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1- Hook load (HKL)

This is the load on the hook (summation of the strings: BHA and bit)
2- Weight on bit (WOB)
It's calculated from the hook load and its decrease on it (if HKL is 2 tones then
becomes !" tones due to formation resistance so #$B is " tones)
- !tand "i"e "#e$$%#e (!&&)
The %ressure of the %um%ed fluid inside the %i%es and hoses (related to &'()
'- (a$ing "#e$$%#e (ann%la# "#e$$%#e)
The %ressure of the %um%ed cement into casing
)- *ota#+ $"eed
The s%eed of rotation of the string
,- *ota#+ to#-%e
The resistance of the formation to the drilling and rotation of string
.- &%/" $"eed
The s%eeds of %um%ing of mud inside the %i%es (related to &'( or efficienc) of %um%)
0- !lo1 "%/" #ate
Test on each %um% to notice the %ressure e*erted b) each one in order to use s%ecific
&'( for each %um% to kill the +ell in case of kick,
2-Blind d#illing
-rilling of hole +ithout an) return of cutting or fluid so the) drill +ith sea+ater in
order to reduce the costs or +ith normal drilling fluids
13- F#ee "oint indi4ato#
The %oint at +hich the) can make cut for the stick) string. firstl) the) tr) to make
/arring to free this %oint,
11- O5e# "%ll o# &i4k %"
It is the sudden increase in hook load reading +hile '$$H. due to the tight s%ot in the
12- T1i$t o66
0ut of the drill string from an) +eak %oint %redicted b) shar% dro% in &'' and shar%
dro% in HKL-,
1- Fa$t b#eak
(eans 1$' is high due to soft formation,
1'- T#i""ing
$ne of t+o: !2 1IH (1un In Hole) 22 '$$H ('ull $ut $f Hole)
1)- Flo1 4he4k
This test is made to check if there is flo+ out at the rest or not (in case of sto%%ed
#e sto% %um%ing then notice if there is flo+ out or not, If there is flo+ out at rest so +e
ha3e 4lo+,
1,- E-%i5alent 4i#4%lated den$it+ (E(D)
This is mud +t in the d)namic state,
1.- Ki4k o66 "oint
-ue to the hardness of the cement. the bit esca%es from this %oint into the softer
10- Ni""ling %" BO&
It5s the setting u% 6 installing of the B$' for ne+ o%en hole. +hich follo+ed b) the
B$' test to see +hat is the ma*imum allo+able %ressure on the annulus,
12- Wa$h (4i#4%lation) and *ea/ing
It's %rocess of +idening and claiming the hole after the drilling of e3er) one &T- b)
mo3ing u% and do+n
Wa$h (circulation +ithout surface 1'()
*ea/ing (circulation +ith surface 1'( and bit 1'( if there is motor)
12- (onne4tion
$ff bottom. no #$B. lo+est HKL-. no &''. no 1'(. no &'(. and no T17
23- On $li"$
It5s done +hen the floor man makes ane+ connection,
21-Ho1 to kno1 the 1a$h o%t in "i"e$7777
A28ertical: +hen #$B increasing. the crack increases and the %ressure +ill continue
B2Hori9ontal: that on decreasing the #$B. the %ressures +ill increase,
22-The#e a#e $e5e#al di66e#ent t+"e$ o6 "#e$$%#e te$t8
!2 4IT : 4ormation Integrit) Test
This is a %ressure test to a %redetermined %ressure. +hich is designed to be belo+ the
%robable fracture %ressure,
22 L$T : Leak $ff Test
-etermines the )ield %oint of the +eakest formation,
;2 4ormation Breakdo+n
This is a test that fractures the formation and in/ects fluid,
#hat is a Leak $ff Test<
=A Leak $ff Test (L$T) is used to determine the ma*imum %ressure. +hich can be
a%%lied to the formation +hile drilling the ne*t hole section,
=The L$T in3ol3es increasing the mud %ressure in a shut2in +ell until mud is in/ected
into the formation,
=>enerall) L$Ts are %erformed after cementing casing. re2drilling cement and the shoe
