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We Help You Compete

Introduction (VSO)
Synergize Outsourcing (VSO) Successfully Contributing to the
Outsourcing & Information technology Industry since 2001.VSO
is a ISO 27001 Certified Organization providing a complete suite
of services in the field of Information Technology, Human
Resources Outsourcing (Recruitment Process Outsourcing),
Software & Web Development, Payroll Processing, Employee
Retention, Consultancy, Finance and Accounting, HealthCare,
Legal, Customer Acquisition (Telemarketing), Customer Service,
Digital Marketing, Data Entry (Simple and Complex Procedures)
and many more.
VSynergizes offshore delivery center is located at Pune,
India. VSO adds value to its clients by Improving Client
Processes and Saving at least 50% in their cost, improving
profits and taking away their headaches of hiring, training and
managing a workforce. This allows our clients to focus on
their core competencies rather than invest their energy in non
core functions.
Introduction (VSO)
VSynergizes state-of-art infrastructure along with a
strong Management Team always ensures highest delivery
and security standards. India has emerged as the leading
market for outsourcing processes. You will no longer have to
worry about aspects such as labor cost, training or
recruitment. We manage every aspect of the outsourcing
process to provide you the best service at all times. Efficiency
has always remained our top priority and we strive to enhance
the efficiency of your administrative and business processes
through our India delivery center.

Client Centric









VSO, India has the following Amenities
Deployed at Pune office:
Fully Air Conditioned Office pace

CCT! and Finger Print Access Control ystems

ecure IT and Training "ooms

ecure and "edundant #ig$ peed Bandwidt$ wit$ %%&%' (ptimes
Predictive )ialing Platform for in*ound+out*ound automated dialing wit$
,--' call recording

A.I )isplay A*ility/ Toll free num*ers

Branded )esktops and #P ervers wit$ ,--' Back (ps

ecure FTP site for file transfer and uploading of call recordings
0ultiple redundancies for t$e *est availa*le 1uality Bandwidt$ 23mp
Cisco witc$es and "outers Platronics and !onia .oise Cancellation

AudioCode !OIP 5ateways

onic 6all *ased firewalls for data security and site to site !P. tunneling
anagement !eam
Dheerajj Agarwal (RAJ) CEO
Education: 0BA in Finance/ Boston/ (A
0&CO0& Pune (niversity
Years in Business: ,7 years
BPO ndustr! e"#erience: ,- years
A$out Dheerajj:
"a8 $as over ,3 years of experience in t$e IT 9 Outsourcing Industry&
A 0BA graduate from Boston/ (A/ $e also $as considera*le ( work
exposure& "a8 $as s$arp *usiness acumen wit$ expertise in managing start
up and making t$em grow to $undreds of seats&
%rish Agarwal E"ecuti&e Director
Education: MBA in Operations Management, USA
Years in Business: ,7 years
Pol!'er Engineer: 0IT
BPO ndustr! e"#erience: 9+ years
A$out %rish:
An 0BA from Boston and Polymer Engineer from 0IT/ Tris$ $as strong
and s$arp analytical skills& #er researc$ is always t$oroug$ and s$e is full
of innovation& )uring $er stay in t$e (A and in a slow economy/ Tris$
was t$e only student in $er 0BA class to $ave : 8o* offers at one time&
anagement !eam
Our Ser"ices: #ontact #entre




6e* Based BPO ervices

)ata Entry

)ata Processing
Our Ser"ices: $uman %esource
Outsourcing ($%O)

"ecruitment Process Outsourcing 2"PO4

Payroll Processing

Employee "etention
Our Ser"ices: I! Staff Augmentation

0o*ile Application

0icrosoft Certified Professionals

Cloud Computing


)ot .et

)ata*ase Administration

ales Force


Open ource

6e* )esign 9 )evelopment

Our Ser"ices: I! Outsourcing

0o*ile Apps )evelopment

oftware )evelopment

6e* )evelopment
Our Ser"ices: Digital ar&eting

earc$ Engine Optimi>ation 2EO4

earc$ Engine 0arketing 2E04

ocial 0edia Optimi>ation 20O4

Content 6riting+)evelopment 9 Optimi>ation

Corporate Office : USA
290 Turnpike Road, Ste 6, Westboroug,
!A 0"#$", USA
Te%: &"'()2'*$"'9*2*
Corporate Office : +ndia
Ra,i- .andi +nfoTec /ark 0 /ase1+, 2in,e3adi,
/une 0 *"" 0#(
Te% : &9" 0 020 0 6(9#9("$4"9420

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