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Divide the group into 3 groups
Each member pulls off several squares from the toilet paper roll ( you can tell
them to get as many squares as they want)
Ask them to pass the toilet paper to another person and tell them to do the same.
nce everyone in the room has taken some toilet paper! everyone counts the
number of squares that they have and then tells everyone in the room that many
things about themselves. "or e#ample! if someone has three squares! they share
three things about themselves. $f they have %& squares then they share %& things
about themselves! if possible share something new about yourself or something that
is not known to you like! ' (efore $ became a manager! $ am a driver' info can be
of your profession! your hobbies! your favorite places ! people etc'.
(That was a pla! "#$%#a&#%' a(t#% th# )a*# ha+# s,*#,!# l#a- .,/ ! p%a.#%. )
II. P%a.#%
III. S*all 0%,/p Ds"/ss,!
Ha+# a 1/"& !t%, ,( .,/% t,p" t,!)ht a!- t#ll th#* .,/ ha+# a!,th#% a"t+t. wh"h
s2.. #a"h ,!# ,( th#* has t, ",*pl#t# ths s#!t#!"# $#l,w $. sha%!) t ! th#%
I( I a* t, "ha!)# a !#)at+# attt/-# ,( *!#' I w,/l- l&# t, "ha!)#
*. $#!) 33333333333333333333333. 4h.5
(Just ask them to identify one attitude, this should be the most they think they have to
change in themselves.)
As& th#* t, ), t, th#% %#sp#"t+# )%,/p a!- sta%t th# sha%!). (60 *!s)
ne facilitator is needed for each group. Encourage each member to talk.
A(t#% #+#%.,!# has ta&#! th#% t/%!' ), t, -s"/ss,! p%,p#%2 (60*!s)
)tart by saying'.
As a *hristian it is vital that we live according to +od,s standard. -hile it is difficult to do
so! we must reali.e that this is the truth that we have to work out everyday of our lives.
Every *hristian struggles with some strongholds but we can never live daily with the e#cuse
saying /0es $ am a *hristian but $ am also human1'
As a christian we must strive hard to live like *hrist and that starts by evaluating our
attitude. 2ere are some steps that we can consider and help us as we go along this process
of having a changed heart' 3emember! no person can change us! only +od with our
willingness of course! this can be achieved'
%. 3emember *hrist lives in you! 0alata!s 7:70' so you don,t have to try and cope
with everything on your own but can draw on 2is power! strength and enabling.
2. Ask 2im for 2is help and wisdom. +od promises those who need wisdom will
receive it!Ja*#s 6:8. (ut it doesn,t happen automatically. -e need to ask and we
need to ask in faith.
3. $mmerse yourselves in +od,s -ord. 4he quickest way to change our attitude is to
get back to +od,s -ord which has the power to transform us! R,*a!s 67:7.4o
change our hearts and minds! to change us from the inside.
5. "ind one close friend you can trust. )hare your difficulties with them and meet
together to pray with and for each other.
6. 7ut yourself in a position to help others and seek to be a blessing to them. ften
what happens is that when we set out to help others! we end up being blessed in the
6. *ontinue to meet with +od,s people on a regular basis and do not neglect getting
together for worship and to learn more of +od. $t is very difficult to be a *hristian in
isolation and not what +od wants for us! H#$%#ws 60:78.
$n conclusion! $ think it is important to remember what 8 *or. %89: says
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness (2 orinthians !2"#).
$hank you, %eavenly &ather, that 'our ama(ing grace is )*+,-% to cover all the weak areas of my life and
$hank you that my weaknesses, though hard to admit to, are the very entry points of 'our grace and power.

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