WellBG 5800 User Guide V1.3

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Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.

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Boarder Gateway 5800
SIP Session Boarder
User Guide
Release 1.3
Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.

Boarder Gateway 5800 - 2 -
BOARDER GATEWAY 5800 FEATURES .................................................. - 3 -
BOARDER GATEWAY 5800 APPEARANCE DESCRIPTION......................... - 4 -
CHAPTER 2 BOARDER GATEWAY 5800 QUICK START ................. - 6 -
LOGIN BOARDER GATEWAY 5800 ........................................................ - 7 -
NETWORK .......................................................................................... - 8 -
SYSTEM TIME................................................................................... - 10 -
APPLY CHANGE ................................................................................ - 13 -
CHAPTER 3 CONFIGURATION REFERENCE................................. - 14 -
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION.................................................................. - 14 -
DEBUG CONFIGURATION ................................................................... - 20 -
NAT GROUP..................................................................................... - 21 -
ACL ................................................................................................ - 22 -
IP ACL......................................................................................... - 22 -
ANI ACL...................................................................................... - 22 -
ADDITIONAL LICENSE IS REQUIRED. .................................................... - 22 -
PREFIX ROUTE................................................................................. - 25 -
AAA................................................................................................ - 25 -
RTP HOST....................................................................................... - 27 -
CALL INTERCEPTION ......................................................................... - 27 -
ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT................................................................... - 28 -
CHAPTER 4 SYSTEM CONTROL REFERENCE ............................. - 29 -
UPGRADE......................................................................................... - 29 -
RELOGIN.......................................................................................... - 29 -
CHAPTER 5 SYSTEM MONITOR REFERENCE.............................. - 30 -
SUBSCRIBER STATUS........................................................................ - 30 -
CALL STATISTICS .............................................................................. - 31 -
RTP STATUS .................................................................................... - 32 -
RTP STATISTICS............................................................................... - 32 -
SERVER STATUS............................................................................... - 33 -
EVENT LOG...................................................................................... - 33 -
DEBUG INFO..................................................................................... - 35 -
PING................................................................................................ - 36 -
CHAPTER 6 TELNET & RS-232 CONFIGURATION........................ - 37 -
CHAPTER 7 LCD DISPLAY CONFIGURATION ............................... - 45 -

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Chapter1 Boarder Gateway 5800 Introduction
Boarder Gateway 5800 provides a cost-effective means to
deploy IP communication services (voice and video) based on a
highly adaptive architecture. It is a VOIP-aware network device
that processes, measures, and manipulates VOIP packets. It
offers auto NAT detect and transversal, shares the RTP Re-
source between Soft-Switch and greatly decreased the loading.

The WellBG 5800 supports both Server and Client SBC.
The server SBC is mainly used to hide the soft switch network
topologies and NAT traversal. The client SBC can be used as a
client side PABX but all the management, call control and value
added services are still in the core soft switch. However, the
WellBG 5800 will act as a simple PABX to do the local surviving
when network or soft-switch is failed.
Boarder Gateway 5800 Features
Free NAT Connections from SIP Proxy or Soft-Switch
Easy Plug and Play without Pre-setting Subscriber
Up-to 3 UDP service ports
Auto NAT Detect and Traversal
Support Audio and Video NAT Traversal
Authentication Cryptography Bypass
Global NAT Group/IP Definition
Black List/White List of ANI and IP
Call Protection for non-Registered User
Register Protection for Authentication-Failed User
Intelligent RTP Resource Management between SIPBG 5800
Call Keep Live Validation
Provides Call Detail Record
Call Statistic Report and Subscriber Status Monitor
Real Time RADIUS Billing Message
RFC 3261 Comply
Support SIP Call Hold and Call Transfer
Support external RTP resource server
Support VOIP Recorder
Support 2 Ethernet Legs for Voice Router/Firewall
Support Network Failure Backup (Local Surviving)
Support N+1 Redundant

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Application Example:
Hosted PABX Customer Side SBC
Hosted Call Center Customer Side VOIP Recording
Soft-Switch Server Side SBC
Lawful Interception for Soft-Switch


Boarder Gateway 5800 Appearance Description
Boarder Gateway 5800 Front Panel:

1: Power LED
2: Network1 Interface LED (not used)
WellBG 5800 Applications
IP Phone
Class 5 Soft-Switch
Private Net-
Private Net-
Private Net-
Private Net-
Enable NAT Users
Auto RTP proxy
Plug and Play
Soft-Switch Protection
N+1 Redundant
WellBG 5800
WellBG 5800
IP Phone
IP Phone
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3: Network2 Interface LED (not used)
4: H/D LCD
5: Power Switch
6: System Status LED
7: LCD Panel
8: LCD Touch Panel

Boarder Gateway 5800 Rear Panel:

1: Electric Fan
2: AC Power outlet
3: AC Power switch
4: Keyboard/Mouse
5: Console port
6: SIP Service Ethernet port
7: Management Ethernet port
8: VGA
9: USB (not used)

9 1
6 7
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Chapter 2 Boarder Gateway 5800 Quick Start
After connected Ethernet cables into the Boarder Gateway
5800 Service Interface, turned on the power. The first step is to
logon the system and set up the IP address.
Before you can use the browser to config Boarder Gateway
5800, you need to install Java Plug-in. Please confirm your JRE
version is 1.4.2(preferred & tested), if your PC has already in-
stalled Java.

You also need to set newer versions of stored pages in
Internet Explorer to Every visit to the page. Click Tool > Internet
Option > General > Setting.

After success, restart your browser to take effect.
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Login Boarder Gateway 5800
Step1: Start IE6.0 (or later version) to navigate Boarder Gateway
5800 web management system by typing the default URL
is The screen will display
User ID and Password as figure 2.1-1.

