U.S. Senate Candidate David Carlson Campaign Announcement #Carlson4MN

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Dear Fellow Minnesotans, 31 March 2014

My family and I were extremely humbled by the outpouring of support I received in 2012
for the Republican Party nomination to the U.S. Senate here in Minnesota. Close to 40%
of Minnesota GOP voters cast their ballots for me and I was grateful for their support.
Winning outright two congressional districts and nearly a third out of Minnesotas eight
total, sent shockwaves throughout the establishment, and showed what we were capable
of. For some, what was even more impressive was that we averaged 20 cents a vote, or 5
votes per every dollar spent. It was more than anyone thought we could possibly achieve,
but we did achieve it--together. Since that election, Ive tried to stay busy, expand my
education, and broaden my experiences. Most importantly, I have been blessed to watch
my twin daughters grow from preschoolers to 1
grade little ladies. Being Daddy to my
girls is the greatest joy in my life.

Just like many of you, Ive watched in sadness as the country I love has declined in so
many ways, so quickly. Ive watched feeling helpless as the country I fought to protect
and defend in Operation Iraqi Freedom fracture and stumble. As Ive traveled around
America from coast to coast, people from all walks of life seem to be giving up hope and
accepting things are just going to get worse, and theres nothing that Washington can or
will do to change their reality. Throughout my life Ive never been one to stay silent or
quit, and I wont be starting now. I do not accept the status quo and that we cant change
the path this nation is on because America is worth fighting for.

The challenges we face may be great, but the resolve of the next generation of American
leaders ready to step up is even greater. The same generation that stepped up and
defended this nation following the worst terrorist attacks on American soil in our nations
history, fighting gallantly in Iraq and Afghanistan, is ready to have a place at the table; if
only we were given a chance to have a voice and a say in the important decisions that not
only affect my generation, but that of my children and of future ones to come. At no time
since World War II has there been less American veteran representation in the United
States Congress than we find today, where only 20% of Congress has served this nation
in uniform; compare that to 1971 where 73% had served honorably, or even 1981 where
64% of Congress had swore an oath to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United
States in our Armed Forces.

Whereas the average American and average Minnesotan is both 37 years old, the average
United States Senator is nearly 65. In fact, our current Senate is the oldest in American
history. In addition, the average U.S. Senator is worth $15 million dollars, which is also
the wealthiest Senate in our nations history. Given these facts, its hardly surprising we
have such an out of touch body of government so resistant to change and modernization
as we do our United States Senate in 2014. Truth be told, there is not a U.S. Senator born
after the year of 1973; in other words, not one is under 40, or born since the creation of
the Internet.

Meanwhile, roughly 55% of the American population is under 40, which means half of
America lacks representation in the U.S. Senate. Nevertheless, the group deciding many
of the most critical issues facing all of us will not live long enough to see the full
consequences and outcomes of their votes. It will be left to the currently unrepresented
generations to clean up problems that we didnt create or get to vote on for decades to
come. The effects being passed down from our ultra-rich and out of touch with every day
Americans U.S. Senators will continue on long after their time in office has passed.
Its about time we take back our Senate and stop the comedy--rather tragedy, which has
been our junior Senators six-year reign going back to 2008.

Minnesota has never been a state for sale to highest bidder. Were not the type of people
to be sold to the millionaire with the most millions and stacks of cash willing to dump
into a statewide race, buying votes and support as needed once they become bored
accumulating vast personal wealth at their other job. Minnesotans want more from our
elected officials then to see only how big their bank accounts and 401Ks are.

The people of this state appreciate someone who has sacrificed some of themselves for
the greater good of our communities, this state, and our great country outside of just the
taxes they pay on their wealth. We went that route in 2008 and it hasnt worked
out. Minnesotans want someone that is real and knows whats happening on Main Street
in Downtown Chisholm, and Nicollet Avenue Downtown Minneapolisnot just the
latest on Wall Street. What we need are more men and women of service, not more
politicians who are economically immune to the laws they pass for the rest of the country.

When most Americans were busy celebrating the 2009 holiday season and awaiting the
arrival of Santa, the Senate was busy at midnight about to vote for the first time on
Christmas Eve since 1895. In an effort to ramrod a new healthcare law down the throats
of the American people without even bothering to read the contents of what they were
about to vote on, Al Franken and his colleagues were about to pass a bill they themselves
couldnt even explain what was actually inside of. At that very moment, Minnesotans
needed someone with a strong voice to stand up for us.

We send our Senators to Washington to stand up and represent our best interests when
were not watching, and when it was a time for Al Franken to prove why he was worthy
of the trust and confidence wed given him--when we needed Al to stand up for
Minnesota, Al instead chose to stand down and tow the party line without a word in
opposition to something he knew was being done the wrong way. The most egregious
part was not his silence, however, it was his support and vote for a bill containing a
clause that excluded himself and the rest of Congress from the very law they were about
to inflict on the American people.

