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Fishy Land


Nicholas Fisher
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
Systems of Beliefs
We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better
life, a better world, beyond the horizon.
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
Image being put in the spot of having no
protection? People wanted projection
from the Barbarians. There was no De-
fense and need for Order. As for the Ro-
man Catholic Church, it was the only sur-
vivor from Roman Empire that went into
the Feudalism. It was lead by the closest
thing to God, The Pope. The Churchs
Power raise with having education for
the low class and getting Ownership to
the Church allowing it to be as big as the
Kings power. Charlemagne helped lead
Feudalism into Europe. As for the Mon-
arch, he would give his lord a large ef
where the lord or the king could plan to
build a manor for his kingdom. The king
would give projection to his kingdom by
having the protection from knights. Serfs
and peasants for did their work of food
and clothing to the kings or other but the
hardest parts about being a serf or peas-
ant was paying taxes. The Lords were
know as the richest of the richest for work-
ing along side the king for having so
much money and power over his land
and would have up to 13 serf working
around the clock meaning all day long.
The differences between a peasant and
serfs is that one is a part of the manor or
land and were as the peasants can be a
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
free peasant or a peasant as for a serf they
were not free.
Middle Ages Question #3 - Decline of
The Problem that made the decline to the
fall of Feudalism was the Magna Carta,
The Black Death and Hundred-year war.
It began with King Henry II, who
reigned from 1154 to 1189. One of the
many ways that weakened was when
king henry had his tie in when that royal
Judge and reform to strengthened the
royal count and trail by judges and juries
replaced b trail by ordeal and combat. Do
to the conict with the judge it also leads
to conict with the church. Henry though
it was a good idea to try to the right to
clergy accused of serious crime in the
royal count gather than in the church
courts. Other problem was the Magna
Carta rights for al normal people, all peo-
ple, manly more for the nobles and the
church. Henry always faced the habeas
corpus allowing people that cant go to
jail without consent of s court or means
no free man. Last well was the plan
that backred by allowing commoners
and lower ranked clergy as well as the
church ofcials and nobles. Also called
the English Peasants War Other problem
was the Black Death or Bubonic Plague
the disease that killed 1/3 of Europes
population by the small and harmless
eas. It was brought over by the trading
ships that traveled far and wide until it
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
was among the dirty streets of kings and
how people could tell that it was pond
some one the black and blue sores on the
bodies of the dead and living soon to die
of all ages. Lastly the Hundred Years
War it wasnt really 100 years it was more
of the king stared to pay peasants to be-
come knight or ght in the war which
made it harder for farmers and manors to
have crops because everyone went to war
and caused many problems for people in
the kingdom. It was also a help for mili-
tary with the longbow able to pears
though chain armor and helped the sol-
diers re faster, and the women how
fought for them was Joan of Arc who was
called the warrior of God by was capture
and burned at the stake. Not all empires
stand. The Three problems made the De-
cline of feudalism.
Middle Ages - Concluding Question
The Bubonic Plague was probably had
the biggest impact for the fall of Feudal-
ism. Europes population to fell under the
dark death that I made all kings and peas-
ants afraid to even walk outside. Many as
the Black Death for the having blue and
dark marks on the peoples body to show
the signs of having the plague. The
plague killed both young and older peo-
ple of both genders. People blamed the
Jews. Others People believed that God
had punished them. I killed 1/3 of
Europes population or 20 million people
dead in over the next ve years. The chil-
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
dren sang by named/called Ring around
a rosily for the ones how died in front of
them. The Plague began in Gobi Desert
of Mongolia in1330. The rst place that
the plague began was in 541A.D spread-
ing throughout the Mediterranean civili-
zation. From there it moved to one of the
populated trading post was in way west
China. It was also spread to south to In-
dia, west through the Middle East, from
the Middle East it came to Europe. Eng-
land at the time was one of the most
popular places for people to life and last
place to for the plague to spread. I took
less than twenty years for the plague to
reach London. People believed the need
was near and it had many people wonder-
ing how it came to be. It took more than
100 years until todays scientist would
solve what caused the disease from the
ea to the rats to the humans, but it was
manly do to the germs that spread
through out the different trades and ships
had carried the eas and rats. Whats the
name for the masked disease was called
the Bionic Plague or Back death.
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
Power of Ideas
Each of us has a vision of good and of evil. We have to encourage people to move to-
wards what they think is good... Everyone has his own idea of good and evil and must
choose to follow the good and ght evil as he conceives them. That would be enough to
make the world a better place.
-Pope Francis
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
Renaissance and Humanism - Response
#1 - Impact on Europe
We have fallen and need to rebuilt the
damage that has been done. Who do we
look for protects? Well it happen again?
Those are the questions that European so-
ciety changed in many ways. It helped
change and improved Greek and Rome
lifestyle. People could have moved up in
the society class from a writer to painter.
The church encouraged people to follow
its teaching without question in order to
save their souls life after death was better
than life on earth but had its rights to
right from the church. Painting become
more advanced from the 2D and images
of God, Jesus, and Mother Mary to more
of 3D sculptures of people doing daily
tasks. Some of the medieval painting had
people in cloths or chain armor on horse
with some painting of war. For renais-
sance it was more of Greece and Rome
called freestanding to view all around
were either nude or clothed, bodies
looked active and were shown moving,
and faces expressed for what people were
thinking. Has more advances grow more
people got involved from trying new
things. One of those people were Leon-
ardo Da Vinci who at the time was a Hu-
manist anatomy wrote about geometry,
engineering, sound, motion, and architec-
ture. He studied about the moons effect
on the tides. He also studied He studied
anatomy, including the circulation of
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
blood and working of the eyes, he helped
draw rst person maps from birds eye
view, and he designed Bridges, weapons,
and many other machines that are used in
today modern world. People who are
scarred to try new thing are that ones that
aren't right for the really world ahead of
them. Over all the human mind set
helped gain the knowledge for the gate-
way for the futures that lays a head.