Figure 2.1-1
Note: The default network IP address is:
Service Interface:
Management Interface:

Make sure your PC had same network IP address setting
(e.g. Otherwise, you will un-
able to connect to Boarder Gateway 5800.

Step 2: Enter login user name and password (the default user id
is root and user password is root). You can manage your
user account via web (refer to section Account Man-
ager) later.

Figure 2.1-2

Step 3: The screen shows the Home Page of Boarder gateway
5800 as Figure 2.1-3.
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Figure 2.1-3
Boarder Gateway 5800 has 2 network interfaces:
Boarder Gateway service interface: Provide service over
this network. If you have DNS record, also you must be
setup DNS server to effect.
Management interface: It is used for management pur-

Step 1: After successfully logon to the system, we need to
change the network configuration. Click Control >
Network to setup the Service Interface parameters as
figure 2.2-1.

Figure 2.2-1

Step 2: Enter the deserved IP address, submask and default
gateway. If you are running HA features, please set a
unique name to Host Name. Apply the change by clicking
Apply button as figure 2.2-2.
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Figure 2.2-2

Step 3: When screen shows Change network configuration
may cause server disconnected, are you sure? click
OK button to change IP address as figure 2.2-3.

Figure 2.2-3

Step 4: When screen shows After configuration changed,
please re-login system with new IP address and
execute Soft-Reset! click OK button as figure 2.2-4.

Figure 2.2-4

Step 5: Follow Step 1 to 4 to change management interface
network configuration as figure 2.2-5.
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Figure 2.2-5
Note: Network control takes around 5-second to apply the new
network configuration. Please logon again with new IP ad-
dress after 5 seconds.
System Time
Step 1: When re-logon to the new IP address, the next is to setup
the system time zone. Click Control > System Time to
setup the system. Enter current date and time. Apply the
change by clicking Apply button as figure 2.3-1.

Figure 2.3-1

Step 2: Time Zone Setting
Standard: Select the Standard option to setup the system pre-
defined time zone as figure 2.3-2.

Figure 2.3-2

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Time Zone:
Standard: Use a predefined standard time zone (Refer to
section Time zone to Country Mapping List)
Customize: Use a user defined time zone
Auto Daylight Saving: Auto adjust daylight saving time or not

User defined time zone: Select the customized option and
enter the time zone bias to set a user-defined time zone as figure

Figure 2.3-3
Parameter Description:
Daylight Bias: The offset added to the Bias when the time
zone is in daylight saving time
Daylight Start: The date that a time zone enters daylight time
- Month: 01 to 12
- Week Day: Sunday to Saturday
- Apply Week (Day:01 to 05, Specifies the occurrence of
day in the month; 01 = First occurrence of day, 02 =
Second occurrence of day, ...and 05 = Last occurrence of
- Hour: 00 to 23
Standard Start: The date that a time zone enters daylight time
- Month: 01 to 12
- Week Day: Sunday to Saturday
- Apply Week (Day:01 to 05, Specifies the occurrence of
day in the month; 01 = First occurrence of
day, 02 = Second occurrence of day, ...and
05 = Last occurrence of day)
- Hour: 00 to 23
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Step 3: If you would like to use SNTP to sync time with a SNTP
V4 Server, click Time Sync button to setup it as figure

Figure 2.3-4

Parameter Description:
SNTP Server: This is the list of server names. The names
may be separated with semicolons, commas, or spaces.
Polling Interval (second): If startup sync is false, try to set the
time each time this many seconds elapses.
Min Retry Interval (second): This is the initial retry interval.
NTP client will always wait at least this long between retry
attempts when there are errors.
Max Retry Interval (second): This is the max time NTP client
will ever wait before attempting a retry when there have been
Max Adjust Time (second): If this is zero, NTP client will be
willing to apply any size time adjustment. If this is non-zero,
then any time adjustment greater than this will be considered
an error.
NTP Server Port: This is the port number NTP client will at-
tempt to connect to on the time server. The default value is
Local NTP Port: This is the port number NTP client will use to
listen for replies from the server. The default value of 0
means use a random port number.
Packet Error Check: Enable to validate the contents of the
incoming replies from NTP sever or not.
If you need to check the SNTP log, please use Get Log button to
review the NTP time log (advance user only).
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Step 4: After successfully base setup, click Control > System to
restart Boarder Gateway 5800 to take effect as figure

Figure 2.3-5
Apply Change
When you loaded a new working configuration or changed any
configuration, you need click Apply Change to take effect as
figure 2.4-1.

Figure 2.4-1
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Chapter 3 Configuration Reference
System Configuration
Start Path: Configuration > System Configuration

