Sharath S Avathade: Objective

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#12, CITB Choultry Main Road, 1

Stage Hebbal, Mysore-5717
!"1 ""7211"2"7
!"1 "7#$72"
To be associated with the progressive organization that gives scope to update my knowledge, enhance my skills
and be a part of the team that works dynamically for the growth of organization and gain satisfaction thereof
2011 - 2013 SJCE, JSS CMS, Mysore
M.B.A. (HR)
27 - 21 Sarada Vilas College, Mysore University
Bachelor of Science (omputer Science!
25 - 27 SBRR Maajanas !U College, Mysore
1""5 - 25 "SS Hig Scool, Mysore
Academic Projects
,ear MB-. - ST/0, 12 321456076 SH-RI27 -M127 -C-06MICI-2S I2 HI7H6R
60/C-TI12-5 I2STIT/TI12S 8R1M M,S1R6
+2nd ,ear MB-. IM956M62T-TI12 18 6886CTI:6
321456076 M-2-76M62T S,ST6MS I2 1R7-2IS-TI12
+2nd ,ear MB-. ST/062TS -TTIT/06 T14-R0S S1CI-5 26T41R3I27 SIT6S
,ear B(S)(. H1T65 M-2-76M62T -995IC-TI12 4ITH :IS/-5 B-SICS
Ser%ed as e%ent )o-)oordinator ;or 'anage'ent ;est
9arti)i<ated in %arious Manage'ent ;ests at %arious )olleges
Ser%ed as student )o-ordinator in organi=ing )o''ittee o; national le%el sy'<osiu'
1 of 3 | P a g e
Con;ident, Bold and 1<ti'isti)(
7ood >ritten and %erbal )o''uni)ations s?ills
6@)ellent ti'e 'anage'ent, <rioriti=ing, 'ulti-tas?ing A organi=ational s?ills
7ood <resentation s?ills A )usto'er intera)tion s?ills
5eadershi< abilities
-ble to learn %ery Bui)?ly, 'a?e e;;e)ti%e de)isions
8le@ible to learn ne> tools, te)hnologies
Technical Skills
5anguages 3no>nC C, C!! and D-:-
1<erating Syste'C 4I2014S E9, 4I2014S 7, 4I2014S $, 5I2/E
-<<li)ations C :isual Basi), Mi)roso;t 1;;i)e
Hard>are A 2et>or?ing
#or$ e%&erience
Currently Working for Cons'eag(e Cons(lting !vt 'td)
$ssociate % &uman 'esource and (perations
Work Profile
S)reening and short-listing C:Fs indi%idually as <er the reBuire'ent
Re)ord and )he)?ing attendan)e Syste'
9re<aring o;;i)ial do)u'ents as and >hen reBuired
7enerating re<orts G MIS as <er )o'<anies reBuire'ents
:endor identi;i)ation and 'anage'ent
Inter;a)es >ith HR Manager and )or<orate o;;i)e
-ssists HR Manager in Indu)tion o; an e'<loyee and general HR -)ti%ities
Maintains Con;identiality in the organi=ation as a HR role
9lanning ;or o;;i)e -d'inistration -)ti%ities
2 of 3 | P a g e
Handling 4eb based HR So;t>are
Resear)h and 0e%elo<'ent in HR -)ti%ities(
Aug 2010Apr 2011 #i&ro *SMC, Mysore
)orked as a Technical &elp *esk +ngineer ("epsio "ro,ect!
Work Profile Managing te)hni)al o<erations o; the )lients
Testing and i'<le'entation o; a<<li)ation
Resol%ing issues ;or )lients
Training )lients about auto'ation and te)hnology
Coordinating >ith )lients
7eneration o; re<orts
Mail Manage'ent
!ersonal Dossier
Date of Birth 1*
-ugust 1"$"
Nationality Indian
Marital Status Single
Languages 6nglish , Hindi , 3annada, Marathi, Ta'il
Interests 9laying )ri)?et, Chess, 4or?ing out in the gy', S>i''ing, Sur;ing Internet, S<end 'ore
ti'e using ne> )o'<uter a<<li)ations(
I hereby de)lare that all the details ;urnished abo%e are true to the best o; 'y ?no>ledge(
!lace + Bangalore
Date + 2$H8ebH21I ,Sarat S Avatade-
3 of 3 | P a g e

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