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Intermediate Korean



1.The pattern '- '
2.The connective '-'

1. The pattern '- ' ; before doing

The word is a noun meaning time before or place in front and - is a marker meaning
at, in, on. So the pattern - is used to express of before something happens. This
pattern is always used with verbs, and the subjects of the two clauses can be either the same or

Please give me a call, before you come.
Please write a memo before you forget.
Before you go home, please drop by my office.
Please eat before you start working.
Younghee, you should go home before Andy comes.

2. The connective '-' ; and

This connective - is used to link two clauses in coordination. When the subjects of the two
clauses are the same, the two clauses mean sequential process. So, in this case, the connective
- means doing A first, and then doing B later. But when the subjects of the two clauses are
different, these two clauses express comparison, and are used with the topic marker -/.

TV .
Ill do my homework first and then go.
Ill meet my friend and then go home.
Im studying and my friend is sleeping.
I am tall and he is short.
Korean is interesting and English is difficult.
This is my mom, and that is my dad.

Intermediate Korean

/ (Vocabulary)


to go on a business trip
to make a reservation
to leave , depart
to leave
to arrive
to come back, return
to wait
to confirm
to welcome (a person)
to read
to comprise


travel agency
plane ticket
Taegukki (Korean flag)
Mugungwha (The rose of Sharon)


/ beautiful
/ famous
/ delightful
/ interesting

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