Figure 3.1-1
Parameter Description:
SIP Domain: SIP domain for soft-switch or SIP proxy server. It
can be either the IP address of soft-switch or SIP domain.
Version: The Web version of WellBG 5800
Proxy Server: The Proxy Server or soft-switch IP address
which WellBG 5800 register to
Proxy Service Port: The Proxy Service UDP port number
Proxy Register TTL: The default registration maximum time to
live setting when register to the proxy
Local UDP Port 1,2 and 3: The local UDP port on which the
WellBG 5800 listened
- Encrypt: The SIP signal and voice RTP will be encrypted
while passing through the UDP port.
- Proxy Connecting Port: It is used to connect to the proxy.
You only can select one from the three ports.
IP ACL: IP ACL can be used to filter the caller based on IP
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- Black: Only on-list IP will be screened.
- White: Only on-list IP can get through.
ANI ACL: ANI ACL can be used to filter the caller based on
ANI number.
- Black: Only on-list ANI will be screened.
- White: Only on-list ANI can get through.
Min UAC NAT TTL: The minimum register time when a user is
sited behind NAT
Max UAC NAT TTL: The maximum register time when a user
is sited behind NAT
First Response Timeout: The default maximum time to wait
for response. Its depended on the network speed.
Proxy Checking Timer: The interval in seconds used to check
whether the proxy is active or not
Proxy Recovery Checking Timer: The interval in seconds
used to check the proxy is active or not when the Proxy is
down or network is failed.
Route to G/W: Local PSTN gateway routing behavior
- All: All users can be routed to the local PSTN.
- SBC User Only: Only the SBC users can be routed.
RTP Host TTL: The maximum time to wait for external RTP
resource server response. Its depended on the network
speed. (Its only available when working with Welltech ex-
ternal RTP resource server)
Enable System Log: Enable to send system information to
syslogD server or not
SysLogD Server IP 1, 2: SyslogD server IP address
Event Email Notice: Enable the email notice for the system
event or not.
Voice Gateway: The voice gateway mode
- None: Use this mode when you put the WellBG 5800
and Soft-switch on the public network in this case,
WellBG 5800 is used mainly for NAT traversal.
- Client SBC: Use this mode when you are putting the
WellBG in client side. In this mode, it supports 2 Ethernet
Leg mode which private IP leg is connecting to enterprise
LAN and public IP leg is used to connect the Soft switch.
- Server SBC: Use this mode when you are putting the soft
switch in the private network and WellBG is setting as 2
Ethernet legs which private IP leg is connect to Soft
switch and Public IP leg is use to as the outbound proxy
of soft switch subscribers.
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STMP Server: SMTP server host for system event notice
Email From: Email sender account
Email To: Email receiver
Subject: Email subject to be send to receiver. The following
variable parameters can be used to create dynamic subject
for system notice:
- $LOGLEVEL$: Information Level
- $HOSTNAME$: Host name
- $HOSTIP$: Host IP address

Click the Advance button:

Figure 3.1-2
Advance Parameter Description:
Message Pool Page Size: Used to hold and process all in-
coming and outgoing in the form of encoded message or
message objects. It is recommended that you configuration
the page size to the average message size your system is
expected to manage.
Message Pool Num of Pages: The pages number of Mes-
sage Pool
General Pool Page Size: Used by SIP Stack objects, such as
call-legs and transactions, to store the internal fields. For
example, the call-leg object will store the To, Form and
Call-ID headers and the local and remote contact addresses
on the general pool pages. The general pool is also used for
other activates that demand memory allocation.
General Pool Num of Pages: The pages number of General
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Retransmission T1: T1 determines several timers as defined
in RFC3261. For example, when an unreliable transport pro-
tocol is used, a Client Invite transaction retransmits requests
at an interval that start at T1 seconds and doubles after every
retransmission. A Client General transaction retransmits re-
quests at an interval that starts at T1 and doubles until it
reaches T2. (Default Value: 500ms) **
Retransmission T2: Determines the maximum retransmission
interval as defined in RFC3261. For example, when an unre-
liable transport protocol is used, general requests are re-
transmitted at an interval which starts at T1 and doubles until
reaches T2. If a provisional response is received, retrans-
mission continue but at an interval of T2. (Default Value:
4000ms) **
Retransmission T4: T4 represents the amount of time the
network takes to clear message between client and server
transactions as defined in RFC3261. For example, when
working with an unreliable transport protocol, T4 determines
the time that UAS waits after receiving an ACK message and
before terminating the transaction. (Default Value: 5000) **
General Request Timeout Timer: After sending a General
request, the User Agent waits for a final response general-
RequestTimeoutTimer milliseconds before timeout termina-
tion (in this time the User Agent retransmits the request every
T1, 2*T1,T2,milliseconds)**
Cancel General No Response Timer: When sending a
CANCEL request on a General transaction, the User Agent
waits cancelGeneralNoResponseTimer milliseconds before
timeout termination if there is no response for the cancelled
transaction(Default Value: 10000ms).**
Processing Queue Size: the maximum length of the proc-
essing queue which holds events such as network events.
Proxy 2xx Sent Timer: A successful server INVITE transac-
tion of a Proxy server includes only the INVITE request and
the 2xx response. (The ACK is not part of the transac-
tion).After sending the 2xx response the Proxy will wait
proxy2xxSentTimer before the transaction will terminate.
(default: 8000 ms)**
Proxy 2xx Rcvd Timer: A successful client INVITE transaction
of a Proxy server includes only the INVITE request and the
2xx response. (The ACK is not part of the transaction.)After
receiving the 2xx response, the Proxy will wait
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proxy2xxRcvdTimer before the transaction terminates. (de-
fault: 10000 ms)**
Use Rport Param In Via: Rport is short for Received Port
which is a parameter in Via Header.
Send Receive Buffer Size: The buffer size used by the SIP
Stack for receiving and sending SIP messages.
Register Guard Time: The Register Guard time
Max Transactions: The maximum transaction
Reject Unregister Call: Reject any unregister call or not
Support Video: Enable video RTP Proxy or not. Enable video
will great reduce the number of concurrent channel and
Call Validation Method: Call Valid Check Method: ReInvite,
Update or disable
Authentication Failure Protect Timer: The Authentication
Failure protect timer
Call Validation Timer: The timer to check periodically call is
valid or not.
RTP Reserve Policy:
- Called Party: Reserve RTP in called party (please use
only on Welltechs instruction)
- Calling Party: Reserve RTP in calling party (recom-
mended mode)
Call Failure Reason: The following SIP reason code will be
considered the call is broken or not when WellBG is doing the
call validation.
- When Receiving 481: Only receive 481 response code
will be considered it is a broken call for call validation.
- All non 2xx: All of non 2xx response code will be consid-
ered it is a broken call for call validation.
WebCaller: Support Web call. To allow web caller can dial
without register or not (Welltech Web call service only)

Advance System Configuration:
Start Path: Configuration > System > License

Figure 3.1-3
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License Parameter Description:
Feature: System parameter
Serial No: System parameter
License Key: System parameter
Note: Please do not change it unless under Welltechs instruction.
Click the Local G/W button:
To allow connect to a local PSTN gateway; click Local
G/W to add a PSTN gateway as follows. The local PSTN
gateway will also be used for local surviving.