Despite our current junior U.S. Senators lack of service, Minnesota has always
maintained a rich tradition of service from our public officials. Possibly the most striking
example is that of Governor Harold Stassen, a man who was the elected the youngest
Governor of Minnesota ever at the age of 31; which would be two years my younger
should I be elected this November. Affectionately referred to as the boy governor,
Stassen vowed to pass a budget then leave his post to fight in World War II as a Naval
Officer in the Pacific. Even more impressive than his incredible act of selflessness, is the
fact that Stassen walked away from a likely Republican nomination for President,
following a riveting 1940 convention keynote speech where he challenged Republicans
not to fall into isolationism, but instead spoke of The Lights of Freedom Are Going Out
Over Europe and called the party to action!

While I didnt walk away from Governor, I walked away from a comfortable college life
at UMD in 2003 and left the Marine Corps Officer Program to enlist in the U.S. Marine
Corps infantry, eventually joining the Commanding General of 1
Marine Division
Personal Security Detail Jump Team (PSD). The many lessons I learned during the time
I rode daily from atop the lead HUMVEE with a 50-caliber heavy machine gun remain
with me to this day. By the end of my four-year enlistment, I would come to serve three
combat tours in Iraq, including fighting in the Battle of Fallujah and Battle of Ramadi. I
am proud of the service Ive given to my country and that of my fellow veterans as
well. Military service is a unique experience unlike any other. The reverence I feel as a
veteran when I see the colors snapping in the wind is impossible to put into words.

I am now studying at my fifth university including a semester abroad in England. Ive
been fortunate enough to attain a Bachelors of Arts from the University of Minnesota in
Political Science, and a Master of Science from University of Minnesota - College of
Science and Engineering in Security Strategies and Technologies (MSST). In addition to
being an entrepreneur, Ive completed a graduate certificate from the Florida State
University College of Business - Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurialism EBV
Program. Currently, Im finishing my education at Texas A&M University - Bush
School of Government and Public Service, pursuing dual graduate certificates in
Advanced International Relations with an emphasis in Intelligence, and Homeland
Security with an emphasis in U.S. Border Security.

All combined, graduating from Saint Paul Johnson and coming up through the Saint Paul
Public School system, then getting the awesome chance to give back by teaching in the
same district that empowered me to never say never, has given me a unique perspective
on life, learning, and leadership. Experiencing firsthand what teachers face daily in the
classroom and throughout our public education system, I can better represent the true
needs of our schools and our children in the U.S. Senate than any comedian, CEO, or trial

As a parent and public school teacher, I can say without hesitation there is bullying going
on in our schools. Kids from across Minnesota and nationwide need tougher laws and
protection now. Bullying is not confined to just schools alone, although many of these
habits get formed there; its found everywhere in our society, one only must open their
eyes and see. In the end, its up to the adults in the room to put aside their party loyalties
and the special interests shouting orders of how to vote, and come together to pass tough
new legislation that protects every kid in every classroom, and has accountability beyond
just individual districts to themselves. Our kids are our future, and by our state having
the weakest anti-bullying laws in the nation, were putting other loyalties above our most
solemn responsibility--to our children, and their protection and safety.

Growing up as the only son of a teenage single mother forced to drop out of high school
to raise me alone on the East Side of Saint Paul put me on a path to always dream big,
and never give up on yourself or on your dreams. We need more success stories of
regular Americans beating the odds and overcoming all adversity thrown their way. Just
because you come from an environment that is less than perfect, doesnt mean youre
bound to fail and fall through the cracks, and I tell my students that every
day. Perseverance and hard work will pay off, and no matter how hard it gets, you just
cant give up on yourself even when youre standing alone and want to throw your hands
up and quit.

It is in the spirit of a rich state tradition of service and deep love for my country that I
declare my candidacy for the 2014 Republican Party Nomination in Minnesota for the
United States Senate against incumbent Senator Al Franken. I fully intend to campaign
all the way to the August 12th primary. It is my sincerest hope that every Republican
currently contending for the party nomination take their message beyond just the party
elite that will pack the convention in May, but instead give the people of Minnesota a
chance to hear all of our ideas and chose for themselves who should face and has the best
chance at defeating Al Franken this November. By keeping the selection process
exclusive, it amounts to--by definition, an oligarchy. Leaving the decision of who moves
on solely to the establishment stifles growth not only in our party, but hinders the
democratic process of our republic.

Humbly, I ask for your consideration as your next United States Senator. I look forward
to working alongside Senator Amy Klobuchar to find common ground between the two
parties. Minnesota Nice isnt just a catchphrase; its a real way of living and doing
business in our state. It puts aside pettiness, rejects the establishments quest to hold onto
power, and embraces the very best of what we can do when we work together in a
meaningful and positive way that doesnt divide, but rather unites us for a common

Minnesota was the first state in the Union to reject an amendment that would have
written discrimination into the Minnesota State Constitution. Whereas, 30 other states
chose division, Minnesota was the first to reject it and embrace equality. Im proud to
have stood with those who Voted NO in 2012. Our state has always been a beacon of
opportunity and freedom for people from across America and around the world. Now
more than ever, Washington needs Minnesota to step up and lead once again. God Bless
America, and God Bless the Great State of Minnesota!

Semper Fidelis.

Most Sincerely,

David J. Carlson

Prepared and Paid for by Minnesotans for David Carlson

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