)

Leo the lion is most known for their personality - wanting to be on center stage. They have a personal magnetism
about them, one that draws people to them. They are very ambitious and this helps them accomplish many
things. They have much enthusiasm, talent, and a big ego too boot. Leo is ruled by the Sun, the center of the
galaxy, much like their need to be the center of attention.
-On another pointless note, this completely describes my sister, a Leo.

Virgo (Sailor Mercury)

Virgos take on the qualities of their mascot, the Virgin, in that they are modest and have humanity. Virgos also
like to be exact and have attention to detail. Virgos are ruled by the planet Mercury as well. They aren't able to sit
still with something much like the god Mercury.

Libra (Sailor Venus)

Librans are known for their focus on others and how they relate to people. They see everything to be done better
as a group. They are very much team players, less focused on self than the above star signs. The scales
represent a Libra because of their balance in situations. Libras dislike conflict and like things to be balanced.
Libras are ruled by Venus, which they take on the traits of being cultured, refined, and have a love for beautiful

Scorpio (Sailor Pluto)

The most noteable trait of a Scorpio is that they are serious about their mission and their goals. There is no idle
chatter or fluff around anything. They know what they want and they will get there without distractions.
Everything is black and white, no room for anything in between. Scorpios are ruled by two planets - Mars and
Pluto. The combination of the two give a Scorpio an intense energy, motivation, and awareness.
Sagittarius (Sailor Jupiter)
Sags are truth seekers and wanderers. Knowledge is the key for them, they are always on an internal quest. This
sign is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Some think that the royalty associated with god Jupiter has been passed to
them in traits. They are generals and just, as well as being noble leaders.

Capricorn (Sailor Saturn)

Capricorns are industrious, efficient, organized, and don't make waves. They are very good work people and are
likely to put in a lot of time at the office. They are extremely dedicated to their goals, and can be very stubborn
about it. However, they are patient about it. From the planet Saturn, Capricorns get their traits of wanting to be
at the top. Capricorns are happy to work for that honor.

Aquarius (Sailor Uranus)

Aquarians have a social conscience. They tend to be humanitarians, philanthropic, and interested in saving the
world - making it better. They tend to be visionaries, and love spending time thinking about how things can be
better. They are ruled by Saturn and Uranus. This gives an Aquarian a strong and vibrant energy.

Pisces (Sailor Neptune, Sailor Star Healer)

The final sign of the Zodiac is the Pisces. It bring together the characteristics of the other signs. However, these
guys are the happiest at keeping their qualities together. They are selfless, spiritual, and focused on their
journey. They are ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune taking with them a unique combination of traits and

Several myths filter around the moon in the Sailor Moon story. Queen Selenity mentions that the people of Earth
called her Selene, goddess of the moon. Selene is sometimes said to be another name for Artemis/Diana goddess
of the Moon. This also gives the cat guardians their names - Artemis, Diana, and Luna (moon).

The Earth was the home to these myths. The people here created these gods to explain the way the world
worked. Their stories have become very much part of culture.
In the Sailormoon story, Endymion is the noble prince of Earth. Endymion is also seen in ancient Greek myths
with goddess Selene (Artemis/Diana). Endymion was one of the first humans according to Greek creation stories
(so he could be regarded as a prince or king). It is also said that Endymion was a shepherd. He was asleep on
night out under the cloudless night sky, Selene descended upon him while he dreamt. As she studied him more,
Selene was immediately attracted to him. She kissed his eyes and continued the acts with him in his dreams. The
dreams left Endymion's waking world unappealing. The days became un bearing for him, he always waited for
He went to his father, Jupiter, and asked for Jupiter to grant him eternal sleep so he could live in the eternal
happiness with Selene. Jupiter granted this wish, and goddess Selene remained true to Endymion. It is said that
she bore him fifty daughters.
The sun is also part of these myths. Apollo was said to raise the sun everyday for the people to help their world
grow and prosper. In the Sailor Moon stories, the Sun is the protector of Endymion (see the Dead Moon Circus
saga where Helios says it), who in turn protects the Earth.

Mercury (Hermes/Greek) is the equivalent of the Greek god Hermes. He was seen often as the swift messengers
for the gods. Mercury is the son of Jupiter and Maia. He was born in a cave on mount Cylene in Arcadia - giving
him often the name of Atlantiades or Cyleenius.
Mercury was also the divine herald, the guide who knew the road to the Underworld after Thanatos did his job.
Mercury also held the position of the Greek god of Commerce and Market. His realm also included gymnastics.
Mercury is said to have been the shrewdest and most cunning of all the gods, a master thief who started by
stealing Apollo's herds. He has swift feet and can do that kind of thing.