Figure 3.1-4

Create a new item by clicking the New button:

Figure 3.1-5
Parameter Description:
Type: The type of the call
- In: The gateway type is for incoming call only for local
surviving. When network is failed or soft-switch is down
and client SBC is enabled, the incoming call will be route
to dedicate subscriber in System -> In Route.
- Out: The gateway type is used for PSTN outgoing. To
control the PSTN outgoing right, you can set the Route
to G/W to all or SBC user only. It is recommended to
set to SBC user only. The SBC will only accept the calls
dialed out the gateway.
- Both: The gateway supports both incoming (IN) and
outgoing (OUT) services.
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IP: The local gateway IP that the SBC 5800 connected to
Port: The local gateway port
Sync To Addr: Make the SIP to address to become gateways
IP instead of SIP domain or not. It is recommended to set to

Click Local G/W -> L/DM button to set the local digit manipula-
tion for the call to local gateway.

Figure 3.1-6
Parameter Description:
Match Prefix: Called number party matched
Start Position: Start position to be replaced
Stop Position: Stop position to be replaced
Replace Value: Replaced value

Click the IN Route button:

Figure 3.1-7
Parameter Description:
Routed Phone Number: The register phone number that the
call from gateway will be routed to when the Proxy or network
is down.
Debug Configuration
Debug can be turn on or off based on each system module
and level to minimum the debug information. Please only turn
on the debug information for debug purpose under Welltech
FAE's instruction and turn off when complete. Or the sys-
tem performance will be greatly hit.
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Start Path: Configuration > Debug Configuration

Figure 3.2-1
NAT Group
Boarder Gateway 5800 will not use NAT Proxying when both
subscribers have same NAT group.
Start Path: Configuration > NAT Group

Figure 3.3-1
Parameter Description:
Group ID: Group ID
Description: Group description
Click on the Detail button:

Figure 3.3-2
Parameter Description:
IP Address: Public IP address on NAT
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Access Control List can be used to filter the calls forms of IP
address and ANI.
Start Path: Configuration > ACL > IP ACL

Figure 3.4-1
Parameter Description:
IP Address: IP address used to be filtered
Start Path: Configuration > ACL > ANI ACL

Figure 3.4-2
Parameter Description:
ANI: Calling party number used to be filtered
HA Configuration (High Available Redundant)
Optional and additional license is required.
WellBC 5800 HA module support N+1 redundant. It provides
sub-second fail over. However all calls will be dropped after fail
Also it supports VIP (virtual IP) for the active node, no
CPE device modification is required to support the HA features.
You need setup the available VIPs for each SBC in the cluster.
Start Path: Configuration > HA Configuration
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Figure 3.5-1
Parameter Description:
IP Address: WellBC 5800 real IP address
IP Netmask: IP netmask
IP Gateway: IP gateway
Active Count: The active node count for this HA cluster. If
you have 6 SBC doing the HA, normally you will set Ac-
tive Count to 5 and Standby Count to 1 which is 5+1.
Standby Count: The standby node count for this HA clus-
ter. Normally, this count will be 1.
Application Preferred Role: The preferred mode of this
node is Active or Standby. When you set it to Active,
WellBG 5800 will try to make this node to become Active
first. For an N+1 redundant architecture, please set N
SBCs to Active and 1 to Standby.
Cluster: Unique name to identify the HA cluster. All of
nodes should use the same cluster name or it will not
work correctly. The name should not contact any special
digits like space or @.
Preferred Role: Please set the preferred active node to be
manager and another to standby manager. It is recom-
mended to set 1 SBC to manager and others to standby
Click the Virtual IP > New button to create an IP:

Figure 3.5-2
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Parameter Description:
IP Address: WellBC 5800 virtual IP address for service
You have to set all VIP addresses for each SBC as follows:

For an N+1 HA redundant (N=5), the VIP is shown as follows:

To make N+1 redundant, you need to set the virtual IP address
for each node as follows. The way to set it up will greatly reduce
the VIP trying conflict issue.
VIP Settings: First SBC:
Second SBC:
Third SBC:
Forth SBC:
Fifth SBC:
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Prefix Route
Boarder Gateway 5800 Prefix Route can provide prefix
hunting base on different usage. SBC5800 will use prefix routing
plan to do the corresponding routing. The routing target is a
gateway. Routing policy is defined here. To control which user
can dial to this prefix, setup the Route to G/W in System Con-
figuration to all or SBC user only. This prefix also will be used
for local surviving.
Start Path: Service > Prefix Route

Figure 3.6-1
Modify Prefix Route List:
Click the Modify button:

Figure 3.6-2
Parameter Description:
Prefix Matched: Called number prefix to be matched
Matched Length: Applied only when specified length of DINS
is matched.
- Ignore: Select it indicate ignore length option.
Gateway IP: The gateway IP address will be routed to
Description: Description
When WellBG 5800 to do the AAA (Authorization, Authentication
and Accounting), enter the correct parameter about Radius set-
Start Path: Configuration > AAA
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Figure 3.7-1
Parameter Description:
Accounting IP: Radius Account Server IP address
Accounting Port: Radius Account Server Port
Backup Accounting IP: Back Radius Account Server IP ad-
Backup Accounting Port: Back Radius Account Server Port
Secret Key: The shared secret key with RADIUS Server
Max Retry: The maximum retry times
Response Timer (sec): The maximum wait for response time
from RADIUS Server
Authorization Retry Interval (sec): The internal to resend the
Authentication packet to RADIUS Server.
Accounting Retry Interval (sec): The internal to resend the
Account packet to RADIUS Server.
Switch Threshold: Switch to alternate RADIUS Server when
failures are occurred more than switch threshold.
Billing Message: Call detail record generating mode
- File Only: Log CDR into the file only. It can be retrieved by
ftp (directory d:\welltech\cdr)
- Radius Start/Stop: Log CDR into the file and send RA-
DIUS start/stop billing message out
- Radius Stop: Log CDR into the file and send RADIUS
stop billing message out
- None
CDR Keepdays: CDR system keeping days
- Yes: Use Cisco RADIUS mode (have redundant string in
vender attribute)
- No: no
Send Zero Session Time:
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- Yes: Send 0-balance session time for RADIUS when the
call failed
- No: no
RADIUS Time Format: The time format of the RADIUS server
- UTC: Universal Time Coordinated time format. Some
RADIUS server might not support local time format, it is
recommended to set to UTC time format.
- Local: The local time zone format
RTP Host
By using this feature, WellBG5800 can extend external PTP
resource server or have the VOIP logging service. You can de-
fine different RTP user ID for different purposes (e.g. by different
ISR providers).
Start Path: Configuration > RTP Host > New

Figure 3.8-1
Parameter Description:
User ID: The server user ID
Password: The server password
Type: The device type, RTP server or Recorder
Priority: The higher priority number will be used first and then
lower priority number. The same priority number will user
round robin to distribute the call.
Call Interception
Call Interception can provide interception service through
target call number, be sure that you have an external Recorder
Server installed (WellRec 5600).
Start Path: Configuration > Call Interception
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Figure 3.9-1
Parameter Description:
Target Number: The called number to be intercepted or re-
Description: Description
Account Management
You can manage (Modify, Add and Delete) the login user ac-
Start Path: Configuration > Account Management

Figure 3.10-1
Field Description:
User ID: Login User ID
Password: Login Password
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Chapter 4 System Control Reference
System, System Time, and Network Please refer to
Chapter 2 -> System Time (Page 10) and Chapter 2 -> Network
(Page 8)
Start Path: Control > Upgrade Control
Boarder Gateway 5800 provide upgrade new version at
remote side. You can upgrade it from Welltech technical support
web page by yourself.

Figure 4.1-1
Field Description:
File Name: Upload the software file name
Upload: Remote Upload the software at WellBG 5800
Start Path: Control > Relogin
Click Control > Relogin to relogon by another user account as
figure 4.2-1.

Figure 4.2-1
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Chapter 5 System Monitor Reference
It provides a way to monitor the system status.
Subscriber Status
Show subscriber users status.
Start Path: Monitor > Subscriber Status > Monitor button
key-in the TEL No. and click Apply button to be controlled.

Figure 5.1-1

Figure 5.1-2
See the Subscriber Detail:
Select a subscriber and double-click to Subscriber Detail as
figure 5.1-3.
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Figure 5.1-3
Field Description:
TEL NO: registered TEL number
Register: Registered or not
Call Count: number of concurrent calls for the user
Call Status: Detail is showed for subscriber. Summary only is
used for gateway user.
Contact: Registered contact URI
NAT: NAT IP address
Register Time: Register time
TTL: Register time to live
Unreg: Un-register the subscriber
Disconnect: Disconnect the connected call
Call Statistics
Show total call statistics records
Start Path: Monitor > Call Statistics

Figure 5.2-1
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Field Description:
Time: statistic period in 24 hours format
Peak Call: In this period, the max call reached.
Total Call: The total call processed in the period
Peak Connected Call: The max connected call in the period
Total connect call: The total connected call in this period
Register: For the current period, this field showed real time
registered count. For the past period, this field showed the
register count for last seconds. For example, if current time is
10:30, the 10-11 time period show the real time registered call
and the 9-10 time period show registered count right on
Peak Register: The max registered count
RTP Status
Show RTP resource server status. At least the WG5800 itself
will be showed here as an internal RTP resource server when
have no extra RTP resource server is defined.
Start Path: Monitor > RTP Status

Figure 5.3-1
RTP Statistics
Show RTP count statistics
Start Path: Monitor > RTP Statistics

Figure 5.4-1
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Field Description:
Time: statistic period in 24 hours format
Max NAT: The NAT resource capacity
NAT Peak Call: The max NAT call in this period
NAT Total Call: Total NAT calls in this period
NAT Fail Call: NAT failed call in this period. It might be indi-
cating the resource is exhausted
Server Status
Show current server status.
Start Path: Monitor > Server Status

Figure 5.5-1
Parameter Description:
Application: System application
Version: Application version
Status: The application status
Call Attempt: The number of concurrent call attempts
NAT Call: The number of concurrent NAT calls
NAT Fail Call: The failed count to get NAT resource
Max Call: The max concurrent call (license number)
Current Call: The current call
Max Transaction: The max transaction
Used Transaction: The used transaction
Memory Pool: The allocated memory pool
Used Memory: The used memory pool
Event Log
Show system event log status.
Start Path: Monitor > Event Log
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Figure 5.6-1
Field Description:
Date: Event created date
Time: Event created time
Event ID: Event ID
Type: Event Log type
- Information
- Warring
- Error
Source: Executable program
Description: The description of the event
Note: You can click Clear button to clear all event log.

See the detail event log:
Select the event and click detail to see the event detail.