and a fe+ metres of formation, This 9one is considered to be the +eakest %art of the
formation for the ne*t hole section,
= 2 The basic %rocedure is to %um% slo+l) into the +ell at a rate of ? to @ barrel %er
minute and record the drill %i%e %ressure (the +ell is closed ,(
2 The %oint +here drill %i%e %ressure starts to de3iate : /ust as the cur3e lea3es the
straight line : is the %ressure +here the formation starts to take fluid ,
2 It is im%ortant to kee% in mind that )ou are %um%ing into a closed +ell +hen
conducting a
leak2off test
4ormation Integrit) Test 4ormation Integrit) Test
=This test does not fracture the formation but merel) tests the
formations integrit) to a %re2determined test %ressure,
=T)%icall) the antici%ated slo%e sho+s a linear relationshi%
bet+een the 3olume %um%ed and the %ressure
Leak-O66 Te$t Leak-O66 Te$t
=Initiall) the L$T follo+s the same linear %attern on the
antici%ated slo%e as the 4IT,
=At the %oint of di3ergence leak2off is achie3ed and the trend
becomes non2linear,
4ormation Breakdo+n Test
=Again the antici%ated slo%e is linear %rior to achie3ing
breakdo+n of the formation,
2- !1abbing 9 !%#ge
!2 &+abbing
Bottom Hole 'ressure tem%orar) reduction results from the u%+ard mo3ement
of %i%e in the hole ,
If the drill %i%e is %ulled too fast during tri%%ing (&+abbing). formation fluid
+ill be %ulled into the +ell bore ,
&+abbing is caused b) the %iston action of the bit +hen it is %ulled u%+ard :
&+abbing %ressure make BH' decrease ,
22 &urge
Bottom Hole 'ressure tem%orar) increase results from the do+n+ard mo3ement
of %i%e in the hole,
The o%%osite of s+abbing. &urge %ressure makes BH' increase,
If it is high enough. surge +ill result in formation s%litAfracture, Loss of circulation,
2'- D#illing "#o4e$$e$
1otar) drilling &liding drilling
!2 run +ith BHA rotar) assemblies
22 +ith surface and eBual bit 1'(
;2 +ith T17 reading
C2 +ith normal &'' 3alues
"2 in soft+are choose ( 1otar) drilling)
!2 run +ith BHA motor assemblies
22 +ith onl) bit 1'(. no surface 1'(
;2 +ithout T17 reading
C2 +ith higher 3alue of &''
"2 in soft+are choose ( 1otar) 6 turbine )
2)- :WD 9 ;<*O 9 TOT(O
2,- T+"e o6 tank$
1- !%4tion tank8 is the acti3e %it. +hich directl) attached to the %um%s,
2- *e$e#5e tank8 is the tank for sa3ing additional Buantities of mud if needed again,
- !l%g tank8 is the tank for high 3iscosit) mud %re%arations and its small 3alue
'- !ettling ($and t#a")8 it's la) belo+ the shale shaker directl) and can be dum%ed to
%ore if it is undesired mud or contaminated,
)- T#i" tank8 used +hen +e '$$H or 1ID to add mud inside hole or recei3es mud
from hole res%ecti3el)
2.- !"ot 9 !1ee" 9 !l%g
!"ot8 it is a high mud left on bottom. in order to '$$H +ith dr) %i%es as %ossible,
!1ee"8 it is high 3iscosit) mud to clean hole from cuttings in order to clean onl),
!l%g8 it is high mud +eight used to clean the string from cutting during the tri%%ing,

(#- >E1$ T$T0$
!2 take angle and direction
22 1un +ith rotar) assembl)
through motor. it could send
its %ulses through the mud
during the drilling,
!2 take angle onl)
22 run through the %i%es
and it reBuires being $ff
bottom and sto%%ing drill .
using es%ecial %iece of
!2 take angle onl)
22 1un through the
o%en hole b) using
a +ire,
20- T+"e$ o6 lo$$e$
1- !%#6a4e lo$$e$8 it's the losses of mud due to surface eBui%ments like (desander.
