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1.1. Background
Power generation is a fundamental pillar of infrastructure for other industries and
for industrial growth and development. Rapid growth in demand for electricity in certain
countries is driving heavy investment in new power plant over the short term. Gas turbine
power plant present a prime option in the energy mix. Awareness of limited hydro-carbon
resources, environmental and economic concerns, and ever-increasing demand for
electricity necessitate the design of optimal gas turbine power plant in terms of technical
and cost aspects. Exergy analysis is based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics
and maes it possible to characteri!e the optimal analysis techni"ue on energy systems as
well as to identify energy levels and thermodynamic adverse processes clearly in a system.
#his method is used to describe different energy flows and contributes to reductions in
several losses that may occur in the system. #hermodynamics have been used for almost a
century to model energy systems, including advanced power plant. #he $rst law of
thermodynamics is usually used to model a system% it cannot determine the source of
irreversibilities in the system under consideration. &n energy systems analysis, which is
essentially based on the $rst law of thermodynamics, there is no dierence between
various energy states. 'or instance, a thermal energy unit that has been desorbed by a
condenser in a steam turbine power plant is e"ual to one output wor unit from a turbine in
the same power plant. As a result, an analysis based on energy e"uilibrium may be
misleading due to its failure to provide information about internal losses in the system. 'or
example, analysis of energy in adiabatic systems lie adiabatic compressors, combustion
chambers and or thermal converters may lead to a hasty conclusion that there is no energy
loss in this e"uipment.
#he potential for conducting useful mechanical wor by means of energy
consumption is the criterion of the exergy method for numerical evaluation of the "uality
of dierent states of energy. A criterion that is formed according to the second law of
thermodynamics may be adapted for all energy conversion systems and its result could be
interpreted independently of the type of e"uipment. Exergetic analysis is used to address
the magnitude, place, numerical value and the reasons for occurrence of thermodynamic
in-eciencies% based on its results the ef$ciency of the consuming systems and energy
converter may be improved. &n addition, by adapting this analysis, one may remove the
ambiguities that are created due to $rst law analyses and criteria. &n the next section of this
paper, we will explain the meaning and provide a history of exergy sub*ects, and detail
their concept and computation techni"ue. &n the following section, exergy analysis and its
relationships with the +onta!er Ghaem gas turbine power plantt are examined. Although
exergy is a new term, the primary evaluations on the rate of energy convertibility of a
system into wor har bac to the time of de$nition and presentation of the second law of
thermodynamics. ,y publishing a paper in (-)., /adi 0arnot showed that the conversion
of thermal energy into mechanical wor might be limited in thermal machines. #he essay
was hailed as the $rst accurate numerical analysis of the "uality of di erent energy
modes and the ability to convert them into each other. 12or potential3 and 1+aximum
usable wor3 from a certain amount of energy was examined after the mathematical
formulation of the second law in wors by 0lausius, #homson, +axwell and especially
Gibbs. 'or the $rst time, Gouy and /todola separately and clearly de$ned wor potential in
(--4 and (-4-, respectively. 5uring the (467s, attention was drawn toward the practical
dimensions of this concept, and industrial progress ensued. &n the same year, by purposing
some essays, ,osn*aovic documented techni"ues of the second law of thermodynamics to
analy!e energy systems. /ubse"uently, in (489, Rant de$ned the wor potential of energy
precisely and employed the term 1Exergy3 for the $rst time in denoting this "uantity. #he
(4-7s and 47s saw increasing attention and credibility being lent to exergy analysis, and
several conferences were held to support and develop this $eld of applied thermodynamics.
#he continuum of papers inspired by these conferences led to the documentation of the
current forms of exergetic topics.
#herefore, the electricity sector has a strategic role in improving the welfare of the
community and encourage the passage of the national economy :Ahern, et. al, (4-7;.