Figure 5.6-2
Event Description:
Source Event ID Type Description
BorderGateway 8000 WARNING Failed to get RTP Resource
BorderGateway 8001 EMERGENCY Failed to detect network
BorderGateway 8002 CRITICAL Outbound Proxy Setting Error
BorderGateway 8003 EMERGENCY Failed to initiate SIP
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BorderGateway 8004 EMERGENCY Failed to initiate watch dog
BorderGateway 8005 EMERGENCY Failed to create status mutex
BorderGateway 8006 EMERGENCY Failed to create status share
BorderGateway 9500 INFOMATION Application Started
BorderGateway 9501 INFOMATION System Shutting Down
BorderGateway 9502 INFOMATION Application Closed by User
BorderGateway 9503 INFOMATION Apply Change
TelnetSvr 9500 INFOMATION TelnetSvr Started
NATProxy 9500 INFOMATION NAT Proxy Started
NATProxy 8000 WARNING SIP Proxy didn't set this RTP
NATProxy 9500 INFOMATION Register to Proxy Success
NATProxy 8001 INFOMATION Register to Proxy Fail
NATProxy 8000 WARNING SIP Proxy didn't set this RTP
NATProxy 8002 WARNING Bind Socket Fail (port=xxxxx)
AAAMgr 9501 INFOMATION On the fly change (system
AAAMgr 8010 WARNING act: Auth server switch from
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to
AAAMgr 8010 WARNING act: Acct server switch from
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to
AAAMgr 8010 WARNING act: Auth server switch from
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to
Debug Info
Shows detail trace level messages.
Start Path: monitor > Debug Info

Figure 5.7-1
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Boarder Gateway 5800 - 36 -
Filed Description:
Get Log: Get Debug logs (-1~999). Zero indicates get log real
Clear: Clear logs
You can use the Ping to check an IP is active or not.
Start Path: Monitor > Ping

Figure 5.8-1
Field Description:
Host IP Address: The IP address to ping
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Boarder Gateway 5800 - 37 -
Chapter 6 Telnet & RS-232 Configuration
Boarder Gateway 5800 also can support to be managed by
Telnet or Console port (RS-232) for basic operations.
Network: TCP/IP Telnet (e.g. telnet
- Connect using: COM1
- Baud Rate: 9600
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: None
- Stop bits: 1
- Flow Control: None
- Wire: Null modem line (crossed)

Logon Boarder Gateway 5800 by Telnet

Use Windows build-in Hyper Terminal or other telnet termi-
nal emulator to login (e.g. telnet User ID &
password will be required for login (default login user id: admin,
password: admin & user id: root, password: root).

Command List:
Command Description
echo Auto echo on or off
eventlog Clean or show system log message
exit Quit the current session
ipconfig Configure or show network1,2 information
ping Check an IP address is available or not
reboot Reboot
reset Soft-reset
shutdown Shutdown
time Reset or show system time.
timezone Setup or show system time zone
useradmin Manage user account.
Help &? View command list

Echo: auto echo on or not
Command Purpose
[root#]echo ? Usage: echo on/off
Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.

Boarder Gateway 5800 - 38 -
Example: echo on
[root#]echo on Echo is on
[root#]echo off Echo is off (default value)

Eventlog: show system log message
Command Purpose
[root#]eventlog ? Usage: eventlog [-clear]
Example: eventlog
eventlog -clear
[root#]eventlog Show system eventlog:
Eventlog example:
Time: 2003-06-19 20:15:17
Event ID: 8700
Type: Warning
Source : wellgate5x00
Description:[0] evt: TRUNK ALARM: TrunkId=3
Time: 2003-06-19 20:15:17
Event ID: 8700
Type: Warning
Source : wellgate5x00
Description:[0] evt: TRUNK ALARM: TrunkId=2
Time: 2003-06-19 20:15:14
Event ID: 9501
Type: Information
Source : wellgate5x00
Description:[0] evt: BOARD STARTED: SLOT:8
Press any key to continue or press 'Q' to quit
Clear all event log

Exit: Quit the current session
Command Purpose
[root#]exit Quit the current session

Ipconfig: Configuration or show network information
Command Purpose
[root#] ipconfig ? Usage: ipconfig [-network boardno]
[-delete dns] [-dhcp] [-dns IPAd-
dress1 IP
Address2] [-ip IP Address -mask Mask
-gateway Gateway]
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Boarder Gateway 5800 - 39 -
Example: ipconfig -network 1 -ip
192.168.67. 1 -mask
example : ipconfig -network 1 -dhcp
example: ipconfig -network 1 dns
example : ipconfig -network 1 -delete
[root#]ipconfig Show current network configuration
[Network 1] Local Area Connection
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway:
DNS Servers :
[Network 2] Local Area Connection2
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway :
DNS Servers :
[root#]ipconfig net-
work 1 delete dns
Delete the DNS servers setting
[Network 1] Local Area Connection
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway :
DNS Servers :
[root#]ipconfig net-
work 1dhcp
Enable DHCP
[Network 1] Local Area Connection
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway :
DNS Servers :
[root#]ipconfig net-
work 1ip 61.220.126
28 mask
Use fixed network configuration
[Network 1] Local Area Connection
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway :
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DNS Servers :
[root#]ipconfig net-
work 1ip
Changes IP address only.
[Network 1] Local Area Connection
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway :
DNS Servers :
[root#]ipconfig net-
work 1dns
Changes DNS configuration only.
[Network 1] Local Area Connection
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway :
DNS Servers :

Ping: Check an IP address is available or not
Command Purpose
[root#] ping ? Usage: ping IP.
Example: ping
Ping result
Reply from bytes=64
time=1ms TTL=29
Reply from bytes=64
time=1ms TTL=29
Reply from bytes=64
time=1ms TTL=29
Reply from bytes=64
time=1ms TTL=29

Command Purpose
[root#] reboot ? Reboot System
Are You Sure? (Y/N)
Are You Sure?(Y/N)y
WellBG 5800 are rebooting

Command Purpose
[root#] shutdown ? Shutdown System
Are You Sure? (Y/N)
[root#]shutdown WellBG 5800 are shutting down
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Are You Sure?(Y/N)y