mud cleaner and centrifuge,)
2- Hole 6ill8 its mud needed to fill the hole,
- Do1n hole lo$$e$: its mud lost in the formation due to fracturing or higher mud
22- &i4k %" "oint 9 !la4k o6 "oint 9 *ota#+ 1eight
'ick u% %oint F +eight of drill string
&lack of %oint F +eight of drill string : resistance of mud (no 1'()
1otar) +eight F +eight of drill string (+ith 1'()
3- (ent#ali=e# 9 $tabili=e#
(ent#ali=e# for centering the casing
!tabili=e# (%ut behind bit) for 1- +ell smoothing 2- building angle in side track

&teaf assembl) F bit G bit sub G stabili9er G -0 G &tabili9er G H#-' G -'
Bendlum assembl) F bit G bit sub G stabili9er G -0 G H#-' G -'
- :%d 4i#4%lation
Acti3e tankH 'um%sH, &tand %i%e line H mud hose H s+i3els H stringH annulusH flo+ out line
H shale shaker H acti3e tank,
- ;a$ 4+4le
4lo+ out line ,,, degasser H +ater tra% (condensate bottle) H ditch line H suction
%um% H flo+ controller H chromatogra%h (!I F ! %mm)
The main jobs of the mud logger are to take care of:
!2 >eological /ob,
22 -rilling /ob,
;2 -rilling fluids
1- ;eologi4al >ob?
I ha3e to be res%onsible for:
A) &am%ling:
I should %re%are t+o sam%les, $ne dried. the other is +etted,
The +etted sam%les are enclosed into s%ecific bags,
$n both of the t+o sam%les +e +rite abo3e them three information's,
(0om%an) name . +ell name and de%th from and to ),
The sam%les must ha3e been +ashed and sie3ed to take the finest grains to
make a thin section from it and to do the second ste% of the res%onsibilit).
+hich is,
B) -escri%tions:
It is done under s%ecific microsco%e to see the oil sho+s and take the other
descri%tions of lithological %ercentages and %ro%erties,
2- D#illing8
#e ha3e to take care of man) of the drilling %arameters such as:
A) Hook load8
Thi$ i$ the load on the hook thi$ i$ the $%//ation o6 the $t#ing$@ i?e?A the bit and
(BHA) botto/ hole a$$e/bl+?
B) Weight on bit
ItB$ al1a+$ 4al4%lated 6#o/ the hook load and it$ de4#ea$e on it?
!in4e i6 the HL i$ )33 tone$ and $%ddenl+ be4a/e '33 tone$ $o -thi$ di66e#en4e i$
d%e to the 6o#/ation #e$i$tan4e and thi$ i$ 4alled the WOB?
!and (lo1e$t #e$i$tan4e) C $hale C $ilt C li/e C dolo$tone C anh+d#ite (highe$t
The highe# the F: #e$i$tan4e@ the highe# the WOB?
() !tand "i"e "#e$$%#e8
Thi$ i$ the "#e$$%#e o6 the "%/"ed 6l%id$ in$ide the "i"e$ and ho$e$? Thi$ i$
#elated highl+ to the !&:?
D) (a$ing "#e$$%#e8
Thi$ i$ the "#e$$%#e o6 the "%/"ed 4e/ent into 4a$ing$?
E) *ota#+ $"eed8
The $"eed o6 #otation o6 the $t#ing$@ 1hi4h i$@ $%""o#ted eithe# 6#o/ abo5e on to"
d#i5e o# on the #ota#+ table on #ig 6loo#?
F) *ota#+ to#-%e8
The #e$i$tan4e o6 the 6o#/ation to the d#illing and #otation o6 $t#ing$
The /o#e the #e$i$tan4e o6 6o#/ation@ the highe# eDe#ted to#-%e?
;) &%/" $"eed8
The $"eed$ o6 "%/"ing o6 /%d in$ide the "i"e$@ 1hi4h de"end on the n%/be# o6
$t#oke "e# /in%te o# in gene#al the e66i4ien4+ o6 "%/"?