Renaissance and Humanism - Response
#2 - Your Civilization
People needed to know who the world
works.The government is now under the
control of an central government. No
longer will people be ruled by a ruler or
king. Its my time to but down the laws to
make this world a better place for both
the government and its people. One
longer will people be enslaved by those
who rule with an iron st for the new fu-
ture of law and order beings now. would
start to think more about themselves in-
stead of believing in God. People began
to question the churchs authority with
having the power and money from the
people to be apart of the church. Some ex-
amples of this are then the bishops and
clergy become often seemed more de-
voted to more comfort and good living
than serving God and the pope seemed
more concerned with power and money
than with spiritual matters. Lastly the peo-
ple protested against the church for want-
ing 10% of their money just to be apart of
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
the church. "I like your Christ, I do not
like your Christians. Your Christians are
so unlike your Christ." Monads Gandhi.
People in the kingdom start to get a little
ants for thinking that we should be fol-
lowing in the steps of someone who isnt
down on earth. People started to study
more about the literature from the pasted
and became more devoted in following in
the foot steps of the past with secular.
Peoples knowledge had advances slowly
with more mind set of writing about their
own live. Also poem become more of the
tellings of heaven or hell. But it was one
of the many new thing that was explored.
The house with to doll and really had no
meaning or life in them. So after studying
about the Greek and Roman of ruins,
modeled, and ideas of the dome roofs.
The People Start to think of how to make
painting more real or life like also includ-
ing colors. They became having paints
that appearances in depth and having
people doing daily tasks. Eduction was
lead by many for nding out how the hu-
man body worked and how the world of
laws and nature of life.
The Protestant Reformation Post #1
There were many way that people though
the church was corrupt by its teaching.
One of the ways was used or leader by de-
nomination We should always be dis-
posed to believe that that which appears
white is really black, if the hierarchy of
the Church so decides St Ignatius of
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
Loyola of with Martin Luther breaking
away from the church. Other way was
people would try to buy there way to the
church from the pope to a bishop just for
money. Money at the time was a huge
apart of there lifestyle the more money
they have the easier it is to get a job. Peo-
ple are drive by money and power is all it
takes to change a person.The ideas and be-
liefs reformers and differ. Some of the peo-
ple were Martin Luther and John Wy-
cliffe. Some of the people thought that go-
ing against the church could leader to
death. Jan Hus wanted Jesus to be the
many gure of the church and not the
Pope or bishops and all spoke out
against which is called heresy All na-
tional institutions of churches, whether
Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to
me no other than human inventions, set
up to terrify and enslave mankind, and
monopolize power and prot. Thomas
Paine At these point people began to
think more about the wrongs of the
church and their action against men and
women from the church. The Church
sometime is over ruled by the people or
by the money that people have to offer
for them leading to many problem for the
people and the thoughts for the
church.Martin Luther was a huge threat
to the church. The church is angry, the
people is mad people are question that
power of church. But what does the
church do with the power that is no
used? People become more and more curi-
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
ous and some like Martin Luther for
wanted to try and nd out what the
church does with its power. The pope
sent bishop far and wide to sell indul-
gences to anyone who had enough
money to buy them. Luther was incensed
and he tacked his ninety-ve these(or Ar-
guments against the Catholic Church) to
the church door in Wittenburg, Germany.
Famous Renaissance Figure - Post #2
Leonardo Da Vinci was an Italian Renais-
sance polymath: painter, sculptor, archi-
tect, musician, mathematician, engineer,
inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartogra-
pher, botanist, and writer. At a young age
he trained under a master sculptor and
painter. Leonardo Da Vinci was born on
April 15, 1452, in Vinci, Italy. Born out of
wedlock, the love child of a respected no-
tary and a young peasant woman, he was
raised by his father, Ser Piero, and his
stepmothers. At the age of 14, Da Vinci be-
gan apprenticing with the artist Verroc-
chio. For six years, he learned a wide
breadth of technical skills, including met-
alworking, leather arts, carpentry, draw-
ing and sculpting. By the age of 20, he
had qualied as a master artist in the
Guild of Saint Luke and established his
own workshop.Leonardo Da Vinci had a
notebook that had his ideas and great in-
vestors or studies. As many people know
Leonardo was more of a painter and
sculptor but was also had engineering,
math, anatomy, and scientist too. From
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
his studies of the moon Leonardos the-
ory was that the moon affected the tides.
One of the many surprising quotes that
many people didnt know about Leon-
ardo was that He also was a vegetarian,
which was were unusual at his
time.Leonardo helped my civilization
with his many ideas and investors from
his notebook. One of those ideas was the
bridge. He also helped with the studies of
animals and human body stretches for un-
derstanding the muscles and how our
body works and function. But the most
helped Leonardo gave us was with the art
and architecture for the painting and
house for the people. Leonardo in my civi-
lization is know to be as the great of the
great thanks to him my civilization is
now a better place for both me and the
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
Bibliography and Images
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
Fred, Wendy. History Alive!: That ancient World. Palo Alto, CA. Teachers curriculum
Fred, Wendy. History Alive!: That Medieval World and Beyond. Palo Alto, CA.
Teachers curriculum Institute,2011.Print.
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb
Fisher, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 9:16:13 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:eb

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