Command Purpose
[root#] reset ? Soft reset System
Are You Sure? (Y/N)
Are You Sure?(Y/N)y

Time: Reset or show system time
Command Purpose
[root#] time ? Usage : time YYYY-MM-DD
Example : Time 2002-01-01 12:00:00

Show current time
The current time is 2003-06-20 15:17:30
2003-07-29 23:14:53
Change system bios time
Timezone: Setup or show system timezone
Command Purpose
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[root#] time-
zone ?
Fixed Zone List:
01. Afghanistan Standard Time
03. Arab Standard Time
05. Arabic Standard Time
07. AUS Central Standard
09. Azores Standard Time
11. Cape Verde Standard Time
13. Cen. Australia Standard
15. Central Asia Standard
17. Central European Stan-
dard Time
19. Central Standard Time
21. Dateline Standard Time
23. E. Australia Standard Time
25. E. South America Standard
27. Egypt Standard Time
29. Fiji Standard Time
31. GMT Standard Time
33. Greenwich Standard Time
35. Hawaiian Standard Time
37. Iran Standard Time
39. Korea Standard Time
41. Mexico Standard Time 2
43. Mountain Standard Time
45. N. Central Asia Standard
47. New Zealand Standard
49. North Asia East Standard
51. Pacific SA Standard Time
53. Romance Standard Time
55. SA Eastern Standard Time
57. SA Western Standard Time
59. SE Asia Standard Time
61. South Africa Standard
63. Taipei Standard Time
65. Tokyo Standard Time
67. US Eastern Standard Time
69. Vladivostok Standard Time
71. W. Central Africa Standard
73. West Asia Standard Time
75. Yakutsk Standard Time

02. Alaskan Standard Time
04. Arabian Standard Time
06. Atlantic Standard Time
08. AUS Eastern Standard
10. Canada Central Standard
12. Caucasus Standard Time
14. Central America Stan-
dard Time
16. Central Europe Standard
18. Central Pacific Standard
20. China Standard Time
22. E. Africa Standard Time
24. E. Europe Standard Time
26. Eastern Standard Time
28. Ekaterinburg Standard
30. FLE Standard Time
32. Greenland Standard
34. GTB Standard Time
36. India Standard Time
38. Israel Standard Time
40. Mexico Standard Time
42. Mid-Atlantic Standard
44. Myanmar Standard Time
46. Nepal Standard Time
48. Newfoundland Standard
50. North Asia Standard Time
52. Pacific Standard Time
54. Russian Standard Time
56. SA Pacific Standard Time
58. Samoa Standard Time
60. Singapore Standard Time
62. Sri Lanka Standard Time
64. Tasmania Standard Time
66. Tonga Standard Time
68. US Mountain Standard
70. W. Australia Standard
72. W. Europe Standard Time
74. West Pacific Standard
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Usage1: timezone Zone (1 to 75) AutoDaylight (Y or N)
Example1 : timezone 1 Y
Usage2 : timezone -custom Bias DaylightBias Day-
lightStart StandardStart
Bias : -12:00 to +13:00
DaylightBias : -12:00 to +13:00
DaylightStart :
MM (Month: 01 to 12) ;
WD (Day of week: 00 to 06)
DD (Day:01 to 05 ;Specifies the occurrence of
day in the month;
01 = First occurrence of day,
02 = Second occurrence of day, ..., 05 = Last
occurrence of day
HH (Hour:00 to 23)
StandardStart :
MM (Month: 01 to 12) ;
WD (Day of week: 00 to 06)
DD (Day:01 to 05 ;Specifies the occurrence of
day in the month;
01 = First occurrence of day,
02 = Second occurrence of day, ..., 05 = Last
occurrence of day
HH (Hour:00 to 23)
Example2 : timezone -custom +08:00 -01:00
04-00-01-02 10-00-05-02

Show current timezone info
Time Zone : (40) Mexico Standard Time (GMT -06:00)
Daylight Bias : -01:00
Daylight Start : 05-00-01 02:00
Standard Start : 09-00-05 02:00
Auto Daylight : Y
40 n
Use pre-defined timezone
Time Zone: (40) Mexico Standard Time (GMT -06:00)
Daylight Bias : -01:00
Daylight Start : 05-00-01 02:00
Standard Start : 09-00-05 02:00
Auto Daylight : n
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-custom +08:00
Use customized timezone
Time Zone : (99) Customized (GMT 08:00)
Daylight Bias : -01:00
Daylight Start : 05-00-01 03:00
Standard Start : 09-00-05 03:00
Auto Daylight : Y

Useradmin: Manager User account
Command Purpose
[root#] useradmin ? Usage: useradmin [-add User]
[-delete User] [-password User]
Example: useradmin -add irene

Show the current login user ac-
[root#]useradmin -list Show the current user account
[root#] useradmin -add irene
Password : irene
Confirm : irene
Add user Success.
Add the new user account: Irene
[root#] useradmin -delete
Are You Sure?(Y/N)y
Delete the user: 1111
[root#] useradmin -password
New Password : 1234
Confirm : 1234
Change the user: roots pass-

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Boarder Gateway 5800 - 45 -
Chapter 7 LCD Display Configuration
Boarder Gateway 5800 provides a front panel LCD for basic

Button List:
Button List Description

When the WellBG 5800 is ready, the LCD screen shows as

Press Enter to select command

ESC Quit the current command
Up or previous edit mode
Next or previous edit mode

Command Tree:
Main Menu

Event Log

Show system log message

Show IP Info


IP Config

Network 1
Network 2
Fixed IP





Reset PWD



Soft Reset
Ready |
04-03-03 16:40
Event Log
IP Config
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Shut Down

Event Log:
Configure LCD Display
Previous event log
Next event log
Enter Show detail event log
Previous line
Next line
ESC Quit detail event log viewing
ESC Quit to main menu