Mars (Ares/Greek) was the Roman of storms, tempests, and most notably: War. He was a son of Jupiter and
Juno, born in Thrace. Neither of his parents liked him. He is represented as very hateful through classic works
such as the "Iliad." Mars is described by Homer as murderous, bloodstained, and a curse on mortals. Oddly
enough, Mars is regarded as a coward who starts a fight and runs away when wounded.
Mars came well escorted in battle. His sister, Eris, nephew, Shrife, Phobos, Metus, Demios, Pallor, and Bellona
(goddess of War) would attend him in battles. They sympathized with him.
He became symbolic with storms and turmoil in human relationships and hence to being the god of war. Mars
wasn't as widely worshiped as other gods.
Jupiter (Zeus/Greek) is the god of justice and rule of the gods. He is the undisputed leader. He was the source of
all nature and heavenly elements - rain, lightening, drought, ect.
He was the sixth child born to Saturn (Cronus). Saturn, ruler of the Titans, was warned by an oracle that he
would be over thrown by his children. Fearful of this, he swallowed the first five of his children that his wife bore.
Rhea, didn't like this, so when Jupiter was born she substituted him with a rock. She then sent the baby to Gaea
(Mother Earth) to raise the child on Crete.
Jupiter then tricked Cronus by the help of his mother into drinking a drink which made him disgorge the
swallowed siblings. The children of Cronus then attacked their father and defeated him.
Jupiter (Senshi)is the equivalent with Jupiter, and was known to use lightening to do his biddings. He was the son
of Saturn (god of Time).

Venus (Aphrodite/Greek) is the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and desire. There are two know stories of her
birth. One by Homer, in which she was the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Later myths tell that she rose from the
sea form on a shell after Cronus tossed Uranus' severed genitals into the ocean. Her greek name comes from the
Greek word for 'foam.'
Venus is also married to Vulcan (Hephaestus), the lame god of the forge and metalworking. He was the only god
to be physically ugly, but this was an arranged marriage by Zeus. Vulcan did his best to please his beautiful bride,
constantly making fine jewelry and furniture to make her happy. You have to feel bad for the guy.

Pluto (Hades/Greek) is Zeus' brother and king of the Underworld. He was often called the god of wealth because
of all the metals and treasures buried deep within the earth, which was his kingdom. The name Pluto also derives
from a word meaning 'rich' in Latin. He was the only god to spend most of their time away from the Underworld.
Pluto was also one of the more ferocious and formidable god in battle. This went along with his dark and morbid
personality - being from the land of the dead. He was not an evil god, just feared by men because his realm was
the land of the dead. Pluto, however, was not death himself, That as Thanatos.
Pluto is always shown as a stern, dark man with a key in hand to show that he guards those who enter his
domain. (notice, each of these represent Sailor Pluto)

Uranus was the god of Heaven (Sky), the first ruler (followed by Cronus and Jupiter). Gaea, his wife, was the
goddess of the Earth. Uranus and Gaea, were the parents of the Titans. His rule ended when Cronus his son,
castrated him. He either died from the wound or withdrew from the earth all together.

Neptune (Poseidon/Greek)was the ruler of the sea and often called the 'earth shaker.' After he and his siblings
defeated the Titans, he drew the lot of the sea. (Jupiter had the heavens and Pluto, the underworld). Neptune is
one of the most powerful gods, second to only Jupiter. So one would be very afraid if they had both Jupiter and
Neptune against them.
Neptune had a wife, Amphitrite, the granddaughter of the titan Oceana. He was never satisfied with his share of
the world and often conspired to dethrone Jupiter. When this plot was discovered, Jupiter exiled Neptune to earth
where he built the walls of Troy.

Cronus was the ruling Titan until Jupiter over threw him. Cronus was given the prophecy that he would be
overthrown by his children. Afraid of this, he ate the first five children bore to he and his wife, Rhea. Rhea hid
away the sixth child, Jupiter, and tricked Cronus into believing a rock was the child. When Jupiter was older, he
had his siblings expelled from the body of Cronus and they over threw the Titans banishing them to the
underworld. Cronus, however, managed to escape to Italy and rule as Saturn.

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