DBJ the diameter of the bit is that of caliber is that of the hole
And the casing %i%es are smaller than them,
If the torBue is 3er) high and +e increased the 1'( so there ma) be t+isting off the
drill string
) D#illing 6l%id$8
A) 8olume,
B) (ud #t (densit)) into and out from hole,
0) (ud tem% into and out %ut from the hole,
-) (ud conducti3it) (resisti3it)) into and out %ut from hole,
E8 What a#e the $en$o#$ that 6eel all tho$e "a#a/ete#$F
There are L; t)%es of the sensors such as:
!2 'ressure transducer8 ANALOG;E
L &tand%i%e %ressure sensors,
L 0asing %ressure sensors,
L Hooks load sensors,
L TorBue sensors,
L (ud +eight sensors,
22 'ulse sensors8 DI;ITAL
L (agnet sensors (&'(. 1'(),
L Limits s+itch sensors,ieJ mechanical (1'(. &'()
L -ra+ +ork sensors,
;2 Mltra sonic sensors, ('8T)
C2 Tem% sensors,
"2 (udflo+ out sensors
K2 H)drocarbon sensors,
N2 H)drogen sulfide sensors,
O2 0onducti3it) sensors,
P2 Tem% 6 mud +eight out sensor,
HH When de"th i$ in4o##e4t@ go to data g" in $o6t1a#e and ente# de"th 4o##e4tion@ then 1#ite
ne1 5al%e o6 total de"th and 4li4k on bit de"th al$o to be ad>%$ted? And t#+ to do that 1hen
Kell+ i$ $to" /o5ing?
HH When the $tand i$ on botto/ 1ith $"e4i6i4 !&: the "#e$$%#e di66e#$ to $o/e eDtent than
1hen it i$ o66 botto/ 1ith $a/e !&:?
WA!H and *EA:IN;8
ItI$ a "#o4e$$ o6 1idening and 4leaning the hole a6te# the d#illing o6 e5e#+ one
B+ /o5ing %" and do1n 1ith *&:@ !&:?
HHWhen 1e /ake &OOH and 4hange$ bit o# an+ like that@ then 1e *IH 1e
$ho%ld 4hange #%n no and 6ile no@ and ente# the ne1 bit data o# i6 it$ #e#%n again?
HH *O& 6o# #o4k$ i$8
(&and. shale. siltstone. salt. anh)d. limestone. dolomite. basement),
Theory of any pressure sensor is {sensitive diaphragm that affected with any
pressure lay on it, and its contacted with oil to give sensor.
E8 Ho1 4an I di66e#entiate bet1een the di66e#ent lithologie$F
!and $tone Li/e$tone !hale Anh+d#ite !alt
1-!D8 L$e@ 4l$$@
"nk@ +ell$h 1h@
o44J g+@ 4#$e- 5?
4#$e g#nd@ o44J
"ebbl+@ ang -
$%b ang@ "oo#
$#td@ 1J %" to
)3K 6ld$"?
2-!D8 L$e@
"nk@ o44J g+@
/d - 4#$e g#nd@
o44 J 5? 4#$e @
ang - $%b ang@
"oo# $#td@ 1J
%" to 23K
-6a$te# *O&
1- L$t8 Tan$h
1h@ o66 1h@
b#n$h g+@
4#+"toDin@ $6t-
/od hd@ a#g?
2-Dol8 Tan$h
g+@ b#n$h g+@
/i4#oDln@ hd-
-*ea4t$ 1ith
H (l
1- !h8 ;+@
g+@ g#n$h
g+@ $%b
blk+ - $%b
6lk+ @ /od
6#/ - 6#/ @
non 4al4 -
$li 4al4@
tan$h g+@
/od hd-
1- Anh8 (#/+
1h@ /lk+ 1h@
1h@ 4l$$@ /od
hd -hd @
2-Anh8 <el$h
1h@ o66 1h@
"$td@ $6t@
-*ea4t$ 1ith
Ba !O'
1- !alt8 Anh
TE!T 9 &oo#
#et%#n 9 Fa$t
F#ee "oint indi4ato#
The "oint at 1hi4h the+ 4an /ake 4%t 6o# the $ti4k+ $t#ing@ 6i#$tl+ the+ t#+ to
/ake >a##ing to 6#ee thi$ "oint?