IP Config:
Configure LCD Display
Select Network1 or Network2 configuration
Select Network1 or Network2 configuration
Enter Configure Network1 or Network2
Select Network configuration
Select Network configuration
Enter Configure Network
Increase the digit apply to network setting
Decrease the digit apply to network setting
Enter Apply change to network information
ESC Quit network setting
ESC Quit to main menu

Configure LCD Display
Select Reboot or not
Select Reboot or not
Enter Reset user: roots (or admin) user password
ESC Quit Reboot configure
ESC Quit to main menu

Configure LCD Display
Select user to change password
Select user to change password
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Enter Change user password
Increase the alphabet apply to user password setting
Decrease the alphabet apply to user password setting
ESC Quit Reset configure
ESC Quit to main menu

Soft Reset:
Configure LCD Display
Select Reset or not
Select Reset or not
Enter Reset or not
ESC Quit Reset configure
ESC Quit to main menu

Configure LCD Display
Select Shutdown or not
Select Shutdown or not
Enter Shutdown or not
ESC Quit Shutdown configure
ESC Quit to main menu
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Appendix 1 Time zone to Country Mapping
Greenwich Mean Time & Country List Time Zone
(GMT-12:00) International Date Line
21. Dateline Standard Time
(GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa 58. Samoa Standard Time
(GMT-10:00) Hawaii 35. Hawaiian Standard Time
(GMT-09:00) Alaska 02. Alaskan Standard Time
(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Can-
ada); Tijuana
52. Pacific Standard Time
(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US &
43. Mountain Standard Time
(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Ma-
41. Mexico Standard Time 2
(GMT-07:00) Arizona 68. US Mountain Standard Time
(GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan
10. Canada Central Standard
(GMT-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City,
40. Mexico Standard Time
(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Can-
19. Central Standard Time
(GMT-06:00) Central America
14. Central America Standard
(GMT-05:00) Indiana (East) 67. US Eastern Standard Time
(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Can-
26. Eastern Standard Time
(GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito 56. SA Pacific Standard Time
(GMT-04:00) Santiago 51. Pacific SA Standard Time
(GMT-04:00) Caracas, La Paz 57. SA Western Standard Time
(GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada) 06. Atlantic Standard Time
(GMT-03:30) Newfoundland 48. Newfoundland Standard Time
(GMT-03:00) Greenland 32. Greenland Standard Time
(GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires, Georgetown 55. SA Eastern Standard Time
(GMT-03:00) Brasilia
25. E. South America Standard
(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic 42. Mid-Atlantic Standard Time
(GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is. 11. Cape Verde Standard Time
(GMT-01:00) Azores 09. Azores Standard Time
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin,
Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
31. GMT Standard Time
(GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia 33. Greenwich Standard Time
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(GMT+01:00) West Central Africa
71. W. Central Africa Standard
(GMT+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, War-
saw, Zagreb
17. Central European Standard
(GMT+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen,
Madrid, Paris
53. Romance Standard Time
(GMT+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava,
Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
16. Central Europe Standard Time
(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern,
Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
72. W. Europe Standard Time
(GMT+02:00) Jerusalem 38. Israel Standard Time
(GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia,
Tallinn, Vilnius
30. FLE Standard Time
(GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria 61. South Africa Standard Time
(GMT+02:00) Cairo 27. Egypt Standard Time
(GMT+02:00) Bucharest 24. E. Europe Standard Time
(GMT+02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk 34. GTB Standard Time
(GMT+03:00) Nairobi 22. E. Africa Standard Time
(GMT+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg,
54. Russian Standard Time
(GMT+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh 03. Arab Standard Time
(GMT+03:00) Baghdad 05. Arabic Standard Time
(GMT+03:30) Tehran 37. Iran Standard Time
(GMT+04:00) Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan 12. Caucasus Standard Time
(GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat 04. Arabian Standard Time
(GMT+04:30) Kabul 01. Afghanistan Standard Time
(GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi,
73. West Asia Standard Time
(GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg 28. Ekaterinburg Standard Time
(GMT+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mum-
bai, New Delhi
36. India Standard Time
(GMT+05:45) Kathmandu 46. Nepal Standard Time
(GMT+06:00) Sri Jayawardenepura 62. Sri Lanka Standard Time
(GMT+06:00) Astana, Dhaka 15. Central Asia Standard Time
(GMT+06:00) Almaty, Novosibirsk 45. N. Central Asia Standard Time
(GMT+06:30) Rangoon 44. Myanmar Standard Time
(GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk 50. North Asia Standard Time
(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta 59. SE Asia Standard Time
(GMT+08:00) Taipei 63. Taipei Standard Time
(GMT+08:00) Perth 70. W. Australia Standard Time
(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore 60. Singapore Standard Time
(GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar
49. North Asia East Standard
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(GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong
Kong, Urumqi
20. China Standard Time
(GMT+09:00) Yakutsk 75. Yakutsk Standard Time
(GMT+09:00) Seoul 39. Korea Standard Time
(GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo 65. Tokyo Standard Time
(GMT+09:30) Darwin 07. AUS Central Standard Time
(GMT+09:30) Adelaide 13. Cen. Australia Standard Time
(GMT+10:00) Vladivostok 69. Vladivostok Standard Time
(GMT+10:00) Hobart 64. Tasmania Standard Time
(GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby 74. West Pacific Standard Time
(GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne,
08. AUS Eastern Standard Time
(GMT+10:00) Brisbane 23. E. Australia Standard Tim
(GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is.,
New Caledonia
18. Central Pacific Standard Time
(GMT+12:00) Fiji, KamChapterka, Mar-
shall Is.
29. Fiji Standard Time
(GMT+12:00) Auckland, Wellington 47. New Zealand Standard Time
(GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa 66. Tonga Standard Time

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