Task 2

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Chapter I

General provision
The name of the association is Galatasaray Fans Poland
It is located in Warsaw
The activities will be held in social domain.
Chapter II
Objectives and ways of operation
The aim of the association is to get support of fans both in financial and spiritual ways.
In order to make these aims real there will be some meetings, some dinners, trips and concerts.
The fans who take up the aims of the association seriously has the right to join the association.
Chaprter III
Members, their rights and duties
Application Procedures
a) To fill the application form.
b) To bring necessary amount of photos.
If the application form is accepted the fans will be made known about it in 15 days.
Members Responsibilities
a) To obey the rules of the association.
b) To make their payment on time.
c) Not to lose their membership.
Members Rights
a) To attend meetings and elections.
b) To vote and to be selected.
c) All members have equal rights.
d) All members can vote once.

Losing membership
a) To act against the procedures of the association.
b) To avoid all responsibilities.
c) Not to obey the rules.
Chapter IV
Organs of the association
a) The General assembly
b) The Executive board
c) The Supervisory board
Resolutions of all organs are passed in an open vote, by a simple majority of votes in presence of at
least half of the general number of authorized members.
Method of election
a) Elections are made by vote of the members then it is counted in front of the voters.
b) In order to vote 1 year of membership is required.
The General Assembly

Powers of the General Assembly
a) The General Assembly shall be the supreme authority of the Association.
b) The General Assembly shall elect members into the Executive board for a 2 year term which
is renewable twice and pass a vote of no-confidence where need arises.
c) General Assembly sessions shall be held every second Sunday of the conventional calendar
month, except otherwise called by the Executive board with an urgent and precise agenda.
d) Resolutions taken by the General Assembly shall be considered valid only if taken by a two-
third majority of the registered members present during a session. A defeated bill could be
forwarded in the next session by the executive board for endorsement by the General
Assembly provided the bill had been amended.
e) All resolutions taken by the General Assembly shall be mentioned in the registers of the
Duties of the General Assembly
a) Adoption and if necessary, amendment of the constitution.
b) Adoption of General Assembly sessions agenda, minutes, and reports of monthly and annual
c) Adoption of reports and projects tabled by the Executive board.
d) Adoption of resolutions to dissolve the Association.
e) Adoption of resolutions, which could be imperative but are not mentioned in the constitution.
f) Determine the amount to be levied on members as dues.
g) Create special committees with assigned tasks, duties and deadlines, vote
members to such committees and dissolve such committees when necessary.

The Executive Board


The Board is composed of 11 members.


The administrative arm of the Association.


Answerable to the General Assembly.


Ensure the realization of the Associations programs.
The Executive Boards scope of activities include:
a) execution of resolutions of The General Assembly
b) preparing the Associations budget
c) defining the amount of membership fees,
d) managing the assets of the Association,
e) making decisions on purchasing or selling the mobile and immobile property,
f) making decisions on undertaking financial obligations on behalf of the Association
g) summoning ordinary and extraordinary Meetings of Members and developing a draft

The Supervisory board
The board consist of 3 members
The Board members shall perform their obligations and duties in person, unless legal regulations or
the Articles of Association provide otherwise.
Term of office of the Board is common and it shall last 3 years. Mandates of the Board members shall
a) on the day on which the General Assembly is held, approving financial statement for the last
financial year of performing duties
b) upon resignation
c) upon dismissal by the entity authorized to do it
d) upon death of the Board member
e) in other cases defined in the Commercial Companies Code

The General Assembly shall determine the remuneration of the Board members for performing their
duties in a relevant resolution
Chapter V
Property and funds
Financial resources
a) The returns on its assets
b) The fees paid by members
c) Its property, goods and chattels
d) Subsidies, donations, grants, legacies and inheritances
Fee payment
a) All fees must be paid within one month from the approval of the corresponding annual budget
or by the end of the period established, in the case of extraordinary fees.
b) The Board of Directors can decide on disciplinary measures for those members who have not
paid their fees within the period of time stipulated or without justified cause. Likewise, those
members that have not paid their fees for the previous year shall lose their right to vote at the
General Assembly.
c) However, the Board of Directors can grant moratoriums or waive fee payment partially or
wholly in cases where the circumstances make this advisable. This decision must be
communicated at the next General Assembly held.
Chapter VI
Change of statue and dissolution of the Association
This Statute may be revoked, added to or altered by a vote of at least fifty one per cent of all the
registered Members of the Organisation who are entitled to vote at a General Meeting of the
Organisation of which notice has been duly given specifying the intention to propose the revocation,
addition or alteration, together with full particulars thereof.
The Platform can be dissolved under the circumstances stipulated in the laws in force. When the
decision corresponds to the General Assembly, it must be made at a special session and the
resolution must be approved by a majority vote of two-thirds of the members present
In the event of dissolution of the Organisation, any remaining funds and/or property shall be donated
to a voluntary non-profit making organization or a charitable institution chosen by the outgoing
Executive Committee.

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