Flo1 4he4k
The te$t done to noti4e the le5el o6 /%d in$ide the 4ond%4to#?
Leak o6 te$t
Thi$ te$t done a6te# ea4h 4a$ing and the beginning o6 ne1 o"en hole @ thi$ o44%#$
b+ d#illing o6 ten 6eetI$ nea#l+ to kno1 1hat i$ the allo1able "#e$$%#e on the
Mud or air Diaphragm Oil Sensor Wire
&%/"ing a high 5i$ /%d
ItI$ a high 5i$4o$it+ /%d "%/"ed to 4lean the hole 6#o/ an+ 4%tting$ o# L(: o#
(:T 4onta/ination?
L%nk $a/"le (/agnet)
ItI$ the /etal 4%tting$ 4o/e 6#o/ the 6#i4tion bet1een the (!; "i"e$ and the D&?
(a#bide te$t
ItI$ the te$t done to 4alib#ate the ga$ $+$te/ 4h#o/atog#a"hA itI$ al$o %$ed to
eDa/ine the 1a$h in hole b+ 4al4%lating the lag $t#oke$?
HH (al4%late the a/o%nt o6 lo$$e$ i6 no #et%#n8
Bbl$Jh#$ M &O& N T!&: N ,3
HH (al4%late the (TFA) ---------- total 6lo1 a#ea
MMMM M (Let $i=eJ2J2)
N 22J. N no o6 >et$ i6 the+ e-%al?
I6 the >et$ i$ o"ened $o MMMMMMMMMMMthe $i=e i$ 2
H E(DMMMMMMMi$ the e-%i5alent 4i#4%lated den$it+
Thi$ i$ the /%d 1t in the d+na/i4 $tate?
HH ;&: M &O& N !&: N '2
HH &O& M (LD)
N length $t#oke N e66i4ien4+ N 3?3332'
1- One do%ble "#e$$ ---------' :A --------------5al%e---------------#ea4h it to 2?03
2- To1 do%ble "#e$$----------23 :A-------------5al%e---------------#ea4h it to 3?)3
- Fo%# do%ble "#e$$---------$"eed---------------5al%e---------------#ea4h it to 1
HH In 4a$e o6 "a#tial lo$$e$@ 1e add L(: in the /%d@ /ake $hale $hake# (b+-
"a$$)@ i6 itB$ 4ontin%ed $o add $ea 1ate# in$tead o6 /%d to #ed%4e the 4o$t?
Type of losses:
1-!%#6a4e lo$$e$ --------itI$ the lo$$e$ o6 /%d d%e to $%#6a4e e-%i"/ent$ like
(de$ande#@ de$ilte#@ /%d 4leane# and 4ent#i6%ge)?
2-Hole 6ill---------------itI$ the /%d needed to 6ill the hole M (ID)
N1 6eetJ1322
-Do1n hole lo$$e$---- itI$ the /%d lo$t in the 6o#/ation d%e to 6#a4t%#ing o#
highe# /%d 1t?
Dogleg 1ell
Thi$ i$ 1ell de5iated@ tend$ to be ho#i=ontal?
!li" and 4%t
ItI$ the "#o4e$$ o6 eli/ination o6 the old 1o#n 1i#e on the d#a1 1o#k and
in$talling o6 ane1 one 6#o/ the dead line #eel onto the d#a1 1o#k?
D%#ing thi$ "#o4e$$@ the+ hang the to" d#i5e $o the hook load $en$o# #ead$ a
/ini/%/ 5al%e like 2) k lb$?
HHH The >%n4tion bet1een 2 D& i$ 4alled -------TOOL LOINT?
While that bet1een 2 4a$ing$ "i"e$ i$ 4alled ---(A!IN; (OLLA* ?