,ecause of its strategic role, the electrical energy is expected to available in sufficient
"uantity with good "uality and a good level of reliability. <owever, due to population
growth, rapid economic growth, the development of industry and technology, the demand
for electricity is increasing. &t is certainly re"uires each country to reassess their energy
policies and tae decisive action in tacling waste and emissions produced from processes
that occur in steam-powered plant, gas-powered plant, etc. &t also encourages the experts
and scientists to study and develop new methods of utili!ation of limited energy resources.
:0engel and ,oles, )77-;. Among these methods, heat recovery steam generators
:<R/Gs; are regarded as very effective ones. #his heat recovery is carried out in a more
effective way when design parameters are chosen in their optimum state. <eat Recovery
/team Generators have numerous applications such as cogeneration of hot steam utility,
generation of the steam needed for in*ecting into the combustion chamber, and also a more
common application, in combined cycle power plantts :,ehbahani-nia, et. al, )7(7;.
&n combined cycle power plant, exhaust gas of the gas turbine enters heat recovery
steam generator :<R/G; and transfer its thermal energy to the water which is flowing in
that chamber. #he heat recovery steam generator :<R/G; is one of the most important
components of a combined cycle power plant :00G#; that significantly affect the
efficiency and the cost of the whole plant. #he <R/G is an interface between the gas cycle
and the steam cycle in a 00G# :Alus, et. al, )7(7;. <eat Recovery /team Generator
:<R/G; are based on the Ranine and ,rayton 0ycle. <R/G is designed to utili!e the
exhaust gas from the gas turbine that used as a heat source to produce steam.
&n order to improve the heat recovery in the <R/G, more than one pressure level is
used. 2ith a single-pressure <R/G, about 67= of the total plant output is generated in the
steam turbine :Alus, et. al, )7(7;. An arrangement using a dual-pressure can increase the
power generated in the steam cycle up to (7=, and reached (6= when using the three-
cycle pressure. 0ombined cycle power plant with a modern triple-pressure <R/G with
steam heating can easily achieve thermal efficiency to above 88= :0asarosa, et. al, )77.;.
Exergoeconomic :or thermoeconomic; analysis and optimi!ation :G. #satsoronts,
et. al, (446;, :+. El /ayed, et. al, )776;, as a relatively new method, combines exergy with
conventional concepts from long-run engineering economic optimi!ation to evaluate and
optimi!e the design and performance of energy systems.
1.2. Problem Saemen
#otal cost needed to generate electricity is relatively larger than energy produced,
whereas the exegetic efficiency of system tend to be smaller. #his is caused by the
exergetic efficiency of each component relatively lower, so the result obtained from the
process also small. #herefore, it taes a maximum effort to improve the exergetic
efficiency of system in combined cycle power plant.
1.!. Sco"e
#his study will analy!e the exergy of each main component in the system of
combined cycle power plant :>eramasan Extention Power Plant;. #he main components
such as compressor, combustion chamber, gas turbine, heat recovery steam generator,
steam turbine and condensor are included. #his study will also change the system by
adding a reformer component before entering the combustion chamber. #his is due to
increasing the "uality of fuel in order to increase the combustion product.
1.#. Pur"o$e
#he purposes of this research are to improve thermal efficiency, exergy efficiency
and exergetic efficiency in 0ombined 0ycle Power Plant. ?tili!ation and modification that
will be done also give a good impact on the environment by utili!ing flue gas 0@
that will
be reacted bac into the reformer. #his re-reacted also has a primary purpose other than
reducing harmful impact on the environment is also aiming to increase the heating value in
order to increase the amount of steam generation in a heat recovery steam generator.
#echnically in a combined cycle power plant system by adding a reformer component that
aim to increase the turbine inlet temperature :#&#;, so that will result in an increase in
tubine outlet temperature :#@#; in combined cycle power plant. Along with the increasing
turbine outlet temperature :#@#;, the temperature of exhaust gas turbine to supply the
<R/G will also incrase so taht it can increase the exergetic efficiency for combined cycle
power plant.
1.%. Bene&'$
#he advantages and disadvantages of this study can be used as a reference for the
optimi!ation of the power plant. And can also be used as a reference for researchers for
subse"uent studies.

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