Unit 1 Lo1 Brief

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Unit 1: Pre-production LO1

Comprehensively explain and present to a quality that reflects near-professional
standards fully detailed requirements and sources of requirements for a specific
media production


From all the pre-production you have carried out over the past year you need to pick one
and complete the following task.

You will need to show an excellent understanding of the requirements for the proposed
production and will be able to explain fully why each element is required.

You will give detailed explanations of how these requirements will be sourced and give full
consideration to codes of practice and regulatory issues.

From the table below you need to explain why each element was important to your chosen
production and detail how you would source them.

For example

Type Importance Sourcing
Sources of finance

Facility hire

It is important to have finances in place before production starts, as every producer needs to pay
for Equipment used such as Cameras, tripods, green screen, lighting and sound. For an Advert
production for example, a producer may also need materials such correct costumes, items for
correct mise-en-scene and talent in order to fulfil the desired effect. Crew will also be needed
such as cameraman, soundman lighting engineer researchers editors and runners in order to
produce a professional looking advert.
Once all is complete facilities such as editing suits and postproduction equipment will be needed
and these cost a lot of money.



Crew can be sourced trough websites such as Creative England
Editing suits such as Dynamic post Production
http://www.dynamicpost.co.uk/index.php/final-cut-pro-suites/ can be
hired for 350 per day. This will include the editor and sound engineer.
Materials can be sourced from high street shops, retail outlets or studio
Props departments
Transport can be sourced via Transport for London http://www.tfl.gov.uk,
National Rail http://www.nationalrail.co.uk, hertz car hire etc..
A days travel card in London will cost the producer 12 per person.

List of all items that need detailing

You can either create your own table or upload this one to Weebly and
complete. Either ay, a table like the one below needs to be used.

Sources of

Facility hire

The importance of having Equipment is very high as your are
obviously going to need a camera but it also highly recommended to
have products like a tripod, lighting equipment and editing gear. If
you want a product to look professional it is essential to have all
sorts of gear otherwise you are not going to get very far. The
equipment isnt compulsory, some people wont be able to afford it
but it is a very big help. The producer must make sure that all the
equipment that they have has been paid for and it is being used at the
rights times, this is really important if you are renting the equipment.

Transport is a very important thing that needs a lot of planning
before hand, you will need to inform all the people you are working
with when you are travelling somewhere to film something.

The crew should have experience in whatever they are doing,
whether it is acting or working on the camera, it doesnt look great if
you have no experience as this can bring down a lot of the production
teams work, a good film must have a good mix of everything, good
acting, good directing and good production team.

All the material you have must be original otherwise you can face
rather harsh copyright issues but you can used archived material
which is content that already exists but you must pay to use it.

Once you have everything you can hire certain facilities to help you,
this involves things like hiring sound engineers and professional
editors and it will need to be licensed.

Equipment : http://cvp.com/

Crew : http://www.creativeengland.co.uk/index.php/portfolio/location-production-support/

Editing : http://www.dynamicpost.co.uk/index.php/final-cut-pro-suites/

Transport : http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/

Time: Deadlines
Availability of equipment Availability
of personnel (size of team; roles)


Deadlines are very important because if you are working for a
company and you have a project for them then there is a specific
deadline then you need to hand it in by then and if its not in by then it
can cause a lot of problems and you will have to post-pone and you
will lose a lot of money and may even get fired.

A lot of different equipment is needed when filming almost anything,
whether the equipment is hired or your own. When working on a set,
especially as the director you need to let everyone know before hand
what is going to be happening with the equipment or problems can
be caused. If someone has taken equipment without informing
people then they will wonder where it is and the advert you are
trying to film wont be at its full potential. All the work I have done on
my own is usually only with one camera man so there is no trouble,
though all the equipment I use is owned by myself so there is no
problem with availability.



Facilities: Production equipment
Post-production equipment facility


Production equipment is very important, and you can always buy
your own equipment online which is very expensive but you can
hired online for certain lengths of time. You are obviously going to
need the very important equipment such as Cameras, tripods and a
SD card or maybe even more than one. Editing software is also
needed, and a computer to do all your editing on, if you want your
productions to be top notch then you are going to need proper
editing software like Premiere Pro. You may also want to get some
microphones as well for proper sound production, I would
recommend doing at least a few takes for each scene as you may not
have the chance to record it and set up all the equipment you own

Post-production facilities are like sound and editing studios, which
can be used near the end of production to help with making the
production a lot better, like adding in music or a voiceover. Small
things like that which can really help boost the advert, also adding in
music can help with things like synergy.