HH The ga$ $+$te/ in the %nit 4o/"o$ed o68
12D!"##$ : this is a :OTO* +ith agitator to liberate the gases from the mud,
22#%&T'() *%+* : this used to suck the gases from the WATE* T*A& through the DIT(H
,- *)%+"T'& *"). : this is used to filter the gasses that coming from the %um% into the
gas s)stem
'2."$! &(+*$##($ : this is used to make alarm for H2& and e*iting of an) +ater or
mud in the ditch line,
)2#+".. &(+*$##($ : this is used to su%%l) an air needed for ignition,
,2/0D$(!) !)$"T($ : this main source of h)drogen 6+ork b) the distilled +ater
ioni9ation into (H and $),
.2Total gas detector: is for the o3erall gas Buantit) detection,
02&atalytic chromatograph: for sam%ling and timing of anal)sis,
221'D chromatograph: for the gas sam%le anal)sis into their com%onents,
7: Ho1 to kno1 the 1a$h o%t in "i"e$F
B+ $%dden "#e$$%#e d#o" 1hile d#illing?
HHThi$ /a+ be d%e to the "%/" de e66i4ien4+ o# leak in the $tand "i"e line $o
the+ /%$t /ake 4he4k on both in o#de# to 4on6i#/ that i$ 1a$h o%t in "i"e@
Al$o it /a+ be d%e to lo$$ o6 the >et$?
HHThe#e a#e 2 t+"e$ o6 4#a4k$ eithe# 8-
That i$ 1hen in4#ea$ing the WOB@ the 4#a4k in4#ea$e$ and the "#e$$%#e 1ill
4ontin%e d#o"$?
That on de4#ea$ing the WOB@ the "#e$$%#e$ 1ill in4#ea$e?
E8 Ho1 to 4al4%late the 1a$h o%t de"thF
O M P(id)
N LN4on$tQ R P(d-od)
Whe#e--------- id@ od ---------6o# the d#ill "i"e?
d--------------- 6o# the o"en hole o# 4a$ing dia/ete#?
ItI$ the $%dden in4#ea$e in the HKLD #eading 1hile &OOH@ d%e to the tight $"ot
in the hole?
Thi$ i$ the 4%t o6 the d#ill $t#ing 6#o/ an+ 1eak "oint like the tool >oint$ that i$
"#edi4ted b+ $ha#" d#o" in !&& and $ha#" d#o" in HKLD?
HH The addition o6 ne1 /%d o6 di66e#ent : WT 4an di66e# the total : WT in the
hole@ $o the#e 1ill be di66e#en4e in the H<D*O!TATI( &*E!!G*E?
:WD ;<*O TOT (O
1-it take angel and
di#e4tion $%#5e+?
2-it #an 1ith #ota#+
a$$e/bl+ th#o%gh
/oto# it 4o%ld $end it$
"%l$e$ th#o%gh the
/%d d%#ing the
1-it take$ angel onl+?
2-it #an th#o%gh the
"i"e$ and it #e-%i#e$
being o66 botto/ and
$to""ing d#ill@ %$ing a
$"e4ial "ie4e o6 "i"e?
1-it take$ angel onl+?
2-it #an th#o%gh the
o"en hole b+ %$ing a
Ni""ling %" Bo"8
ItI$ the $etting %"9 in$talling o6 the BO& 6o# the ne1 o"en hole@ 1hi4h 6ollo1ed
b+ the BO& te$t to $ee 1hat i$ the /aDi/%/ allo1able "#e$$%#e on the ann%l%$?
It /ean$ the *O& i$ high d%e to $o6t 6o#/ation?
ItI$ 4o/ing o66 botto/ "o$ition a6te# the d#illing "#o4e$$?
BA(K FLG!H (&G*;E)8
ItI$ the "#o4e$$ o6 eDiting the 1ate# o# an+ /%d 6#o/ the dit4h line in o#de# not
to "l%g thatA b+ $1it4hing on the 4o/"#e$$o# and o"ening the 1ate# t#a"?
HH We $ho%ld in4#ea$e the /%d 1eight in4a$e o6 d#illing high "#e$$%#i=ed $hale
in o#de# not to 4a%$e /e4hani4al $t%4k and al$o 1e $ho%ldnIt in4#ea$e abo5e
li/ited 5al%e in o#de# not to /ake di66e#ential $t%4k?
HH Li/e $and+ teDt%#e2222222itI$ the litholog+ o6 li/e$tone in $ha"e o6 $and $i=eA
hen4e it 4an #ea4t 1ith h+d#o4hlo#i4 a4id 1itho%t an+ ""t?
HH !and+ li/e$tone22222222222it$ li/e$tone and $and $tone /iDed #o4k@ 1hen
#ea4t$ 1ith H(l it gi5e$ ""t?
Bbl$M P(id)
QNLJ1322 D&
Ti/eM$t#oke$JT? $"/
Ti/eM $t#oke$JT? $"/
(HOLE o# D&)

The "a$$ o6 the $ignal$ 6#o/ and into the %nit i$8
P!en$o#--!a6et+ ba##ie#-- /od%laDA!--&hilli"$--on lineQ
The DAE i$ the 4onne4ting node o6 thi$ $+$te/@ $o itI$ 4onne4ted to $e#5e# 5ia
*!-22 4onne4tion th#o%gh 4a#d in the $e#5e# 4alled :OSA@ 1hi4h i$ al$o
4onne4ted to the #ig /onito# th#o%gh the DAE?
DAE i$ 6eeding the $en$o#$ 1ith the #e-%i#ed "o1e# th#o%gh the !AFET< BA**IE* 9
4on$e-%entl+ the DAE 4olle4t$ the $en$o#$ data th#o%gh the $a6et+ ba##ie#?
The DAE /od%le$ al$o a#e 6eeding the &HILLI&! #e4o#de# 1ith the data?
The i/"o#tan4e o6 the $a6et+ ba##ie#8
1-6eeding the $en$o#$ 1ith #e-%i#ed "o1e#?
The difference of the
outer diameter than the
inner diameter is the
thickness of the %i%e,
2-i$olate $en$o#$ 6#o/ the DAE?
-"#ote4t the $+$te/ 6#o/ bad 4onne4tion$ ($ho#t 4i#4%it@ o"en
(i#4%it 4ondition$?
Bit $%b8
ItI$ the 4onne4tion bet1een the D( and the bit@ and itI$ abo5e the bit di#e4tl+?
Kell+ do1n8
ItI$ the end "oint o6 Kell+ nea# the #ota#+ tableA a""#oDi/atel+ itI$ the height o6
the old $tand /in%$ 2- 6eetI$
Kell+ %"8
ItI$ the beginning "oint o6 the Kell+ in the to" o6 the /a$t@ the height o6 ne1
$tand "l%$ 2- 6eetI$
2-WI&E* T*I& &OOH 22222itB$ $ho#t t#i" to the la$t 4a$ing $hoe in the 1ell?
The long t%be (4ond%4to#) that %$ed onl+ in o66$ho#e #ig$ to 4onne4t bet1een the
6loo# and the o"ening o6 the hole@ and on the botto/ the BO& i$ #e$et on the $ea
ItI$ the te$t on ) 6eetI$ o6 the 6o#/ation a6te# 4a$ing and a6te# the+ d#ill the $hoe$@
b+ "%/"ing /%d in 4lo$ing o6 the hole to kno1 the a/o%nt o6 "#e$$%#e allo1able
on the 6o#/ation@ thi$ "oint i$ kno1n 6#o/ the de4#ea$e in the "#e$$%#e a6te# it$
I6 itI$ "%/"ed 6#o/ the 4e/ent "%/" itB$ 4alled 2."3 (11 T#T4.
(e/ent >ob8
5"'T () &+)T abo%t ,-12 ho%#$ a44o#ding to the de"th o6 the 4a$ing?
The 6(TT(+ *.%! i$ added be6o#e "%/"ing the $"a4e#@
While the %**$ *.%! i$ added a6te# "%/"ing the $l%##+?
22IN(*EA!E IN THE !&& @ WITH !A:E
2-DE(*EA!E IN THE !&&
9IT :A< IN(*EA!E !&: OF &G:&!?
;*OGND ;A!E!?
,-FA!T B*EAK IN *O&?