Materials: Original materials,
Archive and library materials
Photo-library materials
Sound library materials,


Original materials is merely footage that is completely original and
hasnt been taken from anything. Though if you overlap it with effects
and change up things in it then it is no longer original footage and
copyright is no longer an issue. But this also means its not available
publicly so you must get permission from the original creator.

Archive and library materials is footage that has been pre-recorded
and is free to use to all sorts of people, there are thousands of small
and large pre-recorded clips, an example would be the Wilhelm
scream which is a very iconic famous scream which has been used in
over 500 films. You may need permission to use some of the clips.

Photo-library materials is when you take photos of you and others on
set to show what the production was like, a lot of directors like to
have pictures of the sets and filming as memories and to show their
sort of style.

Sound library materials is sounds that have already been recorded,
much like the archive footage except for sound. George Lucas created
hundreds of new sounds that are used a lot nowadays. There are all
sorts of sounds that can range from a gunshot to an explosion.

The Internet is incredibly useful for finding work, third person
groups, production teams, equipment and advice for anything media

Audio is one of the most important things to have in an advert,
whether you are doing a voice-over or adding music in, audio is
incredibly useful and can help boost your advert to professional
standards. It is useful for synergy and going into more information
about your project.

The script is incredibly important too in filming, you are going to
need some sort of direction of what to say and how to act otherwise
the whole thing will be all over the place. Unless it is improvised but
you would never really see that in an advert.

Interviews are rather important too in the way of finding out a lot of
important research. And it will help promote the advert when people
are watching an interview on the product.

Costumes are very important if you want your actors to be more
believable, if you are doing an advert on the Olympics, you are going
to want people in Olympic gear and athletic clothing so the audience
know what it is exactly about.






Locations: Recces
Limitations and risks:
Distance, access, cost, weather


Recces is you gather a bunch of people and they check if where the
area you are going to shoot is available and there arent people
around or the weather is bad. This is a very useful thing to have as if
you drive out all the way to somewhere to go film then find out that it
is packed with people you are not going to have much luck.



Codes of
practice and
Location permissions
Health and safety


When going out to film somewhere you must get the permission of
whoever owns the place or the local people in case there are

In order for an advert to be filmed it must be cleared, this basically
means that it has been written down that everything that has been
used in the advert has been given permission to be used.

Copyright is very important and should be treated carefully, if you
use someones work and do not give them credit or do not even ask
them then they can sue you and your advert may get taken down and
they will receive some payment.
Health and safety is a very serious matter as well and if someone
injures themself on set then they are going to need medical attention
depending on how bad the situation is but they should always be
prepared. Even if no accident happens they should always have
medical supplies in case something happens.

Insurance is a good thing to have in case of emergency, if a camera
brakes or an actor/actress badly hurts themselves then the director
and producers should sort out collecting insurance in case something
breaks on set.




The below only requires you to discuss the importance
Press Complaints Commission (PCC)
Advertising Standards Authority
Pan European Game Information
Entertainment Software Rating
Board (ESRB)
British Board of Film Classification


Ofcom Ofcom is the main communications regulator in the UK, it
sorts out connection through things like television and mobile

PCC The Press Complaints Commission is the monitoring company
that makes sure nothing that will offend people goes on television.

ASA The Advertising Standards Authority makes sure what adverts
go on when and they also deal with any complaints that they might

PEGI Pan European Game Information deal with game ratings to
make sure that each game is in the proper age group depending on
the content inside it.

ESRB The Entertainment Software rating do the same thing as PEGI
but they do it on mobile phone and tablet apps too.

BBFC The British Board of Film Classification sort out what rating a
film should be also depending on what the content is, if there is a lot
of swearing and violence then it is going to be an 18, but if it is a film
meant for children then it will be a U.

Trade unions:

Producers Alliance for Cinema and
Television (PACT),
National Union of Journalists (NUJ)
Broadcasting Entertainment
Cinematograph and Theatre Union


PACT The Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television deals with
promoting independent films and animations for the public, they also
do advice in legal and business affairs.

NUJ The National Union of Journalists obviously deal with
journalism, they have over 30 thousand members all across the UK.
They also help out with advice in the industrial area.

BECTU The Broadcasting Entertainment Cinematograph and
Theatre Union deal with broadcasting independent films and theatre
productions all across the United Kingdom.

Entertainment and Leisure Software
Publishers Association (ELSPA)
British Interactive Media Association


ELSPA The Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers
Association keep track off how many copies and sales charts of all the
games sold in the United Kingdom, they also create anti-piracy
adverts, they also make sure that the creators of the games are paid

BIMA The British Interactive Media Association are very good at
what they do, they help other companies be more competitive and
helping with public policy and delivery times for their products. They
have been known for being very good when talking to the

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