When the "%/"$ $1it4hed on@ it 1ill 4on$%/e /an+ ba##el$ to 6ill the line$ (no
While the "%/"$ $1it4hed o66@ it 1ill ba4k the /%d in line$ (no gain)?
T+"e$ o6 ga$e$8
7- 6ack ground gas.
8- &onnection gas.
,- Trip gas.
9 &irculation gas.
It5s the %rocess of in/ection the cement. it5s done b) running (cement returner tool)
and its +ork through %um%ing cement at bottom then it +ill %lug the cement,
:o#gatol ba4te#ial a4id)8
Its ata*ic additi3e is %laced in the geochemical sam%les to %reser3e it,
!&& in4#ea$e 1ith $a/e !&: !&& de4#ea$e 1ith $a/e !&:
1-:%d 1eight i$ in4#ea$ed?
2->et$ /a+ be "l%gged?
-:WD "#oble/$ i6 "#e$ent?
1-:%d 1eight i$ de4#ea$ed?
2-lo$$ing o6 >et$?
-the de6i4ien4+ o6 the "%/"$ (&O&)
LLL Do carbide test occurs in oil base mud unless +e add +ater in the test bet+een
the to+ %i%e connections,
E8 What i$ e66e4t o6 in4#ea$ing the /%d 1eightF
1- It /a+ 4a%$e 6#a4t%#ing to the 6o#/ation $o lo$$e$?
22 I6 it didnIt /ake lo$$e$ d%e to i/"e#/eable 6o#/ation@ it 1o%ld /ake
6o#4e on the *O&?
- Al$o it 4an a66e4t on the bit hen4e it 1ill a66e4t all the d#illing?
ItI$ a high /%d 1eight /%d le6t on botto/@ in o#de# to "ooh 1ith d#+ "i"e$ a$
ItI$ a high /%d 1eight %$ed to 4lean the $t#ing 6#o/ 4%tting$ d%#ing the t#i""ing?
High tem% high %ressure in case of oil base mud and its eBui3alent to +ater loss in
case of +ater base mud,

!4ab line#8
Its re3erse liner ran abo3e the liner to su%%ort, And it must be of high grade,
Its ;,"Q -' used +hen +e %um%ing cement %lug to close a hole also +hen +e drill KQ,
D%#ing "%lling $t#ing8
4luid le3el dro% (ft) F %i%e dis%lacement (bbl) R (annular ca%acit) G %i%e ca%acit))
&o H)d %ress loss due to %ulling F (,"2= ( +t = le3el dro%)
After %ooh " &T-. the le3el +ill decrease in the hole soJ +e need to fill the hole after
e3er) " &T-
&o the strokes to fill the hole F (%i%e dis%lacement (bbl)R'$')
&#e$$%#e lo$$8
'ressure e*%anded +here fluid flo+ through %i%e and annulus since there is resistance
to flo+. such as dro% S (string 6bit6annular6surface)
It de%ends on: 2fluid %ro%erties,
2 &i"e di/en$ion$?
2 Flo1 #ate o6 6l%id?
'ressure on the formation F (h)d %ress Gim%osed %ress G%ress loss)
!li" 5elo4it+8
The 5elo4it+ o6 the 4%tting$ to get to botto/ 1ith e66e4t o6 g#a5it+ onl+ 1hen the
"%/" i$ $1it4hed o66?
*e+nold$ no8
The 6a4to#@ 1hi4h dete#/ine the t+"e o6 6lo1 6o# an+ 6l%id@
When itI$ in4#ea$ed than 2333$o it$ t%#b%lent 6lo1 that hel" in 4leaning the
hole e$"e4iall+ at the d#ill 4olla# a#ea@ 1hi4h i$ $"i#al?
When itI$ de4#ea$ed than 2333$o itI$ a la/ina# 6lo1 $%4h that at the d#ill "i"e
Fill %" tool8
It$ tool added to the to" d#i5e in 4a$e o6 4a$ing #%nning in o#de# to 6ill the t%be
a6te# /an+ >oint$?
What do +o% do to /ake WOB in the d#illing o6 (:T 1ith kno1ing that bit de"th i$nBt
e-%al to total de"thF

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